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Home Blog Home Services Home & Garden Best Food for You This Monsoon Season

Best Food for You This Monsoon Season

Published : June 13, 2017, 10:39 AM

Updated : September 1, 2023, 1:15 PM

Author : author_image admin


As the monsoon hits India, it’s very normal for us to see people all around us falling ill and suffering from a number of health issues. If you don’t want to join them, you need to start eating better. Here are a few monsoon foods that you should eat and some that you should avoid. This season let’s make the right food choices.

Foods that are good for you during the monsoon season

Fruits - Pears, peaches, plums, papayas, apples and bananas are said to be good choices during the monsoon season. Avoid fruits that have very strong smells such as Jackfruit and also try to avoid eating mango once the rains start.

Brown rice, oats and barley are a good substitute for other starchy food as this is digested easier and will keep your hunger at bay.

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Corn, gram flour and chick peas are considered drying foods and are better to eat during the rainy season.

Herbal teas are a nice and healthy way to stay warm during the rains. Hot soups are also a good idea, you can even add some garlic to your soup so that it can improve your immunity.

Sprouts are rich in nutrients and can help you eat healthier. Wash it thoroughly before you snack on them, you can even add them to salads and more.

Turmeric, if you don’t already use it in your food, now is a good time to start. Turmeric has a multitude of benefits, it has earned itself such a good name because of its Medicinal Properties, Anti-Inflammatory properties, Antioxidant and more.

Cumin and Fenugreek - these two ingredients will help in the digestion of your food. During the monsoon, you tend to digest food much slower and suffer from a lot more digestion-related issues such as acidity. Adding these two ingredients to your monsoon diet will help to keep your tummy happy.

Water – although you might not feel the need to drink much water when it’s raining, you need to keep your body well hydrated. As there are lots of water-borne diseases, be very careful where you drink the water from. It’s always better to carry your own bottle of boiled/filtered water with you.

Proteins - Weather change itself brings immunity affecting diseases. They are not serious, but can seriously make your body weak and the recovery time can hinder your regular plans. Below is a list of rainy season foods (and recipes) that will keep you fit and healthy.

  • Chicken - A popular dish amongst all Indians through all weathers. But it especially is healthy food to eat in the rainy season. There are various chicken recipes that you can try out such as chicken tikka masala, chicken quesadillas or chicken pakoras. 
  • Soya - Soya is the chicken of the vegetarian people of India. It has the somewhat exact texture as meat and nearly the same amount of protein levels. Soya is easily available in the market and is pocket friendly. You can cook rice pulao or any sort of sabzi with soya.
  • Eggs - If you are looking for what to eat in the rainy season in India and do not want a vegetable as your answer. Then eggs work well for you. They are easy to cook and are delicious. Egg paratha, egg rolls, boiled eggs and so on - the list of egg recipes is endless. 

Now, we understand that batter-fried food is the most tempting this season, but if you want to make a healthy decision, avoid it. The heavy oil, poorly washed vegetables and thick batter will cause havoc with your digestion. Avoid eating pre-cut fruits and vegetables too, as this is the season where the bacteria grow and multiply in no time.

Eat fresh, well-cooked home food and incorporate some of the healthy food that is mentioned here. We’re sure you’ll have a happy, healthy, and joyful monsoon.

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Q1 Name a few vegetables to eat in the rainy season.

Ans. It is important to eat healthy during the rainy season. All green vegetables, especially gourds are a hit for this season.

Q2 Are probiotics a good dietary option for the monsoons?

Ans. Probiotics like curd, pickled vegetables, buttermilk, kefir, etc, keep your gut healthy during the rainy season in India.

Q3 Do ginger and garlic help with monsoon illnesses?

Ans. Monsoon is the season of flu and colds. Ginger and garlic are the best homemade remedies for such ailments.

Q4 What are the foods that have Omega-3 fatty acids?

Ans. These acids have an immune modular effect. Walnuts, shrimps, pistachios, chia seeds, etc are healthy additions to your diet.

Q5 Is fenugreek a healthy food to eat in the rainy season?

Ans. Fenugreek or methi is the perfect food for the monsoons and works as an energy booster.

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