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Home Blog NoBroker News Life Score By NoBroker

Life Score By NoBroker

Published : February 1, 2017, 12:17 PM

Updated : January 28, 2023, 7:36 PM

Author : author_image zaher


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Our long-term goal at is to eliminate every kind of inefficiency when it comes to your staying needs. Brokerage is just ONE of them. Another major inefficiency is commuting to work. In our urban societies, this inefficiency is gross not only from a monetary and time perspective but also from an environmental perspective. If you don't feel it, we’ll show you how much of your life you are wasting on commuting and how much harm its doing to the environment.

Stuck in traffic: The cost of commuting on our time, money and environment

We created cars that can reach 200 kmph. but now drive them at the speed of 19th-century carriages. We get stuck in city traffic and curse our system, roads, and our government. We lose time, we lose money, we pollute environment and we create stress. We do this every day on our way to work. In the USA, in 2014 alone around 1.8 trillion minutes were spent in commuting. This is taking a commuting worker population of 139 million and average commute time of 24 minutes.

Bangalore has around 62 lakh vehicles registered out of which about 42 lakhs are two-wheelers & 13 lakhs are Light Motor Vehicles (including cars). The average commute distance is around 8 km per person. As per the census data of 2011 by the govt. of India, Bangalore has a working population of around 36.5 lakh excluding the agricultural & household working population. From this number, about 28 lakhs require vehicles to commute to their workplace.

Their average commute time is around 31 minutes or 2.8 million hours per day. This is around 672 million hours per year. To put things in perspective, 672 million hours is around 76,712 years. The first signs of human civilization were found only 12000 years ago, this is how much time we waste in one city in one year.

Our impact on the environment is devastating too. Let's forget about hazardous gases and estimate only Carbon Footprint from this whole lot of commuting. We will calculate with 67g of Carbon Dioxide per km for Two wheelers & 149g of Carbon Dioxide for Cars [Source below]. This results in 6.6 million kgs of Carbon Dioxide emitted per day in Bangalore or around 1.74 million tons per year. If you don't get the scale of this number - know that it requires 1.9 million large trees to absorb this amount of Carbon Dioxide. These numbers are just that of 1 year and 1 city. To make matters worse, 13 out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India.

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Note that we have considered just time, money & Carbon Dioxide. We did not consider our exposure to hazardous gases and dust on our roads. We did not quantify the amount of stress that we generate daily in commuting. We did not quantify the amount of human potential & productivity lost in this activity of us every day. We calculated this loss for one year and one city.

While we were wasting so much on our dusty roads amidst annoying honking - we could have built thousands of big enterprises, inspired billions of smiles, spent happy times with our family, sweet times with our loved ones, made our earth greener and fresher, breathed cleaner air, and built a greater nation.

While these could seem to be assumptions, we at Nobroker ran a pilot program to check for ourselves. We asked working people in Bangalore where they stay & where they work. Based on Google traffic data we estimated real distances and time spent and with that calculated their CO2 emissions. The results are as follows -

From around 63 users studied - only 8 were staying close enough to their workplace. We found that the average distance commuted is 8 kms, and average CO2 emitted is 63 kgs. We believe that this monumental waste of human potential could be reduced by more and more people commuting less. This can be achieved by shifting nearer to your workplace or just finding the right location.

Because relocation from where you are currently staying to a place near your office involves taking multiple decision - we at Nobroker build a tool with which you can estimate not only the savings but also check the quality of living near your workplace by scoring your office location by a lifestyle index, foodie index and commute index. We call this the life-score report.

We urge every citizen who is a part of this humongous wastage through daily commuting to check out this report and calculate how much you could save by shifting near your workplace. Together we can change and together we can rebuild a great nation.

Moving closer to your workplace can save time, money, and the environment

In conclusion, the inefficiency of commuting is a major problem in our urban societies. Not only does it waste time and money, but it also harms the environment. The numbers speak for themselves - in the USA, in 2014 alone around 1.8 trillion minutes were spent in commuting. In Bangalore alone, 28 lakhs of people spend an average of 31 minutes commuting, resulting in 672 million hours per year wasted and 1.74 million tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions per year. This is a monumental waste of human potential that could be reduced by more people commuting less.

At, we believe that this problem can be addressed by shifting closer to your workplace or finding the right location. We have created a tool, the life-score report, which allows you to estimate savings and check the quality of living near your workplace by scoring your office location by a lifestyle index, foodie index, and commute index. We urge every citizen to check out this report and calculate how much you could save by shifting near your workplace. Together we can change and together we can rebuild a great nation.

Check out more about life score by NoBroker click below. 


Q1: What is the problem that is trying to address? 

A: One of the biggest problems (other than saving brokerage in real estate) that is trying to address is the inefficiency of commuting in urban societies, which wastes time and money and harms the environment.

Q2: How can the problem of commuting be addressed?

A: The problem of commuting can be addressed by shifting closer to your workplace or finding the right location.

Q3: What is the life-score report? 

A: A life-score report is a tool created by that allows you to estimate savings and check the quality of living near your workplace by scoring your office location by a lifestyle index, foodie index, and commute index.

Q4: How can I check the life-score report? 

A: You can check the life-score report by visiting the website and clicking on the link provided.

Q5: How can I reduce my carbon footprint from commuting? 

A: You can reduce your carbon footprint from commuting by shifting closer to your workplace or finding the right location, which will result in less time and distance spent commuting.

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