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Home Blog Home Services Electrical Problems

Keep Your Home Safe by Avoiding These 10 Electrical Problems

Published : December 28, 2023, 4:16 PM

Updated : December 28, 2023, 4:16 PM

Author : author_image krishnanunni


Electricity is not simply a matter of convenience today; it is a necessity. However, if not dealt with properly, you will be presented with serious risks to your home and life. Worry not, for here we tell you 10 common electrical problems in your home and how to fix them.

Electricity is powerful. It can illuminate our homes, power our gadgets, and even make our toast perfectly golden brown. But when gone wrong, it can zap, spark, and even cause fires. That's why understanding common electrical issues is crucial to keeping your home safe and your appliances humming happily. They can be challenging to figure out, but with a little extra attention, easily solvable and will also help in reducing your electricity bills. 

10 Most Common Electrical Problems in Your House

Electrical Problems
Burned plugs like this pose a major threat to one’s safety

There are a few common electric issues that are commonly found in most households. They often include- 

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1.  Electrical Surges or Dips

An electrical surge is a brief voltage spike that can damage electronic devices. Recurring surges can harm connected devices and shorten their lifespan. Dips, or voltage decreases, cause light dimming (brownouts) and typically occur when malfunctioning or poorly manufactured devices draw excessive power upon activation.

2.  No RCCB

A residual Current Circuit Breaker or RCCB is a gadget that finds and stops weak electric circuits due to a current leak. It disconnects from the main power automatically when there's residual current in the circuit. 

3. Dimming or flickering lights

If you notice your lights flickering, or if one shines brighter or dimmer than the other, it can be because it uses different amounts of power or due to technical issues in the main power panel. If your light bulbs burn out too often and have to keep changing them, various issues can be a reason for this, such as high voltage, wiring faults, improper air circulation or bad wiring. 

4. Electrical Shocks

Electrical shocks often happen when you switch on or off an electric device. The severity of the shock can vary, ranging from a mild tingling sensation to a more serious injury or even fatality in extreme cases. Electric shocks can result from faulty appliances, damaged wiring, or contact with live electrical components.

5. HIgh Electricity Bills

Have you noticed that your electricity bills have risen more than your average rate? This can be due to various reasons such as damage in wiring and circuiting, leakage in electrical systems, or outdated devices that consume more energy.

6. Improper Outlets

Faulty outlets can bring out different electrical issues in the home. Hot outlets, loose outlets, and dead outlets are common problems that can occur. Not having enough outlets can also cause electrical problems.

7. No GFCI

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter or GFCI  is a device designed to protect people from electrical shock hazards. GFCIs monitor the flow of current between the hot and neutral wires in an electrical circuit. If they detect any imbalance, suggesting a ground fault or leakage, they quickly cut off the power to prevent potential electrocution. In the absence of GFCI, there is a potential for electrical wires to overheat, leading to the risks of shocks, burns, or even an electrical fire.

8. Faulty Switches

If your switches are not operating as expected, the issue might lie within the circuit or wiring. The switch could be overridden or may be malfunctioning due to its age.

9. Circuit Overloading

Circuit breakers and fuses are intentionally made to fail to avoid overloads. However, if using a single outlet consistently leads to the same fuse blowing, it likely indicates an overload in the circuit.

10. An open junction box

Junction boxes contain interconnected wires, designed to separate one set of wires from another. These boxes also shield the wires from harm. An exposed junction box raises the chance of electrical shock.

How to Fix Your Electrical Issues: 10 Proven Solutions

Electrical Problems
Wondering how to fix electrical problems in your home? Worry no more. Follow this troubleshooting guide

Addressing electrical problems is crucial for the safety and functionality of a home or any electrical system. From faulty wiring to malfunctioning appliances, these issues can pose serious risks if not handled promptly and correctly. 

How to fix home electrical problems is a question you might wonder often. Whether it's a tripped circuit breaker, a malfunctioning outlet, or concerns about overloaded circuits, understanding how to approach these issues can help you ensure a safe and reliable electrical system. Remember, if in doubt or dealing with complex problems, seeking the expertise of a qualified electrician is always the wise decision.

Electrical troubleshooting involves the systematic process of identifying, analysing, and resolving issues within an electrical system. Proper electrical troubleshooting is crucial for maintaining the safety and functionality of electrical systems in homes, businesses, and other environments.

1. Solving Electrical Surges or Dips

The easiest trick to solve this issue would be to remove any cheaply-made devices from the outlet to see if this prevents the surges. Using a surge protector will also help in minimising damage to your appliances. If the issue continues to persist, it might be time for you to call an electrician.

