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Home Blog Interiors Design Flowering plants for Balcony

Flowering plants for the Balcony Gardens

Published : October 11, 2023, 12:37 PM

Updated : November 2, 2023, 11:08 AM

Author : author_image admin


Let your balcony garden thrive this summer. We know that Indian summers can be harsh, but that doesn’t mean that you have to keep your balcony void of all plants. We’ve listed out a few Flowering plants for the balcony that will help your balcony look great with plants for balconies in India. You’ll soon be the envy of your neighbours with these nifty tricks. We’ll start with the basics.

How Do You Plant Flowers in a Pot?

1-    The first step is choosing the right container, look for flower pots that have drainage holes in them. These pots could be made from plastic, clay, cement and so on.

2-    Choosing the right soil is also critical, you can either make your own by buying sand and fertilizer separately and mixing it together or just buy a ready-made potting mix from your local nursery.

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3-    Planting seeds are easy, you need to dig a hole in the soil that’s 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) deep, place the seeds and then cover it up. For transplanting or repotting a flower, you’ll need a hole as deep as the root ball. Then pull the flowers out of the pot and gently break up the root ball to help the roots grow out into the soil faster. Cover up the roots with soil and see to it that the stem is NOT covered with soil.

How Do You Care For Your Flowering Plants?

1- Water your flowers regularly by either using a watering can or hose, you can also set up a sprinkler or drip system to keep the soil well hydrated. Water is close to the soil so that it doesn’t disturb the flower or cause soil erosion.

2-Remove any and all weeds that you find growing in your flower pot. They are unattractive and also use up many of the nutrients found in the soil, often leaving the flowers with nothing.

3-Encourage or stimulate the growth of your flowers by cutting off dead and wilting flowers regularly.

4-Give your flowers the support it needs if you find the branches drooping, prop them up with bamboo sticks for support.

5-Ensure your flowers have space to grow. If your pot is looking too crowded, you need to repot the plants in a bigger pot or container.

What Flowering Plants Should You Choose?


They are bright and beautiful and what’s more, they also survive in dry and sunny environments. Marigolds can be easily grown in pots and brighten up your balcony gardens. Use hanging planters for them to trail and create a lovely border.

Flowering plant


They bloom well in full sunlight and are perfect for any sunny balcony. They also have the tendency to trail and can be planted in containers. Watered well and left to themselves, petunias can give your balcony garden a lovely facelift.

Holy Basil/ Tulsi

Slightly fussy initially, the Tulsi plant once grown doesn’t take much tending. It can add a refreshing aroma to your balcony space. Come winter, just drop a few leaves into your tea and keep those sniffles away.


The plant is better grown in individual pots as they can interfere with others in a tray. They need sufficient water but will die with too much. Mint too can render a wafting fragrance through your garden and the leaves can be used in beverages as well as to garnish your food.


They need a lot of sunlight and water, and hence are perfect for the summer and really sunny balconies. There are about 150 known varieties of roses available, so if you get bored you can always mix and match them to create a balcony that’s all about beauty and romance.

How to Water a Balcony Garden?

Balcony gardens are becoming increasingly popular among urban dwellers in India. They provide a green space in a concrete jungle, and with proper care, they can thrive. One of the essential tasks of maintaining a balcony garden is watering the plants.

In India, the weather is generally hot and dry, and the harsh sun can quickly dry out the soil, leading to plant withering. Therefore, it is crucial to water the plants at the right time and with the right amount of water.

To water your balcony garden, start by selecting the appropriate watering equipment. A watering can with a narrow spout or a hose with a misting nozzle is ideal. This will help you target the roots of the plants without damaging the leaves. Watering cans and misting nozzles are readily available in India at local nurseries or online stores.

Water your balcony garden early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not as harsh. This will help the plants absorb the water effectively without getting scorched by the sun. It is best to avoid watering the plants during the hottest parts of the day as it can lead to water evaporation, which may not be useful for the plants.

When watering, make sure to water the plants thoroughly but avoid overwatering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to the plants. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil, and if it feels dry, it is time to water your plants. If it feels moist, wait for a day or two before watering.

Keep track of the moisture level in the soil. If the soil feels dry, it's time to water the plants. If the soil feels moist, wait for a day or two before watering. Overwatering can lead to waterlogging, which can damage the roots of the plants.

Finally, if you are going on vacation, make arrangements for someone to water your plants regularly. Alternatively, consider investing in a self-watering system for your balcony garden. These systems are readily available in India, and they can help ensure that your plants get the right amount of water while you are away.

Tips on how to water your balcony garden effectively:

  • Water the plants early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not as harsh. This will ensure that the plants absorb enough water without getting scorched by the sun.
  • Use a watering can with a narrow spout or a hose with a misting nozzle to water your plants. This will help you target the roots of the plants without damaging the leaves.
  • Make sure to water the plants thoroughly but avoid overwatering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to the plants.
  • Keep track of the moisture level in the soil. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil, and if it feels dry, it is time to water your plants.
  • If you are going on vacation, make arrangements for someone to water your plants regularly. Alternatively, consider investing in a self-watering system for your balcony garden.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your balcony garden stays healthy and green.

If you’d like to start a terrace garden, we at NoBroker can help you start. Make the most of your house with our helpful tips.

If you’ve always longed for a home with a balcony, or need a home with a bigger and better balcony, let NoBroker help. We can find a home that meets all your requirements with ease. Just click below to start searching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are some good balcony garden plants for Indian apartments?

Some good balcony garden plants for Indian apartments include money plants, spider plants, snake plants, jade plants, and peace lilies.

Q2. How much sunlight do balcony garden plants need?

The amount of sunlight balcony garden plants need varies depending on the type of plant. However, most plants need at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Q3. Can you have an artificial garden on a small balcony?

Yes, you can have an artificial garden on a small balcony. Artificial plants require no maintenance and can still add some greenery to your balcony.

Q4. What are some apartment balcony garden ideas for renters?

Some apartment balcony garden ideas for renters include creating a vertical garden, using hanging plants, and using window boxes.

Q5. How often should I water my balcony garden plants?

The frequency of watering balcony garden plants depends on several factors, such as the type of plant, the size of the pot, and the environment. However, most plants need to be watered once or twice a week.

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