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Home Blog Housing Society Important Advice for Apartment Society Residents During the Lockdown

Important Advice for Apartment Society Residents During the Lockdown

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image admin


Apartment societies can have anywhere from about 5 families to 500 families living in the same society. To keep so many people safe and protected is no simple task. You need to take certain precautions so that no one in your society is at risk. Here’s what you need to do right now –

Control Who Enters Your Society 

During the lockdown, you are not supposed to leave your home and go out. You are supposed to practise strict social distancing measures. But you are allowed to go out if you need essential items and you are allowed to use delivery services. So, if you find anyone who is going against this order, you can restrict their entry. If you have sent visitor passes to people, you can use the NoBrokerHOOD app to cancel them and ask visitors to come after the pandemic is over.

Use Temperature Guns

The use of a temperature gun is very important. This is one of the early warning symptoms of the virus and if you use this gun at the points of entry, you can easily stop the spread of this coronavirus. The temperature gun needs to be given to all the security guards and they need to be trained on how to use it and how to report their findings.

Quality Service Guarantee Or Painting Free

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Temperature Guns Checkup
Temperature Guns Checkup

Implement Contactless Deliveries 

If you are having groceries and other essentials delivered, opt for contactless deliveries. This means the delivery person will not be allowed entry into society. They will be asked to drop the package at the gate, and you will have to collect it yourself. This way fewer germs and less risk are brought to society. You can pick it up when you feel like it and won’t risk coming in contact with anyone from outside society.

Shut all Building Facilities 

Facilities like the gym, children’s play zone or park, swimming pool, and others, need to be shut down immediately. This is to stop people from gathering together and to encourage social distancing. But more importantly, it is to prevent people from getting any viruses that could linger on the surfaces of equipment in these facilities. The virus stays active on various surfaces for varying lengths of time, so don’t take any risks. You can always stay fit and exercise at home, you can check out some simple exercises here. 

Shutting all Building Facilities
Shutting all Building Facilities

Place Sanitizers at all Entry Points 

When you leave your building and come back, make sure to clean your hands before you enter. Leave bottles of sanitiser with security guards and ask them to ensure that everyone who enters the building uses it. It is also a good idea to keep sanitisers by the lift so that people use them before and after using the lift.

Keep Your Staff Safe 

If you still have building staff coming into work, like security guards and maids, do educate them and teach them how to wash their hands properly, maintain social distance, and to wear a mask while at work. Provide them with the right equipment so that they are not at risk of getting the virus or spreading the virus. You can also use the NoBrokerHOOD app to pay staff salaries directly to them through UPI (Unified Payments Interface). This way they don’t have to come in only to collect salaries and you don’t need to worry about going out to withdraw money to pay them their salaries.

Keep Safe your staff
Keep your staff Safe

Remember, stay calm, stay indoors and stay safe and stay in touch. NoBrokerHOOD has plenty of ways that you can stay in touch with everyone in your society, learn more here.

In case of a COVID-19 emergency, contact-

National Helpline Number +91-11-23978046 or 1075

MyGov Corona Helpdesk on WhatsApp – 9013151515

Karnataka – 104

Maharashtra – 020-26127394

Tamil Nadu – 044-29510500

Delhi NCR 011-22307145

Telangana – 104

Andhra Pradesh – 0866-2410978

If you have any other questions, comments or concerns, feel free to drop us a message below. You can also visit NoBrokerHOOD for any assistance needed. You can visit NoBroker by clicking below for great deals on homes and save thousands on brokerage.


1. What can I do to deal with the COVID-19 quarantine's effects?

Individuals' health, wellbeing, and quality of life can suffer from sedentary behaviour and low levels of physical activity. Self-quarantine can also add to stress and be difficult on people's mental health.
Exercise and relaxation techniques can be extremely helpful tools to help you maintain your composure and continue to safeguard your health during this time. The WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, or a combination of the two, per week.

2. In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is a quarantine?

It is possible to effectively protect the public with quarantine, so it need not be a frightening process. It is characterised as isolating and limiting the movement of individuals who have been exposed to or may be exposed to a contagious disease. Such individuals are isolated from others during a quarantine to prevent them from unintentionally infecting nearby individuals. Governments use it to stop the spread of contagious diseases.

3. What physical activities can you do to keep moving while in self-quarantine?

Your knees should be over your heels as you firmly plant your feet on the ground. Hips should be raised as high as is comfortable before being gradually lowered once more. Exercise 10-15 times (or more), then take a 30- to 60-second break before repeating up to 5 times. Your glutes get stronger from this exercise.
Chair swings
Your feet should be about 0.5 metres away from the chair as you hold onto the seat. As you bring your hips to the floor, bend your arms; after that, straighten them. Exercise 10-15 times (or more), then take a 30- to 60-second break before repeating up to 5 times. Your triceps get stronger from this exercise.

4. How long should I work out while I'm in quarantine?

Exercise and relaxation techniques can be extremely helpful tools to help you maintain your composure and continue to safeguard your health during this time. The WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, or a combination of the two, per week.

5. Describe "Long COVID"

When COVID-19 is confirmed or suspected, long COVID refers to the signs and symptoms that persist for a few weeks or months.

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