Our Top 10 Picks of PVC False Ceiling Designs

It is not a surprise that we see so many PVC false ceiling designs in every well-designed room we enter. As an often under-appreciated and ignored decorative element, the ceiling wields great power to dynamically change the room’s atmosphere. Even a simple coat of paint, a bit of design around the edges and corners of the ceiling is something we have often seen bring a personality to the room. The ceiling in fact, unknown to us, offers the most amount of unhindered view of the room in any given interior space. This is where false ceilings have found their prominence. Despite being referred to as ‘false ceilings’, they have several real benefits.   

PVC False Ceiling Designs

Things we covered for you


The latest PVC false ceiling designs are not only capable of deep customization to create beautiful ceiling looks, but they are also highly affordable and durable. Moreover, they help in hiding a wall or ceiling surface that is dull or had too many wires bunched up and messing up the view. In this blog, therefore, we will both go over what a PVC false ceiling is, what are its benefits, the things you should remember before installing them, as well as the top 10 designs we have rounded up for you.  

PVC False Ceilings: The Basics & Benefits

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[As a lightweight, affordable, and durable material, PVC false ceiling designs can be incorporated into any room]

Polyvinyl chloride or PVC ceiling panels have gained massive popularity as a material for cladding ceilings of commercial and residential buildings. As a strong and lightweight material made of plastic, it can come in innumerable sizes, colours, and lengths and can even be customized into several designs. Every panel comes with a hollow core that makes it lightweight, and its smooth and shiny surface lends it a sheen making it look luxurious. Given PVC is waterproof, PVC false ceiling designs serve as a great substitute for other materials such as POP, gypsum, or wood. 
Read: From Rustic to Modern: 18 Wooden Staircase Designs for Every Style

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Furthermore, PVC panel false ceiling designs are not exquisite looking, but also help make the space-efficient in energy conservation, given we use appliances including refrigerators and air conditioners. Compare this to POP (plaster of Paris), gypsum, or wood, and you will find them requiring regular maintenance on some level or the other. This makes PVC false ceiling design for bathrooms or balconies, for example, a great substitute due to its moisture-resistant nature. Below are some of the benefits of PVC false ceiling designs you should know about:

  1. It is durable: PVC false ceiling panels are very durable and can last as long as years without going through a bend or warp. Compared to POP or wood, they are not as brittle, and will not get damaged easily during handling. 
  2. It is easy to install: PVC false ceiling designs are easy to install, as they can be cut into desired shapes, lengths, and sizes.
  3. It is affordable: PVC panels are more affordable than its POP or gypsum alternatives, coming in pricing ranging from Rs. 40 to Rs. 70 at the most, depending on its variety including coated, film coated, colour coated, and galvanised. 
  4. It is easy to maintain: PVC panel designs are easy to maintain given that they don’t need any varnish, paint, or special coating to protect themselves from moisture, even though coatings are done for decorative purposes. All you need is a damp cloth for a clean wipe. 

There are also a couple of vital cons you should be cautious of:

  1. It is not heat resistant: PVC panels are made of plastic and therefore can be damaged once subjected to extreme heat. This is why they should not be installed in kitchens or any heat-emitting ceiling lights. 
  2. It is not eco-friendly: PVC products in general are not good for the environment given they leak harmful moredioxins and chlorine compounds during its disposal. That said, its safe use is possible as recycling PVC on a global scale is done nowadays in a ‘circular economy’ setup.

Essentially, PVC is safe to use and as a versatile material, finds its wide use in everything from construction, healthcare, electronics, sports, automotive, and more.     
Read: PVC Wall Panel Design Trends 2024: A Guide to Interior Sophistication

What sizes are PVC walls available in?

PVC panels are available with the following choices:

Width: 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mm. 6mm, 7mm, 7.5mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, and 12mm thick.

The length is cut to the specifications of the buyer.


PVC False Ceiling Sheet Price Comparison: Cost per Square Feet Comparison.

Here is a table comparing the price() for various types of PVC false ceiling sheets–

Type of PVC False Ceiling SheetAverage Price (INR/sq.ft)
Plain PVC Ceiling Sheet10 to 20
Printed PVC Ceiling Sheet15 to 25
Laminated PVC Ceiling Sheet20 to 30
Textured PVC Ceiling Sheet25 to 35

Our Top 10 Picks of the Best PVC False Ceiling Designs

We already know about the versatility of PVC as a material as well as PVC false ceiling designs. From the dining area, bedroom, bathroom to offices and corridors, you will find innumerable design choices including geometric, wooden finish, brick-shaped, 3D shaped, and more. So not only can you use PVC tiles for your ceilings, but also use its elements to decorate your walls! In the following collection of some of the best PVC false ceiling design images we have rounded up, be sure to keep out a keen eye for such details, as they might just strike inspiration for your ceiling remodelling. 

Let’s get started, shall we?

1: Wooden Finish, Classic Charm

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[A PVC false ceiling design with wooden finish is a great alternative to real wood which is much harder to maintain]

Nothing beats the warmth of wood. But when you can’t afford wood, the next best option is the PVC false ceiling wooden design. As you can see from the image above, the ceiling design not only incorporates lighting across its panel borders, but the wooden finish complements the rest of the wooden furnishings and décor choices. Moreover, you do not have the maintenance and painting hassles with PVC false ceiling designs, like you would have to with real wood. 
Read: Our Top 10 Picks of False Ceiling Lights Design

2: Play Chess While You Rest

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[ A chequered look is a classic one for the living room or office spaces, as they complement any existing décor theme seamlessly]

For a simple PVC false ceiling design for the living room, you can always be sure of a chequered pattern. As a classic black and white or even brown and white as shown in the image above, such a design works really well with any existing room décor. Furthermore, they are very easy to paint and repaint, in case the room décor keeps updating. 

3: Go Quirky with a Vaulted Ceiling

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[ You can play around with irregular patterns on the ceiling to make it look quirky]

If you are looking for a quirky view of the ceiling, you can try the concept of a vaulted ceiling for say, you make your bedroom PVC false ceiling design look unique. Using irregular patterns says goodbye to the standard vanilla flat surface ceiling, and instead can make your bedroom look unusually good.  
Read: Rasta Peth

4: Present a Grand Chandelier

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[You can draw the attention of your eye to a focal point like hanging a chandelier through your PVC false ceiling design]

Simplicity is often the best décor option you can have. What works all the time in a design idea is to draw the eye’s attention to a central focal point. As shown in the image above, such a PVC false ceiling design for the drawing room really helps highlight the chandelier dropping right above the dining table. The separation of design between the living and dining area with PVC panels also shows how you always do not need walls or floor separators to distinguish areas in small rooms, your ceiling can do it for you. 

5: Celebrate Oval Sophistication

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[Oval and circular patterns help highlight the lighting in a room while distracting the eye to make it look more spacious than it is. ]

Oval and circular shapes have been long-standing elements in interior décor, and rightfully so, especially in decoratinghigh ceilings with intricate patterns. While the ceiling design shown in the image above can be a great PVC false ceiling design for a hall, in a very small room as well, it serves a very critical function of highlighting the central lighting, lending it a very modern, sophisticated look. 

6: Lose Yourself in Spirals

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[You can use spirals to adorn the ceilings with a combination of colours, lighting, and 3D effects.]

Talking of intricate ceiling designs, why not adorn one with a single spiral design? As a minimal concept, a single spiral can serve as a great focal point in a PVC false ceiling design for a bedroom. You can play with a simple black-and-white theme or even go with multiple colours if you want to go for a maximalist theme instead of a minimal one. 

7: Add Some Depth in 3D

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[You can add a 3D effect with 3D cut PVC panels to highlight the central lighting of a room.]

While you may find this PVC false ceiling design for shops and studios more often than residential ones, the image above also shows a design working quite well for a small-sized ceiling. Using a 3D panel cut up and including some intricate lighting, you can quickly spruce up your room to become a beautiful, sophisticated one. 

8: Criss Cross with Urban Elegance

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[You can use a mixed bag of straight-lined patterns to make a room look grand and sophisticated.]

Another concept that is found in a PVC false ceiling design for lobbies more often than residential ones, this image shows how such a design can work for a spacious living room. Using a criss-cross pattern, you can add a sense of grandeur to any space, while even blending room spaces. This is a primary reason why this is more used to create PVC false ceiling designs for offices. 

9: Play with Intricate Straight Lines

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[ Using straight-lined patterns in a minimalistic setting with enough light can make the room look spacious and calm.]

You can play with straight lines for a minimalistic look in any space. As this image demonstrates, a small office setting with abundant natural wall lighting makes a room look spacious and calming. It works really well with the wooden furnishings in the room, and can also complement a similar PVC false ceiling design for balcony or outdoor. 

10: Add the Warmth of Orange and White

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[You can go with a combination of two to three colours to create different shapes and patterns]

As mentioned before, using a combination of colours work well for a room. This image above is a great example of how simply using orange, white, and brown across the room in different shapes and patterns can lend a unique, warm look to a space. It doesn’t hurt that the flooring is also in a smooth wooden finish. 

Things to Consider for Your False Ceiling Design in PVC Panels

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[It is best to hire professionals to install PVC panels as they have the expertise and equipment to customize the panels as per your room size]

Various factors can cause your PVC false ceiling design to vary, you must remember a few things given installation while speedy, can be a tricky task. 

  • Hire professionals: Installing PVC panels for your false ceiling can be completed on time if it is handled by professionals who can guide you with several types and costs.
  • Gauge your space: It is best to take a complete account of your ceiling area as well as the height or headroom is given that false ceilings are ‘dropped ceilings’, meaning they need a bit of headroom to understand what the space will look like after the height drops a couple of feet. 
  • Find your design theme: Given your investment in false ceilings need to last a long time, be sure to pick the right design theme. Below are some of the tips you can pick up to get the ball rolling.

Tips to Choose the Best PVC False Ceiling Design in 2024

PVC False Ceiling Designs
[Get a clear idea of the shape and design concept for your PVC false ceiling design that matches with the rest of the room’s décor.]

It can be a tricky thing to pick the right design idea. After all, the standard white can get boring. And your fifth wall (i.e., ceiling) requires just as much attention as your other walls do. Before we share our top 10 picks, here are some ceiling decoration tips to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. If your room is small, try painting the walls and ceiling in a light colour to make the space feel more spacious than it is. 
  2. Try colour pops in ceiling mouldings or 3D shapes to render an elegant look.
  3. You can go with a single colour theme across the room and ceiling to add a sophisticated vibe. 
  4. You can try patterns in geometric shapes, mandalas, mathematical forms etc. to draw attention to a focal point in the ceiling. 
  5. Try adding similar design elements of the room in the ceiling to make it look part of a larger whole, rather than it standing out like a thorn. 

False Ceiling PVC Designs: Maintenance Tips

False ceilings made of PVC are simple to maintain and don’t need to be painted or varnished. You can gently clean PVC ceiling panels with a moist towel and a light detergent. Don’t scrub it with a rough brush. The ceiling can also be vacuumed. Mould and mildew cannot grow on PVC.

What is the greatest technique to clean my PVC ceiling in the event that it has become discoloured?

You cannot overlook the maintenance of the false ceiling if you have a PVC ceiling design put in your home or business.

Use this trick if the ceiling is discoloured. Create the cleaning solution listed below.

Mix 4 cups of boiling water with 1 cup of vinegar.

Fill a spray bottle with it, then mist the PVC.

Give it 10 minutes to sit.

To clean it, use a dry, clean cloth.

Exploring 5 Creative Alternatives to Traditional False Ceilings

If you feel that False ceilings aren’t for you, here are 5 alternatives to traditional false ceilings–

1. Wood Paneling: Wood panelling adds a natural, warm feel to a room and is often a more affordable alternative to false ceilings.

2. Exposed Ductwork: Exposed ductwork is a popular choice in industrial-style interiors and can add an edgy, modern touch to a space.

3. Tray Ceiling: A tray ceiling is a raised ceiling design that creates the illusion of a larger space and can add architectural interest to a room.

4. Coffered Ceiling: A coffered ceiling is a series of recessed panels in the ceiling that add depth and texture to a space, making it an attractive alternative to a false ceiling.

5. Wooden Beams: Wooden beams can add a rustic, natural feel to a room and create a warm, cozy atmosphere. They can be left exposed or painted to match the surrounding decor and can add an attractive, textured look to a room.

