Stamp Duty and Taxation on Property Exchange in India

Buying and selling property comes with several tax obligations that both parties must meet; otherwise, such transactions may be against the law. According to section 118 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, a transaction is referred to as an “exchange” when two persons trade the ownership of one object for another, whether one of the items is just money or both. Only the method specified for the transfer of such property by sale may be used to transfer property upon completion of the exchange. When two people trade ownership of one thing for another, without either or both of the transferred items containing any cash, the transaction is referred to as an exchange. Each party receives property in which it had no prior interest through this transaction. Each party to the exchange has the privileges and is subject to the seller’s liability concerning what he gives and the buyer’s rights and liabilities with respect to what he takes. For the exchange to be valid, the property must be physically delivered to the parties.

Stamp Duty and Taxation

Things we covered for you


Principles of Exchange of Property

A minimum of two parties and two properties, one of which is owned by each of them;

The exchange of these properties must be reciprocal, i.e., A must transfer his property to B while B must transfer his property to A. Movable or immovable property may be substituted for one another.

Nothing else should be taken into account besides these characteristics. When two-person trade possessions of one thing for another, without either or both of the transferred items containing any cash, the transaction is referred to as an exchange. Each party receives properties with no prior interest through this transaction. Each party to the return has the privileges and is subordinate to the seller’s liability concerning what he gives and the buyer’s rights and liabilities with respect to what he takes. For the exchange to be valid, the property must be physically delivered to the parties.

Mutual Understanding and Interaction

The word “mutually” means that both parties are the same and that there must be an exchange of two items. For example, A sells his property to B, and B sells his own property as collateral for A. This is not exchanged if the transfer comes from one party’s hand. A transfer from a spouse to a wife is not a trade for the purposes of the discharge of her support claim because the woman does not surrender the ownership of something. Like the previous example, an exchange does not occur when two objects are not mutually exchanged but when one edict is offset against the other, and the property acquisition makes up the difference.

What Exactly is a Property Exchange Contract?

Property exchange means an agreement between two parties to exchange particular assets known as a property exchange agreement. An agreement for a property exchange makes it easier to transfer ownership of assets.

Any asset can be transferred via this type of agreement, including real estate, intellectual property, stocks, and bonds. Although they are frequently employed in corporate transactions, property exchange agreements can also be utilised in private transactions.

Stamp Duty and Property Exchange Taxes

The selling consideration is typically paid in cash when buying a property. But it’s not required that the payment for the purchase of property always entails cash. Depending on how much space you need and other factors like cost, you could wish to relocate to a bigger or smaller location. The law governing property permits the exchange of one property for another. The exchange of one residential location for another is not always essential. You can also trade in one business property for another, be it a piece of land, a building still under construction, a commercial property, or a residential property. If the values of the two assets differ, monetary payment may address the discrepancy.

Understanding what is Stamp Duty

The government can recover the tax by charging stamp duty. As the legal owner of a property that is ultimately Indian land, a party must pay this stamp duty or tax while registering any document. The cost to update government records is known as the “party fee,” which includes paying the expert who handles these chores.

The location of the land, building, flat, or any other immovable asset, as well as the state in which the property is situated, can affect how much stamp duty you must pay. The value for stamp duty is taken as the property with the higher market value. Stamp duty is 3% of the property exchange value in case of any real property given to a family member. If someone other than a family member transfers the property, the stamp duty would be 5 percent in that situation. Many different forms of transactions, including conveying deeds, sales deeds, and power of attorney documents, are subject to the stamp duty levy. 

After paying stamp duty, a person can only pick up the property-related paperwork. Since stamp duty is calculated as a proportion of the property’s cost, it fluctuates according to its assessed value and kind. Further comparisons are made between the quantity obtained and the current circle rate. The ultimate sum of stamp duty is computed based on the higher value.

Impact of Stamp Duty on Property Exchange

When selling a property, it’s crucial to start an exchange of a sale deed or sale agreement, which must be marked with the rate that applies to the property’s market value.

However, as an exchange transaction is entirely different from a sale transaction, an exchange document is necessary to make a property exchange. Another option is to start two distinct sale deeds, although in that case, stamp duty would have to be paid on both contracts because each state has a unique set of laws; it is crucial to confirm that you are following those rules. For stamp duty on property exchange, the properties with larger market value are considered to have the higher value. For instance, if you trade your smaller apartment for a larger one within the same building, stamp duty will be due on the greater apartment’s market value.

The two parties must agree on the price of the stamp duty for it to be paid. If the parties to a sale deed cannot agree, the buyer is responsible for paying stamp duty. In contrast, in the case of an exchange of transfer of property act, the issue must be settled amicably between the parties.

The exchange deed must be recorded with the offices of the registrar of assurance because it purports to transfer immovable property rights in pursuance of Section 54 of the exchange under the Transfer of Property Act.

Immovable property exchanges have income tax repercussions. Any gain or loss will be deemed long-term if the property is swapped over a term longer than 24 months. Similarly, any profit or loss earned during the exchange’s acquisition of property under transfer of act will be regarded as short-term if the term is less than 24 months. It is possible that neither party did not add additional value to the property other than the difference in price when drafting the exchange document. Knowing your property’s market value as determined by stamp duty and comparing it to the amount it was initially purchased will help you calculate capital gains in these situations.

The Essentials for an Exchange of Property Deed

When property owners desire to trade ownership of their property with another to take possession of it, they establish a deed of exchange. A deed of exchange will be used to carry out such a transfer. By executing a deed of exchange, parties can swap money and other assets in addition to immovable property. The transaction will not qualify as an exchange and will constitute a sale if one party pays money for something that is not money.

What is Recorded in an Exchange of Property Deeds?

In an exchange of property deed, the following is noted:

●The exchange’s date

●Names and addresses of the persons involved in the exchange of the property.

●Details on the property, including its location, surroundings, and other details.

●An exchange is a statement that refers to a real estate transaction.

●Signature of the parties and the witnesses are included.

●The registration cost or stamp duty will be charged during the property exchange.

Registering in Delhi for a Property Exchange Deed

The methods listed below can be used to apply for a property exchange deed in Delhi online:

1. Select the “Deed Writer” option on the Delhi Online Registration Information System website.

2. From the drop-down list, select the exchange property option.

3. The calculation and presentation of the appropriate stamp duty for the transaction on your screen.

4. Pay the stamp duty by visiting the Stock Holding Corporation of India website.

5. After making a payment, download the payment receipt.

Once your money has been accepted, you must schedule a meeting with the revenue department’s Sub Registrar. Follow these steps to accomplish this:

1. Visit the Delhi Revenue Department website.

2. Choose your SRO, area, and district names.

3. The stamp number on your payment receipt must be filled out.

4. Pick a time and date that work for the appointment.

5. Once the procedure is complete, an SMS notification will be sent to you confirming the appointment.

This is how the procedure works for the registration in Delhi for property exchange deeds.

Income Tax Consequences of Property Exchange

Income tax issues arise with immovable property exchanges under act notes as well. Any profit or loss realised on the exchange of a property after it has been held for longer than 24 months will be considered long-term. The profit or loss will be short-term if the exchange of property is made less than 24 months after its acquisition. There may also be swaps where neither party assigns any value to the item, and the exchange deed specifies the difference in value. In these circumstances, you must determine your property’s market worth according to the stamp duty ready reckoner and contrast it with the price you paid to calculate any capital gains on exchange of property

A residential property exchange qualifies for the exemption under Section 54. There won’t be any tax responsibilities for the proprietor of the lower value apartment who is trading it for a higher value one. The smaller flat will not be subject to taxes if you buy it and its market worth is at least equivalent to the indexed long-term profits calculated above on the larger flat. However, suppose the market price is less than the indexed long-term capital gains. In that case, the difference between the sale and exchange under Transfer of Property Act is that in a sale, the consideration is the price that has been paid, promised, or partially paid; in exchange, the consideration is the transfer of one asset in exchange for another.

It is abundantly evident from the discussion above that while exchanging one property for another does not result in a particular tax benefit, doing so through an exchange deed may result in a saving on stamp duty.

The explanation given above provides a thorough understanding of stamp duty and taxation on property exchange. Easing one property for another does not result in any unique tax benefits; however, using an exchange deed can result in savings on stamp duty. Each partner in a money exchange guarantees the veracity of the money he has given. Money of the same or various denominations or other currencies can be exchanged for additional cash. Money in this context refers to both coins and banknotes.  If you need legal and financial help or wish to consult property exchange experts, you must consult the experts at NoBroker. If interested, please comment below this blog, our executive will be in touch with you soon.


Q. Is it necessary to pay stamp duty changes on all property transactions?

Yes, every property purchased legally comes with a standard stamp duty charge as per the state laws. 

Q. Do all Indian states have the same stamp duty rates on the property?

No, the stamp duty on the property can differ from state to state.

Q. Does the property have to be immovable?

The properties used in exchange might be either moveable or immovable. A transportable asset can be transferred in exchange for an immovable asset and vice versa.

Q. What is stamp duty in Maharashtra?

The stamp duty on property in Maharashtra ranges between 6% to 7% of the entire property value. 

Q. Is stamp duty on property the same for men and women property buyers?

No, in some Indian states, the stamp duty is lower for women property buyers. 

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Kruthi is a Chartered Accountant has worked for various Real Estate firms across India, she is well versed with the legal and financial aspects of all real estate transactions. There are numerous documents and plenty of hidden fees that people get lost in, her goal is to shed some light on it all.

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune 2024

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune are essential aspects of property transactions. In 2024, stamp duty rates typically range from 5% to 7% of the property value, while registration charges are approximately 1% of the property’s market value. Understanding these charges is crucial for buyers and sellers to facilitate seamless property transactions in Pune.

The Maharashtra government, under whose jurisdiction Pune falls, continues to emphasise online services for property registration and stamp duty payments. This simplifies the process, reduces paperwork, and potentially expedites approval. The existing rebate on stamp duty for women property buyers (1%) and senior citizens (1%, with a maximum limit of Rs. 1 lakh) remains applicable in Pune for 2024. This blog covers everything from the latest stamp duty and registration charges in Pune to the reasons why you have to pay these taxes on top of the property valuation money.  (Note – The rates for stamp rates come out annually on the 31st January of each year).

Understanding Stamp Duty 

When buying a house by paying upfront, or via a home loan, we tend to forget the money needed to pay stamp duty registration charges in Pune. But these extra costs are significant and should be considered when planning the finances for the house.

What is Stamp Duty?

The stamp duty came into effect after the Stamp Duty act in 1899 was passed. A tax levied on the instrument before any type of transaction between at least two parties must be documented concerning property (tangible/intangible, movable/immovable). The primary purpose of the Stamp Duty is to raise money for the Government, and thus the stamp duty in Pune has to be paid in full and before the deadline. Stamp duty is necessary for sale deeds, conveyance deeds, transfer of power of attorney, etc.

For example, when selling a used flat, the stamp duty in Pune for a resale flat is to be paid by the buyer to make the transaction official and legally binding. Thus, the stamp duty is essential because the document facilitates the creation, transfer, and closure of any other aspect regarding property ownership. The stamp duty charges in Pune can be paid either based on the specifics mentioned in the instrument or on a fixed basis. If the property is immovable, then the stamp duty must be paid after determining the property’s actual value.

Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune for 2024 vary depending on the type of property transaction. Sale deeds typically incur stamp duty rates between 5% to 7% of the property value, with registration charges around 1%. For gift deeds, stamp duty is generally 3%, while registration charges remain at 1%. Lease deeds have variable stamp duty rates, and conveyance deeds follow the same stamp duty and registration charge structure as sale deeds. Understanding these charges is crucial for individuals involved in property transactions in Pune.

Type of DocumentStamp Duty (%)Registration Charges (%)
Sale Deed5% – 7%1%
Gift Deed3%1%
Lease DeedVaries1%
Conveyance Deed5% – 7%1%

Factors that Will Determine Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune 2024-25

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune
Stamp duty varies based on multiple factors

The state government of Maharashtra imposes registration and stamp duty charges in Pune for all freehold and leasehold land, including agricultural land. These charges also apply to properties such as homes, residential flats and commercial spaces. However, since there are different types of properties, the actual amount of the stamp duty and registration charges Pune depends on certain factors such as:

1. Property Type: The tax paid on commercial properties is comparatively more than the fees paid on residential homes. 

2. Property Location: The property location also plays a crucial role in the tax charges. Properties in Rural and semi-urban areas have to pay less than the stamp duty and registration charges in Pune.

3. Market Value: The total area and the property’s market value are also factors that are considered when calculating the current stamp duty and registration charges in Pune.

4. Age & Gender of the Owner: Government often gives extra concessions depending on the age and gender of the owner. Stamp duty and registration charges can be subsidised for senior citizens and women. 

Stamp Duty Charges in Pune – Mode of Payments  

You can choose to pay the stamp duty changes in the following method that suits you best. There are four modes of payment that are authorised by the governing body.

1. Non-judicial Stamp Paper – This is the least popular mode of payment. It takes more time and is full of hassles (especially during the pandemic). But if this is the chosen method, the buyer has to get physical stamp paper from a licensed vendor and get the executed instrument printed on the stamp paper. This can be a viable option for stamp duty on resale flats in Pune, but it may not be a viable option where the stamp duty is of a larger denomination. 

2. Franking a document – This mode of payment depends on the applicant applying with an authorised franking agency or a bank to pay the stamp duty (along with the stamp). However, the maximum stamp duty is capped at Rs. 5000 / document. 

3. Electronic Secured Bank Treasury Receipt (e-SBTR) – To make the payment of stamp duty in Pune easier for the buyer, the Government introduced an online payment gateway – Electronic Secured Bank Treasury Receipt (e-SBTR). The applicant must fill the “input form” at the bank branch office that proves the e-SBTR facility and pay the required stamp duty amount. Once the payment is successfully made, the authorities register the details in the Government Visual Treasury to create a pre-printed e-SBTR that serves as proof of payment. However, it is necessary to note that the applicant must physically collect the e-SBTR from the respective bank branch office. 

4. Government Receipt Accounting System (GRAS) – If the applicant prefers to do the entire process online, then the government has an electronic payment system GRAS that enables the buyer to pay stamp duty in Pune via an e-challan that is accepted at the sub-registrar’s offices. However, there is a limitation that this can be done only for compulsory registrable documents (as under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908). GRAS is the most preferred payment mode for buyers who have availed of a home loan on the property.

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune For Female 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune for female property buyers vary slightly from those for male buyers. As of 2024, female buyers often benefit from discounted rates compared to their male counterparts. These charges are calculated based on the property’s market value and are typically lower for women to encourage property ownership. Women buyers can avail of a 1% concession on stamp duty as compared to the usual stamp duty of 6%. Thus, if the stamp duty is 6%, women would need to pay only 5%. This concession in stamp duty is only applicable to residential property, not commercial or industrial property.

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune for Male 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune for male property buyers are determined by the property’s market value and prevailing government regulations. As of 2024, male buyers may incur standard stamp duty rates applicable to their property transactions. Male buyers need to familiarise themselves with the current stamp duty and registration charges to make informed decisions when purchasing property in Pune. Consulting with legal experts or local authorities can provide clarity on specific charges applicable to male buyers in Pune for the year 2024. Stamp duty and registration charges in Pune for Males is 7%  (Stamp Duty 5%+ Metro Cess 1 %+ Local Body Tax 1%).

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune for Resale Flat 2024

When purchasing a resale flat in Pune in 2024, buyers need to be aware of stamp duty and registration charges. These charges are calculated based on the property’s market value and vary according to the location and type of property. It’s essential for buyers to thoroughly understand these charges to budget effectively and avoid any surprises during the property transaction process. The current stamp duty and Registration charges in Pune for Resale flat is 5% Stamp Duty + 1%LBT + 1% Metro Cess + 1% Registration Charges (Max. Rs. 30,000/-).

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune For New Flat 2024

When purchasing a new flat in Pune in 2024, buyers should be aware of stamp duty and registration charges. These charges are based on the property’s market value and are essential considerations for budgeting purposes. Buyers should verify the latest government regulations and consult with legal advisors to understand the specific stamp duty and registration charges applicable to new flat purchases in Pune for the year 2024. The current Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune For New Flat is 5% Stamp Duty + 1%LBT + 1% Metro Cess + 1% Registration Charges (Max. Rs. 30,000/-).

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Pune Calculator 2024

Understanding stamp duty and registration charges in Pune is crucial for property buyers. A calculator simplifies this process, providing accurate estimates based on property value. This is how it works: 

  1. Enter Property Details: Input property details such as type, location, and value into the calculator.
  1. Calculate Stamp Duty: The calculator computes stamp duty based on the property’s market value and applicable rates.
  2. Estimate Registration Charges: It also estimates registration charges based on stamp duty and property value.
  3. Example: For a property valued at Rs. 50 lakhs, with a stamp duty rate of 6%, the stamp duty would be Rs. 3 lakhs. Registration charges (approximately 1% of the property value) would amount to Rs. 50,000.
  4. Total Cost: The calculator sums up stamp duty and registration charges to provide the total cost of property acquisition.

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Conveyance Deed In Pune 2024

Understanding stamp duty and registration charges for conveyance deeds in Pune is crucial for property transactions. In 2024, these charges are determined based on the property’s market value and type. For instance, the stamp duty rate for conveyance deeds typically ranges from 5% to 7% of the property value, while registration charges are approximately 1% of the property value. Buyers and sellers need to be aware of these charges to facilitate a smooth conveyance deed process and avoid any legal complications. The current stamp duty and registration charges for conveyance deeds in Pune is 3% for properties in gram panchayat areas and 5% for properties in municipal areas.

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Gift Deed In Pune 2024

In Pune, stamp duty and registration charges for gift deeds in 2024 are significant considerations for property transfers. The stamp duty for gift deeds is typically calculated at 3% of the property’s market value or the government-determined guidance value, whichever is higher. Registration charges, on the other hand, are approximately 1% of the property’s market value. Both the donor and the recipient must understand these charges to ensure a smooth transfer process and avoid any legal complications.

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Lease Deed In Pune 2024

Landlords and renters alike need to comprehend the stamp duty and registration fees associated with lease deeds in Pune. These fees are normally computed in 2024 using the lease term and the total amount of rent due over the lease duration. For lease deeds, stamp duty is 5%. Usually, registration fees amount to 1% of the overall lease amount. For the leasing agreement procedure to go well and to stay out of legal trouble, both parties must be informed of these fees. It is possible to get clarification on the precise fees that will apply to lease deeds in Pune in 2024 by speaking with legal professionals.

Steps for Online Payment of Stamp Duty and Registration Charges for Flats in Pune

Step 1 – Visit https://gras.mahakosh.gov.in/echallan/ (Maharashtra Stamp Duty Online Payment Portal).

online payment of stamp duty and registration charges for flats in pune

Step 2 – Register on the portal if you wish to. (recommended)

Step 3 – If you choose to pay without registering, then click on “Pay without Registration” and then “select citizen” and the type of transaction that you want to do on the new page.  

select citizen page in stamp duty and registration charges for flats in pune

Step 4 – You will see the option to “Pay to register your document”, where you choose to pay just the stamp duty or just the registration or stamp duty + registration fees. 

pay to register your document page for online payment of stamp duty

Step 5 – Now, you will need to enter the correct details such as District, Sub-Registrar office, Party details, Property details and Property value details. 

Step 6 – This is the last step, and the only thing left to do now is select the desired payment mode and generate the challan. 

Ready Reckoner Rates in Pune

The government-set amount below which a property cannot be sold in a particular location is called the ready reckoner rate (RR), sometimes known as the circular rate, and it is used throughout Maharashtra. The stamp duty calculation will still be based on the RR rates if the seller has set the price of the property lower than the government-fixed ready rates.

The buyer can determine the property’s valuation and subsequent stamp duty by multiplying the circle rate by the area of the property.

To illustrate-

Let’s say Dev decides to purchase a house with 500 square metres of carpet. The property circle rate per square metre is Rs 42,760. In this instance, the property’s total worth will be as follows: 

500 x 42,760 = Rs 21,380,000 which is  Carpet area x rate per square metre

Given that the Pune stamp duty is 5% of the value of the property, Dev will be required to pay Rs 10,69,000 in stamp duty. Dev will pay an additional Rs 30,000 as the registration fee because the property is valued at more than Rs 30 lakhs.

Checklist for Document Registration and Property Registration Charges in Pune

Document Registration and Property Registration Charges in Pune
ID proof is needed for Property Registration in Pune

Following documents are needed to ensure that the registration of the documents is done without any hurdles. 

  • Identity proof documents such as Pan Card, Passport, Driving License, etc. (of the seller as well as the purchaser)
  • The original deed document, along with two photocopies that are submitted to the Sub-Registrar of Assurances.
  • The proof of payment (challan) of the Stamp Duty.
  • Payment details of the transaction
  • The Khata certificate and receipt of taxes paid

Points to Consider Before Paying Stamp Duty in Pune

When it comes to paying stamp duty in Pune, it’s important to be well informed about the process and the factors that can affect the stamp duty rate. To ensure a smooth transaction, here are some key points to consider before paying stamp duty in Pune:

  • Verify the property documents: Before paying stamp duty, make sure that the property documents are in order and that there are no legal disputes related to the property.
  • Check the stamp duty rate in Pune: The stamp duty rate in Pune is set by the Maharashtra government and can vary based on factors such as the type of property, the purpose of the transaction, and the buyer’s age.
  • Calculate the total cost: In addition to stamp duty, there are also registration charges that must be paid. Calculate the total cost of stamp duty and registration charges to ensure that you have enough funds to complete the transaction.

What Are the Factors That Affect Stamp Duty in Pune?

The amount of stamp duty you’ll need to pay in Pune is affected by a variety of factors. Understanding these factors can help you estimate the total cost of the transaction and make informed decisions when purchasing a property. Some of the factors that can affect stamp duty in Pune include:

  • Type of property: Whether you’re buying a residential or commercial property can affect the stamp duty rate.
  • Purpose of the transaction: The stamp duty rate can also vary based on whether the property is being purchased for personal use, investment, or commercial purposes.
  • Buyer’s age: The stamp duty for senior citizens may be lower than for other buyers.
  • Location of the property: The location of the property can also affect the stamp duty rate in Pune.

Are Tax Benefits Available on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges?

