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Home Blog Real Estate Legal Guide Sanchaya in Kerala

Sanchaya in Kerala – Registration Process, Tax Payment & Contact Details

Published : January 15, 2025, 12:01 PM

Updated : January 15, 2025, 12:01 PM

Author : author_image Vivek


The days of waiting in line for hours at a time and devoting an entire day to paying the property tax have long since passed. In this context, it is worthy of admiration that several state governments are working toward digitising their respective systems. The Sanchaya Tax Payment system that the government of Kerala uses is an excellent illustration of digital tax payments.

What is Sanchaya in Kerala?

Sanchaya is an e-governance application software package developed for Local Self Governments in Kerala to manage their income and licences. Online services provided by Sanchaya enable residents of Kerala to pay their property and building taxes promptly. The Local Self Government (LSG) department of Kerala can collect fees, levies, and taxes streamlined because of the Sanchaya online system's capabilities. The following are some of the online services offered by Sanchaya in Kerala:

  • Be Aware of Your Property Taxes
  • Property Taxes and Other Charges Can Now Be Paid Online
  • Submission of an Application for a Certificate of Ownership
  • Form for Requesting an Age Certificate for a Building
  • Rent to municipal organisations
  • E Filing
  • Dangerous and Offensive (D & O Licence)
  • Search for Taxes on Property Using the Plinth Area
  • The Payment of Utility Bills (Water, Electricity, or Telephone)
  • Tax on the Professions, Tax on Hall Bookings, and Tax on Entertainment (Cinema)

How To Register on the Sanchaya Portal in Kerala and login to Your Account?

You will need to register on the Sanchaya online portal that the state government of Kerala maintains to use the services offered on the land tax online Kerala site. After generating a login id and password on the Sanchaya portal that is accessible online, you will be able to log in (Sanchaya Login) to the system to make use of the services that are made available by Sanchaya online. To sign up for the online Sanchaya, follow the procedures that have been provided. 

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Sanchaya in Kerala
Sanchaya in Kerala log-in window
  • The first thing you need to do is go to the Sanchaya Kerala website, which can be found at
  • You will have the following choices available to you on the home page.
  1. Citizen login (Sanchaya Login)
  2. Official Login (Sanchaya Login)
  3. Dashboard
  4. Statistics gathered online
  5. Institutions Capable of Accepting Electronic Payments
  • Select the option labelled "Citizen Login" from the menu.
  • Selecting this choice will bring you to the Local Self Government (LSG) of Kerala website, which may be found at
  • When you get to this screen, choose the "Payment for Registered User" option. Because you are not logged in, you will need to choose the "New User Registration" option from the menu.
  • Under the New User Registration option, submit the data such as your complete name, email address, and cell phone number, as well as the captcha code.
  • When you have finished providing the necessary information, click the "Submit" button. You are going to be set up as a user on the Sanchaya online platform.

Sanchaya Login: Registration Confirmation

Sanchaya in Kerala
Sanchaya in Kerala tax payment website landing page. 

You may also verify that your registration was successful using the Sanchaya site. You will be able to check to see whether you are a registered user on the Sanchaya portal once you have first registered as a user on the portal. Please follow the actions outlined below to confirm your registration:

Step 1: Navigate to the Sanchaya Kerala homepage at on the internet.

Step 2: Select the "Citizen Login" option by clicking on it.

Step 3: Selecting this choice will bring you to the Local Self Government (LSG) of Kerala website, which may be found at

Step 4: When you get to this screen, choose the "Payment for Registered User" option.

Step 5: At the very bottom of this page, you will see an option labelled "Confirm Registration." Select this.

Step 6: When you are ready, click the "Confirm Registration" button, and you will be brought to a new window.

Step 7: If you want to validate that you registered for the Sanchaya online service in Kerala, enter the Email Id, the Registration Code, and the captcha code, and then click on the Submit button. Once all the information has been entered, you may click the "Submit" button.

Step 8: On the screen, you will see the current status of your registration for the property tax in Kerala.

How To Pay the Property Tax Online on the Sanchaya Online Portal? (Step-By-Step)

Sanchaya in Kerala
Online Sanchaya Payment Services from the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation

The Sanchaya site of Kerala was launched to streamline the process of applying for licences and many other permits and paying property taxes and utility bills online. Through the use of Sanchaya online, a formerly time-consuming and complicated procedure was streamlined into a wholly online system. After completing each procedure below, a user will have successfully paid their property tax online.

Step 1: Navigate to the Sanchaya portal of Kerala's official website, which may be found at

Step 2: Select the "Citizen Login" option by clicking on it. (Sanchaya Login)

Step 3: You will now be brought to a new tab or window dedicated to Kerala's Local Self Government.