Recreate Your Dream 5th Wall Within Budget

PVC false ceiling designs are countless but can be an overwhelming task if not planned correctly. You must also remember to pick the right PVC materials, as several eco-friendly, recyclable options are safe to use in your home or office. Finally, you should always have an honest discussion with both your interior designer and supplier about the cost and possibility of creating the designs you are looking for. Be sure to ask all the possible questions about the cost including the time strategies, scheduling of tasks, cost of materials, any additional cost of lighting and electrical work etc. Or else, you may find yourself overpaying for unnecessary things. 

This is why at NoBroker, our team of top-starred professionals and cherry-picked interior designers can help realise all your PVC false ceiling design ideas at the lowest quotes in the market, as well as the highest quality of execution. For more details, be sure to check out our interior decoration and designing services below.


Q1. Why should I install a false ceiling?

Ans. While it is mainly for decoration and decluttering the ceiling, PVC false ceiling designs are also practical in use with many benefits including energy efficiency, better room lighting, being easy to maintain etc.  

Q2. Is PVC good for false ceilings?

Ans.  PVC ceiling panels are very affordable, sturdy, easy to install and long-lasting. There are also many eco-friendly and recyclable PVC false ceiling options in the market you can try. 

Q3. Is PVC waterproof?

Ans. Yes, given PVC is made of plastic, it is waterproof and good for use in moisture-laden areas of the house including the bathroom and balcony. 

Q4. Is PVC heatproof?

Ans. No, PVC is not heatproof. This is why any PVC false ceiling design for the kitchen is not recommended. 

Q5. Can I use PVC for walls?

Ans. Yes, given the variety of patterns, colours, and sizes PVC panels come in, you can also use PVC for decorating the walls in matching themes and design concepts. 

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Simon Ghosh

The home is where Simon's heart is! As an introvert, he has always been curious about transforming the indoors into a space that can help mentally reset, recharge, and feel safe. A long-time analyst of architectural and real-estate trends, Simon is a true believer in the fact that thoughtful design can provoke powerful thoughts, even when done with the least effort. As a writer, Simon shares his tips to make your home a place of tranquillity, with smart and stylish ways.

Curated List of the Best False Ceiling Designs for the Bedroom

Curated List of the Best False Ceiling Designs for the Bedroom

False ceiling design for bedroom works well to hide any exposed wiring and to improve the home’s overall appeal. False ceilings are also significantly more energy-efficient for many of them help insulate a room’s temperature. In today’s market, there are a variety of false ceiling designs to choose from, which has left property owners perplexed.

Gypsum false ceilings are popular in the market, and they are simple to create in many patterns. False ceilings made of POP and PVP are no longer popular due to their poor quality. You can always choose the material and design that you like.

There has been a popular increase in false ceiling designs for Bedrooms. Most individuals prefer artificial ceilings to be the focal point of their bedrooms. Modern false ceiling designs offer extra features in addition to being decorative:

  • They can provide homogeneous lighting or even elegant mood lighting in your room.
  • They can hide any dangling wires from the ceiling.
  • Any visible beams in the structure can be hidden with false ceilings.
  • They insulate as well as lower noise levels.
  • They can, however, be both fire and water-resistant.
  • False bedroom ceiling designs constructed of decent material can survive up to 20 years if they are not subjected to harsh conditions.

Top False Ceiling Designs for the Bedroom

Looking to renovate your bedroom? Listed below are the trendiest false ceiling designs to help your home look luxurious.

1. Modern False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Modern False Ceiling Design for Bedroom
Modern False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Opt for a cut-out in the ceiling to go bold with the latest false ceiling design for the bedroom. Electrical items such as lights and fans can be installed in the space left by the cut-out. Choose a design for the cut-out that complements the overall look and style of your bedroom. To give your ceiling and space a modern feel, choose intriguing patterns such as squares, diamonds, circular shapes, hexagons, and stars. For a dramatic effect, the pattern can be repeated throughout the ceiling, or a giant single cut-out might be used.

2. Pop False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

POP designs for bedrooms come in a range of styles. POP ceilings are commonly employed in bedroom spaces to give the interiors a spectacular feel. You can have a personalised POP design for your room and add LED lighting to it. A central POP design and adorn it with a chic chandelier can also be an option with this bedroom pop false ceiling design.

Play around with different tints to make your POP false ceiling design stand out and blend in with the rest of your home. If you’re going to install a POP ceiling design in your home, here are some of the hottest colour options for 2024:

  • Mustard yellow and white create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Modest amounts of yellow, red, purple or orange can help elevate your room. Although the colours in their minimum amount may not be seen – the lighting will bring out brilliant tints.
  • Turquoise is a great colour for white walls and neutral decor.
  • Crown moulding in brown or other dark tints can be used to draw attention to the walls.
  • Choose ebony or ivory colours for a traditional design.

3. False Ceiling Design for Bedroom with a Fan

The popular rectangular tray style for false ceiling design for small bedrooms is simple yet elegant. The margins or edges of this design are slightly lower than the space within, giving the ceiling a ‘tray’ appearance. This plane ceiling design can be enhanced with cove lighting. At the exact centre of this tray false ceiling, an elegant ceiling fan can be incorporated to provide a focal point. This false ceiling design for a bedroom for an Indian with a fan is an ideal one.

4. PVC False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

If you want to add drama to your room, make your false ceiling an extended panel. A panel like this starts behind your bed, with lines that are generally symmetrical with those of the headboard. They extend vertically along the wall behind the bed and onto the ceiling above the bed, creating a visually striking statement. Such a false ceiling design grabs one’s attention right away and adds to the bedroom’s sense of theatre. The panel’s sweeping patterns produce a dramatic appearance that can quickly invigorate even the most basic of bedrooms. This modern false ceiling design for the master bedroom will elevate the whole look of your home.

5. Royal False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Intricate Carvings is an ancient architecture and design method. To recreate yesteryear, a royal false ceiling design for the bedroom is a good option. POP false ceilings are usually ideal for detailed carving designs. For a luxury aesthetic, this style of false ceiling design for the bedroom necessitates highly trained labour and meticulous execution. If your home has a more classic appearance, a complex false ceiling design can look stunning. Intricate carvings on the false ceilings will give your living area a rich look. A round false ceiling design for the bedroom can also incorporate the royal theme.

6. Wooden False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Wooden False Ceiling Design For Bedroom
Wooden False Ceiling Design For Bedroom

Nothing says elegance and warmth like wood, and there are various ways to incorporate it into your false ceiling design for the bedroom. To generate a grid impression, wooden planks or beams can be lined up parallel to each other or set out in a criss-cross pattern – as the wood comes in a variety of grains and textures, as well as the ability to be painted to provide the appropriate effect. It can be used in almost any style of room. When it comes to wood, there are a few things to bear in mind despite its many benefits. Make sure the material is termite-proof before using it. Because simple false ceiling designs are vulnerable to warping, they function best in temperature-controlled or moist conditions.

7. Zoning False Ceiling Design for Square Bedrooms

Zoning False Ceiling Design for Square Bedrooms
Zoning False Ceiling Design for Square Bedrooms

If you have a multi-purpose bedroom, false ceilings might help you divide the space and create zones. To define the sleeping space, hang a faux ceiling over your bed. Using appropriate dimmable lights will also aid in the creation of the desired mood and atmosphere. A false ceiling can be placed above a study area in the bedroom, complete with embedded task lighting, to create a productive nook. Pleasant seating space in the bedroom can also be created with the right false ceiling design.

8. Plain False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Plain False Ceiling Design for Bedroom
Plain False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

If you live by the ethics of simplicity, you can make a unique false ceiling design for the bedroom to reflect your style. A basic tray with a strip of concealed illumination will do the trick perfectly. The soft illumination provided by a false ceiling design for the bedroom like this draws attention to the bed while also emphasising any unique characteristics in your room. A simple artificial ceiling is not only simple to design, but it’s also simple to find and install, offering you the most bang for your buck.

9. Best False Ceiling Designs for Children’s Bedroom

Best False Ceiling Designs for Children's Bedroom
Best False Ceiling Designs for Children’s Bedroom

A proper false ceiling design idea can substantially enhance a child’s bedroom. Reflect the interior design style of your room onto the false ceiling, just as you would in other bedrooms. If your child’s room is whimsically decorated, repeat the theme on the ceiling. Dimmable lighting and floating ceilings may create a dreamy atmosphere. Ceiling cut-outs that depict your child’s favourite sport can give the room a sporty feel. Treat your children’s bedroom’s false ceiling as a canvas and watch their faces light up when they see the result.

10. Floating False Ceiling Design for a Couple’s Bedroom

Floating False Ceiling Design for a Couple's Bedroom
Floating False Ceiling Design for a Couple’s Bedroom

Design your false ceiling to appear to float in mid-air for a sophisticated and romantic aesthetic. Hidden mounting and smart backlighting can be used to generate this look. The light is positioned around the circumference of the false ceiling in such a way that it hides the mounts and gives the ceiling a soft glow, giving it the appearance of floating. You can choose from a range of designs for floating false ceilings to match the rest of the room. If you have a decorated bedroom, a single floating tier will look great and add to the aesthetic of the romance. A numerous platform floating ceiling may be a good option for those with a lavishly adorned master bedroom.

11. Gyproc/Gypsum False Ceiling Designs for Bedroom

Gyproc/Gypsum False Ceiling Designs for Bedroom
Gyproc/Gypsum False Ceiling Designs for Bedroom

Another material that is commonly used for artificial ceilings is gypsum or gyproc. There are many different types of gypsum panels on the market and works well as a false ceiling design for a couple’s bedroom. Because these are prefabricated and put on-site, they provide a seamless and flawless finish that is difficult to achieve with Plaster of Paris. Gypsum is an evergreen choice for a false ceiling design for a bedroom because of its ease of installation and maintenance, as well as its great durability and inexpensive cost. Finish your gypsum ceiling in the texture and colour you choose to add that magical touch to your bedroom.

12. L-Shaped False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

L-Shaped False Ceiling Design for Bedroom
L-Shaped False Ceiling Design for Bedroom

Do you have a clustered bedroom and wish to renovate it quickly? Here’s the simplest way to go about it. Install a false ceiling in the shape of an L. After that, paint the entire room in a single colour. Paint it pink or white, for example. These colours create an optical illusion that makes your room appear larger. Choose neutral colours because they always have a calming effect and help to create a relaxing atmosphere. You can also play mix and match with your provided space by adding contrasting furnishings.

13. Starry Night False Ceiling Design

starry night false ceiling design
Starry night false ceiling design with eagles at the end

This design is perfect for creating a dreamy and romantic atmosphere. You can use fibre optic cables or tiny LED lights to create a starry night sky effect on your ceiling.  Combine this with a dark blue paint job and cloud shapes on the “ceiling” for an even more celestial feel.

14. Coffered Oasis Ceiling

coffered oasis ceiling design
Luxury empty room with parquet flooring with decor false ceiling with led lighting

Coffered ceilings are a classic design element that can add depth and dimension to your bedroom.  Create a grid design using mouldings or wooden beams. This design works well with a variety of lighting options, from recessed spotlights to pendant lamps.

15. Wrapped in Comfort Cove Ceiling

wrapped in comfort cove ceiling design
Wrapped in comfort cove false ceiling design

A cove ceiling is a great way to add soft, indirect lighting to your bedroom.  A curved soffit is built around the perimeter of the ceiling and houses LED lights that cast a warm glow down the walls. This design is perfect for creating a relaxing and inviting atmosphere.

Cost of False Ceiling Design for a Bedroom

The cost of false ceilings is determined by several factors

  • The false ceiling’s design, including how elaborate and decorative it is
  •  The ceiling material’s availability and pricing in the local market/city 
  • The material’s quality 
  • The total area to be covered (larger areas tend to have lower per square foot rates because materials can be ordered in bulk)
  • Additional costs such as electrical work, gala cutting, light fixtures, and surface finish.
CityGypsum*/POPINR/sq. ftWooden RateINR/sq. ft.
Pune125-17085 (faux wood)-550

Things To Keep in Mind Before Getting a False Ceiling Done

People choose luxury false ceiling designs for the bedroom for aesthetic reasons. False ceilings allow you to change the appearance of a plane ceiling which is important in determining the volume of a room or space. A ceiling is a plane that provides greater unbroken surface area and plays an important role in the psychological and physical comfort of a place. In addition, individuals are becoming more eager to opt for the latest false ceiling design for the bedroom. False ceiling design for the bedroom also facilitates the use of diverse lighting techniques, which helps in the creation of a visually appealing environment.

