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Home Blog Finance Section 10 of Income Tax Act Explained: How to Slash Your Tax Bill Legally

Section 10 of Income Tax Act Explained: How to Slash Your Tax Bill Legally

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image Prakhar


Are you tired of struggling with hefty tax bills and complex calculations every financial year? Well, you're not alone. Fortunately, there's a powerful tool at your disposal – Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. In this blog post, we're taking a detailed dive into Section 10 to unravel the mysteries of tax exemptions, offering you a clearer path to reducing your taxable income and save more in your pocket. 

What is Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961

Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, is like a list of "no-tax zones" in India. It highlights specific types of income that you don't need to pay taxes on. Some common examples include money earned from agriculture, a part of your house rent allowance (HRA) if you're renting, and certain allowances for things like medical expenses and your kids' education. Essentially, it's a way for the government to encourage certain activities by letting you keep more of the money you earn in those areas.

Key Exemptions Under Section 10

While it's challenging to list every single exemption under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act due to its complexity and the potential for changes, here's a comprehensive overview of some prominent categories and examples:

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CategorySpecific ExemptionConditions/Limits
Income from AgricultureIncome from agricultural pursuitsGenerally exempt from income tax
House Rent Allowance (HRA)Portion of HRA received from the employerSubject to specific conditions: city category, accommodation
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)LTA received for travel expenses during leaveConditions apply: travel destination, mode of travel
Medical AllowanceAllowance received from the employer for medical expensesExempt up to specified limits
Children's Education AllowanceAllowance for children's educationExempt up to a certain level
Retirement Benefits - GratuityGratuity received at retirement or deathExempt up to a specific limit
Investments and Savings - Life Insurance Premiums (Sec 10(10D))Premiums paid towards certain life insurance policiesExempt based on policy type and premium amount
Education Expenses - Tuition FeesFees paid for full-time education in approved institutionsExempt within specified limits
Home Loan RepaymentsDeduction on the principal amount repaid on a home loanSubject to specific conditions
Charitable DonationsDonations made to certain charitable institutionsEligible for tax deductions, with specific limitations

Subsections Under Section 10

Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, comprises various subsections, each addressing specific exemptions and deductions. Here's an overview of some prominent subsections under Section 10, highlighting the key areas they cover:

SubsectionExemption/DeductionKey Areas Covered
Section 10(1)Agriculture IncomeExemption for income derived from agricultural activities in India
Section 10(2)Value of PerquisitesExemptions for certain perquisites provided by employers to employees
Section 10(10)Leave Travel Concession (LTC)Exemption for the value of LTC received by an employee for travel expenses during leave
Section 10(14)Special AllowancesExemptions for special allowances granted to meet specific expenses
Section 10(16)ScholarshipsExemption for scholarship income granted to meet the cost of education
Section 10(17)AwardsExemptions for awards and rewards received by individuals, such as the Bharat Ratna
Section 10(10D)Life Insurance PoliciesExemption for amounts received under life insurance policies
Section 10(13A)House Rent Allowance (HRA)Exemption for a portion of HRA received by an employee for rented accommodation
Section 10(23C)Income of Charitable InstitutionsExemption for income of certain charitable and religious institutions
Section 10(34)Dividend IncomeExemption for income in the form of dividends received by shareholders from domestic companies
Section 10(38)Long-Term Capital Gains on Equity SharesExemption for long-term capital gains from the transfer of equity shares with STT paid
Section 10(43)Securities Transaction TaxExemption for income in the form of dividends and long-term capital gains on securities with STT paid

A Deeper Look at Key Subsections Under Section 10

Section 10(1): Agriculture Income

  • Specific Income Exempted: Income derived from agricultural activities in India.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Generally, all income from agriculture is exempt. There's no specific limitation mentioned.
  • Examples/Illustrations: Income from the sale of crops, livestock, dairy farming, etc.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire income from agriculture is exempt.

Section 10(2): Value of Perquisites

  • Specific Income Exempted: Value of perquisites provided by employers to employees, such as accommodation, medical facilities, etc.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is granted based on specific perquisites provided by the employer and subject to certain conditions.
  • Examples/Illustrations: Accommodation provided by the employer, medical facilities, company car usage, etc.
  • Calculations/Formulas: The value of perquisites is determined as per the prescribed rules and guidelines.

Section 10(10): Leave Travel Concession (LTC)

  • Specific Income Exempted: Value of LTC received by an employee for travel expenses during leave.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is available for actual travel expenses incurred during leave, subject to conditions like the destination and mode of travel.
  • Examples/Illustrations: An employee receives money for a family vacation during a vacation period.
  • Calculations/Formulas: Exemption is generally the actual amount spent on travel expenses during the leave period.

Section 10(14): Special Allowances

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemptions for special allowances granted to meet specific expenses, like academic research, uniform, etc.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is provided for specific allowances based on the nature of expenses incurred.
  • Examples/Illustrations: Research allowance for a scientist, uniform allowance for certain professions.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire amount of the special allowance may be exempt.