Step 4: If you are a registered user, you must click on the link that says "Payment for Registered user."

Step 5: After completing Step 5, which requires you to enter your registered Username and Password, you will be signed in to the system. (Sanchaya Login)

Step 6: Based on the kind of search you conducted, choose either the Corporation, the Gram Panchayat, or the Municipality.

Step 7: From the drop-down list, choose the appropriate district.

Step 8: After choosing the district and the company, click the Search button to proceed. The digital institutions of local government that are accessible online will be shown on the screen.

Step 9: To complete this process, click the Select button next to the EPay button.

Step 10: After finishing Step 10, you will be sent to the next window in the process.

Step 11: When you are ready to make your quick payment, click the "Quick pay" button, and you will be sent to a new window.

Step 12: At this point, choose the Year of the Ward, the Number of the Ward, the Door Number, and the Sub Number, and then click the Search button.

Step 13: At this point, in step 13, the information about the property, as well as the property tax, will be shown in the following manner. This will include information such as each head's period, head, and amount. It will also indicate the entire amount of tax that must be paid.

Step 14: You can go on with the payment process after you have obtained the property tax information.

Step 15: Enter the captcha code with the registered email address and mobile phone number.

Step 16: Select "Pay Now" from the drop-down menu.

Step 17: The next window will allow you to make payments online using a Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI, RTGS, NEFT, or Mobile Wallet, amongst other options. The building tax online in Kerala has made the process of paying property taxes simpler, which has resulted in significant time and resource savings.

How to Check Your Pending Property Tax Bill on Sanchaya? 

For those of us who own property in Kerala, paying the property tax bill is a part of our monthly routine. And if you haven't paid your property tax for a few months, then you might want to check your pending bill. But how do you do that?

Worry not, it's as easy as pie! All you need is access to Sanchaya, the online portal for Kerala's property tax payment system. In this post, we'll show you how to check your pending property tax bill on Sanchaya and keep your property ownership stress-free.

  1. First and foremost, you need to log in to Sanchaya's official website (
  2. Once you're logged in, you'll be able to see all the details of your property, including your current property tax bill status.
  3. If you have any pending property tax bills, you'll see a notification on your dashboard.
  4. You can also view the details of your pending property tax bill by clicking on the "View Details" button.
  5. In the "View Details" section, you'll be able to see the following details:
  • The property's ward year
  • The property's door number
  • The amount of property tax due
  • The due date for the payment
  1. If everything looks good, you can proceed to make the payment online by clicking the "Pay Now" button. (Note: Make sure you have a valid mode of payment, such as a credit card or a debit card, before making the payment.)
  2. And voila! Your pending property tax bill will now be paid, and you can sit back and relax.
  3. Steps to follow to check your pending property tax bill on Sanchaya:
  4. Log in to Sanchaya's official website (
  5. Check for any notifications on your dashboard.
  6. Click on "View Details" for more information about your pending property tax bill.
  7. Review the details and proceed to make the payment and avail the kerala land tax receipt.

Kerala's Tax Man Knocking? Sanchaya's Here to Help You Pay Your Property Tax!

Kerala's property tax system has gone online, and it's never been easier to pay your property tax. You can now pay your property tax online through Sanchaya's official website. You can also check the status of your property tax bill, download your land tax receipt, and view your ownership certificate.

It's important to pay your house tax payment online in kerala on time to avoid any penalties or late fees. If you're a property owner in Kerala, you're required to pay your property tax annually. The amount of property tax you pay is based on the value of your property and the property's location.

And did you know that you can also pay your luxury tax for house in Kerala through Sanchaya? Yes, you heard it right! Sanchaya makes it easy for you to pay land tax online in Kerala in one place.

Reasons To Pay Your Property Tax Through Sanchaya

  • Convenient and easy to use
  • No more standing in long queues at the tax office
  • Secure payment gateway
  • Instant receipt generation
  • Online access to your ownership

Understanding The Kerala Building Tax Online Rules

Kerala Building Tax Rules govern the calculation and payment of property taxes for buildings in the Indian state of Kerala. These rules determine the amount of tax owed based on various factors, such as the location, use, and size of the property. The taxes collected under these rules are used to fund various local government services, such as infrastructure development, maintenance, and repair.

According to the Kerala Building Tax Rules, property taxes are calculated annually, and the tax amount is based on the market value of the property. The market value of a property is determined by the local government, taking into consideration the location, size, and type of construction. The owner of the property is responsible for paying the property tax, and the tax must be paid on or before the due date to avoid penalties or late fees.

