
Top 18 Main Gate Colour Combinations for Indian  Homes

The main gate is the gateway to your home, setting the tone for visitors and reflecting your style. Choosing the right colour combination can significantly impact the overall curb appeal. Let’s explore main gate colour combinations and a variety of options to create a lasting first impression.

Best main gate colour combinations

Things we covered for you


The main gate is the gateway to your home, setting the tone for visitors and reflecting your style. Choosing the right colour combination can significantly impact the overall curb appeal. Let’s explore main gate colour combinations and a variety of options to create a lasting first impression.

18 Colours for the Main Gate- Exquisite and Profitable Entrances

Here are 18 of the best main gate colour combinations for your home, along with tips on how to choose them. By combining it with plants, you may bring the grounding feeling of nature into your house.

1. Earthy Brown and Sage Green Main Gate Colour Combination

earthy brown and sage green main gate colour combination
Earthy brown and sage green colour main gate

Inspired by nature, this combination creates a sense of warmth and serenity. Use a rich brown for the gate and a calming sage green for the frame or surrounding wall. The rich brown colour of the main gate evokes a sense of stability and grounding, reminiscent of the earth itself. This is the best paint colour for iron gates. It creates a feeling of security and welcome. While the calming sage-green hue of the frame or surrounding wall brings a touch of nature’s tranquillity. It complements the brown beautifully and adds a touch of freshness.

2. Teal and Yellow Main Gate Colour Combination

teal and yellow main gate colour combination
A bold and colourful door with teal and yellow panels set against an artistically patterned wall

Incorporate a modern and cheerful look with this unexpected yet harmonious pairing. Choose a vibrant teal for the gate and a sunny yellow for the frame or surrounding wall. This combination is perfect for a contemporary home and creates a sense of optimism and personality.

3. Navy Blue & White Main Gate Colour Combination

navy blue and white main gate colour combination
Navy blue and white main gate colour combination

Channel a fresh and inviting coastal vibe with this refreshing combination. Paint the main gate a deep navy blue and pair it with a crisp white frame or trim. Consider adding a brass door handle or knocker for a touch of nautical flair. This combination is perfect for creating a welcoming entrance for beach houses or homes with a coastal theme.
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4. White and Silver Main Gate Colour Combination

White and Silver Main Gate Colour Combination
White and Silver Main Gate Colour Combination

It’s essential to take note of the main iron gate colour scheme. Are you considering a compound wall gate design or alternative front gate colour schemes? The main gate should be painted in gentler colours, such as white, silver, or wooden motifs. You’ll want to stay away from red and dark blue colours, as well as black for the iron main gate colour.

5. Off White Main Gate

Off White Main Gate
(Credit: pixels)The white main door colour is extremely lucky for the homeowner as per Vastu 

Among all the door colours, according to Vastu, the colour off white is an excellent main gate paint colour for any residence. This colour’s attractiveness can brighten up your day. With some wooden tree vases and gorgeous lighting, your home’s entrance might seem quite attractive.

6. Blue Paint Main Gate Colour with Grill and Glass

Blue Paint Main Gate Colour with Grill and Glass
(Credit: pixels)A lower grill made of wood in white colour adds a splash of freshness to a house with a front yard.

The main blue gate might be a great pick among the best Vastu colours because it can represent calmness and elegance. The white colour of the main gate of the house’s walls will be enhanced by using this blue front gate design. Green plants are a simple way to brighten up the entrance.
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7. Faded Green and White Main Gate Main Gate Colour Combination

Faded Green and White Main Gate Main Gate Colour Combination
(Credit: i.pinimg)Adding glass compartments to the main door colour green is attractive and inviting.

The faded green colour on the main gate featuring two glass compartments and two large glass panes can add a lot of charm to your home. The house’s brick-red walls, surrounded by green trees, can easily give the complete structure a unique main gate colour design.

8. Orange Colour Main Gate

Orange Colour Main Gate
(Credit: freepik) Orange is a suitable colour for the main gate as it is associated with Sun and Prosperity as per Vastu Shastra

As far as Vastu is concerned, the gentle look of your house’s light orange main gate is an excellent choice. This is a beautiful main gate colour which evokes a sense of fulfilment, making each day more joyful. Light-coloured walls may work well with this.

