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Home Blog Real Estate News Covid-19 disrupting demand for office spaces

Covid-19 disrupting demand for office spaces

Published : August 6, 2020, 5:27 PM

Updated : September 1, 2023, 11:14 AM

Author : author_image admin


August 6, 2020: The pandemic has taken a significant toll on most businesses. The daily functioning of countless firms was disrupted. As parts of the country begin to open gradually, economic activity will pick up, and things should get back to normal. However, businesses will need to adapt to this new normal in which everyone practices social distancing, wears masks, and people are more particular about hygiene.

In this new environment, businesses will have to manage their office space differently as hygiene and social distancing are going to be imperative.

Indian businesses will have to think of more thoughtful ways to utilise office premises to accommodate the new normal. For many Indian companies, it will make little sense to occupy the offices they had pre-COVID-19 when only a fraction of their employees works in such premises

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The past few months have shown that employees in white-collar jobs can work just as efficiently from home. Businesses are realising that they do not have to pay sky-high rent for office space when their employees can work just as efficiently from home. It is expected that many businesses India might abandon their commercial real estate in favour of more agile and less expensive smart offices. In addition to being productive places, smart offices are safer as well.

Sanitised and productive office spaces:

Businesses who work from smart offices must ensure that their employees work in a hygienic environment in which the risk of becoming infected by COVID-19 is mitigated. Every counter, table, workstation, cabin, and conference room will have to be maintained immaculately clean.

Smart offices will have COVID-compliant premises. This means those who work in these offices are safer from the virus than they would be in traditional offices. In addition to being COVID compliant, smart offices offer managed services which add to their versatility and dynamism. Thirdly, they provide intelligent space management which means businesses that lease space in smart offices share costs. This makes such leases affordable. Fourthly, in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, smart offices are strategically located. Because of their location, businesses that lease an office in smart offices find they have an office at a prime location. In a nutshell, workers in smart offices are healthy, happy, and productive. Businesses that lease space in such offices are more profitable.

The country is in various stages of unlocking. During this time, many companies are reconsidering their relationships with traditional offices. Their employees worked from home over the past few months, and productivity wasn’t hampered. The lockdown proved that businesses could function when most of their employees work from home. However, some employees will need to come to the office. In the months and years ahead, for the reasons mentioned above, it makes excellent sense for companies to house these workers in smart offices.

Be safe, and follow good hygiene practices protecting yourself and those around you. Are there any precautions that you think are important? Share them with us in the comments below, or get in touch with us at NoBroker for Sanitation work our professionals will take care of everything

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