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Home Blog Real Estate Legal Guide Rescission of Contract in India: Understanding the Process and Remedies

Rescission of Contract in India: Understanding the Process and Remedies

Published : March 13, 2023, 7:27 PM

Updated : April 26, 2023, 5:46 PM

Author : author_image Siri Hegde K


Understanding the rescission of a contract is crucial for anyone involved in legal agreements. As a party to a contract, understanding the concept of rescission is crucial for protecting your legal interests.

By reading this blog, you will learn about the grounds for rescission, the importance of serving notice of rescission, and the different remedies available for a breach of contract.

Dive into this comprehensive blog on rescission of the contract and get equipped to protect your legal rights.

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Meaning and Concept of Rescission of Contract

Rescission of Contract
Credits:freepik {Rescission of contract means, in a nutshell, the process of undoing a contract}

If you are a party to a contract, it is essential to know what rescission of a contract means and how it works. Rescission of contract refers to the process of cancelling or undoing a contract. It is a legal remedy that allows the parties to a contract to terminate it on certain grounds, rendering it void from the beginning. 

Rescission is different from termination or cancellation because it operates as if the contract never existed. 

In India, the Specific Relief Act, of 1963, provides for the remedy of rescission.

Rescission Of Contract And Its Legal Significance

Rescission of contract refers to the cancellation or annulment of a contract by either party involved. 

Rescission has been referred to as the dissolution of a contract between parties in contract law. This is carried out to return the parties as closely as possible to their pre-contractual state.

Rescission of a contract in India can occur due to a breach of the terms of the agreement, misrepresentation, fraud, duress, or mistake. The legal significance of rescission is that it relieves both parties of their obligations under the contract and restores them to their pre-contractual positions.

When a contract is rescinded, the parties involved must return any consideration that was exchanged under the agreement. For example, if one party paid money to the other, that money must be returned. Similarly, if the property was exchanged, it must be returned to its original owner. This is done to ensure that both parties are returned to their pre-contractual positions and that neither party benefits unfairly from the contract's rescission.

Rescission of a contract can also have legal consequences in terms of damages. If one party breached the contract or committed fraud or misrepresentation, the other party may be entitled to recover damages to compensate them for any losses they suffered as a result of the contract. These damages can include out-of-pocket expenses, lost profits, and other costs incurred as a result of the contract.

In some cases, a party may seek rescission of a contract as a remedy for a breach of contract. This is often done when the breach is so significant that it makes it impossible for the party to fulfil their obligations under the contract. In such cases, rescission allows the party to cancel the contract and avoid any further obligations under it. 

If one party has confirmed the agreement through his or her actions, a third party has acquired rights, or the agreement has been substantially implemented, the court may decide not to revoke the agreement. 

How Is Rescission Of Contract Different From Cancellation And Termination Of Contract?

Rescission of a contract, cancellation, and termination are all ways to end a contract. However, each term has a different meaning and legal implication.

Rescission of contract refers to the act of cancelling a contract as if it never existed. Rescission is typically used when there has been a material breach of the contract, fraud, or mistake. It is an equitable remedy that can be sought by either party, and it aims to restore the parties to their original position before the contract was formed.

Cancellation of a contract is the act of terminating a contract by mutual agreement of the parties. Cancellation can occur when both parties agree that the contract is no longer necessary or relevant, or if there has been a breach of the contract that both parties agree to cancel it. Cancellation usually occurs when both parties want to end the contract on friendly terms.

Termination of a contract, on the other hand, refers to the act of ending a contract due to a breach of its terms. Termination can occur when one party has failed to perform their obligations under the contract or has committed a material breach of the agreement. Termination can also occur if the contract has a specific termination clause.

Example Of Rescission Of Contract In India

An example of rescission of a contract in Indian real estate could be when a buyer purchases a property from a developer, but later discovers that the developer has misrepresented important facts about the property, such as the size, amenities, or ownership rights. 

The buyer may then seek rescission of the contract to cancel the agreement and recover any money paid to the developer.

In such cases, the buyer can file a suit in a court of law seeking rescission of the contract and return of the money paid to the developer. The court may then examine the facts of the case, including the terms of the contract and any evidence of misrepresentation or fraud, and make a decision based on the merits of the case.

If the court grants rescission, the contract will be cancelled, and the buyer will be entitled to a refund of any money paid to the developer. The developer may also be liable for damages for any losses incurred by the buyer as a result of the misrepresentation or fraud.