While stamp duty and registration charges can be substantial, there are tax benefits available to help offset the costs. It’s important to understand these benefits and how they can help you save money. Here are some of the tax benefits that may be available in Pune:

  • Tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act: You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for the amount paid towards stamp duty and registration charges, up to a limit of INR 1.5 lakhs per financial year.
  • Tax benefits for first-time home buyers: If you’re a first-time home buyer, you may be eligible for additional tax benefits, such as a tax deduction for the interest paid on a home loan.

Understanding the exact stamp duty and registration charges in Pune for your home can be tricky if you have not done the process before. This is why NoBroker offers professional and expert help to home buyers who wish to take help from people who have plenty of experience in paying stamp duty and registration charges. Our experts help you understand the entire process and help you until the registration is done successfully. If you wish to consult our expert, just drop a comment below this article, and our team will reach out soon. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the current Pune stamp duty rate?

Ans: The current stamp duty rate in Pune varies based on the property type, location, and transaction value. As of now, it typically ranges from 5% to 7% of the property’s market value.

Q: Do women owners get concession in stamp duty in Pune?

Ans: Yes, the Maharashtra Government announced in March 2021 that if the home is under a woman’s name, they will receive a 1 per cent subsidy in the stamp duty changes. The dates for 2024 will be announced on the 31st of January 2024.

What are the home registration charges in Pune?

Ans: The registration changes to be paid on the home depend on the total value of the property. If the property value is below Rs. 30 lakhs, then the amount paid is 1% of the total value. On the other hand, if the property value exceeds Rs. 30 lakhs, then the amount is capped at Rs. 30,000.  

Q: Can Stamp Duty and Registration charges in Pune be paid online?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to pay the charges online by using the Government’s electronic payment portal. 

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

Bangalore, with its urban lifestyle, work-life balance, excellent infrastructure, and pleasant weather, is a top choice for Indians and NRIs. Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore are significant expenses that every property buyer needs to understand.  This article explores the current rates for stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore.

(Note – The stamp duty rates are annually announced on the 31st of January of each year.)

Stamp Duty in Bangalore

The stamp duty rates are different in various states and are levied based on the market value of other properties. In the light of the ongoing pandemic, all sectors, including real estate, have been seeing slow progress. To revive this situation, the Karnataka government has made some changes in the stamp duty of Bangalore. But why do the rates differ in each state?

Stamp Duty in Bangalore
The Karnataka Government is trying to make housing more affordable for a large number of non-residents in the city.

Several factors help determine the stamp duty rates of a state. They are:

  1. Age of property– Stamp duties are collected based on the total value of a property. With time, the value of a property depreciates. That is why older properties come cheaper compared to brand new ones. 
  2. Age of Property owner– Senior citizens benefit from paying a subsidised stamp duty rate in most states. That’s why age is also a significant determinant of stamp duty charges.
  3. Gender of the owner– In most states, females pay a subsidised stamp duty rate than males. That’s why gender is also an important factor.
  4. The purpose for buying the property– Commercial properties attract higher stamp duty charges as compared to residential properties. Why? Because they will inevitably have a plethora of amenities than residential buildings and also amass a significant revenue as the years go by.
  5. Property location– Stamp duty charges vary considerably based on urban or village panchayat areas. 
  6. Extra amenities– The more the amenities, the higher is the stamp duty. An independent builder floor flat will attract lesser stamp duty than a residential flat packed with a library, gym and swimming pool.

The Karnataka government has slashed the stamp duty rates and amendments to the original Stamp Duty Act, 1957. Under this amendment, the stamp duty charges have been cut to 3% for properties priced between Rs 35 lakh and Rs 45 lakh.

In 2020, the Government already slashed the stamp duty rates for properties priced less than 35 lakhs. For properties priced above 45 lakhs, you have to pay 5% additional on the total property value as stamp duty. There is a further 10% cess and 2% surcharge on the stamp duty rates for properties under this range. In total, a 5.6% stamp duty is levied in urban areas. For properties under the Village Panchayat, stamp duty is 5.65%.  However, there is no change in the property registration charges.

Current Stamp Duty and Sale Agreement Registration Charges in Bangalore

GenderStamp Duty rates Registration Charges
Male owner5% on properties >Rs 45 lakh3% on properties between Rs 21-45 lakh2% on properties< Rs 20 lakh1% of  property value
Female owner5% on properties> Rs 45 lakh3% on properties between Rs 21-45 lakh2% on properties <than Rs 20 lakh1% of property value 
Joint (Male + Female) owners5% on properties >Rs 45 lakh3% on properties between Rs 21-45 lakh2% on properties<Rs 20 lakh1% of property value 
Joint (Male + Male) owners5% on properties> Rs 45 lakh3% on properties between Rs 21-45 lakh2% on properties<Rs 20 lakh1% of property value 
Joint (Female + Female) owners5% on properties> Rs 45 lakh3% on properties between Rs 21-45 lakh2% on properties< Rs 20 lakh1% of property value

Property Registration Charges in Bangalore

Property Registration Charges in Bangalore
There is no change in the property registration charges for properties in Bangalore

Although stamp duty rates have been slashed, there is no change in Bangalore’s current home registration charges. Based on the constant rate, a buyer has to pay 1% of the deal value as a registration charge in addition to the stamp duty charges. However, if you are a first-time homebuyer, you get a rebate for first-time registration. 

Flat Registration Charges in Bangalore

Flat Registration Charges in Bangalore
Both real estate agents and buyers are breathing a sigh of relief with the recent slash in stamp duties in Karnataka

You have to pay 1% of the total property value as a property registration fee in Bangalore.
In case of resale flats, with age, stamp duty for resale flats decreases. However, the registration charges still stand at 1% of the total market value of the resale flat.

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore (2024): Current Rates 2024

Here’s a breakdown of the current stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore for 2024:

Stamp Duty:

  • Up to Rs. 20 lakh: 2%
  • Between Rs. 21 lakh and Rs. 45 lakh: 3%
  • Above Rs. 45 lakh: 5%

Additional Charges (applicable on stamp duty):

  • Cess: 10% (except for rural areas)
  • Surcharge:
    • Urban Areas: 2% (for properties above Rs. 35 lakhs)
    • Rural Areas: 3% (for properties above Rs. 35 lakhs

Registration Fee:

  • 1% of the property value (no matter the ownership type or value)

Important Points:

  • The stamp duty and surcharge are calculated on the higher of the following two values:
    • The market value of the property
    • Guidance value set by the government
  • The cess and registration fees are calculated on the property value.


Let’s say you’re buying a property in Bangalore with a market value of Rs. 40 lakh:

  • Stamp Duty: Rs. 40 lakh * 3% = Rs. 1,20,000
  • Cess: Rs. 1,20,000 * 10% = Rs. 12,000 (applicable in urban areas)
  • Surcharge: Rs. 1,20,000 * 2% = Rs. 2,400 (applicable in urban areas)
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 40 lakh * 1% = Rs. 40,000
  • Total Cost: Rs. 1,20,000 (Stamp Duty) + Rs. 12,000 (Cess) + Rs. 2,400 (Surcharge) + Rs. 40,000 (Registration Fee) = Rs. 1,74,400

Stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore for Females and Men in 2024

There’s no difference in stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore based on the buyer’s gender. Just like for women, men also pay the same rates.

Here’s a breakdown of the charges again:

  • Stamp Duty:
    • 2% for properties less than Rs. 20 lakh
    • 3% for properties between Rs. 21 lakh and Rs. 45 lakh
    • 5% for properties above Rs. 45 lakh
  • Registration Charge: Flat 1% of the property value

House Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

House Registration Charges in Bangalore
The registration charge is the same for all types of properties in Bangalore.

For both individually or jointly owned(male/female) houses, the registration charges are at 1% of the total property value.

Site Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

Site Registration Charges in Bangalore
Site Registration

In Bangalore, if you need ownership of a site, you have to pay 1% of the total market value of the particular property site as the site registration charge.

Land Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

Land Registration Charges in Bangalore
According to Section 17 of the Indian Registration Act, 1908, it is mandatory to register the documents regarding the transfer, sale or lease of property.

During this process, the seller transfers the ownership of the land to the buyer. The buyer, in turn, has to pay a certain fee to the Government for registering the land under their name. In this case, too, the new owner has to pay 1% of the total market value of the land.

Sale Agreement Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

The stamp duty for sale agreement registration is usually 0.1% of the Sale consideration or the Guidance value, whichever is higher. However, the registration charges remain at 1% of the total property/land value.

Area Taken into Consideration Depending on Type of Property when Calculating Stamp Duty

Property TypeMethod of Stamp Duty Calculation
Empty Plots of LandSquare foot area of plot x Current Guideline Value
Independent HomesTotal Constructed Area
Multi-storey ApartmentsSuper Built-Up Area

GPA Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

GPA Registration Charges in Bangalore
A GPA must be registered with the sub-registrar’s office to get legal validity.

During the sale of land or property, the seller transfers the Power of Attorney to the buyer. It means that the seller has granted permission to use his property in whatever way they like. But, of course, this includes the future sale of the property too. 

Article 41 of the Karnataka Stamp Act mandates that Rs 100 will be levied individually for stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore.

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Conveyance Deed In Bangalore 2024

The stamp duty rates applicable to conveyance deeds in Bangalore are as follows:

Document: Conveyance (flats/apartments)

  • Stamp Duty: 5% on market value + additional duty + surcharge
  • Registration Fee: 1%

Document: Conveyance by KHB/BDA

  • Stamp Duty: 5% on consideration as per the document + additional duty + surcharge
  • Registration Fee: 1%

Document: Conveyance on Transferable Development Rights (TDR)

  • Stamp Duty: 5% on the market value or higher value + additional charge + surcharge
  • Registration Fee: 1%

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Gift Deed In Bangalore 2024

For property transfers through a gift deed in Bangalore, the following stamp duty charges apply:

If the donee is not a family member of the donor:

  • Stamp Duty: 5% + Surcharge + Additional duty

If the donee is a family member of the donor:

  • Stamp Duty: Rs 1000 + Surcharge + Additional duty

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Lease Deed In Bangalore 2024

When transferring property via a lease deed in Bangalore, the following charges are applicable:

  • Up to 1 year residential: 0.5% on the average annual rent (AAR) + Advance + Premium + Fine (Max. Rs. 500)
  • Up to 1 year commercial and industrial: 0.5% on AAR + Advance + Premium + Fine (Rs. 5 for every Rs. 1000/- or part thereof, Min. Rs. 100)
  • 1 year to 10 years: 1% on AAR + Advance + Premium + Fine (Rs. 5 for every Rs. 1000/- or part thereof)
  • 10 years to 20 years: 2% on AAR + Advance + Premium + Fine (Rs. 5 for every Rs. 1000/- or part thereof)
  • 20 years to 30 years: 3% on AAR + Advance + Premium + Fine (Rs. 5 for every Rs. 1000/- or part thereof)
  • Above 30 years or perpetuity or not for a definite term: As per Article 20 on market value or AAR + advance + premium + deposit + fine (whichever is higher)
  • Lease Only between Family members: Rs. 1000/- and Registration Fee: Rs. 500/-

Stamp duty and registration charges for joint development agreement in Bangalore 2024

A joint development agreement for the sale of immovable property attracts stamp duty at one per cent of the total market value or a maximum of Rs. 15 lakhs. The registration fee for this agreement is also one per cent or a maximum of Rs. 150,000.

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Rental Agreement In Bangalore 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges for rental agreements in Bangalore vary based on the tenure:

  • For a rental period of less than one year: 0.5% stamp duty or a deposit of Rs. 500 (whichever is lower)
  • For 1 to 10 years of renting: Stamp duty is a percentage of the total annual rent or a deposit of Rs. 500 (whichever is lower)
  • For a lease duration of 10 to 20 years: Stamp duty is 2% of the annual rent or a deposit of Rs. 500 (whichever is lower)

Stamp Duty And Registration Charges For Cancellation Deed In Bangalore 2024

The charges for a cancellation deed in Bangalore are as follows:

a) Cancellation of any instrument previously executed on which stamp duty has been paid as per any article of the schedule:

  • Same duty as on the original agreement
  • Rs. 100 or 1% on market value if it is a cancellation of conveyance (if the original agreement is a conveyance on sale, then the stamp duty will be as per Article 20(1))

b) In favour of Government or Local Authorities: Rs. 100

c) In any other case: Rs. 100

Tax Benefits on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore 2024

Purchasing a home can be a significant financial commitment, but homebuyers in Bangalore can take advantage of tax exemptions on the amount paid for stamp duty and registration charges. The maximum tax deduction limit is Rs 1,50,000 under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961. However, there are certain criteria to be met to avail of these benefits:

  • Property Ownership: To claim tax benefits, the property must be legally registered in the individual’s name.
  • Completion of Construction: The property’s construction should be fully completed.
  • Joint Ownership: Tax exemptions also apply to jointly owned properties. Co-owners can claim these expenses in their Income Tax Returns (ITRs) based on their share in the property.
  • Excluded Properties: It’s important to note that tax benefits do not apply to commercial properties, resale properties, and residential plots.
  • Genuine Expenses: To qualify for tax benefits in Bangalore, the actual expenses incurred for stamp duty and registration charges must be documented and substantiated.

Factors Affecting Stamp Duty Charges 2024

Stamp duty rates are determined by a variety of factors. Homebuyers must take these factors into account because they have an impact on Bangalore’s and other cities’ house or apartment registration fees. ​

  • Nature of property- Stamp duty rates are higher for commercial properties.
  • Location of property- Urban properties are subject to higher stamp duties.
  • Age of the property- Older buildings are less expensive.
  • Gender of owner- Women typically pay less in state stamp taxes. Both men and women pay the same rates in Bangalore.
  • Age of the buyer- Seniors would pay cheaper stamp duty.
  • Amenities and services- Greater amenities equate to higher stamp duty.

Calculating Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore Online 2024

Calculating Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore Online
Unlike a lot of north-Indian states, stamp duty is the same for both genders here in Bangalore.

Stamp duty rates are never fixed and can be changed several times based on the condition of the real estate sector. Karnataka Government has no set timelines for the revision of stamp duty and registration charges. 

Another notable feature is that unlike some states like Haryana and Rajasthan, Karnataka does not distinguish between male and female owners in Bangalore as far as stamp duty is concerned. 

Let us take a look at the prevalent standards for calculating stamp duty in Bangalore:

  • For multi-storeyed apartments, stamp duty is calculated based on the super-built-up area of the property.
  • For a plot of land, the property area in sq. ft is multiplied by existing guideline values of the concerned area.
  • For independent builder floors, the total construction area will be considered.

For the city of Bangalore, stamp duty revisions often happen due to:

  • The existing market rate of properties.
  • Expansion of city limits.
  • The performance of the property in the real estate market.

If you are buying or wish to buy a property in Bangalore, you can check the stamp duty for the same by checking the stamp duty calculator services rendered by the Karnataka government. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Kaveri Online Services portal.
Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore

2. Select the “Nature of the document” to proceed further. We have selected the “Sale of Flat” option here for illustrative purposes. Then click on the “Show Details” tab.

Nature of the document Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore

3. Now, you will be required to fill in all the necessary details like the Region Type- whether BBMP, City corporation, Gram Panchayat or something else. You can choose the appropriate region type from the Drop-down menu.  Some other values that are to be provided are the Indicative Market Value and Indicative Consideration amount. If you don’t know the market value, you can find out by clicking the “Calculate Market Value” tab.

fill necessary details page in Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore

4. On filling in these details, the calculator will show your Total Stamp duty along with the Government duty, surcharges and registration fees for your property.

fill necessary details page in Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Bangalore

Bangalore Registration Charges for Properties 2024

You must pay the registration cost, stamp duty, and challan charge to register a property in Bangalore. You also need to pay some additional surcharges on top of that. To get a clearer idea of the upfront costs involved, explore a “home registration charges in Bangalore” calculator before finalising your property purchase.

Bangalore charges 1% of the property’s value as the registration cost for registering real estate.

Stamp Duty Surcharge In Bangalore 2024

There are three different sorts of extra fees: BMRDA and surcharges, BBMP and corporate surcharges, and BBMP and village area cess. These are, accordingly, 10%, 2%, and 3% of the stamp duty.

Additionally, you must pay 5.6% of the property’s value in stamp duty.

You can use the online stamp duty calculators to figure out the stamp duty. Simply enter your property’s information and select the calculate option.

Karnataka State Government Slashes Stamp Duty by 3%

The state of Karnataka has recommended a 3 percent reduction in stamp duty fees for properties worth between Rs. 35 lakh and Rs. 45 lakh. Only properties that fit under the category of affordable housing will be eligible for the reduction in stamp duty. Since this market makes up 48% of the nation’s unsold inventory, a decrease in stamp duty fees would encourage the selling of such properties.

Latest Updates and News on Stamp Duty in Karnataka 2024

After a gap of 28 years, the State Government has this week effected a hike between 200% and 500% in the Stamp Duty charges for all documents that do not require registration. A Bill to this effect was tabled and passed in the recent Legislature session in Belagavi, said informed sources. The Karnataka Stamp Act 1957 has been amended as the Karnataka Stamp (Amendment) Act 2023.

The Governor gave his consent for the amendment on February 3 and the gazette notification on the new rates was issued the same day.

A total of 25 kinds of documents are covered under it, including partition, adoption deed, affidavit, cancellation of deed, reconstruction or demerger of companies, hypothecation of movables, reconveyance of mortgage, and so on. This, however, does not apply to Property Tax.

Registration Charges Calculator Bangalore 2024

Follow the exact steps mentioned above and you will get your registration charges for Bangalore too. However, you can calculate this yourself. For Bangalore, the registration charge is 1% of the market value. So, a property worth Rs 1 crore will have a registration charge of 1 lakh.

Legal Services Offered by NoBroker

NoBroker offers legal assistance specifically geared towards property transactions. Here’s a breakdown of our services:

  • Document Scrutiny: Our legal team examines crucial documents like title deeds and sale agreements to identify potential problems before finalising the property deal. 
  • Protection Measures: We help safeguard you from fraudulent practices by checking for any existing legal disputes on the property and verifying ownership.
  • Packages: NoBroker offers various legal service packages. These can include:
    • Buyer Assistance: We provide guidance and support throughout the buying process.
    • Registration: We handle property registration, saving you time and hassle.
  • On-Demand Services: If you don’t need a full package, they offer specific services like property title checks, guidance on market value, assistance with missing documents, and verification of occupancy certificates.
  • Free Consultation: NoBroker offers a free consultation to discuss your needs and get initial legal advice related to property.

Why Choose NoBroker Legal Services?

On-time Delivery Guarantee: No more waiting endlessly for your legal documents. NoBroker guarantees delivery within a set timeframe, so you can plan accordingly and avoid delays.

Legally valid in the court of law: All documents drafted and processed by NoBroker’s legal team adhere to strict legal guidelines, ensuring they are enforceable in a court of law if necessary.

Same-Day Delivery: In urgent situations, NoBroker offers same-day delivery for specific legal documents, ensuring you have them when you need them most.

Aadhar E-Sign: NoBroker leverages Aadhar E-Sign, a secure digital signature platform, for a smooth and legally compliant signing experience. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork and streamlines the entire process.

How to Book NoBroker Legal Services

Here are the simple steps to secure our services for a smooth and hassle-free service:

  1. Download/ Visit the NoBroker app.
  2. Visit the NoBroker Legal Services page.
  3. Explore the different service packages offered. We cover tasks like drafting agreements, property verification, and legal consultations.
  4. Once you decide on a service, fill in the necessary details and complete the form. 
  5. Then you’ll be contacted by our NoBroker experts for further details. This contact might be through a phone number or a chat window. Also, you can book a free consultation call for further enquiries. 
  6. NoBroker’s legal services page also highlights their online rental agreements. These agreements can be directly purchased and customised on the NoBroker website.

Registration Charges Calculator Bangalore

Follow the exact steps mentioned above and you will get your registration charges for Bangalore too. However, you can calculate this yourself. For Bangalore, the registration charge is 1% of the market value. So, a property worth Rs 1 crore will have a registration charge of 1 lakh.

Buying a new house is always a great experience. However, figuring out all the payable charges according to the law can be a hassle. Make your house buying experience smoother with our legal assistance at NoBroker who can advise you regarding the stamp duty and registration charges in Bangalore. Want to know more about property related updates in various cities? Visit our site and stay updated with the recent developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the current stamp duty rate in Bangalore?

Ans: The current stamp duty rate in Bangalore is 3% of the total property value.

Q: What is the ongoing property registration fee for Bangalore?

Ans: Currently, it is 1% of the total market value of the property in addition to the stamp duty. 

Q: Are stamp duty rates different for men and women?

Ans: In Bangalore, the stamp duty rates are the same for both men and women.

Q: How can I calculate the stamp duty of Bangalore online?

Ans: You can log in to the official stamp duty calculator portal of the Karnataka Government and calculate your stamp duty.

Q: Are stamp duties the same everywhere in Bangalore?

Ans: Stamp duty rates are currently at 3% of the total market value of the property. However, the amount of stamp duty will be different since property values in each locality are different.

Q: When will the stamp duty rates for 2024 be out?

Ans: The rates are announced each year on the 31st of January.

Maharashtra Stamp Act: Understanding Its Impact and Changes

Maharashtra Stamp Act: Understanding Its Impact and Changes

At any point, if any movable or immovable resource/asset changes ownership, to get it stamped or legalized – a specific amount of tax has to be paid to the state government, which is known as stamp duty. The Maharashtra Stamp Act states such resources and assets on which the stamp obligation must be paid to the state government. The Act additionally specifies the measure of the amount that is to be paid to the state authorities.

The Bombay Stamp Act: A Cornerstone of Revenue Collection in Maharashtra

The Bombay Stamp Act, enacted in 1958, is a pivotal legal framework that governs the collection of stamp duties on document-based transactions within Maharashtra. Originally applied to the greater Bombay region, this act became an integral part of Maharashtra’s legislative environment following the state’s formation in 1960.

This Act mandates the payment of stamp duty, which is essentially a form of tax, on various documents including transfer deeds, agreements, certificates, bonds, and leases. The primary purpose of this duty is to confer legal authenticity to these documents while generating revenue for state administrative functions.

Over the years, the Bombay Stamp Act has been amended multiple times to respond to the dynamic economic conditions and real estate market of Maharashtra. These amendments ensure that the stamp duty rates are adjusted and practices streamlined to enhance compliance and minimise evasion.