Effective Techniques to Use a False Ceiling Design for the Bedroom

Ceilings are one of the most important aspects of interior space because they allow for a good view of work areas. Any interior space’s ceiling is a crucial component that defines a home. Depending on the area, the concept, individual tastes, climate, and other factors, we can treat the ceiling in a variety of ways. Changing the plane to create a different volume/room form, a vintage-inspired motif like reproducing the terrace roof on ceilings, exposed concrete finishes, hollowed out or projecting ceilings to play with light dispersion, and so on are all popular.

Also, when filler slabs are constructed of earthenware or glass bottles, they are left exposed on the inside, giving the interior a unique aesthetic while also acting as thermal insulators. New false ceiling designs for the bedroom can be decorated in a variety of ways thanks to the large range of materials available.

Things To Keep In Mind Before Getting A False Ceiling Done
Things To Keep In Mind Before Getting A False Ceiling Done

False Ceiling Designs: Advantages and Disadvantages

Some of the advantages of having false ceiling designs are-

  • Excellent acoustics are produced by a false ceiling. 
  • It’s the ideal design solution for living rooms, home theatres, and AV rooms because of this. If your ceiling is higher, it is ideal for balancing the height of your room. 
  • Insulating a home gets simpler. It traps air in cooler areas, helping to keep the temperature steady. It optimises the air conditioner in warm weather by holding onto cold air.
  • It conceals pipes and wires with ease.

On the other hand, the disadvantages are-

  • If not done correctly, there is a chance that fixings will suddenly fall off. 
  • For homes with low-ceiling walls, it is not a choice. A ceiling height greater than 11 feet is required. 
  • False ceilings must be installed and designed with expert accuracy. 
  • Compared to standard ceilings, it requires more frequent care, which reduces its durability.

Cost-effective and Elegant False Ceiling Design for the Bedroom

Create a fake ceiling theme that compliments the theme, style, or décor of your home because there are so many materials available at various price ranges. You could also opt for a gypsum board which works as a great false ceiling design idea for a bedroom.

Improving a ceiling can be done in a variety of ways, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Simple projections to play with light or a light surface treatment; some people choose to have a night sky painted with clouds, which are inexpensive and do not take up much space in your clear room height. When dealing with ceilings, practical factors such as the structure’s stability must also be considered.

Volume Depends on the Height of the Ceiling

Consider the room’s height to plan the master bedroom false ceiling design for a bedroom. Also, when planning office or commercial spaces, service lines such as HVAC, lighting, and other support lines will take up a specific percentage of the space’s height, resulting in the space’s height being lowered. Plan the execution and installation of the fake ceiling based on the aesthetic or theme you want to create, considering the material’s nature, material durability, fastening and physical qualities such as height, surface polish, and so on.

Lighting’s Function in a False Ceiling

Because light can enhance the space and create the desired style and feel, people are increasingly using the false ceiling design for a bedroom for direct or indirect lighting.

You might arrange the lighting for the room based on the fake ceiling coverage since the false ceiling provides for unique lighting approaches that you will be able to achieve. When designing a ceiling, keep the use or treatment of light in mind, as the ceiling’s visibility and enhanced appeal are dependent on how we plan to light it. To achieve the best false ceiling designs for a bedroom – lighting and design must work together.

The Layout and Design

Determine the region that you want to cover, suspend, recess, or reveal when constructing fake ceilings based on the appearance or concept. For a more blended false ceiling design for the bedroom, it’s also a good idea to plan or stick to the room’s geometry. It assists you in achieving the volume impact you want to achieve with the geometry of a room.

If you need to arrange for better lighting, stick to a small area with a mix of cove and spot fixture lighting (a great idea for the false ceiling design for a rectangular bedroom). If you want to improve the look and feel of a room, you can experiment with different colours and materials that have different surface properties to get the desired look and feel.

Finish And Colour

False ceilings don’t have to be light and neutral in colour. Shades or surfaces that blend with the environment or a concept can be chosen based on the context, theme, purpose, and desired look. Other shades may be used depending on the appearance you are trying to accomplish. Shades of white give a continuous, clear look; other shades may be used based on the style you desire for your home.

Future-Oriented Planning

While designing a false ceiling, bear in mind that due to practical constraints, you won’t be able to update or alter the design regularly. Instead, plan and choose designs that are timeless and easy to adapt to any theme you might want to try in other places. Maintain the false ceiling surfaces by cleaning them on a regular basis. Choose surfaces and colours that are simple to clean and long-lasting. Make sure that your service lines and connections, such as AC pipes, ducts, sprinklers, smoke detectors, and public speaker systems, are not obstructed by the fake ceiling.

False ceiling designs for a bedroom give a dramatic character to the room. The false ceiling design ideas can drastically transform the look of a room from dull to fantastic. False ceilings can be used to cover plain ceilings or disguise centralised air-conditioning systems in the living room, bedroom, dining room, bathroom, or any other portion of the house. False ceilings may be customised in several colours, forms, and sizes to make your living room look vast and sumptuous, from modern to complex classic designs. Looking to redesign your home? Leave a comment below, and our team at NoBroker will contact you shortly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it costly to install a false ceiling?

Ans: False ceilings can be an inexpensive and effective technique to add an extra layer of insulation, depending on the material chosen.

Q: When choosing bedroom lights for a false ceiling, what should one keep in mind?

Ans: Consider both the practical and mood lighting aspects of the light. The lights in the bedroom should make it feel warm and inviting. Hanging pendant lights or lamps that focus on the bed rather than one’s face can also make a huge impact. Always use a dimmer switch to adjust the brightness as needed.

Q: How much does a POP ceiling cost you at least?

Ans: Rates for POP false ceilings start at Rs 40 per sq ft and can reach Rs 95 or even higher in extreme circumstances.

Q4: What colours go best for false ceiling designs

Ans: You can opt for any colour that goes with the interior of your rooms. But, if you have a small room – neutral colours are the way to go.

Q: Are false ceilings difficult to maintain?

Ans: The maintenance of your false ceiling depends on the materials used.  Gypsum boards and PVC panels are generally easy to wipe clean.  Fabric canopies may require occasional dusting or spot cleaning. Biophilic designs with greenery panels will require proper ventilation and potentially involve watering or misting the plants.

Beautifully Designed False Ceiling Designs for Drawing Room

Beautifully Designed False Ceiling Designs for Drawing Room

A false ceiling design can completely transform the look and feel of your living room. It adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the space and can make it look more spacious. The living room false ceiling design can be made in various shapes and sizes to match the decor and furniture of your living room. The modern main hall fall ceiling design is a popular choice for many homeowners.

Drawing room ceiling designs made of Plaster of Paris are very resilient and may survive for many years without showing wear or tear. It is possible to purchase POP in powdered form, and the paste may be created by mixing it with water.

False Ceiling Design Guide for Your Living Room

POP ceiling design may also provide an additional layer of insulation in a living room or other similar space. If you want to create a warm atmosphere in your room, you may use LED lights in the fake ceiling to achieve this. If you have a limited budget to spend on a fake ceiling, you may choose basic POP false ceiling designs for your living room that are simple to install, pleasing to the eye, and offer a minimalist feel to your space.

Designing a fake ceiling with POP panels is the newest false ceiling design for the drawing room. The usage of LED light fixtures in coved ceilings is a style that has been popular for some years and is still popular today. The use of neon lights has grown more popular among homeowners. Another option for making a distinctive impression in the living area is to use quirky POP patterns for the ceiling. If you like a more traditional style, go for geometric patterns or a basic coffered ceiling design.

Top 16 False Ceiling Designs For Hall 

Transform your living space with these innovative false ceiling designs, adding style and sophistication to your hall while optimising space utilisation and enhancing lighting options.

1. Wood Panels Ceiling Design 

Wood Panels Ceiling Design 
It is possible to create the ideal ambience for your home by selecting lights with distinctive shapes and colours to compliment the ceiling design.

The use of wood panels to create a false ceiling design for drawing rooms is becoming more fashionable. The use of wood in a space adds a rich touch. To complete the aesthetic, make a statement with modern ceiling light fixtures, such as a statement chandelier. Furthermore, you may experiment with different patterns with this fake ceiling design to make the area more personalised. A beautiful false ceiling design for the drawing room for the roof may be seen here.

2. POP Designs are used to Create Accent Walls.

pop ceiling design for hall
POP is a very adaptable substance and hence one can easily customise the designs to match the walls as well.

Create a complex wall design or commission a one-of-a-kind artwork. Whether the design is elaborate or bold, this material will work nicely for you. Depending on the decor of your house, you may either utilise a single colour or two tones on the design as well. Oil or enamel paint may be used to cover a drawing room false ceiling, which can be left exposed for a more natural effect or covered with oil or enamel paint.

3. False Ceiling Ideas with Two Ceiling Fans

False Ceiling Ideas With Two Ceiling Fans
When it comes to maximising space and concealing electrical lines, suspended ceilings are the best option if you have 2 fans in the drawing room.

 there are two fans in the living room, a false ceiling design for a drawing room with two fans may be built in various ways. You may construct two artificial ceilings with enough room for the fan to be installed. As seen in the example above, false ceiling design for hall with two fans and a chandelier will provide an abundant appearance in a large living area. One may also choose a drawing room with a false ceiling with a flowery pattern design with circular POP frames for two fans and lights.

4. False Ceiling with a Coffered Design

False Ceiling With A Coffered Design
You may select from basic patterns that are less difficult to install, or you can go with a coffered design to add a touch of flair to your area.

Compared to other false ceiling designs for drawing rooms with fans, a coffered fake ceiling offers a level of style that is unparalleled in the industry. It adds depth and dimension to a plain hall, and it is available in various architectural patterns. It primarily consists of a partitioned ceiling design, with the option of including a dual-colour motif.

5. POP Design with a Tray-Like Appearance

POP Design With A Tray-Like Appearance
If you have a large drawing room, this design with a centre tray and lighting works perfectly.

As demonstrated below, you might choose a basic pop false ceiling design for the roof’s drawing room with a tray appearance. A stacked tray fake ceiling may also be used to create additional effects and raise the overall décor quotient of a room. Install recessed lights and other design features on the wall to give the space a more modern appearance.

6. POP Design with a Textured Surface

textured modern false ceiling design
Adding textures to the false ceiling design for drawing makes all the difference in changing the vibe of the room. 

If you go with a textured modern false ceiling design for the hall room for the roof, you will have various design options. This fake ceiling design is appropriate for use in drawing rooms and bedrooms, among other places. You may even use it to create an accent wall in your home.

7. Abstract POP Designs

Abstract POP Designs
An abstract false ceiling design must be coupled with an attractive chandelier to make it eye-popping!

A basic design of a false ceiling for the drawing room combined with abstract patterns might help to improve the appearance of your living space. With the material, you may create any design of your desire with no difficulty. Abstract false ceiling designs may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no denying that when paired with proper lighting, they look super attractive.

8. Wooden Pop-Up Ceiling Design

Wooden Pop-Up Ceiling Design
Adding LED lights to this area may make it your favourite home spot with the best false ceiling design for the drawing room.

Wood and pop art components may be used to create a sense of warmth and cosiness in your home with this pop-down ceiling design for the drawing room. It is possible to create a more complicated visual effect by arranging the pieces in this pattern rather than using one dominating piece. Wooden panels placed around the perimeter of Pop’s central component provide visual interest. 

9. Colourful Pops of Colour in a Rectangular Hall Ceiling

 drawing rooms with pale wall colours ceiling design
Colourful false ceiling designs are perfect for drawing rooms with pale wall colours.

This stunning false ceiling design for a small drawing room for a rectangular hall opens up the area and adds a whole new depth to the overall design. The hollow suspended ceiling separates your sitting area from the rest of your living space. A chandelier may be hung from the ceiling in the middle portion for a distinctive effect. As a bonus, the wiring may be hidden in this creative way of a fall ceiling design drawing room while still providing ambient lighting for the room.

10. Traditional False Ceiling Design for Drawing Room 

Traditional False Ceiling Design for Drawing Room
A traditional false ceiling in the drawing room is the most popular design amongst Indian homeowners.

This is the best false ceiling design in the drawing room if you’re looking for a simple way to cover up your area. Make your living room fit for royalty with only a few well-placed checkerboard ceiling frames and a beautiful chandelier in the middle! A simple hanging lamp is a great option if you want to brighten the room while still adding some personality!