Rescission of contracts is an important legal remedy for buyers in Indian real estate, as it allows them to protect their interests and recover their investment in case of any fraudulent or deceptive practices by developers.

Rescission of Contract under the Specific Relief Act, 1963

Rescission of a contract refers to the process of terminating a contract due to the breach of its terms by one of the parties involved. Under the Specific Relief Act, of 1963, a contract can be rescinded if there has been a material breach of the terms of the contract by either party, or if the contract is voidable due to the presence of coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, or mistake.

To seek rescission of a contract, the party seeking relief must provide sufficient evidence to prove the existence of a material breach or the presence of one of the voidable factors. Once the court is satisfied that such evidence exists, it may order the rescission of the contract, which will have the effect of terminating the contract and releasing both parties from their obligations.

It is important to note that the remedy of rescission is discretionary and will only be granted by the court in certain circumstances. Additionally, the court may award damages in addition to rescission of the contract if it deems it appropriate.

Overall, the Specific Relief Act, of 1963 provides a legal framework for parties to seek rescission of a contract in certain circumstances where the terms of the contract have been breached or the contract is voidable.

Grounds for Rescission of Contracts in India

Rescission of Contract
Credits:freepik {A contract signed due to coercion can be rescinded}

Under Indian law, a contract can be rescinded if it was entered into as a result of coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, or mistake, or if the agreement is void or illegal. Rescission of a contract may result in the parties being restored to their original positions before the contract.

Factors That Can Lead To Rescission Of Contract In India

The following factors can lead to the rescission of a contract in India:

In India, a contract may be rescinded under various circumstances. 

  • Firstly, if the contract was entered into as a result of coercion or undue influence, it can be rescinded. Coercion involves the use of force or threats to enter into a contract, while undue influence involves taking advantage of a person's vulnerability to gain an unfair advantage. 
  • Secondly, a contract can be rescinded if it was induced by fraud or misrepresentation. Thirdly, if the parties entered into a contract under a mistake of fact, it can be rescinded. 
  • Finally, if the contract is void or illegal, it can be rescinded. Rescission of a contract may result in the parties being restored to their original positions before the contract.

If a contract was signed under duress or undue influence, it can be rescinded. If one party misrepresented a material fact that influenced the other party to enter into the contract, the contract can be rescinded. If the parties entered into a contract because of a mutual mistake of fact, the contract can be rescinded.

Breach Of Contract As A Major Ground For Rescission of Contract

Breach of contract is a major ground for the rescission of a contract in India. When one party fails to fulfil their obligations under the contract, it constitutes a breach. The non-breaching party can choose to rescind the contract if the breach is material and fundamental to the contract. In such cases, the non-breaching party can seek restitution, which involves restoring the parties to their original positions before the contract was entered into. 

However, not all breaches of the contract will result in rescission, and the parties may need to seek other legal remedies such as damages or specific performance. Overall, a breach of contract is a significant ground for the rescission of a contract, but the circumstances and severity of the breach will determine the appropriate legal recourse.

Fraud, Misrepresentation, Coercion, Undue Influence, And Mistake As Grounds For Rescission

In India, a contract can be rescinded under certain circumstances, including fraud, misrepresentation, coercion, undue influence, and mistake. Fraud involves a deliberate act of deception by one party to induce the other party into the contract. Misrepresentation occurs when a false statement is made that induces the other party to enter into the contract. 

Coercion involves the use of force or threats to enter into a contract, while undue influence involves taking advantage of a person's vulnerability to gain an unfair advantage. If a party enters into a contract under a mistake of fact, it can also be rescinded. These grounds for rescission allow parties to cancel a contract that was entered into under fraudulent or unfair circumstances.

Rescission can have significant consequences, such as restoring the parties to their original positions before the contract. However, rescission is not always a feasible remedy, and the parties may need to seek other legal remedies such as damages or specific performance. Overall, these grounds for the rescission of a contract play a vital role in protecting parties from entering into unfair or deceptive agreements.

Notice of Rescission of Contract

Rescission of Contract
Credits:freepik{A notice of rescission of contract must be served correctly and in time to rescind a contract}

A notice of rescission of a contract is a written communication that informs the other party of the intention to cancel or rescind the contract. The notice typically sets out the grounds for rescission and specifies the effective date of rescission. The notice may also include a demand for restitution, which involves restoring the parties to their original positions before the contract was entered into. 