The implementation of this Act is crucial for the state as it not only secures revenue but also supports the maintenance of a robust legal documentation system, which is fundamental to the functioning of both governmental and private sector transactions.

What is the Maharashtra Stamp Act?

Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958
Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958 has made new amendments under Schedule 1

The Bombay Stamp Act 1958 now known as the Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958, applies to every one of the agencies that are referenced in Maharashtra Stamp Act Schedule 1, on which the stamp duty is payable to the state. There was an amendment in the Maharashtra Stamp Act recently and the changes are inclusive to the modification of stamp duty on the agreement in Maharashtra on gift deeds, incorporation of electronic payment of stamp duty, an update on penalty clauses, and an increment on the amount of stamp duty under certain instruments provisions.

As of January 25, 2024, there are notable updates regarding the Maharashtra Stamp Act. Firstly, the 1% stamp duty concession for women purchasing residential property continues. This reduction applies to the standard rates, which vary between 2% to 5%, and the previous 15-year lock-in period for beneficiaries was abolished as of May 31, 2023.

Additionally, the Maharashtra government introduced the ‘Abhay Yojana’ amnesty scheme in December 2023. This scheme, in its second phase until March 31, 2024, allows the regularisation of inadequately stamped documents with reduced penalties. Benefits include a complete waiver of stamp duty and penalties for amounts under Rs. 1 lakh and a 50% waiver on stamp duty with full penalty exemption for amounts over Rs. 1 lakh.

Importantly, the stamp duty rates for the fiscal year 2023-24 remain unchanged from the previous year.

Latest Maharashtra Stamp Act

The Maharashtra Stamp Act latest involves several important changes and continuations of previous policies as of 2024:

  1. Stamp Duty Concession for Women: Maharashtra continues to offer a 1% stamp duty concession for women purchasing residential property. This initiative aims to encourage property ownership among women. The earlier 15-year lock-in period that restricted the resale of these properties to men has been abolished as of May 31, 2023​ (Housing)​.
  2. Stamp Duty Rates: Standard stamp duty rates have been restored to 5% in Mumbai after a temporary reduction during the pandemic. These rates apply from April 2021 onwards, with specific concessions for certain types of properties and transactions​.
  3. Amnesty Scheme: The Maharashtra government has extended the Stamp Duty Amnesty Scheme until June 30, 2024. This scheme provides relief for properties that had incomplete or missing stamp duty payments dating back to 1980. The extension allows property owners to regularise documents with waived penalties under specified conditions​.

Maharashtra Stamp Act 2015

On 24 April 2015, the original Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958 received the affirmation for it to be called the Maharashtra Stamp Act 2015. There were a few changes made to the Act – the stamp duty rate of certain instruments under Schedule 1 was increased. Therefore, the Maharashtra Stamp Amendment Act 2015 first came into order.

How is Stamp Duty Payable?

How is Stamp Duty Payable
Stamp duty can be made via various platforms and methods
  • Stamp Duty can be paid by:
  • Using Stamp Paper
  • Using Adhesive Stamps
  • Online Challan
  • Franking

Stamp Duty Rates in Maharashtra

There are various factors that decide the stamp rate duty on property in the state of Maharashtra (or any state). Naming a few of these factors – the locality of the property – urban or rural, the total cost of the transaction, etc. The Maharashtra stamp duty Act 2020, reduced the stamp duty on properties for the next two years. This is only applicable in the areas falling under the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) and municipal corporations of Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad, and Nagpur. This means that stamp duty on properties in Mumbai, Pune, and Nagpur, was charged at 5% (4% stamp duty + 1% metro cess).

CitiesStamp duty rates (w.e.f. April 1, 2021)Stamp duty rates from September 1, 2020 till December 31, 2020Stamp duty rates from January 1, 2021 till March 31, 2021Registration Charges
Mumbai5% (includes 1% metro cess)2%3%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)
Pune6% (includes transport surcharge and local body tax)3%4%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)
Thane6% (includes transport surcharge and local body tax)3%4%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)
Navi Mumbai6% (includes transport surcharge and local body tax)3%4%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)
Pimpri-Chinchwad6% (includes transport surcharge and local body tax)3%4%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)
Nagpur6% (includes transport surcharge and local body tax)3%4%Rs 30,000 (for properties above Rs 30 lakh); 1% (for properties below Rs 30 lakh)

Stamp Duty on Hypothecation Agreement in Maharashtra

Stamp Duty on Hypothecation Agreement in Maharashtra
Stamp duty rates differ according to various agreements

Stamp Duty on hypothecation agreements in Maharashtra on instruments, pledges and mortgages on home loans in the province of Maharashtra was capped. As per the latest Maharashtra stamp act, the stamp obligation on such instruments is currently covered at a greater stamp duty of Rs. 10,00,000). This revision has been presented with impact from 1 July 2014.

Stamp Duty Charges in Maharashtra on Conveyance Deed

According to the amendments made to the Maharashtra Stamp Act 2015, Article 34 states that 3% of the property’s value is the stamp duty on conveyance deeds (gift deeds). However, if a property – Residential or Agricultural, is gifted without the family having to pay any sum of money, then the stamp duty rate is Rs. 200 as per article 34 of the Maharashtra stamp act.

Conveyance DeedStamp duty rate
Gift deed3%
Gift deed for residential/agricultural property passed on to family membersRs 200
Lease deed5%
Power of attorney3% for property located in gram panchayat areas and 5% for property located in municipal areas.

Stamp Duty on Indemnity Bond in Maharashtra

Stamp Duty on Indemnity Bond in Maharashtra
Be prepared for hard times by having all the information beforehand

According to Article 35 of Schedule 1 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act 1958, and then the Maharashtra Stamp (Amendment) Act 2015 – the price of the stamp duty on indemnity bonds in Maharashtra is Rs 500.

Stamp Duty on Guarantee Agreement in Maharashtra

According to Article 5(h) (A)(iv), the stamp duty on bank guarantee agreements in Maharashtra is –

(i) If the loan amount is less than Rupees Ten Lakh – 0.1% of the amount stipulated in the contract, with a minimum of rupees 100.

(ii) If the amount exceeds Rupees Ten Lakh, the stamp duty on the personal guarantee in Maharashtra – 0.2% of the amount agreed in the contract.

Maharashtra Stamp Duty Impact on Property Registration

Maharashtra Stamp Duty Impact on Property Registration
Stamp duty is necessary to legalize the purchase of property registration

Property registrations saw a dip of 50% in the month of April as compared to that of the month of March after the Maharashtra government restored the stamp duty rate of 5% from 1 April 2021. According to the state government’s data, before the sanctions were to be lifted – in the month of March, Maharashtra (excluding) Mumbai saw a record-breaking spike of 2.13 lakh registrations. While only 90,500 registrations were made till 29 April. Maharashtra stamp duty had a huge impact on property registrations.

Official announcement of the cut of stamp duty on loan agreements in Maharashtra had seen a boost in property sales, especially in Mumbai (Bombay, as we know, is one of the most expensive cities in India). There were many Bollywood A-listers such as Hrithik Roshan and Jahnvi Kapoor who were seen buying properties. Between September 1 and October 17, 2020, luxurious properties were registered across 25 registration offices in Mumbai that were collectively worth 2200 crores.

Recent Judgements on Maharashtra Stamp Duty

The Bombay High Court made serious judgements on the rate of the stamp duty in Maharashtra

The Bombay High Court in a recent judgement directed the Government of Maharashtra to reimburse excess stamp duty, within about a month from the date of the receipt of the application. If the authorities fail to do so, they are applicable to pay interest at the rate of 12% p.a. The above order was applicable even on the stamp duty on education loan in Maharashtra. 

In a landmark ruling, the High Court decided in favour of Macrotech Developers Ltd and Palava Dwellers regarding their land purchase under ‘Integrated Township Projects’ in Kalyan and Bhiwandi. These projects qualified for a 50% reduction in stamp duty. The state initially rejected the combining of this discount with another waiver on stamp duty for conveyance agreements, but the High Court ruled that both concessions are applicable concurrently. Consequently, the state was ordered to refund any excess stamp duty paid within a specified timeframe.

Maharashtra Stamp Duty Act has seen various amendments through time. Legal matters may seem hard to keep up with and a little hard to understand, but don’t let that stop you. We at NoBroker are here to help you. Click on the link below and we will assist you on legal matters. If you have any queries, leave them below and our experts will get back to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Stamp duty rate the same across all of Maharashtra?

Ans: No, the rate of stamp duty is not the same across the whole state of Maharashtra. The price depends on the location of the property. The rates are mentioned in the above article.

Q: Can stamp duty be paid online in Maharashtra?

Ans: Yes, you can pay it online. Visit their site – https://gras.mahakosh.gov.in/echallan/

Q: What is the stamp duty price on indemnity bonds in Maharashtra?

Ans: The price for the stamp duty is Rs 500, which is also payable online.

Q: Is the Bombay Stamp Act and Maharashtra Stamp Act the same?

Ans: Yes, they are. Earlier the Maharashtra Stamp Act was referred to as the Bombay Stamp Act.

Q: How is the stamp duty calculated on a property?

Ans: Ready reckoner state or the market value is how the rate of the stamp duty is calculated.

Q: What is the Maharashtra Stamp Act Bare Act?

Ans: The Maharashtra Stamp Act Bare Act is the fundamental legal document outlining the rules and regulations for stamp duty and taxation on property transactions in Maharashtra.

Q: What is stamp duty validity in Maharashtra?

Ans: No simple receipt may be considered genuine unless it is altered within six months of the date of stamp purchase by the registration officer or another officer with the necessary authority.

A Comprehensive Guide to E Stamp and E Stamping Process

A Comprehensive Guide to E Stamp and E Stamping Process

You must pay stamp duty to national or state authorities to purchase, sell, produce a deed, or even rent your property. Electronic stamping, often known as e-stamping, is a technique of electronically paying government non-judicial stamp tax. Previously, stamp duty for registration had to be paid in person at the sub-office. Most of the process can now be completed online thanks to the e-stamp paper online method.

To ensure a quick and trouble-free payment, the government has replaced the conventional paper & franklin stamping approach with a digital plan. This service is currently available in 22 Indian states. The state of Maharashtra has its digital stamp duty payment system. In this blog, we will explain the meaning of the e-stamp, the online e-stamp payment system, the download process, and much more.

When Was E-Stamp Paper Introduced in India?

In July 2013, the Indian government started the India e-stamping system. This effort attempted to reduce fraud and errors in stamp duty receipts. In India, the Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA), the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCILestamp), can issue e-stamp certificates. Authorised Collection Centres (ACCs) are designated intermediaries, such as a bank or a post office, in charge of issuing e-stamp paper in place of CRA. State governments establish various ACCs.

Stamp duty is a tax levied by governments on legal documents used to transfer property or assets. Governments levy stamp duties, sometimes known as stamp taxes, on documents necessary to legally record certain types of transactions. The Indian Stamp Act covers the levying of stamp duty, the documents on which stamp duty may be imposed, and the various stamp duty rates (1899).

Historically, governments imposed these taxes to raise revenue for government programmes and initiatives. Stamps are thought to have originated in 17th-century Spain. These taxes were known as stamp duties because a tangible stamp was affixed on the document as proof that the document had been recorded and the tax due had been paid.

Stamp duty has always been paid by hand, but with technological advancements, online stamp duty payment has developed as a simple and cost-effective solution for businesses. Consideration price meaning in e-stamp refers to the total value of money involved in a purchase or sale transaction between two parties.

What is E Stamp Paper?

E-stamp paper, also known as electronic stamping or e-stamping, is not a physical piece of paper. It’s a digital method for paying the government’s non-judicial stamp duty on a property or document.

Traditionally, people had to buy physical stamp papers with specific denominations to meet the stamp duty requirement. E-stamping eliminates the need for physical papers and offers a more convenient way to pay this tax. Stamping in agriculture means the use of a metal stamping process to create parts for farm equipment.

Online Stamp Duty Payment for E-Stamp Documents

E-stamping, also known as digital Stamping, is a technique of paying stamp duty online safely and lawfully and digitally rendering stamp papers that may be affixed to electronic documents. In a word, it is an online service that provides e-stamp process documents.

India’s stamping system is a two-part process for paying a tax called stamp duty on various legal documents and property transactions. Many businesses offer a digital, seamless documentation workflow that complies with state and federal stamp standards. By digitally stamping papers, businesses can speed up the documentation process while securely stamping documents from anywhere and at any time.

The following steps are involved in E-Stamping:

Step1: Visit the https://www.shcilestamp.com/ website and log into the electronic stamping portal.

Step2: Upload or generate a stamp-able document, templates can also be used to draft papers.

Step3: The user enters transaction information for e-stamping, such as state, stamp denominations, first and second-party information, and other details. These can also be filled out automatically.

Step4: The user must fill out the application and submit it to the collection centre.

Step5: To make the necessary payment, the user must submit the application using Credit Cards, Debit Cards, e Stamp Checks, Demand Drafts, online payment, and online banking.

Step6: The document is e stamped and combined with the stamp paper sample required. After that, the user obtains the e-stamp certificate, which can be validated using a QR code.

E Stamping Process
credits: www.shcilestamp.com
The SHCIL e-stamp official website portal of the Indian government

How To Generate Stamp Duty Payment Slips?

There are several payment methods available for e-stamp paper registration. You can pay the cost using cash, check, NEFT, RTGS, or account transfer.

Step1: To go to new SHCILestamp users, click the ‘Register Now’ option on https://wbregistration.gov.in/(S(izm2kocaeglz13jxbasnro1z))/index.aspx website.

Step2: Enter your User ID, password, security question, and bank account information.

Step3: To access your services, enter your user ID and password. This will happen after you confirm using the activation link sent to your registered email.

Step4: Login with your enabled username and password.

Step5: Choose the state in which you wish to pay the stamp duty.

Step6: Choose the ‘Nearest SHCIL Branch’ option to generate a referral number for any amount that can be paid using net banking, debit card, NEFT, RTGS, or FT. This option, which includes 1st Party Name, 2nd Party Name, Article No, Stamp Duty Payable, and Stamp Duty Amount, is required.

Step7: Take a printout of your non-judicial stamp paper Online Reference Confirmation Number to your local Stock Holding Branch. The final print of the e-stamp paper can be obtained from there.

E Stamping Process
credits: www.shcilestamp.com SHCIL website portal landing page for the latest updates regarding e stamps

Using the Mobile Application for E Stamp

The E- Stamping smartphone app can validate the e-stamp paper. Download the app from AppStore or Google Play. You will have two verification options in this app: scanning the QR code accessible on e-stamp paper or manually checking. Remember that QR codes are unavailable on certificates issued before February 13, 2019.

Scan a QR code with the app’s camera, and all the information will be displayed. You can do it manually by clicking the manual button and selecting the state. After that, input the e-stamp certificate number, the date the certificate was issued, the unique document number, the amount reference, who purchased the document, the document’s content, the stamp duty amount, the consideration price, the first party, and the third party.

E Stamps Verification

There are two main ways to verify an e-stamp certificate in India:

Online Verification

  • Visit the Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL) website, the official authority for e-stamping in India [SHCIL eStamp].
  • Click on “Verify e-Stamp Certificate” on the homepage.
  • Enter the required details, which typically include:
    • State where the e-Stamp certificate was issued
    • Certificate Number (UIN) – a unique identification number
    • Stamp Duty Type (e.g., description of the document)
    • Certificate Issue Date
    • Verification Code (if displayed)
  • Click “Verify” to see if the e-stamp certificate is genuine.

Mobile App

  • Download the SHCIL EStamp Verification app from the Google Play Store.
  • You can either scan the QR code on the e-stamp certificate or manually enter the certificate details.
  • The app will then retrieve and display the full details of the certificate for verification, even offline.

    8 Benefits of Using E Stamps

    1. Simple to apply – You no longer need to stamp papers individually with an e-stamp, as you would with traditional stamps. A single e-stamp can be applied to several documents.

    2. Reduces counterfeiting – Because they use “layered security” technology, e-stamps should reduce the possibility of document falsification.

    3. Electronic certificate authentication – E-stamps include electronic certificates that validate papers, prove document ownership, ensure document authenticity, and are legally binding.

    4. Meets the demands of the digital age – The transition from traditional to digital stamps is consistent with the overall deployment of strategies and procedures to ease corporate activities in the digital era. Digital transformation is utilised to boost business productivity effectively and efficiently.

    5. No face-to-face interaction – E-stamps could be used remotely and do not require face-to-face interaction between the seller and the buyer. This was very important during the pandemic. E-stamping can be accomplished using a smartphone application too.

    6. Efficient and effective – Every firm requires some level of record-keeping. Legal documents must typically be signed both externally and internally by a corporation. Businesses no longer need to physically print and mail papers because of e-stamps and digital signatures, saving money on paper, printer & ink costs, and courier fees.

    7. Legality of E Stamps – PSTE Government Oversight No. 71 of 2019 regarding the Adoption of Electronic Systems & Transactions governs e-stamps. Because it carries an electronic certificate, an e-stamp is as lawful as a traditional stamp and is legally binding. E stamps serve the same purpose as traditional stamps: to authenticate letters or documents. The stamp is often used as a sign of approval by superiors in commercial agreements and correspondence.

    8. Complementing digital signatures – E-stamps are legal items that are legally binding when used in conjunction with digital signatures. They also help to reinforce decision outcomes on specific document sheets. The e-stamp confirms that the decision has been reached and that the letter or document is genuine. The parties to the e-stamped document are obligated to follow the requirements outlined in the document. The e-stamp works similarly to a digital signature; therefore, they complement each other. 

    The e-stamp document description provides details about the property or transaction, including the consideration price, for accurate stamp duty calculation. To summarise, stamp duty is required when purchasing or selling property in India. With the advancement of technology, the government launched E-stamping, an electronic and secure method of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the government. In July 2013, the government launched this campaign to decrease errors and counterfeits. You can e-stamp your documents, pay an Indian e-stamping cost online, and check the e-stamp.

    Legal assistance is often a hurdle that first-time and experienced property investors tend to face. Many property buyers and sellers trust NoBroker to guide them regarding every legal aspect of the transaction. If you need legal assistance, you can speak with NoBroker legal experts by clicking on this link


    Q: How to locate the closest sub-registrar’s-office?

    Ans: To find your local sub-registrar, go to the SHCIL e-stamp website, then to e-stamping, and finally to the state. After you have decided on a state, look for the local sub-office. registrar’s

    Q: Is it possible to pay stamp duty online?

    Ans: You can use the Stock Holding e-stamp gateway to pay your stamp duty online. Fees can be paid with cash, card, NEFT/ RTGS, or any other manner.

    Q: Is there a cost for a SHCIL login?

    Ans: The Stock Holding e-stamping website has no e Stamp registration cost. However, because the land in India is state-subject, you must pay stamp duty payments to the state government.

    Q: Is it possible to obtain a duplicate copy of the e-stamp certificate and change the information on the e-stamps certificate?

    Ans: No, the authority will not supply a duplicate copy of the e-stamp paper; after the e-stamp certificate is generated, it cannot be modified.

    Q: What exactly is franking?

    Ans: The process of getting documents stamped is referred to as franking. This method marks or stamps the documents to indicate that they are legal and that any stamp duty payable has been paid.

    A Guide to Property Registration Fee and Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu

    A Guide to Property Registration Fee and Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu

    The stamp is one of the significant aspects that is taken into being while registering a property. The state government imposes stamp duty and registration charges at the time of property transactions. The value of a particular land varies from one state to another. Tamil Nadu is one such state that is known for its high stamp duty and plot registration charges. So, the property buyers should be ready to pay a handsome amount for registration and stamp duty in Tamil Nadu. 

    Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu

    Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu
    (Details of individual stamp duty and registration charges in Tamilnadu for all types of documents have been listed.)

    We have already discussed that the stamp duty and plot registration charges in Tamil Nadu are pretty high along with the MODT charges in Tamil Nadu 2022

    Now, let us look at the document charges for land registration in Tamil Nadu. 

    Sale Deed Registration Charges in Tamilnadu

    In the case of selling the property, the stamp duty charges in Tamil Nadu are 7% of the property’s market value. The registration fee for the same is 4% of the market value. If you have gifted or have received land as a gift, then the gift deed registration charges in TamilNadu remain the same, i.e., 7% and 4%.  

    Release Deed Stamp Duty in Tamilnadu

    There are two kinds of release documents that you are charged for, i.e., one is among the family members, and the other is among the non-family members. In the case of release deed registration charges in TamilNadu among the family members, the stamp duty and registration fee are 1% of the market value; the maximum limit is Rs. 25,000/- on stamp duty and Rs. 4,000/- on plot registration. If the release deed is among the non-family members, then the stamp duty levied is 7%, and the registration fee is 1%. 

    Settlement Deed Stamp Duty in Tamilnadu

    As per the settlement deed registration charges, Settlement Deed rules in Tamil Nadu in Tamilnadu is different for family and non-family members. If the family settlement deed stamp duty in TamilNadu is among family members, then the stamp duty in Tamil Nadu is 1% of the market value with a maximum limit of Rs. 25,000/-. The registration charge is also 1%, the maximum limit being Rs. 4,000/-. Apart from the family members, the settlement deed registration charges among outsiders have a stamp duty of 7% and a registration fee of 4% of the property’s market value. 

    Lease Deed Registration Charges in Tamilnadu

    Lease agreement documents are of various kinds, and they need to be registered. The lease deed agreement’s stamp duty and registration charge is 1% of the rent and fines. The maximum limit for the charges is Rs. 20,000/-. For leases up to 99 years, the registration fee remains 1%, and the stamp duty is 4% in addition to any rent or fine. For lease deeds beyond 99 years, the registration fee is again 1%, and the stamp duty increases to 7% in addition to advance or premium.  

    Stamp Duty for Power of Attorney in Tamilnadu

    There are different stamp duty and registration fees for the power of attorney registration fees in TamilNadu. In case of a general power of attorney for the sale of immovable property, the stamp duty is Rs. 100/-. The registration fee is, however, higher, i.e., Rs. 1,000/-. In the case of selling a property under the general power of attorney, the stamp duty is Rs. 100/- and the registration fee is Rs. 50/-. The general stamp duty for power of attorney is 4% and the registration fee 1%, with a maximum limit of Rs. 10,000/-. 