11. Gypsum Pop Art Design

Gypsum Pop Art ceiling Design
Hidden light sources should be placed above these marble or granite slabs to create a dramatic atmosphere for Gypsum false ceiling design

POP ceiling designs for walls using gypsum boards have been the most popular choice for many individuals in recent years. You may easily mould gypsum into any desired shape since they’re lightweight and easy to work with. Plaster of Paris should be utilised to finish the basic roof for this gypsum false ceiling design 2024. Gypsum boards may be cut into any shape or size and hung from the ceiling for a custom look of a small drawing room false ceiling design.  

12. Colourful Accents for a Modern Drawing Room

Colourful Accents For A Modern Drawing Room false ceiling design
A modern drawing room has colour-coded everything from sofa sets to false ceilings.

This is the design to utilise if you have a small hall and a limited budget for your Hall. It is possible to create the illusion of more space in a tiny room by using a drawing room pop false ceiling. It is possible to create a magnificent look with only one colour and some white paint. The correct arrangement of lights may achieve a royal impression of the area.

13. Luxurious False Ceiling Design for Hall

Luxurious Lighting In False Ceiling Design For Drawing Room
Adding opulent lighting to the luxury false ceiling design is the most beautiful décor item of any drawing room.

This POP design for the drawing room has metallic colours and lights, making it ideal for those who want a little glitz in their surroundings. The backdrop of the gypsum board perfectly complements the LED lights that shine brightly in front of it. As a bonus, this eye-catching modern drawing room false ceiling design is easy to replicate and reasonably priced for the average customer.

14. POP Impact with a Decorative Flair

Pop false ceiling Designs for walls
Among decorative Pop Designs for walls, this is one of the best and most popular options for false ceiling designs. 

This ceiling design incorporates fabric and point of purchase into the design (PoP). Thick fabric hangs from the central dome ceiling, giving a palace-like aspect to your small abode. The best way to finish this latest pop-design ceiling drawing room is to get furniture specifically designed for the room. Hang a lighting system from the focal point of the ceiling to provide a range of eye-catching effects.

This ceiling design incorporates fabric and point of purchase into the design (PoP). Thick fabric hangs from the central dome ceiling, giving a palace-like aspect to your small abode. The best way to finish this latest false ceiling design for the drawing room is to get furniture specifically designed for the room. Hang a lighting system from the focal point of the ceiling to provide a range of eye-catching effects.

15. Minimalist Linear Suspended Ceiling Design

minimalist linear suspended ceiling design
The Minimalist Linear Suspended Ceiling Design offers a sleek and modern aesthetic, characterised by clean lines and simplicity, perfect for creating an airy and spacious atmosphere in any room.

For those who prefer a sleek and minimalist aesthetic, consider a linear suspended ceiling design. By incorporating simple, straight lines, this design adds a touch of modern elegance to your hall while maintaining an airy and spacious feel. Pair it with recessed LED lights for a clean and polished look that complements contemporary interior styles.

16. Nature-inspired Organic Ceiling Design

nature inspired organic ceiling design
Nature-inspired organic ceiling designs bring the outdoors inside, with motifs like leaves and waves, fostering a serene ambience in any space.

Bring the outdoors inside with a nature-inspired organic ceiling design. Mimic the natural shapes and patterns found in leaves, branches, or waves to create a calming and serene atmosphere in your hall. Incorporate earthy tones and textures to enhance the organic feel, and strategically place recessed lighting to accentuate the natural elements and create a warm ambience.

What is False Ceiling Design

A false ceiling is a secondary ceiling that is suspended below the main ceiling of a room. False ceiling designs are made of lightweight materials like gypsum, PVC false ceiling, or pop and are hung from the main ceiling using metal frameworks. The design and layout of the false ceiling can be customised to match the decor and style of the room.

False Ceiling Shapes

False ceiling designs for the living room can be made in various shapes and sizes, including square, rectangular, circular, and more. The shape of the false ceiling can greatly impact the overall look and feel of the room. False ceilings for rectangular halls are a popular choice, while circular false ceilings can add a touch of luxury to a room.

New ceiling designs of 2023 are created by putting the POP to a mesh and letting it float in the air. POP is also more cost-efficient than gypsum boards in terms of durability. To achieve elegance, you must employ an expert to install a POP ceiling. 

False ceiling designs for halls also need additional time for installation since the surface must be completely dry before application. First and foremost, before contemplating a POP false ceiling, determine if the height between the floor slab level and the ceiling slab level is sufficient to allow a false ceiling design for the drawing room. It is necessary to finalise the lighting scheme in advance since it will influence the design of the artificial ceiling. 

Advantages of False Ceiling Design

False ceiling designs offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved insulation against heat and sound
  • Enhanced lighting options
  • Visually appealing look that can add sophistication to a room
  • Customisation options to match the decor and style of the room
  • Easy installation and maintenance

Disadvantages of False Ceiling Design

While false ceilings offer several benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider, including:

  • Need for regular maintenance
  • Difficulty in accessing the ceiling for repairs or upgrades
  • Higher initial cost compared to traditional ceilings
  • Possible structural limitations, depending on the room’s layout and size

Quick Glance: Advantages and Disadvantages of False Ceiling Design

Improved insulation against heat and soundNeed for regular maintenance
Enhanced lighting optionsDifficulty in accessing the ceiling for repairs or upgrades
Visually appealing lookHigher initial cost
Customisation optionsPossible structural limitations

Check out our curated collection of new ceiling designs with photos for 2023. We guarantee that you will be inspired by these designs.

Talk to a local interior designer if you’d want additional information about your options and what works best for you. Don’t forget to address your budget and the design’s maintenance components to avoid problems soon. Choosing the right false ceiling design for the drawing room might be tough! You can always consult the home interior design experts at NoBroker, who can help you choose the most suitable and cost-effective option. If interested, please leave a comment below this article; our executive will be in touch with you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the best type of false ceiling design for a drawing room?

Ans: Gypsum ceilings by Saint Gobain are very durable because of their high-quality metal framing. Given the accuracy with which gypsum boards are manufactured in factories, the design consistency is maintained, making it the perfect material for the finest fake ceiling designs.

Q: Which colour fake ceiling is the most effective?

Ans: The use of wooden rafters or beams in the artificial ceiling compliments the colour white well. Even if you do not want to use real or fake wood, a rich chocolate brown contrasted with white may be utilised to create a magnificent false ceiling with a striking colour combination that is warm and inviting.

Q: Which type of artificial ceiling is the most suitable for Indian conditions?

Ans: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is an excellent plastic material for artificial ceilings in garages, basements, kitchens, toilets, and bathrooms, among other applications. Compared to other more expensive ceiling panels, PVC ceiling panels are a much more cost-effective option. These panels are simple to install and keep up to date.

Q: Which false ceiling design is best for a Home?

Ans: Both Gypsum and Plaster of Paris designs are common preferences for Home false ceilings. You can read all that you need to know about Gypsum Ceiling designs here.

Stunning False Ceiling Designs for Your Dining Room

Stunning False Ceiling Designs for Your Dining Room

With the help of our guide to gorgeous false ceiling designs for dining room ideas, you can turn your dining area into a refuge of elegance. Your dining area is more than simply a place to eat; it’s also where discussions and cherished memories are created. This area can be improved with a well-chosen false ceiling design, which will infuse it with an air of luxury and refinement.

We shall explore the worlds of creativity and aesthetics in this essay, providing you with a wealth of suggestions and motivation. We investigate a variety of choices to match your taste and preferences, ranging from traditional chandeliers and recessed lighting to elaborate patterns and minimalist designs. You can create a dining room that expresses your distinct personality with our expert insights and design recommendations, whether you choose a conventional, modern, or eclectic appearance.

Tips for False Ceiling Design For Dining Room

false ceiling design for dining room
Know the tips for dining room false ceiling.

A false ceiling can be especially beneficial for dining spaces, where you want to create a cosy, warm and sophisticated atmosphere for your family and guests. Here are some tips for choosing and installing a false ceiling design for the dining room.

1. Choose The Right Material

There are different materials available for false ceilings, such as gypsum, plaster of Paris (POP), wood, metal, PVC and more. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, durability, maintenance, fire resistance, sound insulation and aesthetics. 

For example, gypsum is lightweight and versatile, but it can sag over time. POP is easy to mould and paint, but it can crack or shrink. Wood is warm and natural, but it can be expensive and prone to termites. Metal is durable and modern, but it can be noisy and cold. PVC is cheap and waterproof, but it can look cheap and plastic. You should choose the material that suits your budget, style and needs.

2. Consider The Height Of The Room

A false ceiling will reduce the height of the room, so you should make sure that there is enough clearance between the floor and the ceiling. Ideally, the false ceiling should be at least 8 feet above the floor level. If your room is too low, you may want to opt for a single-layered false ceiling that is simple and neat. If your room is high enough, you can experiment with different levels and shapes of false ceilings to create a more dramatic effect. Keep this in mind while choosing the dining room’s false ceiling.

3. Plan The Lighting

One of the main advantages of a false ceiling is that it can accommodate different types of lighting fixtures, such as recessed lights, cove lights, pendant lights, chandeliers and more. You should plan the lighting according to the mood and function of your dining space. 

For example, you can use recessed lights to provide general illumination, cove lights to create a soft glow around the edges of the ceiling, pendant lights or chandeliers to highlight the dining table or a focal point in the room, etc. You can also use dimmers or smart switches to control the brightness and colour of the lights according to the occasion.

4. Choose A Design That Complements Your Dining Space

A dining false ceiling design should not clash with the rest of your dining space decor but rather enhance it. You should choose a design that matches or contrasts with your dining furniture, wall colours, flooring, curtains and other elements in the room. 

For example, you can use a wooden false ceiling to add warmth and texture to a modern or minimalist dining space. You can use a geometric or abstract false ceiling to add interest and dynamism to a plain or traditional dining space. You can use a coffered or tray false ceiling to add elegance and depth to a formal or classic dining space.

5. Add Some Creativity

A false ceiling can also be an opportunity to express your personality and creativity in your dining space. You can use different colours, patterns, textures, materials and accessories to make your false ceiling unique and attractive. 

For example, you can use fabric or wallpaper to cover your false ceiling and create a cosy or dramatic effect. You can use mirrors or glass panels to reflect light and make your room look bigger. You can use metal or wood strips to create interesting shapes or lines on your false ceiling. You can use stickers or decals to add some fun or whimsy to your false ceiling.

6. Keep It Simple And Clean

A false ceiling should not be too cluttered or busy with too many elements or details. It should be simple and clean enough to allow the eye to focus on the dining table and the food. A simple and clean false ceiling will also make your room look more spacious and airy. You should avoid using too many colours, patterns or textures on your false ceiling that may distract or overwhelm the senses.

10 False Ceiling Design For Dining Room

A false ceiling, also known as a dropped ceiling or a suspended ceiling, is a secondary ceiling that hangs below the main ceiling. It can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of any room, especially the dining room, where you entertain your guests and enjoy your meals. 

There are so many options available in terms of styles, materials, shapes, colours, and patterns. To help you decide, we have compiled a list of 10 false ceiling design ideas for the dining room, with images and descriptions. These design ideas will inspire you to transform your dining room into a stunning space that reflects your personality and taste.

1. Cove Lighting False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
The Cove dining false ceiling.

A cove-lighting false ceiling is a simple and elegant design that features a recessed or hidden light source that creates a soft glow around the edges of the ceiling. This design creates a warm and inviting atmosphere in your dining room, as well as a sense of spaciousness and height. 

You can choose from different colours and intensities of light to suit your mood and occasion. A cove-lighting false ceiling can also highlight the architectural features of your dining room, such as the columns, arches, or niches.

2. Wooden False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
The wooden dining false ceiling design.

A wooden false ceiling design for the dining room is a classic and timeless design that adds warmth and natural beauty to your dining room. Wood is a versatile material that can be used in various ways to create different effects. You can opt for wooden planks, panels, beams, slats, or strips to create a rustic, modern, or geometric look. 

You can also mix and match different types of wood, such as oak, pine, walnut, or teak, to create contrast and texture. A wooden false ceiling can also complement the wooden furniture and flooring in your dining room, creating a harmonious and cosy look.

3. Metal False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
The Metal dining hall false ceiling.

A metal false ceiling is a sleek and stylish design that adds a touch of glamour and sophistication to your dining room. Metal is a durable and easy-to-maintain material that can be moulded into various shapes and patterns. You can choose from different types of metal, such as aluminium, steel, copper, or brass, to create a shiny or matte finish. 

You can also use perforated or embossed metal panels to create interesting visual effects with light and shadow. A metal false ceiling can also reflect the light and colour of your dining room, creating a dynamic and vibrant look.

