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Home Blog Home Services Pest Control How To Get Rid of Spiders at Home

How To Get Rid of Spiders at Home?

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image Jessica


Keeping one's house clean is the topmost priority. A major problem that homes experience is the infestation of spiders. As per Vastu Shastra, spider webs are considered inauspicious and also attract-retain negative energy. This article addresses how to get rid of spiders at home. There are also methods on how to get rid of spiders naturally, to know more about how to keep spiders away - read further.

How To Get Rid of Spiders Naturally?

It is important to understand that spiders do not usually harm anyone, but a spider bite or its venom can be fatal. Spiders rest in dark and quiet places so make sure you regularly clean all the corners of your home. Regular cleaning is the most efficient step of how to keep spiders away from home. Below are a few remedies that assist in how to get rid of spiders at home:

  • Essential Oils: This method of how to prevent spiders at home is one of the most relaxing options to work with. Strong scents such as peppermint act as spider repellents. This not only helps you in how to get rid of spiders at home but also leaves your home feeling fresh. Other scents that work well are lavender, rose, tea tree and cinnamon.
  • Vinegar: Spiders strongly despise the scent of vinegar, and this method would work perfectly in the guide on how to get rid of spiders - home remedies. Mix 1 portion of water and 1 portion of vinegar, spray it on the infested areas and watch your house get rid of spiders. 
  • Eucalyptus Tree: The scent of the tree is repellent to the spiders. So, this is the solution to - how to keep spiders away from home. The perks of having this plant are that it adds to the visual appeal of a home.
How To Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally
Eucalyptus trees help in keeping spiders away from your home.
  • Garlic: If you have spiders at home - how to get rid of them must be your constant dilemma. But here is a solution on how to get rid of spiders at home, and it is Garlic! Garlic is easily accessible - and a very easy method to follow. Take a few minced garlic in a bottle of water and mix well. Now spray this mixture onto the cracks of the walls and all the areas that you want free of spiders.

How To Get Rid of Spider Webs Inside the House?

According to Vastu Shastra, spider webs attract and retain negative energy. Keeping a clean house sets a tone for your life and is a healthier environment for you to live in. Below is a list of how to avoid spider webs in the home:

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  • Regular Cleaning: Make sure you tidy up your house regularly. And an assured way on how to get rid of spiders in the house - rearrange the constituents of your home once in a while. Ever wondered- how to get rid of spider webs inside the house? Then dusting is the answer for you. The dusting of your home not only keeps away the spiders but also insects that you may be highly allergic to.
  • Water: If you are wondering how to get rid of spider webs (outdoors) at home, then water is the way to go. You can spray the spider webs down with a water hose. And an added bonus to this is that your house gets a good clean up.
How To Get Rid Of Spider Webs Inside The House
Water hose works as a perfect weapon to deal with outdoor spider webs.
  • Professional Help: If your house has a serious outbreak and you cannot deal with the question of how to get rid of spiders at home, then hiring professional help is the way to go. From them, you can also get tips on how to prevent spider webs in the house or how to eliminate spiders from home.
  • Vacuum: Where your hand or broomstick cannot reach, there the Vacuum comes into action. Daily vacuuming can be a hard task, but a weekly session of it can help you stay on top of how to keep away spiders from your home.

How To Keep Away Spiders And Spider Webs?

Getting rid of spiders and their current webs is one thing, but keeping new spider webs from growing is quite another. Fortunately, there are a number of simple techniques you may employ to prevent spiders from entering your home or place of business again.

  • Glue windows and cracks: If you don't need to get rid of spiders in the first place, you won't need to figure out how to get rid of spider webs. By caulking the gaps and windows in your house or business building, you may stop the issue before it arises. Additionally, check to see that window screens are securely attached to the frames and in good condition.
  • Keep your area tidy and orderly: Spiders like the shelter that chaotic messes offer. Make sure there is no clutter inside or outside of your home or office that attracts spiders to prevent the formation of webs.
  • Keep a consistent timetable for cleaning: You get rid of spiders when you regularly dust or vacuum, whether you notice it or not. Vacuuming is crucial because it eliminates spider eggs and nymphs as well as unattractive spider webs. Use spider web cleaner brooms with long handles to reach those high ceilings and corners. 
  • Turn down the lights: Light attracts a lot of insects, and the unlimited feast of insects attracts spiders. When inside, turn off external lights so that insects will leave and, perhaps, the spiders will follow. If you absolutely must have outside illumination, try to keep the fixtures and bulbs away from the doors. Altering the frequency of the lights is another way to reduce their allure.