    Stamp Duty for Partition Deed in Tamilnadu

    There are stamp duty and registration fees for partition in Tamil Nadu. In a split of property among family members, the stamp duty and plot registration charge are 1% of the property’s market value. The maximum limit of both is Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 4,000/- respectively under every unit of partition. In the case of a partition deed stamp duty in TamilNadu among people who aren’t related, the stamp duty is 4%, and the registration charge is 1% of the market value of individual shares. 

    Sale Agreement Registration Charges in Tamilnadu

    In the case of selling the property in Tamil Nadu, the stamp duty levied is just Rs. 20/- (1% of the token money), and the registration charge is 1% on money advanced, i.e., 1% on total consideration if the possession of the property is given to the other person. For an agreement related to construction, the stamp duty and registration fee is 1% of the higher value out of the cost of the building. In case the sale agreement registration documents in Tamil Nadu are cancelled, then the fee is Rs. 50/-.     

    So, these are some of the different kinds of stamp duty levied in Tamil Nadu. There are additional charges for separate deeds. Let us now look at some other plot registration charges. 

    Land/Property Registration Fee in Tamil Nadu

    Land/Property Registration Fee in Tamil Nadu
    (The fee for registration for joint ventures in Tamil Nadu is high at the rate of 7%)

    The office of land registration in Chennai has implemented the plot registration charges and stamp duty in Tamil Nadu; whether it is E-Stamping or stamp duty related to any deed, this can be done through a registrar. The stamp duty charges are the highest in this state. It is because the Tamil Nadu Stamp Act of 2019 is applicable in the state. The Tamil Nadu Stamp Duty Act is made to generate revenue for the Indian Government. The act also makes stamp duty compulsory on some deeds. The documents under stamp duty are considered authentic to carry out plot registration. 

    Since the lockdown was imposed across the globe, the stamp duty charges have visibly become low. For example, land registration fees in TamilNadu were as high as 11%, but they have reduced to 6% due to the pandemic. COVID has globally affected us, and as a result, the plot value has been reasonably reduced. 

    Since the COVID cases have reduced and vaccinations have been done, stamp duty charges have increased again. Let us further discuss in detail the stamp duty in Tamil Nadu.

    Plot Registration Charges in Tamil Nadu

    Plot Registration Charges in Tamil Nadu
    (The 29th of October, 2020, will go down in history as a major milestone for the Tamil Nadu land registration department.)

    The stamp duty and registration fees in Tamil Nadu and Chennai are the same. The Chennai office implements the cost regarding stamp duty and plot registration. Well, in the case of plot registration, the fee is 1%, with a maximum limit of Rs. 4,000/-. In other cases, the stamp duty is 7% of the market value of the property.   

    Agricultural Land Registration Charges in Tamil Nadu 

    In Tamil Nadu, the charges for buying agricultural lands are also high.  Thus, the agriculture land registration fees in TamilNadu on stamp duty is 7% of the market value of the property.Similarly, the registration fee charged is 1% of the property value. This figure is the same as that of sale, resale, and property registration in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, the agriculture land registration fees in Tamil Nadu are pretty high. Thus, you need to preserve a substantial amount before thinking of buying land in Tamil Nadu.   

    GST for Land Registration in Tamil Nadu

    GST for Land Registration in Tamil Nadu
    (GST for land registration fees in Tamil Nadu)

    Since the GST Council meeting was held on 24 February 2019, new GST rates have been released. The GST rates in residential areas are as follows:

    1. GST is charged at 5% without ITC (Input Tax Credit) on residential properties. It is not a part of an affordable housing segment. 
    2. GST is charged 1% without ITC on residential properties included in the affordable housing segment. 

    GST in Tamil Nadu is 12%. It does not apply to the sale or resale of old properties. Now, let us discuss the housing segment qualifying criteria for housing properties. 

    • The total carpet area of the property must not exceed 60 square meters in metropolitan areas.
    • The total carpet area must not exceed 90 square meters in non-metropolitan cities.
    • The total value of the property must not exceed Rs. 45 lakhs. It is applicable in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. 

    Now, let us look at the benefits of GST in Tamil Nadu.

    • The tax structure leads to greater adherence from builders. 
    • The GST rate for the property of the buyer has been reduced to 1%.
    • Better pricing happens due to GST. 

    How to Calculate Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu

    In Tamil Nadu, a property buyer pays stamp duty as stipulated by the Government. The stamp duty is levied on either the ready rate or the consideration value of the property, whichever is greater. For example, if the agreed value of a property is Rs. 50 Lakh and the other value is Rs. 40 Lakh, the stamp duty is computed on the more significant amount, i.e. Rs. 50 Lakh.

    Several things determine the stamp duty. For example, the worth of the property, the kind of the property, the location of the building, the number of floors, and the property age (in years) are some of the elements that influence stamp duty.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges for Women

    Keep in mind that in Tamil Nadu, women cannot receive a discount on property ownership. In Tamil Nadu, women and men are required to pay the same stamp duty and property registration fees, unlike other states. For example, in Delhi, male homeowners must pay 6% in stamp duty whereas female home buyers must pay 4% on the property market value. 

    Stamp Duty Tamil Nadu Payment: Online and Offline Process

    As previously stated, the Registrar/Sub-office Registrar’s in the jurisdiction where the property was purchased is where the stamp duty and registration fees must be paid.

    Non-judicial stamp sheets, which are available at the offices of the Sub-Registrar, are the best option to pay the aforementioned fees in Chennai.

    Through the E-stamping function, one may also pay stamp duty online. To get an e-stamp, just go to the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) website at http://www.shcilestamp.com/ and follow the instructions.

    Step 1: Go to the SHCIL official website.

    Step 2: Pick an e-stamp service.

    Step 3: From the drop-down option, select “state”.

    Step 4: Finish filling out the application and click the “Download” tab.

    Step 5: The buyer must turn in this form to the nearby SCHIL branch.

    Step 6: Make the payment by an account transfer, NEFT/RTGS, check, cash, or other method.

    The payment for the same can be made at the relevant SHCIL branch in Chennai via NEFT/RTGS, cash, or DD deposit.

    Property Registration in Tamil Nadu: Documents Required

    Here are the required documents for paying the property registration charges in Tamil Nadu:

    • PAN card and a signed receipt attesting to the proper payment of the stamp duty
    • A form of identification for the executant and the claimant, such as a PAN card, driver’s licence, voter ID, passport, Aadhaar card, etc.
    • A document from the witnesses proving your identification
    • Two passport-sized photos that both parties must carry
    • If applicable, a No Objection Certificate (NOC)
    • Tax clearance certificate or no due certificate
    • Property-related documents, such as a power of attorney, a sale deed, a conveyance deed, etc.
    • Passbook for Pattadar

    Registration Charges for Resale of Property in Tamil Nadu

    The sale and resale of the property have the same stamp duty and plot registration. The stamp duty for resale of property is 7%, and the plot registration fee is 1% of the property’s market value or the sale agreement value. 

    So, this is all the information regarding the stamp duty and registration charges in Tamil Nadu 2021. Tamil Nadu has one of the highest stamp duty and plot registration fees. Thus, if you wish to buy a property, you need to reserve a significant amount for stamp duty and registration fees. According to the sources, CREDAI Chairman S Sridharan emphasized that stamp duty must be reduced from 11% to 5 %. Still, the registration charges will remain the same, i.e., 1% on all dealings regarding the property. 

    The Tamil Nadu government enables property registrations on three auspicious days deemed in the Tamil calendar to increase income. So far, Tamil Nadu’s sub-registrar offices have remained closed on these days. Thai Poosam and Aadi Perukku are two days that the Government will contemplate allowing property registration from now on. However, those registering property on certain days may have to pay an additional registration fee and stamp duty in Tamil Nadu. For more details on Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu contact our legal team.

    Advantages of Taxation on Stamp Duty and Registration Fees

    Purchasing property is a significant financial investment, but it can also offer tax benefits. Stamp duty and registration charges are no exception. Homebuyers can avail tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Under Section 80C, homebuyers can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs on stamp duty and registration charges paid for the purchase of a property. Additionally, under Section 24, homebuyers can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 2 lakhs on the interest paid on a home loan for a self-occupied property.

    NoBroker offers home loan services that can help homebuyers navigate the complex process of obtaining a home loan. Our team of experts can assist you in finding the right home loan option that meets your needs, as well as offer advice on how to make the most of tax benefits available on stamp duty and registration charges.

    Process of Settling Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Tamil Nadu

    Paying stamp duty and registration fees in Tamil Nadu is a straightforward process. You can pay these fees offline or online. Here are the steps to follow:

    Offline Payment:

    1. Collect the stamp paper from the authorized vendor.
    2. Calculate the stamp duty and registration fees payable using the appropriate formula.
    3. Pay the fees at the designated bank or treasury.
    4. Collect the receipt.

    Online Payment:

    1. Visit the Tamil Nadu Registration Department’s official website.
    2. Click on “E-Services” and select “Payment of Stamp Duty and Registration Fees.”
    3. Fill in the required details such as property details, stamp duty, and registration fees.
    4. Choose the payment method and complete the payment.
    5. Take a printout of the receipt.

    Factors Influencing Stamp Duty in Tamil Nadu

    The stamp duty is calculated based on the property’s market value or the transaction value, whichever is higher. Here are the factors that affect stamp duty in Tamil Nadu:

    1. Location of the property – Stamp duty rates vary based on the property’s location, such as the city, town, or village.
    2. Type of property – The stamp duty rates differ for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
    3. Age of the property – Old properties attract a lower stamp duty compared to new properties.
    4. Gender of the buyer – Female buyers are eligible for a 1% reduction in stamp duty.

    The table below shows the stamp duty rates in Tamil Nadu:

    Property TypeStamp Duty Rate
    Residential Property7%
    Commercial Property8%
    Industrial Property8%
    Agricultural Property7.5%

    Factors Influencing Registration Charges in Tamil Nadu

    Registration fees are calculated as a percentage of the property’s market value or the transaction value, whichever is higher. Here are the factors that affect registration fees in Tamil Nadu:

    1. Location of the property – Registration fees vary based on the property’s location, such as the city, town, or village.
    2. Type of property – The registration fees differ for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
    3. Age of the property – Old properties attract a lower registration fee compared to new properties.

    Documents Needed for Paying Stamp Duty and Registration Costs in Tamil Nadu

    When you’re purchasing a property in Tamil Nadu, you need to pay a stamp duty and registration fee to the government. Stamp duty is a tax levied on property transactions, while registration charges are the fees paid for registering the property with the government. To make these payments, you’ll need to have certain documents in order. Here are the documents you’ll need for paying stamp duty and registration costs in Tamil Nadu:

    1. Sale Deed: This is a legal document that proves the sale and transfer of ownership of a property. It contains details about the buyer, seller, property description, sale consideration, and other terms and conditions of the sale.
    2. Title Deed: This is a legal document that proves the ownership of a property. It contains details about the owner, property description, and any encumbrances or liens on the property.
    3. NOC (No Objection Certificate): If you’re purchasing a property that has already been constructed, you’ll need to obtain an NOC from the builder or society. This certificate proves that the builder or society has no objection to the sale of the property.
    4. Encumbrance Certificate: This is a legal document that proves that the property is free from any encumbrances or legal disputes. It contains details about the property, the owner, and any mortgages, loans, or liens on the property.
    5. Property Tax Receipts: You’ll need to provide proof that you’ve paid property taxes on the property. This is usually in the form of property tax receipts for the last three years.
    6. PAN Card: You’ll need to provide your PAN card details for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.
    7. ID Proof: You’ll need to provide a government-issued ID proof such as a voter ID, Aadhaar card, passport, or driving license.
    8. Passport Size Photos: You’ll need to provide two passport size photos for the stamp duty and registration process.

    If you’re not sure which documents you need, you can consult a lawyer or a real estate agent like NoBroker who can guide you through the process.

    Procedure for Making Online Stamp Duty Payments in Tamil Nadu

    Paying stamp duty and registration fees in Tamil Nadu has become easier with the introduction of online payment methods. You can make your payments online from the comfort of your home or office, saving you time and effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making online stamp duty payments in Tamil Nadu:

    • Step 1: Visit the Tamil Nadu e-Registration website (https://tnreginet.gov.in/portal/)
    • Step 2: Click on “Guideline Value Search” and enter the details of the property to get an estimate of the stamp duty and registration fees.
    • Step 3: Click on “Online Registration” and fill in the details of the property, buyer, and seller.
    • Step 4: Upload the required documents such as the sale deed, title deed, and NOC.
    • Step 5: Pay the stamp duty and registration fees online using a debit or credit card, net banking, or mobile wallet.
    • Step 6: Once the payment is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation and an appointment for the registration of the property.

    It’s important to note that stamp duty and registration fees can vary based on several factors such as the location of the property, the age of the property, and the sale value. It’s a good idea to use the guideline value search on the Tamil Nadu e-Registration website to get an estimate of the fees before making the payment.

    NoBroker can help you with the online payment process as well as provide interior real estate services and home loan services. With their real estate legal expertise, you can complete the entire process smoothly and hassle-free. Click below to know more.


    Q-1 Do I need to register the property taken by me on the lease?

    Ans. Yes, you have to register the property you have taken on lease. As mandated, you need to pay the stamp duty and registration fee which is 1% in addition to rent or premium. The upper limit of the Tamilnadu house registration charges is Rs. 20,000/-. 

    Q-2 Can the family property be partitioned among the members who are not coparceners?

    Ans. A legal partition among family members is permitted when each member is a coparcener of the family. Every family member has to prove that they are a coparcener for a particular share of registered property. 

    Q-3 Do I need to register again after the mortgage on my property I cleared?   

    Ans. Registration of the mortgaged property is done individually. The documents regarding the mortgage will become null and void once the payment has been made. Thus, you do not need to register again if the property is already registered. 

    Q-4 Which Stamp Act is applicable in Tamil Nadu?

    Ans. The Indian Stamp Act of 1899 and the current Tamil Nadu Stamp Act, 2019, are applicable in Tamil Nadu. According to this act, a person has to pay stamp duty and registration fee in case of partition, sale, lease, and resale of the property.

    Q-5 What is the validity of stamp paper in Tamil Nadu?

    Ans. According to the laws, there is no impediment in using a stamp paper that has been used six months before buying or selling some property. A stamp paper does not have any expiry date and can be used to execute the documents.   

    Stamp Duty in Karnataka: A Detailed Guide

    Stamp Duty in Karnataka: A Detailed Guide

     When you buy a property, the government requires you to pay taxes on several factors. One such important tax is the stamp duty charges paid against a property. The stamp duty charges are determined by the applicable rates fixed by the state government. If you are in Bangalore, the charges are calculated based on the rules of the stamp duty in Karnataka. If you live in Karnataka and you are looking to buy a property, read this blog to know more about stamp duty and registration charges in Karnataka 2024.  

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Karnataka 2024

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Karnataka
    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Karnataka 2024

    While applying for a home loan, you should be aware of the prevailing stamp duty charges that you will have to pay when you buy a property. If you are looking to buy a property in Bangalore, the latest stamp duty in Bangalore apply to your condition. The stamp duty amount will be calculated based on the factors mentioned above for registration and stamp duty charges in Bangalore. 

    The stamp duty for property registration in Karnataka was slashed earlier this year in an attempt to revitalise the real estate market. The global real estate market took a major toll with the coronavirus-induced lockdowns wreaking havoc everywhere. The current stamp duty and registration charges in Karnataka are 3% for all properties worth up to Rs 45 lakhs, 2%, for properties worth up to Rs 20 lakhs and 3% for properties worth more than Rs 20 lakhs but less than Rs 45 lakhs. 

    CategoryStamp Duty in KarnatakaRegistration Charges
    Male5% (Above Rs 45 lakh)<br>3% (Rs 21-45 lakh)<br>2% (Below Rs 20 lakh)1 % of the property’s value
    FemaleSame as Male1 % of the property’s value
    Male + FemaleSame as Male1 % of the property’s value

    Stamp Duty Charges In Karnataka:

    1. For male buyers: E stamp paper charges in Karnataka: 5% of the property value for properties above Rs 45 lakh; 3% for properties between Rs 21-45 lakh; and 2% for properties below Rs 20 lakh.
    2. For female buyers: Same rates as male buyers.
    3. For male + female joint buyers: Same rates as male buyers.
    4. For male + male joint buyers: Same rates as male buyers.
    5. For female + female joint buyers: Same rates as male buyers.

    Registration Charges in Karnataka: 1% of the property value for all categories (male, female, male+female, male+male, female+female).

    Recent Development: Karnataka Government Urged to Revise Guidance Value for Property Registration

    The Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India – Karnataka and the Forum for People’s Collective Action (FPCE), advocating for homebuyers, have jointly requested the state government to reevaluate the guidance value for property registration. They propose using the guidance value at the time of the homebuyer’s sale agreement with the developer, rather than the date of property registration.

    Santosh Patil, a founding member of FPCE, emphasized that this change would alleviate the financial burden on already stressed homebuyers, especially those with loans. Suresh Hari, Secretary of CREDAI – Karnataka, noted that while luxury housing is unaffected, the increased guidance value has imposed significant pressure on mid- and lower-income housing projects.

    Karnataka to slash Stamp Duty on flats below Rs 45 Lakhs

    Latest Updates: Karnataka to slash Stamp Duty on flats below ₹45 Lakhs
    The latest amendment to the stamp duty charges act in Karnataka

    The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has amended the Karnataka Stamps Act, 1957, reducing the stamp duty on property purchases from 5% to 3%. The aim is to boost the real estate market after pandemic-induced lockdowns and address the issue of vacant flats. First-time buyers of properties worth 35 lakhs to 45 lakhs will now pay a reduced 3% stamp duty. The government plans to consider further revisions on e-stamp paper commission charges in Karnataka for other property categories.

    Karnataka House Registration Charges

    If you have taken a new property in the state of Karnataka, stamp duty and registration charges are required to be paid to the Department of Stamps and Registration, Government of Karnataka. In the case of urban areas, the surcharge is set at 2% and cessed at 10% by the BBMP. So, the effective tax rate is 5.6%. For the same property in a rural area, the buyer may have to pay a 3% surcharge leading to a higher effective tax rate of 5.65%.

    Type of FeeAmount
    Registration charge1% of the property value
    BMRDA and other Surcharges3% on stamp duty
    BBMP and Corporation Added Surcharges2% on stamp duty
    BBMP, BMRDA and Village Areas Added Cess10% on the stamp duty

    Stamp Duty Calculator Karnataka: How to Calculate Registration Charges and Stamp Duty in Karnataka

    Calculate and Pay stamp Duty in Karnataka online
    Calculate and Pay stamp Duty in Karnataka online

    The Karnataka government offers a user-friendly online tool for calculating stamp duty charges within the state. This web application efficiently computes the stamp duty based on the provided information. Here’s a step-by-step guide to calculating stamp duty and registration charges:

    Step 1: Visit the Kaveri Online Services Portal, the official platform of the Karnataka stamp and registration department, at https://kaverionline.karnataka.gov.in/Layout/Layout .

    Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Stamp Duty and Registration Fee Calculator’ tab.

     stamp Duty in Karnataka online

    Step 3: You will be directed to the calculator interface.

     stamp Duty in Karnataka online

    Step 4: Input details such as Region type, Indicative market value, and Indicative Consideration Amount.

    Step 5: Click the ‘Calculate’ button.

    NOTE: Please be aware that the figures depicted in the image serve solely as illustrative examples.

    The calculator will then display the following information

    • Government Duty
    • Surcharge Value
    • Cess Value
    • Total Stamp Duty
    • Total Registration Fees

    How to Pay Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Karnataka

    In Karnataka, you can pay the stamp duty for property transactions through both online and offline methods. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pay stamp duty in Karnataka:

    Online Method: Stamp duty payment online, Karnataka

    1. Visit the official website of the Department of Stamps and Registration, Karnataka  (https://kaverionline.karnataka.gov.in/Layout/Layout)
    2. Look for the “Online Payment” or “E-Payment” section on the website’s homepage.
    3. Click on the option related to “Payment of Stamp Duty.”
    4. You will be directed to a new page where you need to select the type of document (e.g., Sale Deed, Gift Deed, Lease Deed, etc.).
    5. Enter the required details about the property, transaction, and parties involved.
    6. Calculate the stamp duty amount based on the details provided.
    7. Choose the payment method (Netbanking, credit/debit card, or other available options) and make the payment.
    8. After successful payment, you will receive a payment receipt and a digitally stamped document.

    Offline Method: Stamp duty payment offline, Karnataka

    1. Visit the nearest Sub-Registrar’s office or the designated bank authorized to collect stamp duty.
    2. Obtain the required stamp duty payment challan/form from the office or bank.
    3. Fill in the details about the property, transaction, and parties involved in the form.
    4. Calculate the stamp duty amount based on the details provided and pay the amount in cash or through demand draft.
    5. After payment, you will receive a receipt as proof of payment.

    Points to Consider Before Paying Stamp Duty in Karnataka

    Before you pay stamp duty in Karnataka, there are a few things you should think about:

    • The issuance date of the Karnataka stamp paper must be within 6 months of the transaction date.
    • Before registration, all stamp-eligible assets must be stamped.
    • Individuals participating in the transaction must sign the stamp paper.
    • The adhesive stamp that was removed during execution cannot be used again.
    • Gift Deed Registration Charges in Karnataka are transferred to a non-family member: 5% of the property’s market value plus surcharges and cess, plus a 1% registration cost of Rs.1000 + surcharge + cess and a set registration fee of Rs.500 for a transfer to a family member.

    Refund Process for Stamp Duty in Karnataka

    It’s crucial to note that the procedure for obtaining a stamp duty refund can differ from one Indian state to another. In Karnataka, if a sales deed is cancelled, property buyers have the option to request a refund of 98% of the paid stamp duty by filing a refund application.

    To initiate the stamp duty refund process in Karnataka, it is imperative to submit both the original agreement and the original cancellation deed along with the refund application. It is also advisable to reach out to the nearest sub-registrar’s office, where you can obtain specific guidance and requirements for the stamp duty refund application in Karnataka.