4. PVC False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: India Mart) The PVC modern dining false ceiling.

A PVC false ceiling is a budget-friendly and practical design that offers a variety of options for your dining room. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, which is a synthetic plastic material that is lightweight, waterproof, fire-resistant, and termite-proof. 

PVC panels come in various colours, designs, textures, and sizes that can suit any theme or style of your dining room. You can also install LED lights or decorative accessories on your PVC false ceiling to enhance its appearance. A PVC false ceiling is easy to install and clean, making it an ideal choice for busy households.

5. Gypsum False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: India Mart) The gypsum dining false ceiling design with the fan.

A gypsum dining false ceiling is a popular and versatile design that can create a smooth and seamless look in your dining room. Gypsum is a mineral-based material that is fire-resistant, sound-absorbent, and mold-resistant. Gypsum boards can be cut and shaped into various forms and curves to create a customized and creative look. 

You can also paint, wallpaper, or laminate your gypsum false ceiling to match the colour scheme and decor of your dining room. A gypsum false ceiling can also accommodate different types of lighting fixtures, such as recessed, pendant, or chandelier, to create a stunning effect.

6. Geometric False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: Pinterest) The best false ceiling design for a dining room is a Geometric ceiling.

A geometric false ceiling is a modern and trendy design that adds a touch of fun and flair to your dining room. Geometric shapes, such as squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, or hexagons, can create a striking and eye-catching look in your dining room. 

You can use different materials, colours, and sizes to create contrast and depth in your geometric false ceiling. You can also use LED lights or spotlights to highlight the edges or corners of your geometric shapes, creating a dramatic and futuristic look.

7. Floral False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: Pinterest) The floral dining area false ceiling design for the dining room.

A floral false ceiling is a romantic and feminine design that adds a touch of charm and elegance to your dining room. Floral patterns, such as roses, lilies, orchids, or daisies, can create a soft and soothing look in your dining room. You can use different materials, such as fabric, paper, metal, or wood, to create realistic or abstract floral designs. 

You can also use different colours, such as pastels, brights, or neutrals, to create a subtle or bold look. A floral false ceiling can also complement the floral arrangements or centrepieces on your dining table, creating a harmonious and beautiful look.

8. Tray False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: Beautiful Homes) The simple pop design for the dining room is a tray design.

A tray false ceiling is a simple and elegant design that features a recessed or inverted tray-like shape in the centre of the ceiling. This design creates a focal point and adds dimension to your dining room. You can decorate the tray with different types of lighting fixtures, such as cove lights, LED strips, spotlights, or chandeliers, to create a stunning effect.  

This design can also accommodate space for fans as a dining false ceiling design with a fan can improve air circulation and ventilation in the dining room. You can also paint or wallpaper the tray with different colours or patterns to match the theme or style of your dining room. A tray false ceiling can also draw attention to the dining table and chairs below it, creating a cosy and intimate look.

9. Dome False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: Pinterest) The dome-shaped dining pop ceiling design.

A modern dome dining pop ceiling design is a grand and majestic demonstration that features a dome-shaped structure in the centre of the ceiling. This design creates a sense of height and spaciousness in your dining room. You can adorn the dome with different types of lighting fixtures, such as cove lights, LED strips, spotlights, or chandeliers, to create a dazzling effect. 

You can also paint or wallpaper the dome with different colours or patterns to match the theme or style of your dining room. A dome false ceiling can also add a touch of luxury and elegance to your dining room.

10. Pop Art False Ceiling

false ceiling design for dining room
(Source: Gyproc)The Pop Art dining area false ceiling design for the dining room.

A pop art false ceiling is a fun and quirky design that features colourful and bold images or graphics inspired by pop culture. This design creates a lively and cheerful atmosphere in your dining room. You can use different materials, such as vinyl stickers, posters, paintings, or sculptures, to create pop art designs on your false ceiling. 

You can also use different themes, such as comics, cartoons, celebrities, movies, or music, to express your personality and taste. A pop art false ceiling can also add a touch of humour and creativity to your dining room.

A false ceiling is a great way to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your dining room. The best false ceiling design for a dining room can create a cosy and elegant ambience, hide the wiring and ducts, improve the lighting and acoustics, and reduce the energy consumption of your dining room. You can choose from various styles, materials, shapes, colours, and patterns to suit the theme and style of your dining room. You can also decorate your false ceiling with different types of lighting fixtures and accessories to create a stunning effect.

If you want to get the best false ceiling design for your dining room, look no further than NoBroker. We are a leading interior designing company that offers customized and affordable solutions for your home. Contact us today and get a free consultation and quote from our experts

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the benefits of having a false ceiling in a dining room?

A. 1)False ceilings can hide unsightly electrical wiring and ductwork.
2)They can also help to improve the acoustics of the room, making it more pleasant to converse in.
3)False ceilings can also be used to add decorative elements to the dining room, such as recessed lighting or coffered ceilings.

Q2. What are the different types of false ceilings that can be used in a dining room?

A. 1)Gypsum board false ceilings are the most common type of false ceiling. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
2) Metal false ceilings are more durable than gypsum board false ceilings, but they are also more expensive.
3) Wood false ceilings are a luxurious option that can add a touch of elegance to the dining room.

Q3. What are some factors to consider when choosing a false ceiling design for a dining room?

A. 1) The size and shape of the dining room
2) The style of the dining room décor
3) The budget
4) The desired level of acoustical performance

Q4. How much does it cost to install a false ceiling in a dining room?

A. The cost of installing a false ceiling in a dining room will vary depending on the size of the room, the type of false ceiling that is chosen, and the labour costs in your area.

Q5. How do I maintain a false ceiling in a dining room?

A. False ceilings are relatively low-maintenance. However, you should dust them regularly and inspect them for any signs of damage.

Types of False Ceilings: Choosing the Perfect Design for Your Home

Types of False Ceilings: Choosing the Perfect Design for Your Home

False ceilings are a game-changer when it comes to interior aesthetics, offering endless possibilities to enhance your living spaces. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of false ceiling options, from classic to contemporary, and help you navigate through their features, benefits, and suitability for different rooms. 

What is a False Ceiling?

Typically constructed using lightweight materials like gypsum, metal, or PVC, false ceilings offer numerous benefits. They can conceal unsightly wirings, provide insulation, improve acoustics, and offer an opportunity for creative design elements such as lighting fixtures, patterns, or textures. False ceilings have become an integral part of modern interior design, transforming spaces with their versatility and functionality.

Some call it a faux /false ceiling while some others call it a drop/suspended ceiling. Call it what you may because there has never been a more exciting canvas in your house to play with! False ceiling designs have changed the game of home interiors. 

False ceilings are often cast aside in lieu of walls and floors while decorating a space, however, we believe that they can do much more than just hide ugly pipes, wires and fittings. We are here to show you how to jazz up your ceilings with a fresh perspective.

Inspiring False Ceiling Design Ideas to Elevate Your Home

Whether you seek elegance, functionality, or a statement piece, join us on this journey as we unravel the world of false ceilings, empowering you to make informed decisions and transform your home with the perfect design that reflects your personal style and aspirations.

1. Creating Dimension: Varying Height False Ceiling

False Ceiling Design
Photo Courtesy: Compose 1 & The Architecture Company

The above basic assembly can help you achieve a hierarchy in spaces with flat minimal ceilings using different heights depending on your layout. This can create an illusion of segregated areas within a room. For example, you can create a cosy nook or a corner with a shallow ceiling height that can be clad in wood.

2. Elegance in Simplicity: White False Ceiling Designs with Timeless Appeal

False Ceiling Design
Faux Rafters False Ceiling Design. Photo Courtesy: The Marble Home

A white false ceiling design may exude an air of safety, but it is far from mundane. Embrace the potential of a monotone white ceiling with these exciting tricks that infuse it with three-dimensional excitement. Imagine a ceiling adorned with intricately textured panels, casting captivating shadows and creating an aura of tactile elegance.

3. Vibrant Masterpieces: Colourful False Ceilings that Captivate

False Ceiling
Photo Courtesy: anamagazinelivingroom.hitteachy.ru

Picture a room where opulence meets sophistication, with purple-coloured pillows adorning a plush sofa, adding a touch of regal charm and vibrancy to the space. 

The ambiance is further enhanced by the presence of sleek grey and black shelves, exuding a sense of modern elegance and creating a striking contrast against the backdrop of dark false ceilings. The dark false ceilings, with their mysterious allure, envelop the room in an atmosphere of depth and intimacy, allowing the shelves and decorative accents to shine. Together, these elements create a captivating and visually captivating environment, where every detail invites you to indulge in a world of refined luxury.

4. Creating an Intimate Oasis: The Power of Monotone Warmth in Ceiling and Wall Colours

False Ceiling
Photo Courtesy: nonagon.style

In keeping with the idea of a monotone aesthetic, you can take it a step further to create a cosy and intimate parlour effect by painting both the ceiling and walls in the same warm colour. This bold approach creates a seamless visual continuity that envelops the room, evoking a sense of comfort and intimacy. The warm hues wrap around you like a warm embrace, creating an inviting atmosphere.

5. Embracing Bohemian Charm: Rustic Faux Beams and Dark False Ceilings

False Ceiling
Timber Ceiling Rafters ad False Ceiling Design PC: Planete Deco – www.planete-deco.fr

Step into a bohemian dream where rustic aesthetics meet the allure of dark false ceilings. To add an enchanting touch, seek out old timber pieces and repurpose them into faux beams. These reclaimed wood beams infuse the space with a sense of history and natural beauty, capturing the essence of bohemian charm. As the beams gracefully traverse the ceiling, they create a captivating visual impact, enhancing the room’s rustic appeal.

6. False Ceiling Designs – Patterns Galore

False Ceiling
PC: archdaily.com- False Ceiling Design by Sundial House by Spect Architects

Opt for an unusual décor trick by applying wallpaper on the ceiling instead of walls. You could use texture paper with neutral tones or bold patterns and colours that can be paired with neutral walls.      

7. False Ceiling Designs Cove Trove

False Ceiling
Coved Ceiling Detail for False Ceiling Design – Wall & Ceiling connection

Ceiling to wall joineries is a missed opportunity to create that unique connection between the two surfaces. Use coved ceiling detail to have a seamless transition between your ceiling and walls.  

False ceilings can also be used to create light coves at the wall junction for an ambient wash of light on your precious texture walls. This cove, when added along the window can be used to conceal curtain tracks, thus completely eliminating the need for unseemly pelmets and curtain rods. 

8. False Ceiling Design Recesses and Drops

False Ceiling
Level Differences in Ceiling False Ceiling Design. PC: Freshome – freshome.com

Playing with levels alone is an opportunity to add ambient concealed light to your space. The recesses and drops can be introduced in the bedrooms for minimal yet effective highlighting. 

Things To Keep in Mind Before Getting a False Ceiling Done

  1. Easy Installation: If you’re remodelling your home, engage professionals to complete the job in one or two days. However, it is best to do these tasks before moving into a new property.
  2. Size and Design: It’s important to know whether you want the false ceiling design in the entire room or just near the light fixtures or around the fan. False ceilings are pricey, so factor that into your budget. In terms of designs – squares and rectangles are the most prevalent. However, there are a variety of solutions on the market.
  3. Height: Check the height of the ceiling before installing it because some ceilings demand more headroom than others. Prepare to reduce or increase the height by a few inches because the POP (Plaster of Paris) sheets will take up some space.
  4. Paint: Whitewashing all false ceilings is required. However, you can play around with different colours. Earthy tones like orange and brown make the ceiling appear heavier, giving it a more inviting appearance. White and cream are good choices if you want a crisp, clean aesthetic.
  5. Maintenance: It’s more than enough to mop with a sponge and sweep with a broom regularly. White-coloured ceilings, on the other hand, require periodic painting because they become dull over time.

False Ceiling Materials: The Different Types and Where to Use What

Now let’s dive deeper into each material and understand their characteristics, applications, and potential pros and cons—

1. Plaster of Paris (POP)

Plaster of Paris (POP) is a popular roofing material for both commercial and residential use. POP is a powdered version of gypsum that has had its water content removed (produced by heating gypsum to a temperature where water evaporates). When water is added, it hardens and becomes a good false ceiling material. 

POP is a low-maintenance, long-lasting material that also acts as cold and heat insulation. POP false ceilings can be designed in a variety of ways and can have a variety of finishes, including a uniform and smooth finish as well as a variety of shapes. It’s also a great material for boosting lighting effects. The main disadvantage of POP is its proclivity for cracking over time.