Natural Ways To Remove Spiders From Home

Not sure about using chemicals to get rid of spiders in home? Here are a few natural remedies you could try-

  1. Indoor Plants:

Consider utilising plants as a spider deterrent if you have a green thumb or can just manage to plant something. Spiders can be repelled by planting lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and mint. Additionally, many of them are attractive and have a pleasant scent close to your windows and doors.

  1. Nuts:

A variety of nuts can be used to repel spiders. You may keep spiders away by scattering chestnuts, horse chestnuts, or walnuts throughout your house, under furniture, on windowsills, and outside.

  1. Diatomaceous Earth:

Another all-natural method for treating a spider infestation is diatomaceous earth, or DE. DE is a soft, sedimentary rock that easily breaks down into powder or small pieces. It is harmful to spiders and other insects, but largely safe for people and dogs.

Diatomaceous earth is available at a variety of places and online. Simply cover the areas of your house where you notice spiders with a fine, even layer of DE. DE will not instantly kill the spiders; rather, it will slowly dehydrate them.

  1. Mint:

Mint is a  fantastic organic pest deterrent. Spiders and the majority of insects detest mint. Spray water and peppermint essential oil throughout your home.This will also keep your home smelling fresh and minty. Additionally, you can place some crushed dried mint leaves in tiny sachets and store them in your kitchen cabinet. You can also use mint tea bags if you don't have any fresh mint on hand.

  1. Horse Chestnuts:

Horse chestnuts are popular spider deterrents. All you have to do is place a few horse chestnuts along your window sills or close to doorways. Additionally, since horse chestnuts have a long shelf life, you can have them in place for a long period of time without having to replace them. 

  1. Tobacco:

Spiders don't like tobacco very much, and you can buy loose leaf tobacco at various stores or cigarette shops. Simply scatter tobacco leaves where spiders are most likely to appear, or combine them with water and spray the resulting solution all throughout the house.

In order to deter spiders, you can also form tobacco balls by combining the leaves with flour and water. Tobacco and water can be combined to make a spray that you can use to prevent youngsters and pets from handling the leaves.

How To Get Rid of Spider Mites in Home?

How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites
Spider mites infestation usually occurs on outdoor plants such as strawberries

Spider mites may not be harmful to humans, but they are poisonous to plants. Even though their life cycle is small, they reproduce very quickly. It is important to know how to get rid of spider mites, and here is a list for you on how to get rid of spider mites naturally or using pesticides:

  • Hot Peppers: Extract or juice from peppers such as cayenne, bell pepper, jalapeno and chili can be used to repel spider mites. Experiments have proven that this natural method also works on how to kill spiders at home. You can either DIY your own pepper repellent or order one online.
  • Dish Soap: Another easier and more accessible method on how to deal with spider mites is to mix 3 tablespoons of dish soap with 3.5 litres of water. Store the solution in a bottle and spray on the infested plants weekly or as required.
  • Pesticides: This is a sure shot method on how to prevent spiders and spider mites in your house. You can easily get a pesticide in the market, spray it on infested plants and areas as instructed. Make sure to keep the container away from children.
How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites
Pesticides are a good option if the spider mite's infestation is beyond control.

Now you know how to get rid of spiders at home and how to get rid of spider mites naturally. Spider infestation is not a favourable environment for a house to exist in. Looking for your dream house that is free of all negative energy and spider webs/ spider mites? Head to NoBroker to find curated homes just for you.


Q. 1 Are spiders, dangerous creatures, to have at home?

Ans. If they are not your pets then they can be dangerous creatures to co-exist with. Usually, spiders do not harm humans, but a few are poisonous and sometimes fatal.

Q. 2 Is the citrus scent helpful in getting rid of spiders at home?

Ans. Yes, the scent acts as a repellent to spiders, and they avoid going anywhere that has this scent.

Q. 3 What types of plants do spider mites infest?

Ans. Spider mites usually infest outdoor plants such as tomatoes, melons, fruit trees or strawberries.

Q. 4 Do all peppers work to get rid of spider mites?

Ans. Not really, usually the hot (spicy) peppers work on getting rid of or prevent infestation of spider mites.

Q 5 How to get rid of spider webs inexpensively?

Ans. An inexpensive method on how to get rid of spider webs inside the house is to regularly clean and dust the corners of your home.

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