9. Black and Light yellow Main Gate Colour Combination

Black and Light yellow Main Gate Colour Combination
(Credit: pixels)A bright yellow main door colour gives a tremendous contrast to the exterior wall paint

The pale colour yellow for your house or office building’s front gate can be a fascinating choice for your main gate colour paint. The same colour pane of glass and the yellow main gate might be an excellent fit with the plants and flowers that encircle the entire building.
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10. White Main Gate Design Colour

White Main Gate Design Colour
A white main gate colour is an all-time-classic look and is often preferred by Indian bungalow homeowners

The main gate’s pure white colour might be an excellent choice for any office setting. The pure white colour of the gate and the walls might give off a great sensation of purity and peace in your office environment. Paintings can be used to enhance the look of the space. According to the best Vastu main gate colour combination, white is a superb choice for your home or office structure. White is a unique colour in its own right. The white gate contrasts beautifully with the entire structure’s white ceiling and grey walls. 

11. Dark Brown Main Gate Colour

Dark Brown Main Gate Colour
(Credit: pexels)Dark Brown is a lucky colour for the main door as per Vastu Shastra

The dark brown wooden colour for the main gate could be an excellent fit for the building’s light-yellow walls. Glass windows can be used to embellish the sides of the gate. The light-coloured wooden door design might be pretty appealing for your favourite property. The fantastic view of your interior can be reflected in the transparent glass on the upper half of the door. Two lights, a lovely flower vase, some lovely flowering plants, and a chair can be used to decorate the entrance.
Read: Asian Paints Blue Shades

12. Antique Shiny Brown Front Gate/Main Gate Colour

Antique Shiny Brown Front Gate/Main Gate Colour
(Credit: pixabay)An antique shiny brown main door colour adds tremendous character to the door.

The dark-coloured wood is the best colour for the entrance gate and can give your home an air of perfection. According to Vastu, it is an excellent choice for the main gate. Anyone can be drawn in by the glass ceiling and the light main gate colour of the structure. A single wooden door as your main gate can give your home a unique charm. This concept can add a unique touch to your home’s design and décor. Beautiful plants can complement this wooden entrance gate and give your home a vibrant feel.

13. Black Home Main Gate Colour with a Metallic Touch

Black Home Main Gate Colour with a Metallic Touch
Metal doors with black main doors colour have been a popular choice for Indian homeowners for the last 20 years

In Vastu, the metal element is associated with the west direction, associated with prosperity. So, if your entry faces west, you might use a metal gate to give it a majestic appearance. Off-white, white, blue, or bluish-grey are some of the best colours for the main iron gate.

14. Grey and Metal Main Gate Colour Combinatioon

Grey and Metal Main Gate Colour Combinatioon
The main gate grill is perfect for residential building owners and provides extra security to the residents.

Agrey metal gate provides a luxurious appearance. For your northwest-facing entrance door, choose this grill gate colour combination for a simple gate paint colour idea. Another good place to incorporate the metal element is in the northwest. This is a positive arrow pointing in the direction of life’s opportunities. You can also use white for the main gate colour in this direction.

15. Vibrant Shades Main Gate Colour Combination:

Vibrant Shades Main Gate Colour Combination:
(Credit:pexels)The vibrant colour immediately catches the eyeballs of the guests and invites them into the home with a positive vibe.

Choose softer colours of orange and pink to embellish the main gate for a grand colour scheme. The colour orange is associated with the element of fire. Colours like orange, Crimson, and pink are appropriate for the southeast direction, representing riches. A southeast entrance is considered a fault in Vastu. As a result, some Vastu treatments, such as the proper colour selection, are required to correct the fault.

16. Blue And White Main Gate Colour Combination

Blue And White Main Gate Colour Combination
Blue as the main door colour is a beautiful choice for houses near the coastal localities.

Blue is considered the best colour design for the main gate and a beautiful choice for houses near the coastal localities. Blue is a go-to colour for the main gate if your house is painted a vibrant colour. Here is a representation of a house painted pink with a blue main gate colour. It has a white threshold and is decorated with various plants and flowers, bringing an aesthetic look. Who is not a sucker for aesthetics, eh?

17. Golden Palace -Vibe Main Gate Colour

Golden Palace Gate
(Credit:pixels)Golden is often associated with wealth and money 

If you are blessed with an independent home that resembles a palace, or you want it to resemble a castle, a golden main gate is a must. This gives your place a royal look. Enhance the vibe of your villa with one of these. Use golden as your main gate colour to live like the kings.