2. Gypsum

Gypsum is a calcium sulphate that is found as an evaporite mineral. Because of its thermal and sound insulation, lightweight, and fire resistance qualities, it is a popular material for artificial ceilings. It’s also a supple fabric. To create a false ceiling, square gypsum boards can be hung from an iron structure. Brown, white, red, yellow, and grey are some of the colours available in gypsum. It’s also available in transparent and colourless versions. 

Finishing gypsum boards with laminates and paints can improve their aesthetic appeal. Wallpaper and texture finishes can be applied to gypsum boards. Gypsum is a versatile material that may be moulded into a variety of shapes and textures, including plain, curved, stepped, and coffered.

3. Wood

Natural patterns and textures on wooden ceilings design can be pleasing to the eye. Wooden panels can take the form of hollow blocks, boards, or panels. They’re usually simple to put together, requiring only screws and nails. They are best used in colder climates. They are long-lasting; however, they are prone to termite damage and warping. They can be finished in a variety of ways, including painting with the proper colour tones.

Because of the high cost of materials and the higher cost of upkeep, wood panels are among the most expensive panels. Wood ceiling panels, on the other hand, can provide a rich and elegant appeal to the ceiling if money isn’t an issue.

4. Fibre

The sound and heat insulation capabilities of fibre false ceilings, also known as acoustic or soundproofing ceilings, are achieved by combining natural and synthetic materials such as bitumen, tars, vegetable fibre, wood, and stone. Fibre ceiling tiles gain durability, hardness, and fire resistance as a result of the reinforcements, making them ideal for commercial applications in noisy environments such as shopping malls, retail showrooms, and offices.

Fibre artificial ceilings are becoming increasingly popular in business settings due to their low cost, ease of installation, and several practical benefits. Fibre ceiling panels, on the other hand, are not ideal for residential use due to their lack of visual appeal.

5. Glass

Glass is a good material to work with for improving the looks of a false ceiling because it is non-crystalline but transparent. It has limited applications because of its brittle nature, although the brittleness can be mitigated by adding appropriate additives. 

Their transparency can be exploited to make small areas appear larger. In places like libraries, cafés, book stores, and jewellery stores, glass ceiling panels might be a good roofing option. Colour, lamination, and patterning are all design aspects that can be used to glass. Glass is also a superb heat insulator.

6. PVC

For false ceilings in garages, basements, kitchens, toilets, and bathrooms, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is an excellent choice. PVC ceiling panels are a less expensive alternative to more expensive panels. These panels are simple to install and keep up with. They’re light and water-resistant, as well as termite resistant. 

They are colourfast because they are not impacted by UV light. They can also be polished in a variety of ways, allowing for design freedom.

7. Metal

False ceilings are commonly made of metals like aluminium and galvanised iron. By their very nature, metals are tough and long-lasting. These ceiling panels are simple to install and need little upkeep. They may also be quickly removed and replaced, making them excellent for concealing water pipes, air ducts, and electric cables. Metal ceiling panels can be treated in a variety of ways to improve the ceiling’s aesthetic appeal.

8. Other Synthetic Materials

False ceilings made of fabric or synthetic leather are more decorative than useful. Because they can be made in a variety of elaborate designs to fit the rest of the furnishings, they can create a unique atmosphere. They are effective in temporary contexts such as exhibitions or festivals since they are functionally poor but aesthetically strong.

False ceilings are usually dropped ceilings, meaning they dangle from the main ceiling. Drop ceiling panels, as explained above, are used to create ceilings that are visible to individuals inside a structure or room. A stretch ceiling is a drop ceiling variation in which certain types of materials are stretched between two perimeter tracks. Ceilings may be made to come alive with a little ingenuity and innovation, given the sorts of materials that can be utilised as ceiling panels.

How is False Ceiling Cost Calculated?

When calculating the ceiling cost per square foot, several factors are taken into account. These are some major ones:

  1. Design: Choosing more complex ceiling designs will increase the cost.
  2. Size: Because the required materials can be purchased in bulk at wholesale prices, the price for a larger ceiling area is low.
  3. Quality: High-quality materials are more expensive. However, because high-quality materials last longer, this has a higher return on investment (ROI). Furthermore, the quality of the false ceiling has a significant impact on its durability.
  4. Availability: If the substances you’re using are widely accessible on the market, you can save money on transportation and logistics.
  5. Additional costs: include finishes, fixtures, cutting, lighting, accents, and so on.

Proper planning and installation can make or break your false ceiling design. People tend to overlook the impact of planning, but it can have a significant impact on the final outcome. 

At NoBroker Interior Design Services, we understand the nitty-gritty details that go into creating flawless false ceilings. Our expert team ensures a seamless process from start to finish, leaving you with impeccable designs that will truly transform your home. So why wait? Reach out to us now and let’s bring your dream false ceiling to life.


1. What are the benefits of installing a false ceiling?

False ceilings offer several benefits, including improved aesthetics, enhanced lighting options, better acoustics, concealment of wirings and ducts, and energy efficiency. They can transform the look and feel of your space while providing practical advantages.

2. Are false ceilings suitable for all types of rooms?

Yes, false ceilings can be installed in various types of rooms, such as living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and offices. They are versatile and can be customised to suit different styles and functional requirements.

3. How long does it take to install a false ceiling?

The duration of installation depends on factors like the size of the room, complexity of the design, and availability of materials. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Our team at NoBroker Interior Designers ensures efficient project management and timely completion.

4. Can I incorporate lighting fixtures into the false ceiling?

Absolutely! False ceilings provide an excellent opportunity to integrate lighting fixtures. You can opt for recessed lights, pendant lights, or LED strips to create the desired ambiance and illumination. Our experts can guide you in choosing the right lighting solutions for your space.

5. What materials are commonly used for false ceilings?

Common materials for false ceilings include gypsum boards, metal panels, PVC sheets, and acoustic tiles. Each material has its own set of advantages and suitability for different purposes. We can help you select the best material based on your requirements and budget.

Our Top 10 Picks of False Ceiling Lights Design

Our Top 10 Picks of False Ceiling Lights Design

While ceilings are often looked at within a house, their designs are often overlooked. Architecturally also, even if a home’s ceiling has been made to look elegant looking with say, false ceilings, it becomes hard to choose one of a multitude of false ceiling lights designs. This is because even if you recognize the potential of the vast ceiling canvasses across your living rooms, kitchen, and bedroom, there is a wide spectrum of lighting types, fixtures, and stunning ideas that can transform your room – to stay the same for a long time to come. Not only do ceiling lights enhance the beauty of your room, but also compliments your home interior décor. A creative but jarring option can make a room difficult to live in. Too minimalistic lighting in quirky home décor can make the room look dull. Not only do you need to consider the overall illumination, the drama that the lighting can add to the space, but also ensure that the fundamental aesthetics of your home’s interior décor is not disrupted. That begs the question, how to choose false ceiling lights for your home?

In this blog, therefore, we have taken up the responsibility of rounding up some of the trending and creative false ceiling lights ideas, as well as some tips on how you can choose them. But first, let us quickly go over the several reasons why you should install false ceiling lights in the first place.

Advantages of False Ceiling Lights Designs

False ceiling lightings not only accentuate the room’s décor but also offer thermal insulation while hiding ugly wirings

Also referred to as a secondary ceiling, there are several reasons why decorative lights for a false ceiling can be an advantage for your home, versus lighting ideas without a false ceiling. For one, it remains the same as it was in the 18th century with central hanging fixtures, and 20th-century electrical chandeliers – i.e., to accentuate the ceiling’s grandeur and add depth to the room’s interior décor. While back in the day there was no reason to hide electrical fixtures and wirings, today’s modern era of smart homes has brought in the need for false ceiling lighting because:

  • They offer a modern look to the home with ornamental and visual lighting
  • False ceilings conceal ugly wiring, and cables and blemish the uneven surfacing of the primary ceiling
  • False ceilings optimize air conditioning, thereby unbelievably valuable in thermal insulation of the house
  • They reduce noise levels while offering a large canvas for decoration

Now, let us go over the diverse types of false ceiling design lightings so that you can distinguish the type of inspiration you want for your next ceiling remodelling or decoration. 

Types of False Ceiling Lighting

There are three types of false ceiling lights depending on their functions i.e., ambient, task, and accent lighting.

Depending on the purpose of the lighting and the type of decoration you want, there are primarily three types of false ceiling lights that you should know about:

  • Ambient false ceiling lighting: This is the type of illumination that works as the primary light source creating a general level of overall radiance in the room. Ambient lighting is vital to setting the tone of the space. 
  • Task false ceiling lighting: This is the type of illumination that works for specific tasks such as reading, entertainment, mood-setting, cooking etc. Task lighting helps light particular areas that help in the easier completion of a task. 
  • Accent false ceiling lighting: This is the type of illumination that enhances the overall brightness of the space in addition to ambient lighting, to typically offer a dramatic purpose. Accent false ceiling lightings help in drawing attention to specific zones of areas of focus such as artwork, entryways, furnishings, false ceiling spotlights etc. 

Our Top 10 Picks of the Best False Ceiling Lights Designs

From the dining area, bedroom, to kitchens and more, you will find various, and maybe the best lights for false ceilings. So, be sure to keep a keen eye for such details, as they might just strike inspiration for your ceiling remodelling. Let’s get started, shall we?

1: Recessed Lighting, Maximum Charm

 Recessed Lighting, Maximum Charm
Recessed false ceiling lights are a wonderful way to subtly yet vibrantly light up any room

When you want something minimal yet vibrant, you can’t go wrong with recessed false ceiling lights for the living room. As a wonderful choice of ambient downlights, as well as task lights, it offers subtle yet rich lighting for any room. As this image of the luxe open kitchen above shows, you can easily play around with any architectural pattern and install them at specified distances from each other. What’s more, recessed lights are very energy-efficient and thus, easy on your wallet. 

2: A Penchant for Décor with Pendant Lighting

A Penchant for Décor with Pendant Lighting
Pendant lights are a fantastic way to light up focal points as a cluster

If you prefer not one, but a combination of chandeliers, be sure to check out pendant lights for fall ceiling light designs. As the image of the bamboo pendant lights show, hanging task lighting as an ornate cluster can not only be cost-efficient, but also a terrific way to highlight focal points of interest from the ceiling, e.g., above the dining table, or the coffee table at the centre of the living room, or even hallways as hall fall ceiling lighting. 

3: A Cool Cove with Diffused Lighting

 A Cool Cove with Diffused Light
Cove lights serve as great accent lights for when we need dimmer false ceiling led lights designs

Soft and diffused lighting help not only make the room look distinct but also go easy on our eyes when we need dimmer lights. As a wonderful choice of accent lighting, cove false ceiling profile light ceiling designs in the recesses of your ceiling borders can pleasantly illuminate the space. You can explore several LED false ceiling strip light designs to create distinct spaces in the home. 

4: Exploring Sophisticated Glass Ceiling Lighting

 Exploring Sophisticated Glass Ceiling Lighting
Glass ceiling lightings from the roof serve as statement pieces for any area of the home

Not all places of your home need full brightness of lighting. Your balconies or even the dining area of the room or the kitchen island can benefit from a glass false ceiling design with hanging lights. They are not only elegant but offer a sophisticated, warm atmosphere for the space. 

5: Track Lighting to Flaunt Your Decor

 Track Lighting to Flaunt Your Decor
Track ceiling lighting helps light up specific focus areas of the home

As a versatile lighting solution for any space, ‘rail’ or ‘track’ roof lights for false ceiling can be a fantastic way to provide illumination for both the whole room, as well as flaunt specific areas such as artefacts or artworks. A huge benefit such as false ceiling lights for halls, for example, can bring an industrial twist to a homely area, and can even be complemented with metallic or wooden décor finishes. 

6: Live the Lush Life with Flush Mount Lighting

Live the Lush Life with Flush Mount Lighting
Flush mount ceiling lightings add a minimal yet plush ambience for an entire room

Long been used as false ceiling lights for bedrooms, flush mount lighting can indulge your eyes in a minimal living décor. Suitable for large spaces and low-roof rooms, you can easily choose flush mount lights to add an artsy style to your interior décor choices. 

7: Island Skylights for an Earthen Charm

Island Skylights for an Earthen Charm
Surface-based Island lighting or sky lighting can be excellent ways to creatively light up your room

Looking for ideas ahead of their time? Look no further than incorporating some surface-based island lighting or even a sky-lighting panel. As a trendy combination of task, ambient, and accent lighting, you can use this with several colours, and even suspend them from the ceiling.