    Factors Affecting Stamp Duty in Karnataka

    Here are the major factors deciding stamp duty in Karnataka:

    FactorsStamp Duty Rates and Registration Charges in Karnataka
    Age and genderIn Karnataka, senior citizens pay a cheaper stamp duty rate. This has a huge impact on the charges. Furthermore, men in India must pay a 2 percent higher stamp duty. This does not apply to the state of Karnataka.
    Property locationStamp duty rates are often higher in urban areas, while stamp duty rates are lower outside of these locations.
    Property ageThe stamp duty is based on the overall worth of the house or property, with the age of the property being a significant factor. People should be aware that older homes are less costly than newer homes.
    Basic amenitiesStamp tax is greater on properties with basic amenities such as lifts and swimming pools. Property value will increase.

    Are Tax Benefits Available on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges?

    Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961 allows for tax deductions on stamp duties and registration fees. The maximum deduction is ₹1,50,000. in this case.

    Commercial properties, residential plots, and resale property, on the other hand, are not entitled to this tax benefit. This tax break is only available to new homes.

    These are some important data about stamp duty and registration fees in Karnataka. Knowing the stamp duty rates and payment procedures makes the process go more smoothly.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Karnataka on Other Services

    When it comes to property transactions in Karnataka, understanding the applicable stamp duty and registration charges is essential. This table provides a comprehensive overview of the charges for various deeds, including adoption deeds, conveyances, gift deeds, lease agreements, and more.

    Sr NoDocument/DeedStamp Duty Charges (In Rs)Registration Charges (In Rs)
    1Adoption Deed500200
    3Agreement related to Deposit of Title Deeds0.1% of Market Value (Min: Rs 500, Max: Rs 50,000)0.1% of Market Value (Min: Rs 100, Max: Rs 10,000)
    4Conveyance (including flats)5% on market value + Surcharge + Additional duty1%
    Conveyance by BDA/KHB5% on Consideration value + Surcharge + Additional duty1%
    5Exchange Deed5% on market value + Surcharge + Additional duty1%
    6Gift Deed(i) If Donee is not a family member:
    5% on market value + Surcharge + Additional duty1%
    (ii) If Donee is a specified family member:
    Rs. 1000 + Surcharge and Additional levyRs. 500 fixed
    7Lease Only(a) More than 30 yrs or perpetuityOn Market Value/AAR + advance + premium + deposit + fine (whichever is higher)
    Lease of property between Family membersRs 1000/-Rs 500/-
    8Partition(a) Non-Agriculture Properties in Municipal limitsRs 1000 per share
    (b) Agricultural Land registration charges in KarnatakaRs 250 per share
    (c) Movable propertyRs 250 per share
    9Power of Attorney (PoA)For Registration, one or more documentsRs 100
    Assigning one or more people in a single transactionRs 100
    10Reconveyance of mortgage propertyRs. 100Rs. 100
    11Release(i) When Release is not between family members5% on market value
    (ii) Between family membersRs 1000/-
    12Settlement Deed(i) Not among the family members5% on market value + Additional duty
    (ii) Property settlement between the family membersRs 1000 + Additional duty
    (iii) Settlement RevocationRs. 200
    13Surrender of LeaseRs. 100Rs. 100
    14Transfer of Lease(a) If the remaining period is fewer than 30 years5% on the consideration value
    (b) Where the remaining period is greater than 30 years5% on market value
    15Trust Deed RevocationMaximum Rs. 200Rs. 100
    16Will deedNILRs. 200
    17Will Deed CancellationRs. 100Max Rs. 200

    For instance, if you’re planning an adoption, you’ll need to pay a stamp duty of Rs 500 and a registration charge of Rs 200. On the other hand, an agreement related to the deposit of title deeds would incur a stamp duty of 0.1% of the market value, with a minimum of Rs 500 and a maximum of Rs 50,000, along with a registration charge of 0.1% of the market value, with a minimum of Rs 100 and a maximum of Rs 10,000 as per Karnataka registration act. 

    Similarly, if you’re involved in a lease agreement, the stamp duty would vary based on the lease term and whether it involves family members or not.

    Disclaim Remember, these rates are subject to change, and it’s essential to verify the latest charges with the Karnataka state government before proceeding with any property-related transactions. Always seek professional advice to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

    The state government’s decision to slash stamp duty and registration charges in Karnataka comes as a strong initiative to boost the property market in rural areas. However, the stamp duty in Karnataka across the most in-demand category of Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs 1 crore remains at 5%. The guidelines and regulations have also been changed recently and it can get very confusing to calculate and pay the stamp duty in Karnataka. All of this can be done in a matter of minutes with expert legal assistance from NoBroker by clicking below or just commenting on this blog and we will reach out to you. 


    Q1. What is Stamp Duty?

    Ans. The Government levies a fixed tax on the transactions of property. This tax is known as stamp duty tax. 

    Q2. How much are the BBMP cess and surcharges?

    Ans. In urban areas, the BBMP levies a 10% cess value along with a 2% surcharge on the sale of a property. 

    Q3. How much is the stamp duty in Karnataka?

    Ans. The revised rates now stand at 3% for properties valued at INR 45 lakh or less, 2% for properties valued below INR 20 lakh, and 5% for properties valued at over INR 45 lakh. This reduction in stamp duty is expected to make homeownership more accessible and affordable, providing a potential boost to the real estate sector.

    Q4. Who is responsible for maintaining and collecting the stamp duty in Karnataka?

    Ans. Department of Stamps and Registration, Government of Karnataka is responsible for collecting and maintaining stamp duty records.

    Q5. How is the stamp duty in Karnataka calculated?

    Ans. The stamp duty in Karnataka is calculated based on the guidelines set by the Department of Stamps and Registration, Government of Karnataka. The total stamp duty charges include the cess and corporation surcharges

    All About Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Uttar Pradesh

    All About Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Uttar Pradesh

    In 2024, the Uttar Pradesh government introduced a groundbreaking policy to foster economic growth and attract foreign investment. Offering a generous 50% stamp duty exemption, this initiative is particularly targeted at Fortune 500 companies investing in the thriving regions of Noida and Ghaziabad. Accompanying this is a full waiver of registration fees, enhancing the appeal of these areas as prime investment destinations. 

    This policy, part of a broader strategy initiated in 2023 to increase foreign direct investment (FDI), aims to create a robust industrial ecosystem, capitalising on Noida’s strategic proximity to the national capital, its pool of skilled workforce, and efficient law enforcement. Additionally, this exemption extends to Fortune 500 companies investing elsewhere in Uttar Pradesh, reflecting the state’s commitment to becoming a hub for international investors, with incentives spanning across land acquisition, stamp duty, and capital investment.

    Simultaneously, the state continues to ease financial burdens on its citizens, particularly in family-related property transactions. Following the expiration of a previous provision in December 2022, Yogi Adityanath’s government has made a significant move by reducing the stamp duty for property transfers among blood relatives to a nominal Rs. 5,000. 

    This reduction applies to various deeds, including gift deeds, partition letters, and family arrangements or memorandums of agreement, all aimed at facilitating the equitable distribution of family assets. This decision not only relieves citizens from the potential burden of paying stamp duty up to 7% of the property’s value but also plays a crucial role in minimising disputes over family property matters, fostering a more harmonious social environment.

    Recent Updates on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Uttar Pradesh

    Yogi Adityanath’s government in Uttar Pradesh has taken a significant step by reducing stamp duty for property transfers among blood relatives. This move, approved during a recent cabinet meeting on August 4, 2023, aims to ease the financial burden on citizens when dealing with family-related property transactions. The reduced stamp duty of just Rs. 5,000 will apply to various deeds, including gift deeds, partition letters, and family arrangements or memorandums of agreement, primarily designed for the equitable distribution of family assets among family members.

    This decision follows the expiration of a similar provision in December of the previous year, providing citizens with substantial savings by exempting them from paying stamp duty that could have otherwise reached up to 7% of the property’s value. The cabinet meeting has further endorsed the proposal to extend this exemption until further orders, albeit with some amendments. To implement this change, the Stamp and Registration Department will issue a notification to officially announce the exemption for deeds related to the transfer of immovable properties. This reduction in stamp duty is expected to reduce disputes in family property matters and potentially stimulate employment opportunities.

    What exactly is Stamp Duty Charge on Property?

    In Uttar Pradesh, stamp duty and registration fees are crucial for property sales. Properly paid stamp duty ensures the legal recording of land transactions, making documents valid as evidence in court. Failure to stamp documents correctly renders them inadmissible in court.

    Paying these fees is essential as per Section 17 of the Uttar Pradesh Registration Act, 1908, for property transactions exceeding Rs. 100. It establishes the buyer as the property owner and registers the property in their name. Stamp duty and registration charges in Uttar Pradesh differ from other states, typically amounting to 5-7% of the property’s market value and 1% of the market value, respectively.

    Charge for Stamp Duty and Registration in Uttar Pradesh

    Stamp duty refers to the tax imposed by the federal government during a property transaction, or when ownership of the property moves from the seller to the buyer. It is assessed on leasehold and freehold real estate contracts for both residential and commercial properties. Since stamp duty is assessed according to states, the rate also differs from region to region. Your papers or documents’ stamp is regarded by the authorities as a legal validity endorsement.

    Understanding Stamp Duty and Registry Charges in UP (2024)

    In Uttar Pradesh, as of 2024, the calculation of stamp duty and registration charges for property transactions is closely aligned with the circle rates set by the local administration. These circle rates, also known as ‘Ready Reckoner Rates’ in some regions, are the minimum valuation at which a property can be legally registered. They vary across different localities, and the government mandates that property registration should not fall below these set rates.

    To simplify the understanding of these charges, let’s break down the rates based on gender categories:

    Gender CombinationStamp Duty in UPRegistration Charges in UP
    Joint (Male + Female)6.5%1%
    Joint (Female + Female)6%1%
    Joint (Male + Male)7%1%
    (Source: IGRSUP)

    It’s noteworthy that the 1% reduction in stamp duty for female property owners in Uttar Pradesh is applicable only to transactions where the total property value is up to Rs 10 lakhs. This initiative is part of the state’s effort to encourage property ownership among women.

    These rates are significant for prospective property buyers as they directly impact the overall cost of acquiring property. The stamp duty is a percentage of the transaction value, while registration charges, uniformly set at 1% across all categories, are added to complete the legal formalities of property registration. It’s essential for buyers to be aware of these charges to accurately budget for their property purchase and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

    UP Stamp Duty Rates for Different Deeds in 2024

    Apart from property registration, the Uttar Pradesh State government imposes stamp duty on the registration of various types of deeds. Here are some common deeds along with their respective stamp duty charges in Uttar Pradesh:

    • Gift deed: Rs 60-125
    • Will deed: Rs 200
    • Exchange deed: 3% of the Transaction Value
    • Lease deed: Rs 200
    • Agreement deed: Rs 10
    • Adoption deed: Rs 100
    • Divorce deed: Rs 50
    • Bond: Rs 200
    • Affidavit: Rs 10
    • Notary document: Rs 10
    • Special Power of Attorney (SPA): Rs 100
    • General Power of Attorney (GPA): Rs 10-100

    Factors That Affect Stamp Duty And Registration Charges In Uttar Pradesh

    Stamp duty charges vary depending on the following factors-

    • Gender of the owner under individual ownership: Female property owners are charged 6% of property value as stamp duty whereas male owners are charged 7%.
    • Gender of owners under joint ownership: 
    1. Registry Charges in UP for Women: Property owned by two women would be charged with 6% stamp duty.
    2. Stamp Duty in UP for Males: Property owned by two men would be charged with 7% stamp duty.
    3. Property owned by one woman and one man would be charged with 6.50% stamp duty.

    Registration charge would remain constant at !% of property value in each case.

    How to Calculate Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Uttar Pradesh (UP)?

    Let’s illustrate the calculation of stamp duty and registration charges in UP with an example:

    Suppose Mrs Kiran has purchased a property in Lucknow for Rs 60 lakh, and she needs to pay the required stamp duty and registration charges for property registration.

    In Uttar Pradesh, the stamp duty is 7% of the transaction value, and the registration charges are 1% of the transaction value. Therefore, the total calculation would be as follows:

    • 7% of Rs 60 lakh = Rs 4,20,000
    • 1% of Rs 60 lakh = Rs 60,000
    • Total Amount to be Paid = Rs 4,80,000

    Legal and Illegal Stamp Duties

    Stamp Duty charges in Uttar Pradesh are divided into two categories: Legal and illegal duties. While legal stamp duties, commonly referred to as court fees, are the fees assessed to appellants in court, the stamp duty on a property agreement is classified as a non-legal fee because it is a one-time price. The tax on transfers as well as sale deed accounts for the majority of the state’s stamp duty revenue.

    The Registration and Stamp Duty Fees in Uttar Pradesh

    One of the few Indian states, Uttar Pradesh, has stamp duty rates that are comparatively higher than those in other states. Buyers must pay around 7% of the agreement fee as stamp duty In Uttar Pradesh; however, buyers must also remember that in any state, they must register under the circle rate. If the buyer pays less than the officially registered government-set circle rate, they will be required to pay a lump sum that is determined by computing the district collector’s rate.

    The most populous state in India and the one thought to have been most negatively impacted by the second wave of COVID-19, UP, advocates for the highest fees for property and land registration. Stamp duty rates in Uttar Pradesh have not decreased to this point.

    Stamp Duty Fees in UP for Female

    Women in Uttar Pradesh benefit from lower stamp duty rates when registering properties, as do citizens of many other states. Women in Uttar Pradesh are granted a discount on these fees, but only up to a certain amount. In Uttar Pradesh, women owners only pay 6% in stamp duty plus registration fees, compared to 7% for male owners. However, in Uttar Pradesh, if the price of the property exceeds 10 lakhs, both men and women must pay the same amount in stamp duty.

    Uttar Pradesh’s Stamp Duty Laws and Property Value

    According to section 17 of the Uttar Pradesh Registration Act, 1908, the purchaser is required to register their sale achievement with the sub-office registrar if the transaction’s value or cost exceeds INR 100 to obtain legal validity in the eyes of the law.

    In summary, the purchaser must bear these three essential considerations in mind.

    ● State-to-state variations exist in stamp duty fees.

    ● In most cases, buyers are required to pay 1% of the deal value as registration fees. 

    ● In essence, stamp duty is a charge levied by the government whenever a property is transferred from the producer (seller) to the consumer (buyer), or when there is a transaction of a property. It is calculated simply using the transaction value as a percentage.

    Property Registration Charges in UP

    The new stamp duty registration fees in Uttar Pradesh for real estate were increased by the state government, which had previously set a cap of Rs. 20,000 per transaction. However, with the implementation of the new statement, the fees are now calculated at 1% of the sale price, thus if the asset’s deed is worth Rs.70,000 then the buyer would pay Rs. 60,000 as part of the registration fee. 

    Example for Calculating Stamp Duty Fees in Uttar Pradesh

    Say, Ram is investing Rs. 6,000 per square foot in a house with a carpet area of 900 square feet in a location. Therefore, the property’s circle rate-based valuation would be Rs. 54 lacs. The buyer will currently pay 7% of this sum as stamp duty because the property is being recorded at the same price. The total would result in Rs. 3.78 lacs.

    Even though the property has indeed been registered for a lower price, the buyer is still required to pay the staple sum of 7% according to the circular rate. However, if the buyer’s property has a 64-lac registration price, the payment is made at 7% of 64 lac in stamp duty.

    How to Request Stamp Duty Withdrawal in Uttar Pradesh

    The paid stamp duty can be withdrawn through the IGRSUP portal. On the IGRSUP portal, a user may make online registration for stamp duty repayment (igrsup.gov.in). Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply online for the stamp duty withdrawal on the IGRSUP portal.

    Step 1: Go to the official IGRSUP portal (IGRSUP login).

    Step 2: Click the “Stamp Vaapsi Hetu Aavedan” option (Revocation of stamp duty from IGRSUP) after logging into IGRSUP. The screen that follows will appear.

    How to Pay Uttar Pradesh Property Stamp Duty Online

    Navigating the process of property registration in Uttar Pradesh has become more efficient and user-friendly thanks to the implementation of a digital system by the state government. This technology-driven approach simplifies the payment of stamp duty, ensuring a hassle-free experience for homebuyers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to completing the stamp duty payment online:

    Step-by-Step Guide to Online Stamp Duty Payment

    • Access the Official Portal: Start by visiting the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Stamp and Registration Department. This portal serves as the primary platform for all property registration-related services in the state.
    Easily navigate to the official portal for seamless property registration in Uttar Pradesh
    • Initiate the Process: On the homepage, look for the ‘Property Registration’ section. Here, you’ll find an ‘Apply’ button, which is your gateway to begin the process.
    • New Registration: Clicking on ‘Apply’ leads to the option for ‘New Registration’. Selecting this will generate a unique application number, which is crucial for tracking your process and future references.
    Seamlessly initiate your property journey with the ‘New Registration’ step – your gateway to owning a piece of Uttar Pradesh.
    • Fill in the Details: You will be redirected to a form where you need to input details about the property. This includes the city, area, and unit size of the property, among other pertinent information.
    Enter your property details here for a straightforward path to registration.
    • Payment of Stamp Duty: The final step involves paying the applicable stamp duty charges for your property. This is an important legal step to formalise your property transaction.

    Once these steps are completed, and the stamp duty is paid, the next phase is verification. The Sub-Registrar Officer will review the uploaded documents. Upon successful verification, the registration document will be generated and made available for download by the applicant.

    This digital procedure marks a significant advancement in streamlining property transactions in Uttar Pradesh, making it more accessible and transparent for buyers. It’s a move that aligns with the digital India initiative, bringing convenience and efficiency to the forefront of property dealings.

    What Are The Tax Benefits On Stamp Duty And Registration Charges In UP?

    Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961, everyone in the state of Uttar Pradesh is eligible to claim tax exemptions on registration fees and stamp duties.

    Joint owners are eligible for a tax deduction under this law. The maximum deduction amount is only ₹150,000, though.

    Only brand-new properties are eligible for individual deduction claims.

    The above-mentioned points will make it easier for someone to pay stamp duty in UP without confusion. You can also look up the terms and conditions on the official website.

    What Happens if the UP Stamp Duty and Registration Fees are Not Paid?

    The Indian Stamp Act of 1899 and the Registration Act of 1908 make it necessary for a property purchase to (whose property is for more than Rs 100). If these fees are not paid, the house registry charges in UP will no longer be valid, and you won’t be the property’s owner legally. You might additionally be subject to a fine for that. The penalty might be 2% every month as well as the utmost 200% of the deficiency amount.

    In conclusion, the stamp duty in UP is a tax that must be paid immediately after the property is sold and is an obligatory expense. It is calculated simply using the transaction value as a percentage. Payment of the stamp duty and registration fees in UP ensures that the property is properly registered in government records and eliminates the possibility of a legal or title dispute down the road. 
    So, it must have been clear from the article that Stamp duty in Uttar Pradesh is a tax similar to income tax that the state levies. Stamp duty should always be paid fully and on a perfect routine. If the stamp duty isn’t always paid on time, a fine is imposed for the UP property registration. If you need any help regarding stamp duty and registration charges in Uttar Pradesh, you must consult the real estate and finance experts at NoBroker. If interested, please leave a comment below this blog; our executive will be in touch with you soon


    1. How are stamp duties in Uttar Pradesh calculated and How much does Uttar Pradesh charge for land registration?

    Answer. In Uttar Pradesh, buyers are required to pay 7% of the transaction cost as stamp duty. Also, the registration fee for land is 1% of the entire value of your property, up to a maximum of INR 30,000.

    2. How do I try figuring out my UP property registration charges?

    Answer. The calculation for the property registration charge is 1% of the entire transaction value. If the cost of the land, for instance, has been recorded at rupees 1CR, the registration fee will be rupees 1L.

    3. What are the most recent developments regarding Up’s registration fees and stamp duty?

    Answer. Stamp duty and registration fees brought in 22% more money in Uttar Pradesh qs the state has decided not to impose a stamp tax on individuals who are transferring ownership to a member of their family. Previously, 7% of the market value of the property was the stamp duty for the same transaction. However, the price has increased to Rs 5000 plus an additional Rs 1000 for computation.

    4. How can we avoid stamp duty in UP?

    Answer. Avoiding paying stamp duty is illegal, and those who do so risk fines, custody, or even both. Additionally, if the transfer of property is not registered and the stamp duty is not paid, land ownership will not transfer.

    5. Can I pay my stamp duty charges in UP online?

    Answer. By signing on to the official registration as well as the stamp department website, buyers in the state of Uttar Pradesh can pay stamp duty online.

    6. How soon am I supposed to pay stamp duty and registration charges UP?

    Answer. Following the completion of the property transaction, you have 14 days to file a return with HMRC as well as pay any outstanding stamp duty. The majority of the time, your lawyer or conveyancer will calculate & submit your stamp duty amount on your behalf.

    7. What happens if the stamp duty is not paid or not paid on time?

    Answer. Interest must be paid commencing the day after the limit until the settlement date as a consequence of submitting stamp duty after the deadline. This will be in part due to any penalties that might be imposed for submitting documents beyond the deadline.

    Understanding Stamp Duty and Registration in Noida

    Understanding Stamp Duty and Registration in Noida

    Stamp duty is a tax that must be paid on real estate transactions. It validates the property record kept by the state government. Section 3 of the Indian Postal Law of 1909 states a stamp duty is due. The cost of the stamp duty varies depending on the state and location of the property. The state government counts stamp duty fees and registration fees as revenue. This blog will explain the stamp duty and registration fees for Noida real estate.
    The government imposes a charge known as stamp duty on legal papers, typically when assets or property are transferred. These taxes have two main goals: to support government operations and to confirm the buyer’s ownership of the item or property.

    What is Stamp Duty?

    Stamp duty is a government tax equivalent to income tax, regulated under Section iii of the Stamp Act of 1899. Timely payment is essential to avoid penalties. Properly stamped documents hold legal validity and are admissible in court, while unstamped ones aren’t accepted as evidence.

    This tax is mandatory for property transactions and varies across states, including Noida. As Noida’s real estate market thrives, understanding the local stamp duty rates is crucial for all, from first-time buyers to seasoned investors.

    Documents Required for Registration of Flat

    Documents Required For Registration Of Flat
    Paying stamp duty and registration charges requires multiple documents about the property and the owner’s identity

    The following documents are necessary for real estate registration in Noida:

    1.No certificate of dues – When the full cost of the unit has been paid for according to the payment schedule, the builder gives this paper.

