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Home Blog Tenant Day Care in Bangalore

8 Tips to Choose the Right Day-care Facility for Your Child

Published : March 3, 2017, 10:43 AM

Updated : February 6, 2024, 3:04 PM

Author : author_image admin


As working parents, we know the one thing you worry about most – your children. It’s hard to be fully focused on your job when you have to leave your baby or toddler in the care of someone else. This is why daycare services have become so popular and flourished throughout the city. If you are looking for daycare centres, this blog lists 11 handy tips to pick the best daycare centres in Bangalore to meet your needs. Before we dive into them, however, let us go over the different types of daycare facilities, the benefits of daycare services, as well as the key things you should communicate with your daycare provider.

Types of Daycare Services

You can go for several types of daycare facilities including franchises, independent creches, workplace creches, and even ones attached to schools

You are sure to find several types of daycare centres for parents who are working full or part-time jobs and need experts with the experience to handle their beloved children. These include private daycare chains run by a brand in several locations with standard rules being followed across centres. You would typically get ayahs or maids to assist teachers and supervisors as there are a large number of babies in private daycare franchises. You can also go to private nurseries where teachers with nannies take care of babies individually in small batches, quite similar to home-based creches. You can also opt for workplace creches if your office has one, or go for daycare centres combined with independent schools to assist you.  

Benefits of Daycare Facilities

daycare facilities
There are several benefits of daycare facilities including learning socialising, following schedules, transitioning to formal schools, developing external skills etc.

Several studies have shown why babies from the ages of 6 months to even 4-5 years can benefit from daycare centres including learning to socialise, given babies interact with a lot of kids of the same age. The kids also learn to adapt to a specific schedule in a structured manner and begin to learn schooling at an early age – ensuring a smooth transition to formal education in schools. Apart from the safety of the kids, they also learn how to interact in an exterior environment without the protection of the parents, thereby developing independence.  

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Key Things to Communicate with Your Daycare Service Provider

Effective communication is very important for parents learning to leave their kids at daycare centres. This includes going over common mistakes, misperceptions, and expectations they may have of their kids. You should ensure that you have a set medium of communication with the daycare administrators at regular intervals such as daily or weekly reports of how your kid is doing in terms of learning, how they are consuming meals, what meals they are consuming etc. You should also ensure that you are available for any urgent developments where the kid may need the parents. Finally, you should also be part of a group of parents at the same daycare centre, so that you can also gauge how your kid is developing in comparison to others, learn from other parents, share lessons, etc.

8 Tips to Choose Your Daycare Service Provider

  1. Location – You need to decide what’s better for your child, a daycare centre near home, or one closer to work. You need to prioritise what’s best for both you, and your child.
  2. Get referrals – If you have friends or neighbours with children, ask them where they placed their children. There are so many new daycare centres popping up that you’ll never know who to trust. A referral will help you choose one that’s good enough for your child.
  3. Visit and ask questions – There is no limit to questions that you can ask the owners/operators of the daycare centre. Find out how long they’ve been operating, the qualification of the caregivers, facilities and amenities available at the centre and so on.
daycare for babies in bangalore
Picture Courtesy - treehouseplaygroup
  • Do the math – the ratio of caregiver to child, is very important if you have only 1 caregiver in charge of 10 kids, you know that’s not good. All children deserve equal attention, but if the caregiver is too busy, your children might not get the attention they deserve.
  • See the signs - only after you visit a daycare will you be able to notice the signs of trouble. Things to look for –
    -Food served – is the food nutritious, do you have to pack food etc.
    -Hygiene – how clean do they keep it, how are the bathrooms, nap rooms etc. maintained
    -T.V - how many hours do they have the TV on for? Do they make your child watch more TV and play less?baby day care in bangalore
  • What disciplinary techniques do they use – we know there are certain methods of discipline that you would tolerate and certain ones you would abhor. It’s important to see if the methods used by the daycare center are in line with your own care charges in bangalore
  • Communication and safety – if you’re worried about your child’s safety at daycare, ask them how they will connect you with your child and what safety features they have. Some new daycare centers have cameras that’ll provide you with a live feed of everything that’s happening. If this is going to make you feel at ease, you better choose a newer and more modern daycare.
  • Do a child test – take your child in for a visit to one of the day care facilities. See how they react to the place as well as how they interact with the staff and other children. If you and your child get a good feeling about the place, you’ve made the right decision.

    If you find the right daycare centre is just too far away, just give NoBroker by clicking below a call. We’ll search high and low so that you get a house that’s able to meet your needs.

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