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Home Blog Real Estate Legal Guide difference between lease and licence

Difference Between Lease and Licence Explained

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image priyanka.saha


When dealing with property agreements, it's important to understand the difference between a lease and a licence. These terms may seem similar, but they have distinct legal implications and practical applications. Knowing the difference can help property owners and tenants make informed decisions. Let’s explore the key features, components, and practical considerations of leases and licences so you can make informed decisions.

Understanding Lease Agreement

A lease agreement transfers the right to enjoy the property for a specific period. The tenant pays the landlord for this right.

Definition and Legal Basis

A lease, governed by the Transfer of Property Act of 1882, involves transferring the right to enjoy an immovable property for a specific period. The tenant (lessee) pays the landlord (lessor) for this right.

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Key Features of a Lease Agreement

A lease agreement provides the tenant with specific rights and obligations. Here are its key features:

Transfer of Right to Enjoy the Property

The lease agreement transfers the right to use and enjoy the property from the landlord (lessor) to the tenant (lessee). Therefore, the tenant can use the property as specified in the lease.

Specified Duration

The lease specifies a duration, which can be fixed or perpetual. The agreement clearly states the length of time the tenant can use the property.


The tenant provides consideration in exchange for the right to use the property. This consideration can be payment, services, or other valuable items. The lease agreement details the amount and frequency of these payments.

Lessee’s Rights and Responsibilities

The tenant has certain rights and responsibilities under the lease agreement. They have the right to use the property according to the terms specified in the lease. Additionally, they must follow the rules set out in the lease, such as paying rent on time and maintaining the property.

Maintenance and Repairs

The lease agreement often specifies who handles maintenance and repairs. Typically, the landlord manages major repairs while the tenant handles minor maintenance.

Termination Conditions

The lease outlines the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. This includes the required notice periods and any fees for ending the agreement early.

Renewal Terms

The lease may include terms for renewal. This section details how the lease can be extended beyond the original term, including any changes in terms or rent.

Security Deposit

The agreement specifies the amount of the security deposit and the conditions under which it will be returned to the tenant at the end of the lease term.

Restrictions and Prohibitions

The lease agreement might outline restrictions or bans on specific activities. For example, there may be rules about subletting, altering the property, or keeping pets.


To illustrate, Mr. Sharma owns a house he wants to rent. He and Ms. Gupta, the tenant, agree on a lease. They sign a lease agreement where Ms Gupta will live in the house for two years and pay Mr Sharma a monthly rent. During these two years, Ms Gupta has the right to use the house as her own, but she must follow the terms set in the lease agreement. After two years, the lease will end, and Mr. Sharma will regain full control of the property.

Understanding Licence Agreement

A licence agreement is a legal document that grants someone permission to use the property. This permission is for specific activities that would otherwise be illegal.

Definition and Legal Basis

A licence, defined under the Indian Easement Act of 1882, grants permission for specific activities on another's property, which would otherwise be unlawful.

Key Features of a Licence Agreement

A licence agreement grants permission to use the property without transferring ownership. Here are its key features:

Permission to Use the Property

A licence grants the licensee permission to perform specific acts on the property. Thus, the licensee can use the property for a defined purpose, such as hosting an event or conducting business.

No Transfer of Interest or Possession

Unlike a lease, a licence does not transfer any interest or ownership in the property. Consequently, the licensee has no legal rights to the property beyond what the licence permits.

Grantor’s Control and Rights

The grantor retains full control over the property. Therefore, the grantor can set terms and conditions for its use and can revoke the licence at any time, usually with notice.

Licensee’s Rights and Limitations

The licensee has the right to use the property as specified in the licence agreement. However, this right is limited to the terms set by the grantor. The licensee cannot change or use the property in a way not covered by the agreement.

Temporary Nature

A licence is usually granted for a temporary period. The agreement specifies the duration, and the licence typically ends when this period expires or the purpose is fulfilled.


A licence is specific to the licensee and cannot be assigned to someone else. The rights granted under a licence cannot be assigned or inherited.


The grantor can revoke the licence at any time, often with notice. This is one of the key differences between a lease and a licence, as a lease provides more security for the tenant.

No Exclusive Possession

The licensee does not have sole possession of the property. The grantor may have access to and use the property as long as it does not interfere with the licensee's rights.


For instance, Mr. Kumar owns a piece of land and allows Mr. Verma to use it for a temporary event, like a fair, for one week. They sign a licence agreement stating the terms. Mr. Verma can use the land for the event, but he has no ownership or long-term rights to the land. Mr Kumar can revoke the licence if Mr Verma does not follow the agreed-upon terms.

Key Differences Between Lease and Licence

Nature of RightsTransfers interest and possession to the tenant. The tenant has exclusive rights to use and enjoy the property.It cannot be transferred or inherited. The licensee's rights are personal and end with their departure or death.
Transferability and HeritabilityCan be transferred to another party and can be inherited. The tenant’s rights remain intact even if the property changes hands.Licensees can be revoked at the grantor’s discretion, often with notice. They have less security than tenants under a lease.
RevocabilityCannot be revoked unilaterally by the landlord unless specified in the agreement. The tenant has security of tenure for the lease term.Terminates upon the sale of the property. The licence agreement does not bind the new owner.
Impact of Property SaleRemains unaffected by the sale of the property. The new owner is required to respect the current lease agreement.The tenant has the right to defend possession of the property, and legal protections ensure the tenant's continued use and enjoyment of it.
Legal Protection and DefensesThe tenant has the right to defend possession of the property. Legal protections ensure the tenant's continued use and enjoyment of the property.The licensee cannot defend possession in their own name. The licensee has limited legal protections compared to a tenant.

Practical Tips for Choosing Between Lease and Licence

Property owners and users should consider several factors when deciding between a lease and a licence. Here are some practical tips:

Considerations for Property Owners (Grantors)

  1. Preference for Licences to Retain Control: Property owners often prefer licences because they retain more control over the property. They can set specific terms and conditions for its use and can revoke the licence if necessary.
  2. Simpler Revocation Process: Licences allow for easier revocation. If the licensee does not adhere to the terms, the owner can revoke the permission relatively easily, usually with a notice period.

Considerations for Property Users (Grantees)

  1. Preference for Leases for Stability and Rights: Property users typically prefer leases because they provide more stability. A lease grants them the right to use the property for a specified period, offering security and predictability.
  2. Better Legal Protection and Investment Security: Leases offer better legal protection. The lessee has the right to defend possession and enjoy the property without interference, making leases a more secure option for long-term investments.

Why Choose NoBroker for Legal Assistance?

Choosing the right agreement, whether a lease or a licence, is crucial based on your specific needs. Therefore, it's important to understand the difference between a lease and a licence to make the best decision. NoBroker Legal Services can help you understand which option suits your needs. Our experts provide clear advice and support for all your legal needs. Don't make decisions alone. Contact NoBroker Legal Services today to ensure you choose the right agreement and confidently handle any legal matters.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the main difference between a lease and a licence?

Ans: A lease transfers interest and possession of the property, while a licence grants permission to use the property without transferring any interest.

Q: Can a lease be transferred or inherited?

Ans: A lease can be transferred to another party and inherited by legal heirs.

Q: Does a lease provide more legal protection than a licence?

Ans: A lease gives the tenant better legal protection and rights than a licence.

Q: What happens to a licence when the property is sold?

Ans: A licence typically terminates upon the sale of the property.

Q: Can a licensee defend possession of the property?

Ans: No, a licensee cannot defend possession of the property in their own name.

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