    2. BBA or Allocation letter – The Builder-Buyer Agreement (BBA) or allocation letter must be in a self-attested copy. This document states that the applicant already owns the property that must be registered.

    3. Ownership letter – A self-attested possession letter, similar to the previous document, must be received from the function Object () {[native code]}. It indicates that the buyer is qualified to take possession of the property; however, it is optional.

    4. Financial institutions and bank account documents – Two more documents—a loan approval letter and a No Objection Certificate (NOC)—are needed if the buyer has a home loan. When the buyer takes ownership of the property, the NOC will attest that the bank or other financial institution will not have any problems.

    5. ID and proof of address – Each registration applicant’s Account number, PAN card, voter ID card, or passport must be carried by the buyer, together with at least 4-5 photos serving as identification and address proof.

    Please be aware that the above documents for the witnesses will also be needed since the registration process requires two witnesses.

    E Payment of Stamp Duty and Registration Fees

    If you are thinking about how to pay stamp duty for flat registration, then you must be content to know that it can be offline and online. In Noida, Uttar Pradesh, you can complete a portion of the stamp duty payments transaction online.

    • Get the conveyance deed ready.
    • Visit the Uttar Pradesh government’s Stamps and Registration department’s official website at igrsup.gov.in.
    • Click the button.
    • Sign up for a user account on the website.
    • Enter the names and contact information of the buyer, seller, and two witnesses
    • Fill out the form with the property’s information (district, tehsil, ward, and area).
    • Type the property here (for example, commercial or industrial).

    Alternatively, you can submit the registration cost and stamp duty offline.

    Buy stamp paper and create a conveyance deed: Stamp paper can be purchased at the National Stock Exchange of India department that is most convenient for you. The Stock Holding Corporation has offices in Ghaziabad, Noida, and Greater Noida in the National Capital Region (NCR). However, the Uttar Pradesh Stamp Act, of 1957 Act prescribes that any transaction above Rs. 1 lakh should be paid only with Uttar Pradesh e-stamp paper which you can get online.

    Flat Registration Process in Noida

    Homeowners in Noida have to fill up multiple documents for registering the property under their name.
    Homeowners in Noida have to fill up multiple documents for registering the property under their name.

    Below are the process and flat registration charges in Noida: 

    Processing at the Sub Registrar’s Office in Noida

    • It is important to confirm that the person from whom the property is purchased owns the property. To obtain the Encumbrance Certificate, please apply for it at the registrar’s (Sub Registrar’s Office) office.
    • Link for the state’s contact information for the sub-registration office
    • According to the recommendation of the authorities, the user can go to the relevant Sub-registrar office and apply for EC.
    • The paperwork for registering the property must be prepared if the results are satisfactory. To finish the Deed of sale drafting for registration, purchasing stamp duty paper following the amount determined based on the land assessment should be accomplished.
    • The buyer, seller, and witnesses must appear at the registrar’s office on the designated date and wait in line. You or the advocate may obtain the schedule for registration of the land.
    • When it is their turn, they must present the registrar with an original copy of their ID and a DD for the amount that the buyer is required to pay the seller. To complete registration, they must also sign the registry in the designated locations.

    Online Method

    • The government of Uttar Pradesh has implemented an online system for registering properties. Visit the website and select “Apply” from the “Property Registration” session.
    • Before properly completing the application form, carefully read the instructions.
    • To register and proceed to the next page by signing in, follow the instructions on the page.
    • The user must fill out all the information (Buyer Information, Seller Identifier, Witnesses, Property Type, etc.) on the provided page before uploading the necessary papers and selecting the relevant option to obtain the application number. Further processing will benefit from knowing this number. An online application and acknowledgement printout are available to the applicant.


    • To access the screen for setting an appointment, the user must choose the “Appointment of Property Registration” option on the web page.
    • Use the registration number you received when submitting your online form here, along with your password, to sign in.
    • The applicant must follow the on-screen instructions to schedule an appointment for registration at the appropriate SRO office.
    • Please print the acknowledgement out as well.

    At SRO Office

    • On the appointed date, report to the Section Registrar Office (SRO) armed with the application printout and any required paperwork.
    • Send the paperwork to the authorities. They will verify the information and give it to the registrar.
    • The applicant, the seller, and the witness must proceed to the registrar’s cabin in response to a call from the office staff.
    • When it is their turn, they must present the registrar with an original copy of their ID and a DD for the amount that the buyer is required to pay the seller. To complete registration, they must also sign the registry in the designated locations.

    Flat Registration Charges in Noida 

    The state government increased the revised stamp duty registration fees in Uttar Pradesh for real estate, which had previously set a cap of Rs. 20,000 per transaction. However, with the implementation of the new statement, the flat registration costs in Noida are now estimated at 1% of the sale price, meaning that if the asset’s deed is worth £70k, the buyer will pay £60,000 as part of the initial deposit. Additionally, the fees for registering a flat in Uttar Pradesh differ from those for registering a plot.

    How to Calculate the Stamp Duty in Noida?

    There are online Stamp duty calculators which you can use to calculate the stamp duty. However, if you want to calculate the stamp duty manually here’s how you can do it.

    1. Figure out the Stamp duty and registration fees for the area.
    2. To calculate the stamp duty multiply the purchase price by the stamp duty rate.
    3. To calculate the registration fee, multiply the purchase price by the registration date.
    4. The total cost of the property is the purchase price plus the stamp duty and registration fee.

    Reduced Stamp Duty is Required in Noida and Greater Noida.

    The home markets in Noida and Greater Noida are some of the least expensive throughout the National Capital Region (NCR). According to information provided by Housing.com, the average price of new homes in these markets was Rs 3,922 per square foot in 2021, after seeing a minor value decline due to the Coronavirus pandemic’s effects on India’s real estate market. In contrast to buyers in nearby Delhi, Noida and Greater Noida must pay higher stamp duty and registration fees.

    The Uttar Pradesh (UP) administration has not yet decided whether to decrease the stamp duty and registration fees in Noida and Greater Noida despite repeated orders from the central government following the Coronavirus pandemic.

    Refund on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Noida, Greater Noida

    You can get a refund on your stamp duty under certain conditions. You must apply for the stamp duty refund within six months of the date on which you paid the amount if you paid the amount but did not register the document.

    Uttar Pradesh’s Stamp Duty Laws and Property Value

    According to section 17 of the Uttar Pradesh Registration Ordinance, 1908, the purchaser must register their sale achievement with the sub-office registrar if the transaction’s value or cost exceeds INR 100 to obtain legal validity in the eyes of the law.

    In summary, the purchaser must bear these three essential considerations in mind.

    • State-to-state variations exist in stamp duty fees.
    • Generally, buyers must pay registration fees equal to 1% of the deal value. While some states additionally charge a fixed cost based on the property’s value.
    • In essence, stamp duty is a charge levied by the government whenever a property is transferred from the producer to the consumer or when there is a property transaction. It is determined directly using the transaction value as a percentage.

    We hope that this blog helped you understand the fees and process of paying stamp duty and registration in Noida. The stamp duty rates are comparatively higher than those in other states. Buyers must remember that they must register themselves underneath the circular rate in any jurisdiction, for that matter. In Uttar Pradesh, purchasers must pay around 7% of the agreement amount as stamp duty. If the buyer pays less than the officially registered government-set circle rate, they will be required to pay a lump sum determined by determining the district hoarder rate.

    Every homeowner needs help in accurately paying government taxes and legal fees involved in property ownership. Getting help from real estate legal experts at NoBroker has saved many many homeowners time and money. If you’re looking for the best consultation regarding stamp duty and registration payment in Noida, please leave a comment below; our executive will be in touch with you soon. 


    Q. How are registration fees and stamp duty determined in Noida?

    Answer: The stamp duty is a portion of the property’s agreed value. Therefore, Thane’s Stamp Duty equals 7% of $24,000, or Rs. 1,68,000. In Noida, registration fees are 1% of the cost of the property.

    Q. What occurs if stamp duty is not paid?

    Answer: The penalty for paying stamp duty after the deadline will be interesting, which must be paid starting from the day after the deadline until the payment date. This would be in addition to any fines that may be assessed for late submission of documents.

    Q. What is the Latest News about Registration Fees and Stamp Duty in Noida?

    Answer: In FY 2021, revenue from stamp duty and registration fees increased by 22% in Uttar Pradesh, according to research by Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (MOFSL). For those transferring property to a family member, the state of Uttar Pradesh has opted not to levy stamp duty. Previously, the stamp fee for the same was 7% of the property’s market value. However, it will cost Rs 5000 and Rs 1000 for processing. The government clarified that the property might be given to one’s real brother, real sister, mother, father, husband, daughter, sister, son-in-law, or children of one’s son and daughter.

    Q. How do I find out my Noida, Uttar Pradesh registry?

    Answer: The calculation for the property registration charge is 1% of the entire transaction value. If the price of the land, for instance, has been recorded at $1CR, the registration fee will be $1L.

    Q. How do I register my house in Noida?

    Answer: Owners must pay stamp duty and registration fees to the State’s Enrollment and Stamp Administration to register a building in Noida West. These fees are based on the higher the registered property price or the ready reckoner rate.

    Q. What are the flat registration charges in Greater Noida?

    Answer: The Flat registration charge in Noida is 1% while the stamp duty is 7%.

    Understanding Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in India

    Understanding Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in India

    A gift deed is a legalised document that allows you to transfer property ownership without paying any money. The person who transfers ownership is known as a “Donor,” while the person who receives ownership is known as a “Donee.” A gift deed can only be legitimate if it has been officially registered and the gift deed stamp duty and registration charges for the gift deed have been paid. If you wonder how much stamp duty is on gift deed, this post will explain the many features of gift deed stamp duty, gift deed registration fee, and their rates.

    Understanding Stamp Duty on Gift Deed

    Gifting is the act of a person willingly transferring certain or all of his rights in an asset he owns to another person for no monetary payment. Given that they do not profit from the transfer of ownership of the property, it may appear strange that a donor is asked to pay a charge to have his property transferred to someone else. Although giving a house is not a typical transaction, it has income tax and stamp duty implications. In India, gift deed stamp duty differs from state to state and can range from 2% to 7% of the property value.

    Gift Deed Stamp Duty in 2023

    StateStamp Duty Percentage
    Andhra Pradesh6%
    Arunachal Pradesh5%
    Himachal Pradesh4%
    Jammu and Kashmir6%
    Karnataka3% for properties worth less than Rs. 45 lakhs, 2% for properties worth Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 90 lakhs, and 5% for properties worth more than Rs. 90 lakhs
    Madhya Pradesh6%
    Maharashtra3% for properties worth less than Rs. 20 lakhs, 2% for properties worth Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs. 50 lakhs, and 5% for properties worth more than Rs. 50 lakhs
    Tamil Nadu11%
    Uttar PradeshRs. 5,000 for properties gifted between family members, 7% for other cases
    West Bengal5%

    Please note that these are just the general rates of stamp duty. The actual rates may vary depending on the specific state and the circumstances of the gift. It is always best to consult with a lawyer or a property expert to get accurate information about the stamp duty applicable in your case.

    Bursting Gift Deed Myths: 

    Owners who offer their property as a gift should know that they lose ownership of the transferred item once the gift deed is recorded. This is because the terms of a gift deed, like a sale or a relinquishment document, take effect immediately. This is not the scenario with a Will whose provisions only take effect when Will’s maker has died. Remember, however, that a gift deed is only valid until the stamp duty on the gift deed has been paid.

    What Property Can Be Gifted?

    Any immovable property that satisfies the requirements of Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, may be transferred via a gift deed. A gift tax on immovable property in India must be recorded with the sub-registrar office in accordance with sections 123 of the Transfer of Property Act and 17 of the Registration Act of 1908, just like a sale deed, with the exception that no money is exchanged in the transfer of the property. The contract would be void if this wasn’t done.

    Income Tax on Gift Deed

    The topic of whether gifts are taxable is one that taxpayers ask themselves frequently and on a regular basis. You can learn about various provisions relating to the taxability of gifts received by a person or a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) in this section. A gift is any money or property that is given to an individual or a HUF without asking for it or in situations where the property is acquired for too little money.

    From the perspective of taxation, gifts can be categorised as follows:

    1. A “monetary gift” is any sum of money that is given without expecting anything in return.

    2. “Gift of moveable property” refers to specific movable item acquired without payment.

    3. “Movable property received for less than its fair market value” refers to certain movable properties that were acquired at a discount (or for insufficient compensation).

    4. Immovable property acquired in exchange for nothing is known as “gift of immovable property.”

    5. “Immovable property received for less than its stamp duty value” refers to real estate that was purchased for less money than it was worth.

    Any amount of money received by an individual or HUF without consideration (i.e., a monetary gift received in cash, check, draught, etc.) will be subject to tax if the following criteria are met:

    • Monetary amount received heedlessly.
    • The total amount of money received in this manner during the year reaches Rs. 50,000.

    Even though the gift-related laws apply to everyone, it has been reported that presents from residents to non-residents are said to not be subject to Indian taxation because the income does not accrue or arise there. The Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 added a new clause (viii) under Section 9 of the Income-tax Act, stating that any income arising outside India, defined as money paid without consideration on or after 05-07-2019 by a person who lives in India to a non-resident or a foreign company, shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India. This was done to ensure that such gifts made by residents to a non-resident person are subject to tax in India.

    5 Steps And Tips to Execute a Gift Deed

    The process for registering a gift deed

    The steps to execute the gift deed are as follows:-

    1. A licenced expert will assess the real estate covered by the donation deed.
    2. Both the giver and the donee must sign a gift deed in front of two witnesses.
    3. To deliver the signed documents, make your way to the closest sub-registrar.
    4. For the computation of the gift deed registration fees, including stamp duty, use a lawyer. The fees specified must be paid.
    5. Get the deed attested

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Delhi Rates and Legal Requirements for Gift Deed

    A Gift Deed is only legitimate if given to another family member or friend without expecting anything in return.
    A Gift Deed is only legitimate if given to another family member or friend without expecting anything in return.

    The Registration Act of 1908, which governs all deeds states that gift deed stamp duty in Delhi must be registered. 

    • A qualified appraiser must appraise the property to be gifted.
    • If the Donee is a woman, stamp duty in Delhi on gift deed will be 4 percent of the property’s worth and 6 percent if the Donee is a man.
    • The registration price will be 1% of the whole amount plus Rs.100/- in pasting fees. 
    • Registration applications must be submitted to the district’s concerned Sub Registrar office. The average response time is 15 days.

    What is the Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Maharashtra? 

    Conveyance deedStamp duty rate
    Gift deed3%
    Gift deed for residential or agricultural property passed on to family membersRs 200
    Lease deed5%
    Power of attorneyProperty in municipal regions is worth 5%, whereas property in gramme panchayat areas is worth 3%.

    The stamp duty on gift deed in Maharashtra is 3% of the property’s worth, according to Article 34 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, responsible for the property gift deed rules which was revised in 2017. The gift deed stamp duty on gifted property is Rs 200 if the property in question is a residential or agricultural property gifted (without payment) to family members. 

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in AP

    The registration fee for a gift deed in Andhra Pradesh is 0.5 percent, with a maximum of Rs 10,000.

    Stamp duty On Gift Deed of Commercial Property in Maharashtra

    Stamp duty On Gift Deed of Commercial Property In Maharashtra
    Stamp duty On Gift Deed of Commercial Property

    There are no exemptions from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees when it comes to commercial property. The Stamp Duty and Registration fees will be the same as the Sale / Conveyance Deed. If the property is in Maharashtra, for example, there will be 5% Stamp Duty + 1% LBT + 1% Registration Fees. These fees will be calculated based on the property’s Government Value.

    Stamp Duty on Cash Gift Deed in Maharashtra

    A cash gift deed is an agreement in which the donor (the person who pays the money) can give money to the Donee (the person who receives the money) without any other compensation or exchange. It depicts a donation of cash given voluntarily by one person to another. This deed details the amount of money to be transferred and any gift restrictions. . The rate of stamp duty for gift deed in Maharashtra for cash is 3%.

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed for Cash in Delhi

    Because it records the act of providing a gift, a gift deed for cash is an important document, especially when gifting a significant sum of money. The stamp paper value for cash gift deed creates a legally binding document. A gift deed ensures proof of such transfer for both the donor and the Donee, avoiding future misunderstandings and misuse. The rate is 4%.

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Blood Relation

    When it comes to stamp duty on gift deed in blood relation Maharashtra, immovable property, such as lands, a house, or an apartment, can now be passed down to one’s children or blood relatives without having to pay stamp duty. On March 25, 2015, Hon’ble Revenue Minister Eknath Khadase informed the Govt in the Assembly. As a result, stamp duty on the transfer of lands or flat immovable property to family members is waived.

    He declared that immovable property, such as land, a house, or a flat, can now be transferred to the owner’s children or even blood relations merely by signing a transfer deed on Rs. 500/- stamp paper and paying no stamp duty on gift deed. Families of transferors will be relieved by this announcement, as they will no longer be required to pay 5% stamp duty at market value as per ready Reckoner. The minister stated that a transfer document executed on Rs. 500/- stamp-paper will suffice in such a case. Therefore, no stamp duty for gift deed in Maharashtra for blood relations. 

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Delhi in Blood Relation

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Delhi in Blood Relation
    The rate of stamp duty on gift deed varies among states and can change whenever the Government passes a revised law. 

    Every state in India has a varied and regulated percentage of stamp duty that must be paid when a gift deed is registered. A gift deed’s stamp duty is usually less than a sale deed, although it is computed as a conveyance rather than a sale deed. The requirements for levying stamp duty on a gift deed differ by state. For example, gift deed stamp duty in Delhi is different for males and females, as it is levied at 5% and 3%, respectively.

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed in Blood Relation in Haryana

    In Punjab and Haryana, a gift of immovable property to a blood relative is exempt from stamp duty. Parents, children, grandchildren, sisters, and spouses would all be eligible for the exemption as per the transfer of property from parent to child in India guidelines. The stamp duty on gift deed between brothers would follow the same.

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed from Father to Son

    The stamp duty on gift deeds is the same as on a regular sale. There is an exception in the case of certain relatives, such as gifts from father to son. Until May 16, 2017, the rate of stamp duty on such a transaction in Maharashtra was restricted to Rs 200. In some states, the stamp duty will now be 3% of the transaction’s market value, whereas, in others, there will be no tax at all.

    Stamp Duty on Gift Deed from Husband to Wife

    To protect their interests, one spouse would be entitled to transfer immovable property to the other spouse, and stamp duty would not be an obstacle to property transfer. This step will go a long way toward protecting the spouse’s interests in difficult family situations or medical situations. Thus, there is no stamp duty on gift deed applicable here.

    How do You Calculate Stamp Duty on a Gift Deed?

    Because stamp duty on gift deeds must be paid as a proportion of the property value, the computation would be based on each state’s percentage levied on gift deed registrations. For example, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the gift recipient must pay a stamp duty of 2% of the present value. If the gifted property has a declared worth of Rs 1 crore, the person receiving it will have to pay Rs 20 lakh in stamp duty on the gift deed.

    Is it Possible to Reclaim the Property You were Given?

    A gift can be returned; however, this must be considered and included in the recorded gift deed. Revocation of the agreement is not feasible under Section 126 of the Transfer of Property Act unless the donor indicates that he retains the right to reclaim the gift in the registered contract. This means that the donor must clearly state while drafting the gift deed that even after the gift deed is performed, the donor retains the right to withdraw the gift deed and restore the gift from the Donee if and when he so desires.

    How Can NoBroker Help?

    The transfer of a dwelling property under a gift must be completed by a registered instrument/document signed by or on behalf of the individual gifting the property and attested by at least two witnesses, according to the Transfer of Property Act and paying stamp duty on gift deed. If you need help from a professional tax and financial consultant then you will certainly find great options on Nobroker. Please leave a comment below this article; our executive will be in touch with you soon.


    Q1. What is stamp duty?

    Ans. In most cases in India, stamp duty is a tax that is paid to the Government during any purchase or transfer of property/ownership. 

    Q2. What is considered as a Gift Deed in India?

    Ans. According to the Registration Act of 1908, Section 17 states that a Gift Deed is a document, article or property that is transferred to a relative or a 3rd person without the intention of any favour in-return. 

    Q3. Do I have to pay any stamp duty on gift deed?

    Ans. If the transfer of the article(s) is a gift then usually, you will not have to pay the stamp duty, however, the rules change in every state and depend on the latest Government Regulations (GR). 

    Q4. How is gift deed calculated?

    Ans. The rate of calculation of gift deed depends on the state Government Regulations. In Maharashtra, the gift deed is capped at 3% of the market value. 

    Q5. Can I challenge a Gift Deed?

    Ans. Yes, any person can challenge the Gift Deed on the basis of legal ground and law/rule changes. 

    Q6. Can a woman give her son a deed to the property?

    Ans. As per the gift deed from mother to son stamp duty laws, Yes. The mother is the exclusive owner of the possessions, and she decides who she will give them to. She can give each son a portion of the property, or she can give one son the entire estate.

    Q7. What are the stamp duty charges in Bangalore for gifting property?

    Ans. Here are the stamp duty charges in Bangalore for gifting property:
    If the property is gifted by a family member (spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren), the stamp duty is Rs. 1000 + surcharge and additional duty.
    If the property is gifted by a non-family member, the stamp duty is 5% of the market value of the property + surcharge and additional duty.
    The surcharge and additional duty are as follows:
    Surcharge: 2%
    Additional duty: 1%
    The gift deed registration charges in Bangalore for gift deed registration are as follows:
    1% of the market value of the property
    Please note that these are just the general rates of stamp duty and registration charges. The actual rates may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the gift. It is always best to consult with a lawyer or a property expert to get accurate information about the stamp duty and registration charges applicable in your case.

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Mumbai 2024

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Mumbai 2024

    You might be planning to own a house for years, but it is essential to know that buying a home is not a cakewalk. It is both financially and emotionally overwhelming. From down payments to applying for loans and signing sale agreements, there are numerous things to take care of. And even after possession of your house, you need to register it in your name. In most cases, the buyer has to pay an amount in order to do this, known as Stamp Duty. And just like any other city in India, if you wish to purchase a home in Mumbai, you must take into account the charges of the stamp duty in Mumbai before finalising your total budget.

