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Home Blog NoBroker News #NoBrokerNumbers


Published : November 29, 2019, 7:16 PM

Updated : April 3, 2020, 1:29 PM

Author : author_image admin


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There is no better way to understand trends, and patterns in the Real Estate Industry than through Data. At NoBroker, we use the data we have, to help our customers make the right choice.
This data helps you as a customer make the right decisions and also help us to cater better to your requirements. Remember, numbers can never lie. This data has not been tweaked or manipulated in any way, we want to show an unbiased view of how the Real Estate Industry is doing.
With over 10 lakh customers using NoBroker on a monthly basis, there is a lot that we can tell through data. Over the months, we have made some rather interesting discoveries and published these findings.
These findings can help owners understand what renters and buyers are looking for in homes. For tenants and buyers, it helps to get a better understanding of what’s available in the market and what is trending. For everyone else, it is useful information that can help predict trends, plan for investments, and shows how people in India are responding to life without brokerage, by using NoBroker.
Our data can be as specific as figuring out how many IT professionals are looking for an East facing house, and even as general as how many properties are available on Rent in a city per month.
There are infinite possibilities as to what we can learn from our numbers. To keep up to date on what’s happening in the Real Estate world in the major cities in India, then make sure to look out for #NoBrokerNumbers.

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