
How to Clean Bathroom Tiles: From Grime to Gleam in Easy Steps

How to clean bathroom tiles is a topic that can transform your daily bathroom experience. Your bathroom isn’t just a functional space; it’s your daily retreat, offering refreshing morning showers or indulgent weekend baths, it can transform into your private spa haven with a little TLC. But here’s the catch: bathrooms accumulate grime and germs faster than any other room, especially on those beautiful tiles. That’s where knowing how to clean bathroom tiles at home becomes essential, not only for aesthetics but also for your family’s well-being.

Things we covered for you


How Do You Clean Bathroom Grout?

Tile is attractive, strong, and often simple to maintain, but what about grout? Many questions like how to get grout white again in the shower or how to get grout white again in the shower get stuck in all of our minds. And that is a unique situation. Grout is subject to stains due to its porous nature and typical pale hue. Spills are more likely to be to blame in the kitchen than spills in a tiled entryway or mudroom. Homeowners have to deal with grout that has mould and mildew damage in the bathroom.

The good news is that the most effective grout cleaning method doesn’t cost a lot of money. Grout may be cleaned and restored with the help of simple home items and, of course, a little elbow grease. You can clean grout between bathroom tiles wth the help of very simple home remedies. 

Before you begin your grout cleaning efforts, be aware that the mildest, least damaging cleaning option on this list—the first one—is the ideal place to start. If it doesn’t work, you can progress to the solutions on this list that are progressively more demanding, unpleasant, and possibly time-consuming. Test a grout cleaner in a hidden area first if you’re unsure if it will work on your surface—for example, behind the toilet in the bathroom or under an appliance in the kitchen.

How to Remove Grout from Shower?

Removing grout from shower

There are two main approaches to removing grout from a shower, depending on whether you just want to clean it or completely remove it for regrouting:

Cleaning stained or mouldy grout:

  1. Natural Cleaning Solutions: For mild stains or mould, try a paste of baking soda and water or a solution of white vinegar and water. Apply, let sit, scrub with a grout brush, and rinse.
  2. Commercial Grout Cleaner: For tougher jobs, use a store-bought grout cleaner following the manufacturer’s instructions. These cleaners often contain bleach or other harsh chemicals, so wear gloves and ensure proper ventilation.

Removing grout for regrouting:

Caution: Removing grout is a more complex process that can damage tiles if not done carefully. Consider professional help for extensive areas or delicate tiles.

  1. Grout Removal Tool: Use a grout removal tool, which resembles a pointed razor blade. Carefully scrape out the grout, working in small sections and avoiding the tiles.
  2. Oscillating Multi-Tool: For larger areas, consider an oscillating multi-tool with a grout removal blade attachment. This is faster but requires more control to avoid damaging tiles.

Dremel or Rotary Tool (Advanced): For very stubborn grout, a Dremel or rotary tool with a diamond blade attachment can be effective. Extreme caution is advised due to the
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How to Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles 

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles
Hand cleaning the bathroom tiles with a sponge

Cleaning the grout between your tiles regularly can help maintain the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom. Showerheads, shower cubicles, and faucets are also areas that need regular attention. Nobody likes a clogged shower or a clogged drain.

The yellowish stains on your bathroom tiles are an eyesore for you and your guests alike. Are you worried about how to clean dirty bathroom tiles? Then here is a DIY best bathroom tile cleaner recipe. Mix water and white vinegar in a 50:50 ratio. Leave this solution on for some time and dry wipe it with a wiper blade. If you are cleaning your shower cubicle, make sure to wipe it down after drying. Use a cotton or microfiber cloth for this purpose.

You also need an order while cleaning the bathroom tiles. First, start with the shower and faucets and then move on to the tiles. It is mandatory to clean your bathroom frequently to keep it spick and span.

How to Remove Hard Water Stains from Bathroom Tiles

           Man cleaning the bathroom tiles with a brush

Stubborn hard water stains are a big challenge to clean. Read on to know more about how to remove stains in tiles of the bathroom. 

Instal, a Bathroom Water Softener

bathroom water softener
Bathroom Bidet with a water softener installed

Instal bathroom water softeners to the water supply source and replace excess calcium and magnesium with sodium and potassium ions for clean, soft water and protect bathroom tiles from pesky stains. You can opt for a whole house water softener. 
Read: How to Clean a Toilet ? A Detailed Guide

All-Purpose Vinegar

Woman cleaning the bathroom tiles
Woman cleaning the bathroom tiles after washing with vinegar

Are you worried about how to clean bathroom wall tiles? Look no further than your kitchen. White vinegar is a magic potion for cleaning purposes. Vinegar is slightly acidic; therefore, it removes moulds and mildew without harming the tiles. Mix equal portions of water and vinegar and use this solution.

Common Salt

Another readily available cleaning agent in your kitchen is common salt! Yes, you read that right. If you are wondering how to clean bathroom tiles naturally, opt for the humble table salt, it is extremely effective in cleaning those hard water stains. Salt is an excellent disinfectant and kills germs immediately. Wet your bathroom floor and sprinkle salt all over. Leave it for an hour or two and then scrub off with a brush/sponge. You will be pleasantly surprised!