The notice of rescission must be served by the terms of the contract or as required by law. Failure to serve the notice correctly may result in the rescission being deemed invalid. The notice of rescission is an essential step in the process of cancelling a contract, and it helps ensure that the parties are aware of the grounds for rescission and the effective date of termination.

Meaning and Importance of Notice of Rescission of Contract

A notice of rescission is a written communication that informs the other party of the intention to cancel or rescind a contract. It serves as a formal notice to the other party, providing them with information about the grounds for rescission and the effective date of termination.

The notice of rescission is important as it helps to ensure that the rescission is valid and enforceable. Without proper notice, rescission may not be legally binding, and the parties may continue to be bound by the terms of the contract. The notice also helps to provide clarity and transparency to both parties regarding the reasons for rescission and the implications of termination.

In addition, the notice of rescission can be used as evidence in case of any disputes or legal proceedings arising from the rescission. It can help demonstrate that the other party was informed of the rescission and the effective date, and can be used to support claims for restitution or damages. Overall, the notice of rescission is a crucial step in the process of cancelling a contract, and its importance should not be overlooked.

How Is Notice Of Rescission Served In India?

In India, a notice of rescission is served according to the terms of the contract or as required by law. The notice can be served through registered post, email, or other methods specified in the contract. The method of service should provide proof of delivery, such as a delivery receipt or confirmation email.

Time Limit For Serving Notice Of Rescission of Contract in India

Under Indian law, the time limit for serving a notice of rescission of a contract depends on the nature of the contract and the grounds for rescission. For example, in cases of fraud, misrepresentation, or mistake, the notice of rescission must be served within a reasonable time after the discovery of the grounds for rescission. 

In cases of coercion or undue influence, the notice must be served within a reasonable time after the coercion or undue influence has ceased. In breach of contract cases, the notice of rescission must be served within a reasonable time after the breach has occurred. 

The time limit for serving the notice is important as it helps to ensure that the rescission is valid and enforceable and that the other party is informed of the grounds for rescission and the effective date of termination.

Consequences Of Failure To Serve Notice Of Rescission Of Contract In India

The consequences of failing to serve a notice of rescission of a contract in India can be significant. Without proper notice, the rescission may not be legally binding, and the parties may continue to be bound by the terms of the contract. This can result in disputes and legal proceedings, and the parties may be unable to seek restitution or damages. 

It is important to serve proper notice to maintain a party's legal position which may lead to a loss of credibility in any subsequent legal proceedings. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that proper notice of rescission is served following the terms of the contract or as required by law.

Remedies for Breach of Contract Rescission

Remedies for Breach of Contract Rescission

Rescission of Contract
Credits:freepik {Breach of contract is a serious issue and can be remedied through rescission of contract}

Rescission is one of the remedies available for breach of contract. Rescission refers to the cancellation or termination of a contract that has been breached by one of the parties. Rescission allows the parties to be released from their obligations under the contract and to return to their original positions before the contract was entered into.

Rescission As A Remedy For Breach Of Contract

Rescission is a remedy for breach of contract that can be used when one of the parties has committed a serious breach of the contract. Rescission allows the non-breaching party to cancel the contract and to seek restitution for any losses suffered as a result of the breach. Rescission can be an effective remedy for breach of contract as it allows the parties to undo the effects of the contract and to be released from their obligations.

How Does Rescission Of Contract Help Parties To Undo The Effects Of The Contract?

Rescission helps parties to undo the effects of the contract by allowing them to cancel the contract and to be released from their obligations. Rescission can be an effective remedy for breach of contract as it allows the parties to return to their original positions before the contract was entered into. Rescission can help to restore the parties to the status quo ante and can help to prevent further losses or damages.

Other Remedies For Breach Of Contract, Such As Damages And Specific Performance

In addition to rescission, there are other remedies available for breach of contract, such as damages and specific performance. Damages refer to the monetary compensation awarded to the non-breaching party for any losses suffered as a result of the breach. Specific performance refers to the court order that requires the breaching party to fulfil their obligations under the contract.

Comparison Of Rescission With Other Remedies For Breach Of Contract

Rescission is a remedy for breach of contract that allows the injured party to cancel the contract and restore the parties to their pre-contractual position. Unlike damages, which seek to compensate the injured party for losses suffered as a result of the breach, rescission completely voids the contract. Rescission is also different from specific performance, which requires the breaching party to perform the obligations specified in the contract. 

Rescission may be appropriate in cases where there has been a fundamental breach of the contract or where one party has been induced to enter into the contract through fraud or misrepresentation.