18. Red and White Main Gate Colour Combination

. Interior Main Gate Colour
A red colour main door design goes perfectly well with a chair and table on the front porch.

The interior of your house is also affected by the main gate. As a result, the last one is an inside look. Choose a vibrant main gate colour for your entrance door if your walls are pastel or light. This red door contrasts nicely with the white walls in this room. In contrast, the owner has put a red armchair. 

Best Materials for Main Gate

The choice of material for your main gate is equally as important as its design and colour. Different materials come with different advantages and can significantly affect the gate’s durability, security, and visual appeal. Here are some of the best materials to consider for your main gate:

  • Iron: Iron gates are the traditional choice for many homeowners due to their strength and durability. They are resistant to extreme weather conditions and can be designed with intricate patterns for added aesthetic appeal.
  • Steel: Steel gates are even stronger and more durable than iron. They are resistant to rust and can withstand high-impact forces, making them an excellent choice for security.
  • Wood: Wooden gates add a touch of elegance and warmth to your home’s entrance. They come in various types, including hardwood and softwood, and can be carved into beautiful designs.
  • Aluminium: Aluminium gates are lightweight, easy to install, and require minimal maintenance. They are also resistant to rust and can be powder coated in a variety of colours to match your home’s exterior.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo gates are an eco-friendly choice. They are sturdy, and lightweight, and add a unique aesthetic to your property.

Maintaining Your Main Gate

Proper maintenance of your main gate can extend its lifespan and keep it looking fresh and new. Here are some maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Dust and dirt can cause the gate material to deteriorate over time. Use a soft brush and soapy water to clean your gate regularly.
  2. Paint and Varnish: Apply a fresh coat of paint or varnish every few years to protect your gate from the elements and maintain its colour. Use paints that are specifically designed for the gate’s material.
  3. Check for Damage: Inspect your gate regularly for signs of damage, such as cracks or rust. Address these issues promptly to prevent them from worsening.
  4. Lubricate the Hinges: The gate’s hinges should be lubricated every few months to ensure smooth operation. Use a suitable lubricant for the material of your gate.
  5. Professional Check-Up: Consider having a professional check-up every couple of years to ensure your gate is in good condition and to address any potential issues.

Choosing the right material and maintaining your main gate effectively can ensure it stays beautiful and functional for many years. Always choose a material that aligns with your home’s design, the local climate, and your personal preferences.

Best colour combination for main gate according to Vastu

Main gate designs of homes are often made with various materials like iron, wood, steel, bamboo, etc. These are also painted on to increase their visual appeal. As per vastu guidelines, main gates and main entrance doors of homes are often placed in the northeast, north, east or western orientation to attract positive energy. However, it is also believed that the colour of that also plays a major role in this. The following are some of the accepted main gate colours as power vastu.

Colour NamesInstructions
Light BlueAssociated with calming water elements. Brings a sense of tranquillity to the property. Highly visually appealing and compatible with Vastu principles.
Silver, White, Grey, and Wood TonesBest suited for iron front gate designs. Commonly seen in contemporary homes. Aligns with the earthy, natural aesthetic.
Vibrant Hues (Orange, Red, Pink)Represents the sun and Mars in Vastu Shastra. Attracts positive vibes, wealth, and prosperity. Adds liveliness to the home’s surroundings.
Metallic AccentsIdeal for main gates facing west. Can bring profitability to the household. Works best with shades like white, off-white, grey, or blue-grey.
Earthy Tones for Wooden GatesAuspicious when oriented to face east.Aligns with natural and earthy aesthetics.
Pale Yellow, Bright Yellow, Sage Green, White, and GreyPerfect for creating visually appealing front gate combinations. Can be used individually or mixed to create unique colour combinations.

Best Direction-Wise Main Gate Paint Colours As Per Vastu

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and spatial arrangement, attributes specific colours to different cardinal directions. These colours are said to harmonize with the natural energy flow of the universe and infuse positivity into your living space. Here are the best direction-wise main gate paint colours as per Vastu.