In addition to the regular property tax, there is also a luxury tax for buildings in Kerala. This tax is imposed on properties that are considered to be luxury, such as large houses with multiple rooms and amenities. The amount of luxury tax owed is based on the market value of the property, and it must be paid in addition to the regular property tax.

The Kerala Building Tax Rules also provide guidelines for property owners who wish to appeal the assessed value of their property. If a property owner feels that the assessed value is incorrect, they can file an appeal with the local government, who will then review the case and make a determination.

Overall, the Kerala Building Tax Rules provide a clear and straightforward framework for the calculation and payment of property taxes in Kerala. By paying their property taxes on time and in accordance with these rules, property owners can ensure that they are contributing to the development and maintenance of their local communities.
In case you need any assistance with the Kerala Building Tax Rules or have any questions about your property tax bill, you can avail NoBroker's legal services to get the help you need. NoBroker's team of experts will guide you through the process, ensuring that you stay compliant with the rules and regulations.

Sanchaya: Property Tax Search Using Plinth Area

Using the plinth area of the property, the government of Kerala's online Sanchaya system enables users to do precise searches on the amount of property tax that applies to a certain property. To learn about the property tax in Kerala based on the plinth area of the property, follow the provided procedures.

Step 1: Go to the official website of the sanchaya online services portal of

Step 2: Select the "Citizen Login" option by clicking on it. (Sanchaya Login)

Step 3: You will now be brought to a new tab or window dedicated to Kerala's Local Self Government.

Step 4: If you are a registered user, you must click on the link that says "Payment for Registered user."

Step 5: After completing Step 5, which requires you to enter your registered Username and Password, you will be signed in to the system. (Sanchaya Login)

Step 6: Based on the kind of search you conducted, choose either the Corporation, the Gram Panchayat, or the Municipality.

Step 7: From the drop-down list, choose the appropriate district.

Step 8: After choosing the district and the company, click the Search button to proceed. The digital institutions of local government that are accessible online will be shown on the screen.

Step 9: To complete this process, click the Select button next to the EPay button.

Step 10: After finishing Step 10, you will be sent to the next window in the process.

Screenshot of the Property Tax Search in property tax login, utilising the Plinth Area

Search for Taxes on Property Using the Plinth Area

Step 11: The window that is shown next will be opened.

Step 12: Provide the ward year and the door number or the sub number. Alternatively, you may enter the ward number. And then, choose "Search" from the drop-down menu.

Step 13: The property tax information will appear in the following manner as soon as you have entered the details and clicked on the search button.

Step 14: There is a choice to make an online payment for the property tax just below the specifics of the property tax. If you want to pay the tax online, you have to click the button that says "Pay Online," and then you may use a credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI, RTGS, NEFT, or mobile wallet to make the payment.

Contacting Sanchaya Authorities

The building tax online payment Kerala has made it simpler to pay property tax and professional tax, make payments for utilities and submit applications for professional licences for D&O professions. In addition, a person can search the property tax based on the plinth area of the property. When these payments are being processed, it is not uncommon for payment problems or problems with dual payments to arise. You may reach out to the helpdesk specifically established for this purpose if you have any difficulties with payments of this kind.

Phone Number- 0471- 2773160 (Between 10 am to 5 pm)


On the other hand, you may get in touch with the local municipal corporation, municipality, or Gram Panchayat if you have any questions or concerns about data inconsistencies (Whichever is applicable).

The Kerala government introduced the Sanchaya portal to make property tax payments easy for all homeowners. If you need any legal help regarding your property, do consult the experts available at NoBroker. They will guide you throughout the process and ensure a hassle-free experience. If interested, please comment below this article, our executive will be in touch soon. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Sanchaya In Kerala

Q. What is the Sanchaya portal in Kerala?

Answer: The government of Kerala has established Sanchaya a specialised online platform to facilitate the search for and payment of various taxes, including property tax, entertainment tax, levies, and licencing fees.

Q. Can I make an online payment for the construction tax in Kerala?

Answer - Using the property tax Kerala online payment provided by the Kerala government, it is possible to make an online payment for the construction tax or the property tax in the state of Kerala.

Q. In Kerala, is it possible to pay the land tax online?

Answer: Using the Sanchaya portal, it is possible to make an online payment for the land tax in Kerala.

Q. Where can I find the online portal for checking my property tax in Kerala?

Answer - Using the sanchaya online tax that the Kerala government provides, you can do an online check of the property tax that is applicable.

Q. What are the names and email addresses of the people in charge of Sanchaya in Kerala?

Answer - You are welcome to get in touch with the Sanchaya Kerala administration through the following information: Phone Number- 0471- 2773160 (Between 10 am to 5 pm) Email-

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