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Home Smart Lighting Ideas for a Cozy Ambiance

You’ve probably heard the phrase smart home and maybe even smart lighting, but do you know what smart lighting is? Here we introduce you to the world of smart lighting and everything you need to know about it.

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on August 12, 2020


Indoor Gardening During Quarantine: What to know?

Unfortunately, due to social distancing requirements, large communal gardens are not a viable option right now. What’s more, many urban residents aren’t afforded much greenspace. But that doesn’t mean we can’t pack micro-farms onto our window sills, porches

Written by Anda Warner

Published on June 5, 2020


आपल्या लिव्हिंग रूमला प्रकाशित करण्यासाठी शीर्ष असे 15 अप्रतिम हँगिंग लाइट्स

आपण नुकतेच नवीन घर विकत घेतले आहे? किंवा आपले घर सुधारित करण्याची आपली योजना आहे का? आपल्याला सर्वात मुख्य गोष्ट म्हणजे आपल्या घराच्या अंतर्गत भागात लक्ष केंद्रित करणे. आपल्याला डिझाइनिंगमध्ये, आपला वैयक्तिकृत स्पर्श लावून घर हे 'आपले घर' बनविणे आवश्यक आहे.

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on May 27, 2020


Six Unique & Crazy Home Decor Ideas to Try

Are your plans to update your home décor on hold because of the current pandemic situation? Don’t worry about it because we’ve got you covered. Listed below are a few home decor ideas that you can do at home. With something simple as home dyed napkins, tea

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on May 22, 2020


15 मनोरंजक अशा,भिंतींना जेवणाचे टेबल लावण्याच्या काही कल्पना

जेवणाची खोली ही जेवणाच्या टेबलच्या उपस्थितीने चांगल्या प्रकारे परिभाषित केली जाऊ शकते. हा फक्त खाण्यासाठीचा टेबल नाही तर बर्‍याच घरांमध्ये, लोक वाचन किंवा काम करण्यासाठी म्हणून देखील याचा वापर करतात. परंतु आजकाल अंतर्गत सजावट उद्योगात बरेच बदल होत आहेत, अली

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on May 22, 2020


Get Your Home Interiors Started, Even Before the Lockdown Ends!

If you’ve just bought a house and can’t wait to move in, or have a house that’s in desperate need of some new furniture, you have to wait a very long time because of the lockdown. No home is complete w

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on April 22, 2020


Somwar Peth

Somwar Peth is located near the main railway station in Pune city. It’s a popularity is because of its proximity to the main city and the railway station. Its history goes back to the year 1625, this area was developed by a minister of Maharaj Shahaji Raje Bhosale - Rango Bapuji Dh

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on April 16, 2020



Pradhikaran is a locality in Pune that is growing at a fast pace. This area has a lot of scope for development in terms of infrastructure and housing. Pradhikaran is far away from the main city and thus has the benefit of being less polluted. Although it’s not as developed as some

Written by NoBroker.com

Published on April 15, 2020