Section 10(16): Scholarships

  • Specific Income Exempted: Scholarship income granted to meet the cost of education.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is generally available for scholarship income received for educational purposes.
  • Examples/Illustrations: A student receives a scholarship to cover tuition fees and other educational expenses.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire scholarship amount may be exempt.

Section 10(17): Awards

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemptions for awards and rewards received by individuals, such as the Bharat Ratna.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is typically available for certain prestigious awards and rewards.
  • Examples/Illustrations: A scientist receives a national award for outstanding contributions to science.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire award amount may be exempt.

Section 10(10D): Life Insurance Policies

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemption for amounts received under life insurance policies, including the sum assured and any bonus.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is provided for amounts received under specified life insurance policies.
  • Examples/Illustrations: The beneficiary receives the sum assured and bonus amount from a life insurance policy.
  • Calculations/Formulas: Exempt amount includes the sum assured and any bonus received.

Section 10(13A): House Rent Allowance (HRA)

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemption for a portion of the HRA received by an employee for rented accommodation.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is subject to actual rent paid, salary structure, and conditions related to living in a rented house.
  • Examples/Illustrations: An employee receives HRA to cover a part of the rent paid for the accommodation.
  • Calculations/Formulas: Exemption is generally the least of actual HRA received, 50% of salary (40% in non-metro cities), or actual rent paid minus 10% of salary.

Section 10(23C): Income of Charitable Institutions

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemption for income of certain charitable and religious institutions.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is granted to institutions meeting specified criteria and objectives.
  • Examples/Illustrations: Income of a registered charitable hospital or an educational institution.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire income of the charitable institution may be exempt.

Section 10(34): Dividend Income

  • Specific Income Exempted: Exemption for income in the form of dividends received by shareholders from domestic companies.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Limitations: Exemption is provided for dividends received from domestic companies.
  • Examples/Illustrations: Shareholders receiving dividends from shares held in an Indian company.
  • Calculations/Formulas: No specific calculations; the entire dividend income may be exempt.

How Section 10 of the Income Tax Act Impacts Real Estate in India

Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, does not have a direct impact on real estate as a whole; however, certain exemptions and deductions under Section 10 can indirectly affect individuals involved in real estate transactions. Here's a breakdown of how Section 10 can influence real estate:

ProvisionImpact on Real EstateEligibility CriteriaExample/Illustration
House Rent Allowance (HRA) (Section 10(13A))Reduced taxable income for individuals in rented accommodationEmployee receiving HRA as part of salary, rented accommodationRent paid by an individual in a rented house is partially exempt
Home Loan Repayments (Deductions under Section 24(b) and Section 80C)Deductions for homeowners on home loan interest and principalHome loan for the purchase or construction of a residential propertyDeduction for interest paid on home loan (Section 24(b)) and principal repayment (Section 80C)
Capital Gains Tax (Section 54 and Section 54F)Exemptions for reinvesting capital gains in another propertyReinvesting the proceeds from the sale of a residential property within a specified time frameSaving on capital gains tax by reinvesting in a new residential property
Exemptions for Rental Income from a Self-Occupied PropertyNo tax on notional rent for self-occupied propertiesProperty must be self-occupied and not generate actual rental incomeNo tax on notional rent for a second property if it is self-occupied
Stamp Duty and Registration Charges Deduction (Section 80C)Deduction for stamp duty and registration chargesDeduction available for the year in which these expenses are incurredIncluding stamp duty and registration charges in Section 80C deductions

Save More Tax with Section 10 of the Income Tax Act and NoBroker Tax Experts

In conclusion, understanding Section 10 of the Income Tax Act will help you keep more savings in your pockets. To make the most of these benefits without getting lost in the tax maze, it's wise to seek guidance from experts. NoBroker's tax experts are there to simplify the process and maximise your savings. It's a smart move for a smoother financial journey. Partner with them for a stress-free and rewarding tax experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Section 10 of the Income Tax Act?

Answer: Section 10 provides a list of income sources exempted from taxation. It includes various categories like agricultural income, HRA, LTA, and more.

2. How does Section 10 impact real estate?

Answer: While Section 10 itself doesn't directly impact real estate, related provisions like HRA, home loan deductions, and capital gains exemptions can significantly influence individuals involved in real estate transactions.

3. Can I claim exemptions under Section 10 for income from agriculture?

Answer: Yes, income derived from agricultural activities in India is generally exempt from tax under Section 10.

4. Are there limitations to HRA exemptions under Section 10(13A)?

Answer: Yes, the exemption is subject to conditions like the actual rent paid, salary structure, and the city category (metro/non-metro).

5. How does Section 10(38) impact dividend income?

Answer: Section 10(38) exempts dividend income received by shareholders from domestic companies, reducing the tax burden on such income.

6. Can I claim deductions for stamp duty and registration charges under Section 10?

Answer: No, deductions for stamp duty and registration charges are available under Section 80C, not Section 10.

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