    Stamp duty is a kind of tax that you have to pay to the Government of India for the transaction of any immovable property. You need to register the property against your name in the local municipal records. This registration charge or the Stamp Duty is vital for legal possession of your house. Payment of this tax is mandatory under Section 3 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

    Stamp duty rates vary from state to state and are also dependent on the market value of a specific property. There are several other fixed-rate instruments to calculate stamp duty. Once you are aware of that, you can prepare accordingly. The Maharashtra Government has revised the Stamp duty rates recently. In this article, we will be discussing the Stamp duty in Mumbai in detail.

    The Maharashtra Stamp Act and Stamp Duty in Mumbai

    The Maharashtra Stamp Act and Stamp Duty in Mumbai
    Pay Stamp duty and get possession of your house in Mumbai

    The Maharashtra Stamp Act was passed in 1958 to handle stamp duty-related issues in Maharashtra. This act covers all the specified instruments in Schedule 1 of the act. Any other tools come under the India Stamp Act, or they might not be chargeable at all. Moreover, this stamp duty is charged only on an instrument. Stamp duty is not applicable on a transaction. The Stamp duty in Mumbai is levied under the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958. Stamp duty on property in Mumbai depends upon various factors like whether the property is located in an urban or rural area and the transaction cost.

    Stamp Duty Rates in Mumbai and Adjoining Areas

    Stamp Duty Rates in Mumbai and Adjoining Areas
    Stamp Duty Rates in Mumbai

    In 2020, when the state faced a slowdown in the Real Estate industry, the Maharashtra Government announced reducing stamp duty on commercial properties. In August 2020, Maharashtra Government announced that they are reducing the stamp duty for the next three months. The new rate after the reduction was 2% (from earlier 5%) and applied from 1st September to 31st December 2020. From 1st January 2021, people were to pay a 3% stamp duty on the property value. This decision initially boosted property sales in Maharashtra.

    However, Maharashtra Government announced not to extend the cut anymore in March 2021. The earlier rate of stamp duty was restored from 1st April 2021. Therefore, the current stamp duty on commercial property in Mumbai is charged at a rate of 5% (4% stamp duty + 1% metro cess) of the market rate of the property.

    In a special announcement, on 8th March 2021, the Government declared that there would be a one per cent rebate in stamp duty for female buyers. Therefore, if the property is transferred in a woman’s name, the stamp duty in Navi Mumbai would be 4%. This rebate does not apply to joint buyers.  Check the table below to understand stamp duty and registration charges in Thane and other parts of Mumbai.

    CitiesMumbaiPuneThaneNavi MumbaiPimpri-ChinchwadNagpur
    Stamp duty rates are applicable from 1st April 20215% (including 1% metro cess)6% (including local body and transport surcharge)6% (including local body and transport surcharge)6% (including local body and transport surcharge)6% (including local body and transport surcharge)6% (including local body and transport surcharge)
    Stamp duty rates are applicable from 1st April 2021 (Female only)4% (including 1% metro cess)5% (including local body and transport surcharge)5% (including local body and transport surcharge)5% (including local body and transport surcharge)5% (including local body and transport surcharge)5% (including local body and transport surcharge)
    Stamp duty rates are applicable from 1st September to 31st December 20202%3%3%3%3%3%
    Stamp duty rates are applicable from 1st January to 31st March 20213%4%4%4%4%4%

    Registration Charges in Mumbai and Adjoining Areas

    Registration Charges in Mumbai and Adjoining Areas
    Govt hopes that the rate slash on stamp duty will boost demand in real estate

    The Government charges tax when a buyer wants to register a property in his/her name. This tax is called property registration charges. The rate of this charge differs from state to state. A typical registration charge is 1% of the deal value. In some states, there is a flat registration charge. The Maharashtra Government also has a flat registration charge in Mumbai on properties worth over Rs 30 lakh. You can also make your own stamp duty calculator Mumbai by using the figures below:

    CitiesMumbaiPuneThaneNavi MumbaiPimpri-ChinchwadNagpur
    The registration charge for properties worth over Rs 30 lakhRS 30,000RS 30,000RS 30,000RS 30,000RS 30,000RS 30,000
    The registration charge for properties worth less than Rs 30 lakh1% of the property value1% of the property value1% of the property value1% of the property value1% of the property value1% of the property value

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges Mumbai: Determining Factors

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Mumbai Determining Factors
    Stamp duty is heavily dependent on several factors such as property type, location, and market value.

    Stamp duty and registration charges are the charges which everyone has to pay while buying any property, including lands, flats, residential or commercial properties. The Maharashtra Government also levies these fees while transferring the title of the property. Stamp duty and registration charges in Mumbai depend upon several factors like property type, property location, and market value,

    • Property Type: Stamp duty and fees for the flat registration process in Mumbai are mandatory irrespective of the type of the property. However, the costs can be different based on the type of property. Commercial properties have additional floor space, many amenities, and security features than residential ones. So, the fees for the retail units are generally higher than the residential spaces.
    • Type of the locality: the locality or jurisdiction of the property also determines the stamp duty and registration fees rate. For example, urban areas or the areas under a municipality have a higher amount of stamp duty tax. If your property is under a municipality, the tax will be higher than the land that falls under a Panchayat.
    • Market value: Along with the property area, the property’s market value is also taken into consideration while calculating the stamp duty on a particular property.
    • Age of the property: Stamp duty tax is a percentage of the property’s total market value. The old properties or buildings generally attract fewer customers leading to a low market value. Such old buildings attract more periodic charges in comparison to new installations.
    • Gender of the owner: In India, female buyers generally pay less stamp duty tax while buying a new property. For example, in 2021, the Maharashtra Government announced a discount of 1% on stamp duty for female owners.

    Are tax benefits applicable on stamp duty payments in Mumbai?

    Expenses related to registration charges and stamp duty rate in Mumbai directly related to the transfer are eligible for a tax credit under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961. The highest amount that can be deducted is Rs 1.5 lakh.

    Home loan registration charges tax benefit

    Section 80C allows you to deduct stamp duty, registration fees, and other expenses that are directly related to the transfer. The highest deduction amount that can be claimed under this section is Rs. 1,50,000.

    Stamp duty and registration charges – Navi Mumbai

    Listed below are the local body tax rates –

    GenderStamp Duty ratesRegistration charges
    Male6% (Stamp duty 5% + Local Body Tax (LBT) 1%)Properties < ₹30 lakh – ₹30,000.Properties > Rs 30 lakh – 1% of the property value. 
    Female5% (Stamp duty 4% + Local Body Tax (LBT) 1%)Properties < ₹30 lakh – ₹30,000.Properties > Rs 30 lakh – 1% of the property value. 
    Joint (Male + Female)6% (Stamp duty 5% + Local Body Tax (LBT) 1%)Properties < ₹30 lakh – ₹30,000.Properties > ₹30 lakh – 1% of the property value.
    Joint (Male + Male)6% (Stamp duty 5% + Local Body Tax (LBT) 1%)Properties < ₹30 lakh – Rs 30,000.Properties > ₹30 lakh – 1% of the property value.
    Joint (Female + Female)5% (Stamp duty 4% + Local Body Tax (LBT) 1%)Properties < ₹30 lakh – Rs 30,000.Properties > ₹30 lakh – 1% of the property value.

    Stamp duty for a resale flat in Mumbai

    If you buy a house in Mumbai that will be ready for possession in two years, you will pay2% stamp duty and 1% registration tax. The stamp duty on resale flat in Mumbai also remain the same.

    Current Stamp Duty in Mumbai   

    Current Stamp Duty in Mumbai
    Stamp duty cuts have boosted the sale of houses in Mumbai

    The latest stamp duty and registration charges in Mumbai vary across the region. The costs mainly depend upon the location of the properties. The price within the limits of the urban areas is 5% of the current market value of the property—this rate changes for the semi-urban and rural areas.

    AreasStamp duty in Mumbai
    Within Gram Panchayat limits3% of the market value
    Within the municipal limits of the urban areas5% of the market value
    Within the limits of municipal councils/ panchayats/ cantonments within MMRDA4% of the market value

    Stamp Duty Calculator in Mumbai

    Stamp Duty Calculator in Mumbai
    Stamp duty is a percentage of the market value of the property. 

    The stamp duty percentage in Mumbai is calculated depending on the property’s value, as mentioned in the buyer-seller agreement and the Ready Recon Rate. The state government prescribes a ready Recon Rate for an area. It is a minimum rate below which you cannot buy or sell a property on a particular site. Therefore, the Ready Recon Rate of an area determines the minimum market value of a property. Stamp duty is a percentage of the market value of the property. For property within the municipal limits of the urban areas in Mumbai, the stamp duty is 5% of the property value.

    Let’s understand this with an example. Suppose the Ready Recon Rate for the flats in the Worli area is RS 75,000 per sq. m., the minimum value of a 1,000 sq. m flat in the Worli area has to be RS 7,50,00,000. Now the stamp duty on this transaction would be 5% of RS 7,50,00,000 i.e Rs 37,50,000.        

    Property Registration Charges in Mumbai

    The Maharashtra Government charges a fixed amount of RS 30,000 if the retail value of a property is above Rs 30 lakh. However, if the property costs below Rs 30 lakh, the registration charge is 1% of the property value.

    Calculating Registration Charges for Flat in Mumbai

    If you’re planning to buy a flat in Mumbai, it’s important to be aware of the various charges that come with it. One such charge is the flat registration charges in Mumbai. The registration charges are a fee that is paid to the government for registering the property in your name.

    The property registration charges Mumbai depend on the value of the property. In Mumbai, the registration charges are 1% of the property value. For instance, if the property value is Rs. 50 lakhs, the registration charges would be Rs. 50,000.

    To calculate and pay the flat registration charges in Mumbai, you need to follow these steps:

    • Calculate the value of the property.
    • Multiply the property value with the registration fees in Mumbai, which is currently 1%.
    • Pay the amount online or at the sub-registrar’s office.

    Depending on the property value, you have to calculate the stamp duty

    Here is a simple example of how to calculate home registration charges in Mumbai. Someone is selling a residential flat for Rs 5,00,00,000. In this case, the registration fees will be Rs 30,000 as the land value is above Rs 30,00,000. If the value of a property is Rs 25,00,000, the fees to be paid for registration will be 1% of Rs 25,00,000 or Rs 25,000.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges for Resale Flat in Mumbai

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges for Resale Flat in Mumbai
    How different are the stamp duty charges for resale flats

    India Stamp Act, 1899 makes it mandatory for buyers to pay the stamp duty and registration charges on any property transactions. Every sales deed must be registered. Whether it is an upcoming project or a resalable flat, you have to pay stamp duty tax and registration fees. This rule applies to every state in India. In Mumbai, the charges are determined according to the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958.

    The stamp duty charges for the under-construction or resalable properties within the urban areas are 5% on the property’s market value from 1st April 2021. The registration charges are Rs 30,000 if the property value is above Rs 30 lakh and 1% of the property value if the worth of the property is under Rs 30 lakh. However, the resalable properties enjoy relaxation in GST. 

    No GST is charged upon the ready-to-move-in flats at the time of purchase.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Maharashtra: Comparison of Rates Across Cities

    The stamp duty and registration charges in Maharashtra vary across cities. Here’s a comparison of the rates in some of the major cities:

    CityStamp DutyRegistration Charges
    Mumbai6%1% of property value
    Pune5%1% of property value
    Nagpur5%1% of property value
    Nashik5%1% of property value

    It’s important to note that the stamp duty rates in Maharashtra are different for men and women. Men are charged 5% while women are charged 4%. Additionally, there are different stamp duty rates for different types of properties, such as residential and commercial.

    Gift Deed Stamp Duty Mumbai

    As per Article 34 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act that has been amended in the year 2017, a gift deed stamp duty is 3% of the property’s value. That said, if the property is an agricultural or residential one that is gifted to family members, the gift deed stamp duty, in this case, becomes Rs. 200.

    Online Payment of Stamp Duty on a Property in Mumbai

    Online Payment of Stamp Duty on Commercial or Residential Property in Mumbai
    Online payment of stamp duty is fast and easy

    The Maharashtra Government has recently amended the Maharashtra Stamp Act and introduced e-payment of the stamp duty & registration charges in Mumbai. This has made paying the stamp duty and registration fees simple for home buyers. The whole procedure is easy to execute and less time-consuming.

    • Visit the official portal of the Maharashtra Government’s Department of Registration and Stamps.
    • If you are a registered user, fill in the required log-in information.
    • If you are not a registered user, then choose “Pay without Registration.”
    Maharashtra Government's Department
    • Upon choosing “Pay without Registration, the portal will redirect you to another page. Here, you have to choose “Citizen” and select the type of transaction you want to execute to proceed further.
    • Click on the “Make Payment to Register Your Document” tab. Pay your stamp duty and registration charges together or separately. Fill in all the required details carefully.
    • Choose the payment option and save the challan for future use. You have to present this challan at the time of executing the instruments.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges: Notice of Intimation Charges

    If you’re planning to purchase a property in Maharashtra, you must be aware of the stamp duty and registration charges. One of the significant components of these charges is the Notice of Intimation (NOI) fee. The NOI is a mandatory registration of property with the government, which is a necessary step for obtaining ownership rights.

    At NoBroker, we understand the intricacies of the property buying process and offer legal services to assist you in navigating it. Here’s what you need to know about the NOI charges:

    • The NOI fee is 1% of the property’s total value or Rs. 30,000, whichever is less.
    • The registration process includes the submission of documents such as property card, NOC, and the agreement between the buyer and the seller.
    • If the property has any pending dues, the NOI fee must be paid after clearing the dues.
    • Failure to register the property within four months of its purchase may result in additional fees.

    To ensure a smooth registration process, consider availing NoBroker’s legal services. Our team of experts can help you understand the nuances of the registration process and ensure a hassle-free experience.

    Stamp Duty Refund Process in Mumbai

    Stamp Duty Refund Process in Mumbai
    Stamp Duty Refund Process in Mumbai

    In case a property deal is cancelled or called off for some reason, you may be eligible to get a refund of the stamp duty if you claim within a limitation period of 6 months. You get the stamp duty refund after a deduction of 10% of the total amount of the duty paid. However, the deduction is INR 1000 per challan if the refund is done through an e-payment process. In terms of the information to submit for the stamp duty refund process in Mumbai, in addition to the filled application, you also need to attach the original agreement and the cancellation deed, given both the documents are registered. Or else, you will not get a refund of the registration charges.

    That said, the government has started a convenient and accessible online stamp duty refund process in Mumbai. You can download the refund application form from the government website at https://www.igrmaharashtra.gov.in/SB_ACTIVITES/activites_StampDutyRefund.aspx

    Information to be filled online for stamp duty refund

    • The applicants can fill in the refund form anytime on the official website of the Maharashtra Government’s Department of Registration and Stamp.
    • After filling up the application form, the applicant must download the acknowledgement form and submit all the documents to the Collector of Stamps Office.
    • Applicants can see the progression status online.

    The online process for the same is also simple. Note that you will also have to submit the physical refund application to the concerned office. To apply online, all you need to do is:

    • Visit the official website of the Department of Registration & Stamps at https://appl2igr.maharashtra.gov.in/refund/
    • click on ‘new entry’ after checking the box on understanding the instructions of the application’s physical submission along with the online submission
    website of the Department of Registration & Stamps
    • Your 11-digit Refund Token no. will be generated which you need to note down.
    • In the same page you need to create and confirm the new password, and hit submit
    website of the Department of Registration & Stamps
    • Here you can already get a filled up old data or fill them fresh from scratch including your individual details and address.
    website of the Department of Registration & Stamps

    After this submission and physically submitting the application, you will also be able to use your refund token no and password to view the status or modify any details.

    Here are the grounds on which one can claim a refund of the stamp duty in Mumbai:

    • If one had paid excess stamp duty
    • In the cases of unused or spoiled stamp papers
    • Cancellation of a document
    • If the court orders for a stamp duty refund
    • If the amount is deducted more than once for the same challan
    • Cancellation of the agreement
    • If the stamp duty is paid to different departments or heads

    Stamp Duty in Mumbai Latest News

    Stamp Duty in Mumbai Latest News
    Stamp Duty in Mumbai
    • In March 2021, the Maharashtra Government restored the 5% stamp duty on property registration.
    • On 8th March 2021, the Government announced a 1% concession on stamp duty for female owners. This concession is not applicable if there is a male co-owner.
    • The refund claim period has been increased from six months to two years from the cancellation date.

    Do you Need to Pay Stamp Duty on Past Property Documents?

    It is possible that the Collector can recall your property documents as per the Maharashtra Stamp Act to verify if the stamp duty paid is correct. However, this can only be done if the time frame is within 10 years from the date of registration. If collected within the 10-year time period, it will be calculated on the basis of the prevalent or past market rate when the transaction was completed. Furthermore, as per a recent ruling, the Bombay High Court has also stated that the stamp duty on documents that are inadequately stamped, will not be collected at the time of a sale.

    Mumbai Property Registration Charges: How to Save Money

    Buying a property in Mumbai can be an expensive affair, with high stamp duty and registration charges. However, there are ways to save money on these charges. One such way is to opt for joint ownership.

    In the case of joint ownership, the stamp duty and registration charges are split between the owners. For instance, if the property value is Rs. 50 lakhs and two people are joint owners, the stamp duty and registration charges would be calculated on Rs. 25 lakhs each, which would result in a lower overall cost.

    It’s important to note that the stamp duty on flat purchase in Mumbai would still be applicable at the prevailing rate, which is currently 6%. However, opting for joint ownership can help you save money on the registration charges.

    Another way to save money on Mumbai property registration charges is to take advantage of the amnesty scheme announced by the Maharashtra government. Under this scheme, homebuyers can get a waiver of up to 50% on stamp duty and registration charges for properties purchased between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.

    At NoBroker, we understand the importance of saving money in the home-buying process. Our legal services can assist you in exploring all possible options and ensuring a cost-effective transaction.

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Maharashtra 2023: Amnesty Scheme

    Maharashtra is one of the top states in India when it comes to real estate. However, the high stamp duty and registration charges can often make it difficult for people to buy properties. To provide relief to homebuyers, the Maharashtra government has announced an amnesty scheme for stamp duty and registration charges.

    Under the scheme, homebuyers can get a waiver of up to 50% on stamp duty and registration charges for properties purchased between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024. The waiver is applicable to properties with a value of up to Rs. 50 lakhs.

    The current stamp duty rates in Maharashtra are 5% for men and 4% for women, and the registration fees in Maharashtra are 1% of the property value. In Mumbai, the stamp duty and registration charges are even higher, with a stamp duty of 6% and registration fees of 1% of the property value.

    At NoBroker, we understand the importance of these charges in the home-buying process. Our legal services can assist you in availing the amnesty scheme and ensuring a smooth transaction.

    Be Aware of legal Potholes

    Thoroughly consider all aspects that revolve around the property purchase decision. The cost of stamp duty and registration charges in Mumbai should also be kept in mind while you calculate the cost of your home or how much you will need to borrow as a home loan. Click below if you have any legal issues with Stamp Duty in Mumbai and contact our team for help.


    Q1. Has stamp duty been extended for the year 2021?

    Ans. Adding an extension to the previous deadline of March 31, 2021, the stamp duty land tax holiday has been extended this year, till June 30, 2021.

    Q2. Is e-Filing of stamp duty available in Maharashtra?

    Ans. Maharashtra State Excise department has launched the e-Filing portal for stamp duty, enabling citizens to benefit from single window access to all services related to license and tax filing.

    Q3. What is the current stamp duty in Mumbai?

    Ans. Current stamp duty in Mumbai city for both male and female property owners is 6%.

    Q4. Can stamp duty be paid in cash?

    Ans. Yes, citizens all over India can pay stamp duty via cash, demand draft, cheque, pay order, NEFT, account transfer and RTGS.

    Q5. How long does it take for a stamp duty refund in India?

    Ans. Stamp Duty is refunded after deducting 10% of the total amount of duty paid within a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 6 months from the date of payment.

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Hyderabad

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Hyderabad

    Are you planning to buy a home in Hyderabad? The land of authentic dum biryani, it’s a great time to consider buying a house in the city as the Telangana state government is contemplating a slash in stamp duty and registration charges in Hyderabad. With the reduction imminent, let’s take a look at what is the current stamp duty in Hyderabad and how the state calculates the property registration charges in Hyderabad. The stamp duty rates are published on the 31st of January of each month, the stamp duty rates 2024 will be published in the first month of the 31st.

    Stamp Duty in Hyderabad 2023-24

    Stamp duty charges are the taxes levied by the government on the purchase of a property. In India, the state government is responsible for setting the rules and guidelines and maintaining the process of collection. It is generally fixed at a percentage rate of the transactional value. Stamp Duty is an important fee to pay for transferring the ownership of a property in legal records. Under the Indian Stamps Act, 1899, the payment of stamp duty acts as proof of record in cases of property disputes.

    Stamp Duty in Hyderabad
    Registration charges for apartments in Hyderabad

     In Hyderabad, the stamp duty charges are imposed along with the registration charges and transfer duty. In the case of Municipalities and corporations, the stamp duty is fixed at 4% with registration fees of 0.5% and transfer fees of 1.5%. An easy way to calculate the approximate registration charges for a flat in Hyderabad is to know the current market value of the property and multiply it by the percentage rates for stamp duty and property registration charges.

    Type of Property TaxAmount (% amount of current value of the property)
    Stamp Duty4%
    Registration Charges0.5%
    Transfer Fee1%

    Flat Registration Charges in Hyderabad 2021-22

    Flat Registration Charges in Hyderabad
    Property registration charges Hyderabad

    The stamp duty in Hyderabad is amongst one of the lowest in the country. The total stamp duty and property registration charges account for almost 6% of the market value of the property in almost all cases. The stamp duty can be paid at the office of the sub-registrar and a computer-generated slip is issued upon payment. In the case of apartments and flats, the stamp duty in Hyderabad is fixed at 4% with registration fees of 0.5% and transfer fees of 1.5%. If you have a sale agreement with the builder or owner, and you have taken possession of the flat, the stamp duty and house registration charges in Hyderabad will remain the same.