2.  RCCB

Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCBs) play a crucial role in addressing and preventing electrical issues, particularly those related to electrical shocks and ground faults. RCCBs are essential for preventing electrical shocks and ground faults by monitoring current flow and swiftly disconnecting power if an imbalance is detected, especially in areas with water like bathrooms and kitchens.

They are essential safety devices that contribute significantly to the prevention of electrical issues, ensuring the safety of individuals, protecting equipment, and reducing the risk of electrical fires. If your home does not have one, installing one sooner is the best option.

3. Dimming or Flickering Lights

Ensure that the bulbs are fixed properly. You can try changing a few bulbs with new ones to see if the issue persists. Determine if there are any loose connections or loose wiring, and the switches used as well. The issue can also occur if any heavy appliances are connected to the same circuit. Consult an electrician if the issue remains to install specific lines for the heavy appliances. 

4. Solving Electrical Shocks

Electric shocks most often happen due to poor insulation, ungrounded or faulty wiring. You can try connecting to another device to see if the issue persists. If the problem occurs consistently, get in touch with an electrician to fix it before any potential injuries occur.

5. Reducing Electricity Bills

Cutting down on electricity expenses can be achieved by transitioning to more budget-friendly devices and disconnecting appliances when they're not being used. You must also get the wiring problems fixed and identify electrical devices that might be triggering power surges.

6. Solving Outlet Issues

Forcing improper outlets to work poses a potential safety risk and may lead to the ignition of a fire, causing significant damage to your home. Not having enough outlets also is a serious issue. It implies that you'll need to use an extension cord to power all your devices, overloading the current outlets, which might result in circuits tripping frequently. The easiest solution is to have an electrician take a look into the matter.


Installing a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) is imperative for ensuring electrical safety. GFCIs swiftly cut off power if they detect a ground fault, preventing potential electrocution and reducing the risk of electrical fires. 

8. Solving Faulty Switches

Switches can lose their safety after many years. They can become faulty due to old age, faulty wiring or due to power overriding over the years. This can be quickly replaced by an electrician. 

9. Solving Circuit-related Issues

Ensure devices are unplugged when not in use and distribute them across different circuits to avoid overloading a single one. However, a circuit breaker that frequently trips may signal more significant issues. If you believe your electricity usage doesn't justify an overload, it's advisable to call a licensed electrician for a thorough inspection.

10. Covering Junction Boxes

An open junction box means exposed wires, which increases the risk of an electric shock. This can easily be solved though, by covering it well with the screws provided by a professional. 

Addressing electrical problems is crucial for the safety, functionality, and efficiency of a home or any electrical system. Regular maintenance, awareness of safety practices, and prompt resolution of issues contribute to the overall well-being of both the electrical system and thus, your life and property.

In our modern era of technology dependence, ensuring safe and dependable electrical systems is crucial. Taking a proactive stance on addressing electrical issues and seeking professional assistance when necessary is essential for the well-being and efficiency of your home. Prioritise safety, remain vigilant, and enlist expert help to safeguard your living space.

Looking to get your electrical devices checked? Give NoBroker's professionals a try. Our Home Services team consists of top-rated experts with extensive industry experience, all boasting 5-star ratings.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much is the wiring cost for a house?

The price for wiring often ranges from 120 to 145 rupees per square foot for electrical item supply including labour costs.

2. Can I DIY Electrical Repairs?

Homeowners often notice electrical issues and might consider fixing them themselves. However, it's crucial to understand the risks. Electricians have a valid licence, attained after rigorous training and although seemingly just paper, it is vital for preventing accidents and ensuring well-being.

3. What are the appliances that use the most electricity in my home?

High electricity-consuming home appliances include ACs, heaters, water heaters, dryers, fridges, and ovens. Actual usage however varies based on your appliance’s efficiency, frequency of use, and home size.

4. Is my electric panel safe?

An outdated electrical panel may not meet your home's current demands, especially with the increasing number of electronics and appliances. Older panels, around 25 years old or experiencing frequent shorts and dimming lights, signal the need for an upgrade.

5. Which is the best wire for home wiring?

You must choose the ideal wiring by considering factors like electrical load, safety regulations, budget, installation environment, longevity, and consulting a professional electrician. Top brands for home wiring include Plaza Cables, RR Cable, Polycab Wires, Syska Wires, Finolex, Leo Cable, Havells India, Universal Cable, V-Guard Industries Ltd, and Uniflex Cables Ltd.

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