8: Metallic Lighting for a Rusty Look

 Metallic Lighting for a Rusty Look
Metallic hanging lights from the false ceiling can be a wonderful way to bring in a contemporary yet rustic vintage look

Some false ceiling lights design never go out of style. Hanging metallic lights, for example, are a great alternative to glass ceiling lights or pendant lights, as they are easier to maintain and move when required, as well as offer a rustic vintage look to the room’s décor. 

9: Combine Cove & Chandelier Lighting

 Combine Cove & Chandelier Lighting
You can explore your creativity with a combination of lighting techniques

If you are feeling particularly creative about your false ceiling lights design, why not explore a combination of light types? This image above, for example, is the perfect example of how cove/strip lighting combines with a central light that can be used for hanging lavish chandeliers. The recessed small lights around the periphery of the ceiling pattern also help in rendering a sophisticated look. 

10: Futuristic Looking Lighting Panels

Futuristic Looking Lighting Panels
Surface lighting can be panelled into the false ceiling for a futuristic look

Sometimes, you need to ditch existing trends and go for something futuristic. As this image of the hallway with abundant natural light shows, you can have panelled rectangular surface lighting for a simple look, yet one that adds a depth of perspective to the hallway’s décor.

Disadvantage of False Ceiling Lighting

You could regret installing your false ceiling in the first place if the light fixtures hanging from it come off.

If you reside in a region that frequently suffers severe rainfall, keep in mind that you shouldn’t install light elements that hang from your fake ceiling. In order to prevent them from coming off in the event of a natural disaster like a hurricane or a minor earthquake, you may possibly install display lights that are implanted within the false ceiling.

Best Type of Lighting for False Ceilings

The best type of lighting to install on false ceilings would be recessed lights- also known as downlights. Since these lights point downwards, they provide proper, uninterrupted lighting. This is particularly necessary in spaces like study rooms, kitchens, office spaces, etc. 

What is the Brightest Type of LED Lighting?

Since its introduction, LED lighting technology has had a big impact on the world. The key factor driving the widespread use of LED lighting is its capacity to be both brighter and more energy-efficient than its forerunners, such as tungsten and bulbs. The brightness of LED lights varies depending on the product and the use for which it is intended.

When calculating the amount of light a bulb emits, most people consider wattage (a measurement of energy usage). Lumens are the main consideration, even though power is important to some extent. The luminous flux of a light source or the amount of light that human eyes can detect is measured in lumens.

Some of the brightest LED lights tend to be ones used in stadiums and other sports fields. These, however, are not practical for homes and office spaces. 300 watts LED bulbs are often the best ones used for residential and office space lighting. One can even find 400-watt LED lights which are perfect for workshops or warehouses. 

Light Up Your Dream 5TH Wall Within Budget

False ceiling light designs are countless but can be an overwhelming task if not planned correctly. This is why you should always get into a deep and honest discussion about the possible costs, designs, task phases, timelines, cost of materials, false ceiling light colour combinations, electrical work, expertise etc. Or else, you may find yourself overpaying for things you don’t need or will be wasted. 

Alternatively, you can consult NoBroker’s team of top-starred professionals and cherry-picked interior designers, who all in one place, can help realise all your false ceiling lighting design ideas at the lowest quotes in the market, as well as the highest quality of execution. For more details, be sure to check out our interior decoration and designing services below.


1. Why should I install false ceiling lighting designs?

Ans. False ceiling lighting not only accentuates the room’s décor but also offers thermal insulation while hiding ugly wirings. 

2. What are the types of false ceiling light designs?

Ans. There are three types of false ceiling lights depending on their design functions i.e., ambient, task, and accent lighting. 

3. What is ambient lighting?

Ans. This is the type of illumination that works as the primary light source creating a general level of overall radiance in the room. Ambient lighting is vital to setting the tone of the space.

4. What is task lighting?

Ans. This is the type of illumination that works for specific tasks such as reading, entertainment, mood-setting, cooking etc. Task lighting helps light particular areas that help in the easier completion of a task.

5. What is accent lighting?

Ans. This is the type of illumination that enhances the overall brightness of the space in addition to ambient lighting, to typically offer a dramatic purpose. Accent false ceiling lightings help in drawing attention to specific zones of areas of focus such as artwork, entryways, furnishings, false ceiling spotlights etc.

The Best Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas of 2024

The Best Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas of 2024

All of us can unanimously agree that a bathroom is amongst the most, if not the most, ignored and neglected spaces in our homes. Especially when we talk about aesthetics and decor, the bathroom space often looks like just some mandatory government-regulated inclusion. If you are also bored of the plain old bathroom designs and want to spruce up your washroom, one of the best options is to go with a false ceiling design for the washroom. A design for the false ceiling for your bathroom can help you highlight your creativity while giving a visually satisfying ambience to your bathroom. Whether you are looking to revamp your washroom ceiling design with the latest design ideas for your new home, we have got you covered. Read our blog on the best false bathroom ceiling design ideas and make your bathroom prettier than ever. 

1. Show Your Class with This Modern Bathroom False Ceiling Design

Show Your Class with This Modern Bathroom False Ceiling Design
(Modern Bathroom False Ceiling Design)

This brick-textured bathroom looks just flawless. The intricate designs scheme and the plush accessories will raise the elegance of your bathroom by many levels. This is a bathroom specially tailored for your luxurious comfort. This modern bathroom false ceiling design idea is perfect for a small bathroom false ceiling design. You can set up the lighting in the bathroom as per your requirement or use one of the latest smart bulbs in the market for different lighting options. The false ceiling bathroom design fits perfectly and gives a very rich and luxurious vibe. 

2. Grey False Ceiling Design in a Bathroom

Grey False Ceiling Design in a Bathroom
(Grey False Ceiling Design in a Bathroom)

If you are someone who loves a monotonous theme and dark colours, this grey false ceiling design in a bathroom will have your interest. The accessories are kept on a minimalistic requirement basis to highlight the architecture of the washroom. This simple false ceiling design for a bathroom is the perfect choice for giving your washroom a modern, rustic appearance. The mirrors are placed on the cement walls and it’s paired with a marble basin sink on a wooden counter. Glass is used for the shower partition in combination with fibre. Another interesting design choice for the shower would be a false ceiling shower, where the shower head is embedded in the false bathroom ceiling. Overall, this washroom false ceiling design goes well with other spaces in a home and can be implemented if you have enough space for this idea. 

3. Simple False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom with Lights

Simple False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom with Lights
Simple False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom with Lights

There is always a special demand for simple, minimalistic design options and this modern false ceiling design for a bathroom with lights checks all the boxes when it comes to the latest bathroom false ceiling designs. The shelves provided on the main wall act as storage units for your toiletries and beauty products. The shelf also makes the room look spacious and goes really well with the Italian marble bathtub. You can place the bathtub similarly or swap the positions of the tub and the shower. 

4. Wooden Bathroom False Ceiling Design 

Wooden Bathroom False Ceiling Design
(Wooden Bathroom False Ceiling Design)

Wood is one of the most sought raw materials in construction and designs. This is due to a lot of factors like ease of availability, endurance and durability of wood and much more. This bathroom false ceiling design utilises a wooden false ceiling perfectly. The modern small bathroom ceiling design is well-ventilated and accessorised. The glass shower cubicle, the Italian marble bathtub and the wooden storage cabinets paired with large, circular mirrors make sure the space is well-divided with ample room for decoration.

5. Pillared False Ceiling Bathroom Design

Pillared False Ceiling Bathroom Design
(Pillared POP false ceiling design for a bathroom)

If you love the luxurious bathrooms shown in movies and magazine catalogues, this modern POP ceiling design for a bathroom is just for you. A bathtub, aroma candles, a beautiful french window all of it paired with a pillared POP false ceiling design for the bathroom is just wonderful. There is a wooden cabinet under the sink that provides ample storage options. Overall, this design can be considered if you want a pillared POP false ceiling design for a bathroom. 

6. Square Pattern False Ceiling Bathroom Design with POP

Square Pattern False Ceiling Bathroom Design With POP
(False Ceiling Bathroom Design With POP)

Take a look at this modern square-patterned false ceiling bathroom design with POP. This is a perfect choice of idea for a small bathroom false ceiling design for the bathroom. The plush false ceiling bathroom design is paired nicely with ample storage units and accessories. 

7. A Classic Bathroom False Ceiling Design Idea

A Classic Bathroom False Ceiling Design Idea
(Classic Bathroom False Ceiling Design Idea)

This classic bathroom false ceiling design idea is an outstanding exemplar of fine taste and timeless quality. The classic simple white false ceiling designs for a small bathroom is given a POP finish and paired with circular lights. The minimalist nature of the PVC false ceiling design for the bathroom is countered with heavy accessories. The fine Italian marble bathtub goes really well with the white false ceiling design in the bathroom. 

8. Refresh With PVC False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom

Refresh With PVC False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom
(PVC False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom)

A PVC false ceiling design for a bathroom is the go-to option in interior designing these days. This has led to a lot of stagnant designs beings passed off as new. If you are someone who wants to infuse some creativity with your PVC false ceiling design for a bathroom, this design can be very inspirational for your ideas. The wood used over the false ceiling as a laminate gives the liberty to add more design options in the future as well. The white marble bathtub also fits perfectly with the wooden washroom false ceiling design idea. 

9. Disco-Lights False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom

Disco-Lights False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom
(False Ceiling Design for a Bathroom)

Missing the nightclubs and want to bring the aesthetic vibe of a club into your washroom false ceiling design? This luxurious bathroom false ceiling design idea is just for you. The PVC false ceiling is paired with a neon blue LED strip inside. You can easily customise the colour of the LED as per your taste. Instead of going heavy on your wallet with the inbuilt jacuzzi pool, you can have something more suitable for you like a shower or a bathtub. 

10. The Latest False Ceiling Designs for a Bathroom with Grills 

The Latest False Ceiling Designs for a Bathroom with Grills
(The Latest False Ceiling Designs for a Bathroom with Grills)

When your bathroom has every corner decked up with all the accessories you need, it can be a good idea to choose a minimalistic false ceiling design. Consider this bathroom setting, for instance, the false ceiling design in the bathroom is paired with a grilled open space for ventilation. Keeping the ceiling in such a setting can aggravate your bathroom decor and help you showcase an elegant bathing space. The bathroom setting here is also commendable. The separation of the shower cabin and the bathtub still leaves ample space for other decor ideas. You can even install a wash sink in this setting that goes with your false ceiling bathroom design.

11. Small Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas with PVC

Small Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas with PVC
(Small Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas)

As already mentioned, designing a bathroom can be tough as it is often the most ignored and neglected space in a house. Another complication is utilising the space properly, especially in the cases of small washrooms. This small bathroom false ceiling design idea expertly solves the problem of space utilisation in urban homes. The bathroom false ceiling design is made with PVC and paired with small lights to provide proper visibility in the room. This bathroom idea utilises the space conveniently and still leaves room to add more decoration or storage options if needed. The combination of the bathroom false ceiling design lights and the large mirror provides a great visual treat for your mirror selfies too. 

12. Open Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas

Open Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas
(Open Bathroom False Ceiling Design Ideas)

Open bathrooms are in trend and these luxurious washrooms have impressed everyone with their aesthetic brilliance. An open bathroom false ceiling design can be implemented even in a small bathroom space. Like the false ceiling design idea for a bathroom shown in the example above, an open ceiling goes really well with the concept of a modern home. The glass shower cubicle and the marble bathtub add to the exotic vibe of the washroom. This PVC false ceiling design for a bathroom also has small-circular lights paired with it. Overall, it’s a great small bathroom false ceiling design and can be implemented very easily in your home. 

13. Rectangular False Ceiling Bathroom Design

Rectangular False Ceiling Bathroom Design
(Rectangular False Ceiling Bathroom Design)

Nowadays, the concept of adding a false ceiling is the latest trend in interior design. This can be seen in such creative false ceiling bathroom designs as shown in the picture above.

14. Chandelier False Ceiling Bathroom Design Idea

Chandelier False Ceiling Bathroom Design Idea
(Chandelier False Ceiling Bathroom Design Idea)

A chandelier can be a very fancy addition to your bathroom false ceiling design idea. If you like the visual appeal of chandeliers. You should definitely consider having a high false ceiling bathroom design with a chandelier. This can be paired with a white marble bathtub and a wooden cabinet for storage. A mirror can also be placed over one of the walls like in the picture shown above. 