  • North Facing Main Gate: For a gate facing north, shades of green are considered auspicious as they symbolize growth and abundance. A deep forest green or even a lively mint green can enhance the Vastu energy here.
  • East Facing Main Gate: The east direction is associated with the sunrise and hence represents new beginnings. As such, main gates facing this direction can be painted in light, sunny colours like pale yellow or bright white.
  • South Facing Main Gate: If your main gate is facing south, consider using darker colours. Shades like dark brown, deep red, or even black are considered good as per Vastu. This is because the south direction is associated with the planet Mars.
  • West Facing Main Gate: For a western-direction main gate, white, off-white, grey, or blue-grey shades work well. As per Vastu, these colours can attract profitability and success.
  • Northeast Facing Main Gate: For those with a main gate in the northeast direction, a blend of the north and east colours is best. Opt for shades of green and yellow to bring in prosperity and good health.

Remember, the best main gate colour combination for your home would be one that aligns with both your aesthetic preferences and Vastu guidelines. Consider consulting with a Vastu expert for more personalized advice.

Direction Ruling PlanetMain Gate Colour
SouthSunWooden colours, yellow or gold
East Mars Coral red, pink or orange shades

We’ve presented you with the best colour combination for the main gate, and now it’s up to you to utilise your imagination to enhance the attractiveness of these concepts. Choosing the main gate colour according to Vastu can be a breeze when you have the top 18 design ideas to guide you. 

Many homeowners already know which colours they like and understand the colour combinations well, but they need an expert’s advice to guide them in making the right decision. 

NoBroker Painting Services: For the Perfect Colour Story for Your Main Gate

Choosing the right Main Gate Colour Combinations can significantly impact your home’s curb appeal and set the tone for visitors. With a variety of options to consider, from classic elegance to bold statements and nature-inspired tranquillity, there’s a perfect colour combination waiting to be discovered.

If you are looking to consult a trusted and experienced interior designer to help you choose the best main gate colour, you will surely find the best help at NoBroker. Please leave a comment below this article; our executive will get in touch with you soon. Download the app today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the best colour for the main gate?

Ans: The gate’s direction determines the optimal primary gate colour for your house entrance. Following the guidelines for main gate colour and design that we have mentioned in the article above, the best colours are 

Q: What is the lucky colour for a front door?

Ans: To attract favourable energy, Vastu recommends using light colours for the entrance door. Light blue, white, warm yellow are some of the luckiest colours for the main door gate as it invites positive vibes and good energy to the residents and homeowner. 

Q: According to Vastu, which main door colour is regarded as good for wealth?

Ans: According to Vastu Shastra, blue is a good colour for the main door. If you position this colour in the west, it will bring you wealth in your investments and business. If homeowners are facing money issues or are expecting money, blue must be the priority for the main door colour. Similarly, blue is also considered a good colour for the residents of the home who are salaried individuals.

Q: Is it necessary for your main door to face southeast?

Ans: Avoiding the primary face of the main door in the southeast direction will help. The face of the door should face north, east, or northeast. South is considered as the direction of Yama God who is the God of death and hence it is advised to stay away from this direction. 

Q: Is it fortunate to have a mirror in front of the main entrance?

Ans: The evil energy can be reflected in a mirror positioned in front of the main gate. It is not good to hang or keep a mirror opposite the main door. 

Q: I’m looking for gate colour ideas, but I’m feeling overwhelmed. Where can I find inspiration?

Ans: There are many resources available to spark your creativity. Pinterest offer a vast collection of images showcasing different gate colour combinations. You can search for specific terms like “iron gate paint colour images” or browse through curated collections based on style. Or you can consult a NoBroker experts for the best results.

Q: I found some great iron gate paint colour images online, but how do I know if those colours will work for my specific gate?

Ans: While online images can be a great starting point, it’s always a good idea to consider your own unique situation. For instance, a modern home might look best with a bold colour like red or black, while a traditional home might suit classic combinations like black and white or earthy tones. Consider the colours of your landscaping and any other exterior elements. Darker colours can make a small entryway feel even smaller. If your gate receives minimal sunlight, opting for a lighter shade might be more practical.

Q: What are some good main iron gate colour combinations?

Ans: Iron gates offer a sturdy and elegant look for your entrance. Black with gold accents – This timeless combination exudes sophistication. Charcoal grey with white – Offers a clean and contemporary aesthetic. Brown with sage green – Creates a sense of warmth and complements natural surroundings.

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Who doesn’t love a stylish home? We know Ananth does! From a young age Ananth could never resist reading Architecture Digest, Good House Keeping, and so on. He did it because he was captivated by the beauty of the homes and the way they kept homes feeling like ‘home’ but yet glamorous. He is a wizard at keeping houses looking top-notch and he does it with the least effort. He writes to shares his tips and make loving your home easy.

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