How to Remove Saltwater Stains from Bathroom Tiles

How to Remove Saltwater Stains From Bathroom Tiles
Saltwater infested bathroom floor tile before and after cleaning with vinegar

Salt can scratch and damage your tile’s finish. However, it is recommended that you do a spot test on a small inconspicuous part of the floor. You will need 1/3rd cup of distilled white vinegar, water, a spray bottle, a vacuum cleaner, a microfiber mop, a microfiber cloth, and a towel. Here’s how to clean stained tiles in the bathroom with these ingredients: 
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Dry the floor and then vacuum as much salt as possible. Then make a mixture of vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spritz this solution over your tiles. Leave it for 5 minutes, and then mop it dry. Take a damp microfiber cloth and wipe carefully to remove any residual salt. Finally, wipe with a dry towel/cloth.

How to Remove Limescale from Bathroom Tiles

How to Remove Limescale From Bathroom Tiles
Before and after photos of bathroom walls post scrubbing limescales with vinegar and baking soda mixture. 

Limescales have a chalky white appearance and cling onto your bathroom tiles and faucets. The best way to remove them is by mixing vinegar and baking soda in a 50:50 ratio to form a paste. Apply this paste over the affected tiles and leave it on for a few minutes. Then scrub the tiles with a sponge or soft old toothbrush and rinse with clear water. It may require several applications in case of heavy discolouration. 

Limescale can also form a rusty red or greenish-blue discolouration on your precious tiles. Don’t be disheartened! Just mix lemon juice and borax and apply to the affected area. You can also use chlorine bleach to remove these discolouration’s post limescale removal.
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How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Baking Soda

Baking soda has stain fighting properties. You can use it alone or with vinegar for tougher stains. 

To clean bathroom tiles, you can also use baking soda alone or in combination with other compounds. You can directly spread it on your bathroom tiles and leave it on overnight. Baking soda or Sodium Bicarbonate has properties that can fight stains. Next morning, rinse the bathroom floor, and you will be amazed at the result. However, make sure to spread baking soda on dry tiles.

You can also use baking soda and vinegar for tougher stains. Vinegar is mildly acidic, and it reacts with baking soda to form a compound called carbonic acid, which increases the corrosive capacity of baking soda.

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Vinegar?

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Vinegar
Scrubbing bathroom tiles with vinegar can remove tough yellow stains easily. 

Mixing water with vinegar in equal portions and spraying it on bathroom tiles is the best solution. Use this solution for light, yellowish bathroom stains from hard water. You can also use this on your showerheads, faucets, bidets, and steel sinks.

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Acid

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Acid
Hand scrubbingbathroom floor after applying muriatic acid

If the above methods do not work, then how to clean dirty bathroom tiles? Hydrochloric acid, commonly known in the market as muriatic acid, is the last resort for old and challenging stains. Wet the bathroom floor and then apply the acid solution to the affected areas gently. Scrub a little and then move to the next area. The key here is to keep the bathroom floor wet.

How to Remove Yellow Stain from Bathroom Tiles

You can use a Harpic bathroom cleaner or Amaze cleaning acid or any other bathroom tiles cleaning acid for tiles to get rid of tough yellow stains. Now you must be wondering how to clean bathroom tiles with Harpic.  Follow the below-mentioned instructions.

  • Add 1.5 capfuls of Harpic Bathroom Cleaner to half bucket water.
  • Mop and then scrub gently.

For tougher stains, use the Harpic bathroom cleaner directly to the affected area and scrub gently.

How to Clean White Patches on Bathroom Tiles

Get rid of white patchy stains in no time by using liquid detergent. 

Put some liquid detergent or plain vinegar over the soap scum areas, and leave it for 5-10 minutes. When the liquid starts to dry up, scrub it with a mild scrubber and wipe it away. Rinse the area with clean water now. If you still see the stains try using trisodium phosphate to get rid of them.

Bathrooms are no doubt a room to escape from our busy lives. Most people invest a lot in upgrading their bathrooms but miss out on maintaining them. The bathroom tiles cleaning tips mentioned above have indeed answered your doubts regarding how to clean bathroom tiles. For more bathroom tile cleaning tips and ideas on keeping your house in perfect condition, visit NoBroker.  You can also consult our Home Services experts for elaborate cleaning and maintenance of your crib.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to clean the grout in your shower?

Ans: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply to the grout, let it sit for a few minutes, scrub with a brush, and rinse or fill a spray bottle with equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray the grout, let it sit for a few minutes, scrub with a brush, and rinse.

Q2.What are some effective toilet tile cleaning tips?

Ans: To keep your toilet tiles spotless, try mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the tiles, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with a brush for a sparkling clean result.

Q3. How to clean yellow grout in shower?

Ans. Try a paste of baking soda and water or hydrogen peroxide for mild yellowing. For tougher stains, use a bleach solution (diluted and with ventilation). Scrub with a grout brush and rinse well.

Q4. Can I use acid on bathroom tiles?

Ans. Yes, you can use muriatic acid for old and tough stains.

Q5. What are the most common kitchen ingredients used for bathroom cleaning?

Ans. Salt, white vinegar, and baking soda are common kitchen ingredients used for cleaning bathroom tiles.

Q6. What is the best tile cleaner?

Ans. Warm water and dish soap work well as a DIY grout cleaner for the majority of tile varieties, including porcelain and ceramic. Diluted vinegar is frequently advised, yet vinegar is quite acidic.

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