15. Try this Net False Ceiling Bathroom Design Idea

A jali or net design is very popular in India and if you like such designs, this is the perfect idea for you. This bathroom false ceiling design combines the idea of a net wall with a false ceiling. The circular lights are placed carefully to provide visibility. The full-size mirror for a bathroom also goes really well with this false ceiling bathroom design idea. 

How to Install a Bathroom False Ceiling Design at Your Home?

There are a lot of ways to implement a false ceiling design idea in your home. The first step is to get an understanding of the type of design you are considering and the materials you will be needing for implementing that false ceiling design in your bathroom. Generally, prefabricated panels or Gypsum sheets are used for making a false ceiling design for a bathroom. You can easily install the design on your own or take professional help for the installation. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you install a false ceiling design in a bathroom. 

  • Select your design and procure the materials needed.
  • Install the wall supports and frame elements for the false ceiling
  • Build the frame 
  • Fix the vertical struts for added support
  • Install an insulation
  • Finally, put your false ceiling bathroom design. 
  • Finish up the false ceiling

Get The Best Bathroom False Ceiling Desing Idea with NoBroker

Bathroom false ceiling design ideas are very common these days in modern-day architecture and urban homes. This specially curated blog will help you in finding the latest false ceiling designs for a bathroom. Take inspiration from this blog to design your own bathroom false ceiling design or choose the best one from this list. If you are sceptical about the installation and need professional assistance, NoBroker’s interior experts can be of your assistance. With NoBroker’s Interior Designers, you get free consultation for your project, hassle-free completion and the best quotation in the market. Drop a comment about any of your real estate requirements and our executive team will be in touch with your shortly. 


Q1. Which false ceiling is the best for a bathroom?

Ans. Acrylic and Gypsum are two of the most used materials in a bathroom false ceiling design. The ideal material should have water-resistant capabilities and provide durability to the structure along with being aesthetically appealing or easily mouldable. 

Q2. What is the best material for a bathroom false ceiling design?

Ans. As mentioned already, the ideal material should have water-resistant capabilities and provide durability to the structure along with being aesthetically appealing or easily mouldable. Here is a list of some of the best materials that can be used for making a false ceiling design in a bathroom-
Acrylic Sheets
Metal Ceiling Tiles
Water-Resistant Fiberglass
For Panelling: PVC or Aluminum Composite Panels
Flat and Semi-Gloss Paint
Wood Cladding
Drywall or Green Board

Q3. Are Bathroom false ceilings waterproof?

Ans. Depending on the choice of material, a bathroom false ceiling design can be waterproof. Generally. For a bathroom roof designed as a false ceiling, it’s preferable to use a waterproof or water-resistant material. 

Q4. Can I waterproof my bathroom false ceiling if I haven’t used suitable materials before?

Ans. Yes and no. This is something that varies based on personal opinion. You can always use a coating of waterproof paint over your false ceiling for resistance but it’s not 100% guaranteed to be waterproof over a while. It’s advisable to go for a waterproof material like Gypsum or Acrylic false ceiling for the bathroom for the best results.

Office False Ceiling Design Ideas to Inspire Your Workspace

Office False Ceiling Design Ideas to Inspire Your Workspace

If you subscribe to the philosophy that “a workplace is like a second home,” you will surely appreciate and understand the significance of having a well-designed office space. Along with investing in high-quality furnishings and infrastructure, you should pay close attention to the ceiling as well as the walls! A well-designed office false ceiling design creates a vibrant workplace and often leads to a rise in staff productivity. In a modern office setting the ceiling is much more than just a part of the interior structure of the building. Today, the type and design of the false ceiling can bring a drastic change in the work environment as it defines everything from lighting to the AC vents. 

Not only does a beautiful roof ceiling design for the office boost the aesthetics of your workplace, but it also helps to increase the general brand awareness of your company among customers and visitors. If you are looking for innovative office false ceiling design ideas to replace the old-fashioned, dreary-looking ceilings, this blog will highlight some of the best designs for every office space. Take a look at these fundamental and cutting-edge office false ceiling designs, which have been meticulously constructed to suit all characteristics such as design, energy efficiency, insulation, and so forth. Let us look at a few down ceiling designs for the office.

1. Small Office False Ceiling Design

Small Office False Ceiling Design
A 1-foot by 1-foot false ceiling panel provides additional lighting options due to flexible panels.

India is known as the home of gigantic Information Technology and Software development conglomerates.  Your workplace must reflect the futuristic nature of the product you are developing! For example, consider this stunning office false ceiling design, which extends down the corridor. Incorporating a mathematical arrangement of panels in the office down ceiling design with emphasised light lines in between, the result is a lavishly designed interior. Such a design works really well for small office false ceiling designs due to all the possible patterns and colours you can explore.

2. Office Cabin False Ceiling Design

Office Cabin False Ceiling Design
You can play with the colours of the ceiling panels and choose contrasting colour combinations for the best results. 

As shown, this is an example of a suspended ceiling appropriate for small-sized office space. The whole panelling is recycled material, which has unique properties that make it stand out for false ceiling designs for office cabins.  This small office ceiling design can absorb extra noise, provide you with ideal illumination, and create a smart environment, among other things. This design will also help hide all unsightly wires that may be tucked away above it for the best office false ceiling design.

3. Simple False Ceiling Design for Office

Simple False Ceiling Design For Office
Property owners with a tight budget can opt for a simple mesh design for a false ceiling that is cost-effective.

In this front office reception room, we have an attractive small office false ceiling design for office cabin. Instead of a conventional roof, a series of black-coloured pipes are strung from above to create this incredible structure. In a false ceiling design for an office reception, the lights are strategically placed within these holes to lighten up the area without deviating from the overall design. This is a fantastic concept of office false ceiling design! Don’t you think so?

4. Modern Office False Ceiling Design 

 Modern Office False Ceiling Design 
Modern offices with new-age architecture deserves a brightly-lit false ceiling with modern design. 

As with the last office false ceiling design, this one is unique and may be utilised for conference rooms or cafe areas. An acoustic mesh ceiling with beehive-shaped pops dangling from it is the room’s focal point. Not only does this look fantastic, but it also helps to maintain a clean and beautiful appearance in the space. Sometimes, the most straightforward office cabin false ceiling design ideas are the most brilliant ones!

5. PVC False Ceiling Design for Office

Pvc False Ceiling Design For Office
A PVC false ceiling has always been popular with commercial property owners due to its long-lasting material and customisable design.

PVC, also known as Poly Vinyl Chloride, is a form of synthetic material that is cost-effective and long-lasting. Compared to pricey timber panels, PVC false ceiling design for office is a more cost-effective option. Take a look at the ceiling of the conference room/office cabin seen in the picture, which is enhanced with PVC bars to give it a rich appearance all while staying within budget!

6. Office Reception False Ceiling Design

Office Reception False Ceiling Design
False ceiling for the reception area

Sheet ceilings are among the most popular office reception false ceiling designs in residential and commercial environments.  Reception ceiling design imparts a gleaming sheen that no other ceiling material can equal in appearance. Here is an example of such a concept, office gypsum ceiling design which uses gypsum blocks that have been stacked inconsistently. Consequently, you will be unable to take your gaze away from this fantastic performance of modern office false ceiling design!

7. Wooden False Ceiling Design for Office

Wooden False Ceiling Design For Office
A faux wooden false ceiling can provide a refreshing look to the work floor. 

Faux Wooden ceilings are the way to go if you want to bring a vintage and bohemian feel to your home office space for an office false ceiling design. It provides the appearance of being evergreen and rustic. It is environmentally friendly and gives your home office a welcoming impression. What seems to be a simple concept has had a profound impact on how corporate environments are constructed for office room false ceiling design for small office!

8. POP False Ceiling Design for Office

Pop False Ceiling Design For Office
A simple Pop false ceiling design is also a sign of the company’s commitment to openness and transparency and a positive environment. 

The new-age workplaces promote minimalism and simplicity as a way of life. They don’t believe in high-tech designs and prefer to pursue the most direct path to success. These ideals are mirrored in their workplace design, notably in the ceiling, which is exceptionally high. No frills, flashing lights, and expensive materials are used to construct a pop false ceiling design for the office. Instead, a black open ceiling with lighting and air controls dangling from it serves as a focal point of the room. 

9. Gypsum False Ceiling Design for Office

Gypsum False Ceiling Design For Office
A false ceiling made of Gypsum is a terrific method to greet your guests in style and create a focal point at the entry point of your office premises.

With the increasing popularity of co-working spaces in cities, designers must respond to the varying needs of each team they work with. In this case, a four-ceiling office false ceiling design may be the most fantastic option available. For each group, four distinct ceiling designs are erected in the same space, all different from one another. This is a terrific method to generate an integrated atmosphere among varied working teams!

Who says that just ceilings need to be attractive? You might choose this alternative design for a false ceiling design for the office room. The roof is left unadorned, and the attractiveness of the structure is compensated by the use of gypsum decorations on the walls. Do not forget to put some funky bulbs from the ceiling to make your workplace visible!

10. Corporate Office False Ceiling Design

Corporate Office False Ceiling Design
Large work floors with different departments can use false ceilings with different lighting and designs. 

Changing the style of your office ceiling may now be used to separate your workplace floor into departments. For example, consider the contrast between a white suspended ceiling over the work area and the dark, painted roof overhanging the meeting space. While solid walls are not required, this approach may assist in maximising space efficiency for corporate office false ceiling design!

11. Modern Office Ceiling Design 

Modern Office Ceiling Design
A brightly-lit work floor is superb for process management and IT offices that are open 24 hours a day.

Take a look at this tiny and beautiful home office false ceiling design space, which displays your refined sense of style and individuality. The roof design is kept as essential as possible while yet affecting. It is devoid of any unnecessary distractions. It has been made entirely functional to accommodate reading lights, air conditioning vents, and centre lighting. Even the crown moulding contributes to the overall architectural elegance of the space of the latest false ceiling design for the office.

How to Select the Appropriate Office Ceiling Design?

An office false ceiling design plays an essential function in communicating the vision of your organisation and the kind of job you undertake. Hence, it is important to devote some time, money, and effort to selecting the most appropriate type for your office space. Here are some pointers that can assist you in making the proper decision:

  • First and foremost, consider the size of the hall, the height of the roof, the ventilation, and the location of fans or air conditioners in the room. This may aid in the clean framing of the fundamental structure.
  • Acoustic ceilings are a must-have if you have a big collaborative room to work in. They absorb excess noise and keep the volume levels in the space balanced.
  • Suspended ceilings, T-bar ceilings, and Dropped ceiling designs are excellent choices for decreasing noise levels while still providing a sophisticated aesthetic appeal.
  • Plaster of Paris or POP design for office cabins is an excellent choice for a traditional false ceiling appearance. It may be used in conjunction with wooden frames and timber planks to offer insulation for the participants in conference rooms.
  • Gypsum boards are popular these days since they help you save money on energy costs and offer you an exquisite and glossy surface that complements any decor. Others protect against unintentional fires as a bonus.
  • If you are on a tight budget but still want a nice-looking ceiling, smooth out your roof wall and cover it with colourful wallpaper or paint it with a stencil. These may be personalised with your brand logos, corporate images, and other relevant information.

The office false ceiling designs highlighted above are pretty stunning, don’t you think? Getting the best and most suitable design for your office’s ceiling can be an excellent long-term investment. If you wish to consult with an expert interior designer, you will certainly find options at Nobroker. Please leave a comment below this article so that our executive can understand your specific requirements and assist you in selecting the most appropriate design.


Q1. What is a false ceiling?

Answer. A false ceiling is a secondary ceiling that is built on top of the original ceiling of the room. The false ceiling hangs below the primary ceiling and is often available in different designs and materials.

Q2. Are commercial false ceilings different to residential false ceiling designs?

Answer. Residential false ceilings are designed for smaller surface areas. Whereas, commercial false ceiling design is built to allow AC ducts and electrical wiring to hide in the structure.  

Q3. Why is it necessary to install a false ceiling in the office?

Answer. Office ceilings are often used for providing extra lighting and centralised air conditioning. In order to incorporate both aspects, it is important to have a strong false ceiling on work floors.

Q4. What is the cost of a PVC office false ceiling design?

Answer.  The average cost per square foot for PVC false ceiling is Rs. 80 to Rs. 85. 

Q5. What is the cost of an office false ceiling design made of Gypsum? 

Answer.  A commercial false ceiling made of Gypsum can cost anywhere between Rs. 50 to Rs. 300, depending on the quality and the design.

7 blog on False Ceiling Design in Interiors Design

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