Mutual Rescission of Contract

Mutual rescission of a contract is a process by which the parties to a contract agree to terminate or cancel their agreement. It essentially means that both parties agree to release each other from their obligations under the contract. This can be done at any time before the contract is fully executed. Once the mutual rescission of the contract is agreed upon, the contract is considered null and void, and both parties are released from any further obligations under the agreement.

Meaning and Concept of Mutual Rescission of Contract

Mutual rescission is a consensual agreement between the parties to a contract to terminate or cancel their agreement. It requires the mutual agreement of all parties involved, and the agreement must be in writing to be legally binding. This concept is based on the principle that contracts are voluntary agreements between parties, and as such, they can be terminated by mutual consent.

How is Mutual Rescission of Contract Different from Unilateral Rescission of Contract?

The key difference between mutual rescission and unilateral rescission is that mutual rescission requires the consent of all parties to the contract, while unilateral rescission does not. Unilateral rescission is a process where one party to a contract can terminate the agreement without the consent of the other party. This is usually done when there is a breach of contract by the other party, or when one party wishes to cancel the contract due to some other reason.

When can Mutual Rescission of the Contract be Agreed Upon by the Parties?

Mutual rescission can be agreed upon by the parties at any time before the contract is fully executed. This can be done for various reasons, such as when the parties decide that the contract is no longer needed, or when they wish to renegotiate the terms of the agreement. The agreement to rescind the contract must be in writing and signed by all parties to be legally binding.

Legal Consequences of Mutual Rescission of Contract

The legal consequences of mutual rescission are that the contract is considered null and void, and both parties are released from any further obligations under the agreement. This means that neither party can seek damages or other remedies for any breach of the contract that occurred before the mutual rescission was agreed upon. However, any obligations or liabilities that arose before the mutual rescission will still need to be fulfilled. Additionally, any property or funds that were exchanged as part of the contract will need to be returned or reimbursed as part of the mutual rescission agreement.

Right of Rescission in Real Estate Contracts

Rescission of Contract

The Right of Rescission in real estate contracts refers to a period during which a buyer can cancel a contract without penalty. The right is provided under the Truth in Lending Act, which allows homeowners to rescind a mortgage loan within three business days of closing.

During these three days, the buyer can decide to cancel the contract for any reason and receive a full refund of any fees or costs paid. This provision is intended to give buyers a chance to review the terms of the loan and make sure they fully understand the financial commitment they are making.

It is important to note that not all real estate contracts are subject to the Right of Rescission. For example, the right does not apply to contracts for the purchase of a property for investment purposes or contracts for the purchase of a second home.

Overall, the Right of Rescission is an important protection for homebuyers, allowing them to make an informed decision without fear of being locked into a potentially unfavourable contract.

Rescission of a contract is an important legal concept that can help parties to get out of a contract that they no longer want to be a part of. The grounds for rescission include breach of contract, fraud, misrepresentation, coercion, undue influence, and mistake. 

A notice of rescission must be served within a reasonable time, and failure to do so can lead to the loss of the right to rescind the contract.

Rescission is a remedy for breach of contract that allows parties to undo the effects of the contract, and other remedies include damages and specific performance. 
NoBroker can help with the process of rescission and assist parties who want to rescind a contract with the help of NoBroker Legal Services.


Q1: What is the difference between rescission and termination of a contract?

A1: Rescission of a contract is the act of undoing a contract, whereas termination of a contract is the act of ending a contract before it has been completed.

Q2: How long do I have to give notice of the rescission of a contract?

A2: Notice of rescission must be given within a reasonable time after the discovery of the grounds for rescission.

Q3: Can a contract be rescinded even if it was executed by both parties?

A3: Yes, a contract can be rescinded even if it was executed by both parties if the grounds for rescission are present. However, the rescission must be done following the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, of 1872.

Q4: What are the consequences of the rescission of a contract in India?

A4: The consequences of the rescission of a contract in India depend on the circumstances of each case. Generally, the parties are released from their obligations under the contract, and any consideration or benefit received by either party must be returned. In some cases, damages may be awarded for losses suffered as a result of the rescission.

Q5: What is the procedure for the rescission of a contract in India?

A5: The procedure for the rescission of a contract in India depends on the circumstances of each case. Generally, the party seeking rescission must give notice to the other party and provide evidence of the grounds for rescission. If the other party does not agree to rescind the contract, the matter may be resolved through litigation or arbitration. It is advisable to seek legal advice before taking any steps to rescind a contract.

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