    However, if you as the buyer don’t have possession of the flat, you are required to pay 0.5% of the property’s market value as stamp duty. Under both circumstances, the registration fees stand at 0.5% of the property’s market value (minimum Rs 5,000 and maximum Rs 20,0000). In case the owner of the flat is being represented by someone else with a power of attorney or GPA, the stamp duty charges are fixed at 5% with Rs 2000 as the registration fee. 

    Here’s a table, to sum up, the various circumstances and how the apartment registration charges in Hyderabad are calculated:

    ScenarioStamp DutyRegistration FeeTransfer Duty
    Sale of flat or apartment4%0.5%1.5%
    Sale of flat or apartment with possession4%0.5%0
    Sale of flat or apartment without possession0.5%0.5%0
    Sale through the power of attorney5%Rs. 20000
    Willed Flat0Rs. 10000

    Source: Telangana Registration Department

    Documents Required for Paying House Registration Charges in Hyderabad

    Documents Required for Paying House Registration Charges in Hyderabad
    Documents required for paying GST for flat registration in Hyderabad

    The stamp duty charges are a very important source of revenue for the state government. The payment also acts as a proof of record and it helps the states in determining the legal ownership of any property. The process also involves a mandatory submission and verification of documents at the office of the sub-registrar. Here is a list of the mandatory documents that you may have to furnish while paying Hyderabad stamp duty:

    • Demand draft/ challan of payment of complete stamp duty.
    • Aadhaar card.
    • Encumbrance (EC) certificate
    • Section 32A photo form of every executant and witness.
    • Property card of Telangana
    • Identity proof of all the concerned parties, i.e buyer, seller and witnesses
    • Address proof of the buyer(s) and the seller(s).
    • PAN card.
    • Pattadar passbook in case of agricultural land.
    • Documents for Power of attorney GAP/SAP
    • Photograph of the exterior view of the property

    It is mandatory to submit the original documents with the signatures of all the concerned parties. The witnesses should also be present with their set of documents mentioned for a smooth process. 

    Transfer charge on a property purchase in Hyderabad

    Aside from stamp duty and registration fees, all buyers in Hyderabad must pay a transfer fee of 1.5% of the property value. House registration charges in Hyderabad are transparent and hassle-free. 

    The flat registration charge for women in Hyderabad

    The official site of Telangana offers a clear picture of the flat registration charges in Hyderabad. Unlike other cities, where stamp duty rates are reduced when a property title is transferred in the name of a woman or when a woman is a party to joint ownership, stamp duty rates in Telangana are the same for men and women. As a result, women in Hyderabad pay the same amount of stamp duty as men (4% of the property value) even for open plot registration charges in Telangana.

    How is stamp duty for home registration charges in Telangana calculated?

    Individuals must compute the stamp duty and registration expenses in Hyderabad, as previously said, in order to grasp the total property price. Here’s a simple example of how to calculate anything.

    If someone wants to buy a house or flat for Rs.30 lakh, they will have to pay a stamp duty of 4%. In Hyderabad, the buyer must also pay 0.5% in house registration fees.

    As a result, the stamp duty payable by this buyer is 4% of Rs.30 lakh or Rs.1.2 lakh. He will also have to pay an additional registration fee of Rs.15,000 for a flat in Hyderabad, which is 0.5% of Rs.30 lakh.

    As a result, in addition to the original property price, this individual will pay Rs.1,35,000 in stamp duty and registration fees in Hyderabad. Buyers must cover these charges as part of their home loan down payment.

    Individuals who find this computation difficult can utilise a Stamp Duty Calculator in Hyderabad to quickly estimate such costs.

    Factors that determine Stamp Duty Charges

    Age of Property

    Stamp duty is determined by the overall value of the property, the age of the property has a considerable impact on stamp duty rates because older properties are less expensive than younger ones.

    Owner’s Age

    In most states, senior citizens pay a cheaper stamp duty rate. As a result, a property owner’s age plays a significant influence in setting stamp duty rates.

    Property Type

    In comparison to an independent house, a flat/apartment requires extra stamp duty.

    Owner’s Gender

    When compared to men, women in India normally pay a lower stamp duty fee. Men are required to pay around 2% more than women.

    Purpose of the Property

    In comparison to residential properties, commercial properties usually have a higher stamp duty fee. This is because commercial buildings typically require significantly more amenities than residential buildings.

    Location of the Property

    An individual’s stamp duty fee is also determined by the property’s location. A property in an urban location is subject to a higher stamp duty rate than one in a rural or suburban region.


    The stamp duty amount is also determined by the number of facilities provided by the property. A greater stamp duty cost is required for a building with more amenities, while a lower stamp duty fee is required for a structure with fewer amenities. A community hall, library, swimming pool, gym, club, sports area, elevators, gym, children’s play area, and other amenities will necessitate a higher stamp duty payment.

    Timeline of Paying Apartment Registration Charges Hyderabad

    Timeline of Paying Apartment Registration Charges Hyderabad
    Timeline for paying resale flat registration charges in Hyderabad

    It’s a misconception that since paying stamp duty is a government process, it’s very tedious and laborious. With the right information, you can make the process hassle-free for you. It’s very important to carry all the required documents for paying the property registration charges in Hyderabad. Once you have submitted the documents at the office of the sub-registrar, it generally takes an hour to scan and upload most of your documents. 

    Only the original copy of the sale deed will be kept at the offices for around 24 hours. This is done to scan and verify the credibility of the documents and upload them to the government records. Upon verification, the original documents are returned to the concerned parties. A computer-generated slip is issued to the new buyer as a receipt of payment of stamp duty and registration charges for the resale flat in Hyderabad. 

    Why Paying Registration Charges for Resale Flats in Hyderabad Is Important?

    Why Paying Registration Charges for Resale Flats in Hyderabad Is Important
    Importance of paying registration charges for resale flat in Hyderabad

    As mentioned already, the stamp duty and registration charges collected by the government are a very important stream of revenue for the state. These funds are in turn used by the state to fund development projects and activities across the boundaries of its territories. But on an individual level, a successful payment of stamp duty and property registration charges results in the transfer of ownership. To keep the legal records updated and avoid property grounds and real estate complications, it’s important to pay stamp duty and property registration charges on time. 

    Latest Updates About Hyderabad Land Registration Charges

    Latest Updates About Hyderabad Land Registration Charges
    Premium flats aren’t getting a lot of attention in Hyderabad after a spike in stamp duty charges

    The real estate market of Hyderabad was booming for the past six years but the state government’s decision to revise the stamp duty charges and increase them by 1.5% has made housing unaffordable for a lot of income groups. There is a slump in real estate investment with only flats worth between Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs 1 crore seeing some demand. Flats worth more than Rs 1 crore, a category that was on an exponential rise, seem to be showing a downward trend. This remains a matter of concern for the state as the real estate market continues to fall in the state. To-Let boards are a common sight in the city these days and many top societies and builders reportedly faced huge losses. 

    What can the IGRS Telangana website help you with?

    The following services are offered by the portal most frequently:

    • Online services for registering properties are offered by the portal. The IGRS site provides access to information regarding property registration.
    • Obtain Certified Copy: Registered documents’ certified copies are available for download from the website.
    • Learn About SROs: The IGRS portal allows users to view the concerned SRO’s details.
    • Details regarding Prohibited Properties: The Telangana government’s list of disputed or disallowed properties in a village or district is available on the website.
    • E-Stamps: The website enables an online collection of stamp duty. To stop fraudulent practices in offline payment collecting, this service was established.
    • Marriage Registration: This portal can be utilised to learn more about the prerequisites for registering a Hindu marriage as well as information on the pre-registration process. It is also utilised to find out information on Christian and Muslim marriage registration.
    • Telangana EC Search: This tool enables users to look up encumbrances and pending loans on any property that is registered with the Telangana state’s Sub-Office Registrar’s (SRO).
    • Firm Registration: Through the portal, a candidate can obtain information about registering a firm. He or she can use the website to request changes to a registered firm’s name and address.
    • Market Value Search: Using the IGRS website’s market value search feature, you may learn the prices of both agricultural and non-agricultural land in a Telangana village or district. The applicant must choose the Mandal, village, and district from the list, select the type of land (agricultural/non-agricultural), and then click the Submit button to obtain the market value.

    Timeline for Deed Registration

    Within 24 hours, the sub-registrar office should record the sale deed, lease deed, etc. The parties will receive these documents after they have been scanned. The junior or senior assistant will issue the encumbrance certificate within one hour. To find out about the cost of real estate in a specific area, one can also ask for market value. Within an hour, the market value information will be made available.

    How To Pay Registration Charges for Apartments in Hyderabad

    With technology working its miracle, it is very easy and convenient to pay stamp duty and registration charges for a resale flat in Hyderabad. The state government of Telangana has introduced a digital portal through the Registration and Stamps Department. With the digital portal, it’s very easy to pay stamp duty in Hyderabad. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you with the process: 

    1. Visit the portal here and create your user profile.
    2. Upload all the required documents as mentioned on the portal. 
    3. Pay the charges for the stamp duty fee and registration fee
    4. Book your time slot and appointment with the office of the sub-registrar.
    5. Visit the SRO on appointment day
    6. Verify document with the officer present and get slip prepared. 
    7. Submit E-KYC with the Officer present in SRO
    8. The officer will then verify your details and documents and print the endorsement of the registered document.

    The process is very simple and hardly takes a day. Just make sure you have the original documents present with you at the SRO. 

    What are the factors that affect Stamp Duty Charges

    The property’s age plays a significant role in establishing the stamp duty fees because stamp duty is calculated based on the total value of the home or property. Since newer homes are typically more expensive than older homes, they will be subject to a greater stamp duty fee than older homes.

    Nature of the Property: Stamp duty rates for residential properties are frequently lower than those for commercial buildings. Commercial properties are subject to a higher stamp duty fee than residential properties since they typically need a lot more amenities.

    Location of the Property: Stamp duty rates vary depending on the locality. For instance, a property located in an urban region will be subject to a higher stamp duty rate than a property placed in a rural or suburban location.

    The age of the property’s owner — Older people may receive a rebate on stamp duty. Many states provide senior citizens with discounted stamp duty fees. This is why an important factor in determining the stamp duty assessed on a given property is the age of the property owner.

    The majority of states charge men a higher stamp duty fee than women. The gender of the property owner. In most circumstances, men pay about 2% more in stamp duty than a woman does, and women receive a subsidy on this fee.

    Registration Charges Calculator Hyderabad

    Registration Charges Calculator Hyderabad
    Registration Charges Calculator: Hyderabad

    Stamp duty is very important and it’s fit to take into account the extra amount you may have to bear because of these charges. The rates vary from state to state and it’s not easy to keep a track of the latest amendments by the respective state government. To get a rough estimate of the amount you may have to pay, you can use a Stamp duty calculator: Hyderabad. As the stamp duty and registration charges in Hyderabad are dependent on the current market value of the property, some important factors may affect the extra amount you pay. A few of the important factors affecting stamp duty in Hyderabad are: 

    • Age of the property
    • Age and Gender of the Property owner
    • Location and area of Property
    • Type of Property: Commercial or Residential
    • Amenities present in the property

     The state government of Telangana recently revamped and increased the rate of stamp duty in Hyderabad. With the latest amendment, the price of real estate has shot up exponentially. In such circumstances, paying extra money as brokerage while buying a new property doesn’t seem economical. Rent or buy directly from NoBroker and save thousands on brokerage. Click this link and browse through a wide range of properties tailored to your customisation and all without any brokerage. If you need any help with legal issues for property, click below.


    Q1. What is stamp duty in Hyderabad?

    Ans. The Stamp Duty rate in Hyderabad is fixed at 4% with a registration fee of 0.5% and a transfer fee of 1.5%. The stamp duty charges in Hyderabad is one of the lowest when it comes to a high rising city. 

    Q2. What is the property registration charges in Telangana?

    Ans. The government of Telangana has fixed the stamp duty charges at 4% of the current market value of the property. Along with that, the new buyer will have to pay 0.5% of the property’s value as the registration fee and 1.5% of the property’s value as transfer duty.

    Q3. What are the important documents required while paying stamp duty in Hyderabad?

    Ans. Here is a list of the documents required while paying stamp duty in Hyderabad
    Demand draft/ challan of payment of complete stamp duty.
    Aadhaar card.
    Encumbrance (EC) certificate
    Section 32A photo form of every executant and witness.
    Property card of Telangana
    Identity proof of all the concerned parties, i.e buyer, seller and witnesses
    Address proof of the buyer(s) and the seller(s).
    PAN card.
    Pattadar passbook in case of agricultural land.
    Documents for Power of attorney GAP/SAP
    Photograph of the exterior view of the property

    Q4. What are the current stamp duty charges in Hyderabad?

    Ans. The rate of stamp duty, registration fees and transfer duty is decided by the state government of Telangana. The government of Telangana recently revised the stamp duty charges in the state and increased them by 1.5%.

    Q5. How do I pay stamp duty in Hyderabad?

    Ans. The stamp duty charges can be paid at the office of the sub-registrar. You can also pay the amount online at the Government of Telangana’s official revenue portal: https://registration.telangana.gov.in/index.htm

    All You Need to Know about Revenue Stamps

    All You Need to Know about Revenue Stamps

    Before and after independence, India has been a big consumer of revenue stamps. Revenues were originally produced in the mid-nineteenth century, and they continue to be issued now. To collect taxes or fees, the revenue stamp is utilised. They are used to indicate the payment of a charge on objects or papers, and they resemble postage stamps in appearance. Want to know more about the revenue stamp paper? Read the article to know in detail about the revenue ticket.

    What is a Revenue Stamp?

    The purpose of revenue stamps (India) is to collect fees or income for the maintenance of courts. The Indian Stamp Act of 1899 is a statute – between 1899 and 2004, it was revised 51 times. If you make a payment of more than Rs. 5000/- to another person, you can demand a stamped receipt with a Re 1/- revenue stamp (1 rupee revenue stamp) under section 30. The Indian Stamp Act 1899, Section 2(23), mandates the affixing of a stamp revenue on any receipt above Rs 5000 (formerly Rs 500) necessary.

    The Revenue Stamp ‘Receipts’ Includes

    Revenue Stamps
    Revenue stamp tickets are compulsory to submit with a few documents.
    1. acknowledging the receipt of any money, cheque, or promissory note, or any bill of exchange, or
    2. acknowledging the receipt of any other movable property in satisfaction of a debt, or
    3. acknowledging the satisfaction or discharge of any debt or demand, or any part of a debt or demand, or
    4. which signifies or imports any such acknowledgement; and whether it is assigned to the same person or not.

    Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue

    Each city has their own directorate and revenue stamp use. This system acts as the collector of revenue stamps and their charges. Each state has their website for the directorate which makes transactions and records faster and more transparent.

    Where can I get Revenue Stamps?

    If you are wondering – where to buy a revenue stamp, then your answer is easy. Revenue Stamps are available at all postal offices. Postal offices have made official comments that the revenue stamps are not available anywhere else, but you can find them in local shops where to get revenue stamps you would have to pay a slightly higher price.

    Revenue stamp price in Post Office – 100 paisa

    Revenue stamp cost in local shops – Re. 1

    Rent Receipt with Revenue Stamp

    Revenue Stamps
    You must obtain paying invoices from your landlord and submit them to your employer to claim HRA deductions.

    If you are wondering ‘is a revenue stamp required for a rent receipt,’ then the answer is yes. If you live on rent and your wage package includes a home rent allowance (HRA), according to revenue stamp rules, you will need to provide rent receipts as proof of expense.

    To claim the tax deductions available to tenants under the Indian Income Tax (IT) rules, you must produce confirmation of the amount paid to your landlord under the rental agreement to your employer. Rent receipts serve as documentary proof that you deducted a set amount from your salary to cover the cost of renting an apartment, and they are crucial for claiming HRA-related tax benefits.

    Before the conclusion of the fiscal year, your employer will request that you submit your rent receipt online with revenue or fiscal stamps. You must obtain paying invoices from your landlord and submit them on a one-rupee revenue stamp to your employer to claim HRA deductions, even if you pay your rent via credit card or other online money transfer methods.

    If the monthly rent exceeds Rs 3,000, the renter must disclose the rent receipts with his employer to claim HRA exemption. They do not need to bother about revenue stamp on rent receipt if their monthly rent is less. It’s also important to note that you don’t have to submit the rent agreement in order to claim the HRA benefit because the tax system doesn’t require it. The tenancy will not be valid, however, until the landlord and the renter have signed and executed a rent agreement.

    The price of a revenue stamp used on rent receipts is just ₹1. These are easily available at your local post office. However, small shops and some online portals also claim to sell these revenue stamps. These online revenue stamps will cost you more than the one rupee post office revenue stamps. You also run the risk of ending up with a fake or old revenue stamps for rent receipt if bought from such unreliable sources. 

    Who is Eligible for HRA?

    If you live in rental housing and HRA is included in your pay, you can claim deductions. If you live in rental housing and are a salaried individual, you can take advantage of HRA exemptions to save money on taxes under Section 10 (13A) of the IT Act. HRA tax deduction is available to self-employed professionals under Section 80GG of the statute.

    Rent Receipts and their Benefits

    Revenue Stamps
    If the rent exceeds Rs 1 lakh per annum, the landlord’s PAN number is also necessary.

    A rent receipt is a record of a tenant’s payment of rent to their landlord. When the landlord collects the rent from the renter, he gives the tenant a rent receipt. If you are eligible, it can be used for legal concerns or tax benefits. Before the end of the financial year, you must submit vital documents to your employers, such as rent receipts and a rent agreement, in order to claim House Rent Allowance (HRA). If the rent exceeds Rs 1 lakh per annum, the landlord’s PAN number is also necessary.

    What are the Components of a filled Rent Receipt with a Revenue Stamp?

    After generating a rent receipt online with a revenue stamp, check the receipt. To remain valid, rent receipts must include the following information:

    • The landlord’s name
    • The tenant’s name 
    • The property’s address
    • Term of Rental
    • Amount of rent
    • Payment method for rent (cash, cheque, online payment)
    • The tenant’s signature
    • The landlord’s signature
    • If the cash payment is greater than Rs 5,000 per receipt, a revenue stamp required for cash payment is mandatory. 
    • If your yearly rent payment exceeds Rs 1 lakh or Rs 8,300 per month, you must provide the landlord’s PAN.

    Rent Receipt Format with Revenue Stamp

    The photo below is an accurate representation of the rent receipt.

    Revenue Stamps
    If you’re tech-savvy, then you can also get the pdf of the rent receipt with the revenue stamp.

    Revenue stamps have stayed in India for a long time and have increased to grow relevant. Revenue stamps are required for rent receipts, and all its details have been explained above. If you have more questions about stamp revenue, drop a comment here, and our team at NoBroker will get back to you promptly. Or head to NoBroker Forum to have all your questions answered. For any legal queries please contact our legal team by clicking the link below.


    Q1. From where we get revenue stamps? What is the cost of revenue stamp?

    Ans. Latest revenue stamps are easily available at your local shops and revenue stamp post offices. They do not cost more than Re 1.

    Q2. What should I do if I don’t have a revenue stamp on my rent receipt?

    Ans. If payment in cash exceeds Rs. 5000, a stamp must be placed on the receipt. A rent receipt with a revenue stamp becomes a legal document, indicating that payment has been received by the recipient and paid by the payer.

    Q3. How do I make a claim for HRA if my company does not pay me the same amount?

    Ans. If you are not eligible for House Rent Allowance and have not claimed any expense for rent paid under any other provision of the income tax act, you can deduct the amount paid under Section 80GG.

    Q4. What if my landlord isn’t in possession of a PAN card?

    Ans. If the landlord does not have a PAN card and charges more than Rs 1 lakh in annual rent, he must produce a written declaration along with Form 60. These documents can subsequently be submitted to the tenant’s employer in order to receive HRA deductions

    Q5. My landlord will not provide me with a rent receipt. What options do I have?

    Ans. You may not be eligible to claim HRA exemption if your landlord does not give you a rent receipt. Before renting an apartment, make sure you and your landlord agree to a revenue stamp on the rent receipt.

    Complete Details about Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Telangana

    Complete Details about Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Telangana

    Stamp duty in Telangana is a tax imposed by the state government on the purchase of any real estate property. In India, the state government is in charge of establishing regulations and norms + overseeing the collection process. The tax levied is usually set at a percentage of the total transaction value. Stamp Duty is a significant fee that must be paid when transferring property title in legal documents. The payment of stamp duty functions as proof of record in cases of property disputes under the Indian Stamps Act, 1899.

    Stamp duty land tax is a tax that is levied by the government on the purchase of property or land. The registration charges in Telangana follow the same rules as applied by the government of India. If the state government accepts a recent proposal from the Telangana Stamps and Registration Department and a cabinet panel; home purchasers may have to pay more for Telangana registration charges. Currently, the Telangana government levies a stamp duty of 6% of the land or property value, which includes registration and transfer charges.

    What are the Documents Required for Registration for Stamp Duty in Telangana?

    What Are the Documents Required for Registration for Stamp Duty in Telangana
    For any government official process, a set number of documents is required.

    The documents to be presented at the sub-office of the Registrar to register Telangana stamp duty are listed below. But keep in mind that the registrar may ask you to get more documents as per the situation.

    • Encumbrance Certificate
    • Property documents – Original
    • Bank challan for payment of land registration fees in Telangana
    • Demand draft
    • Identity proof (with address – Aadhar Card) of the seller, buyer and 2 witnesses.
    • Section 32A photo form of executants and witnesses
    • For agricultural land – Pattadar passbook
    • Power of Attorney (if required)

    Stamp Duty and Registration Charges in Telangana

    Telangana stamps and registration charges are listed below:

     Purpose of Fee Amount to be paid 
     Registration Charge 0.5% of the property value
     Stamp duty charges in Telangana 4% of the property value
     Transfer Duty 1.5% of the property value
     Stamp and transfer duty payable on Consideration or MV (whichever has a higher value)

    Home Registration Charges in Telangana (Flats and Apartments)

     Purpose of Fee Amount to be paid
     Telangana land registration rates 0.5% of the property value
     Stamp Duty 4% of the property value
     Transfer duty on house registration charges in Telangana 1.5% on the property value

    Other Registration Charges in Telangana

     Purpose of Fee Amount to be paid 
     Registration fee in Telangana 0.5% of the property value
     Transfer duty on Telangana flat registration charges 1.5% on the property value
     Telangana stamp duty rates 4% of the property value

    Detailed Chart on the Telangana Land Registration Charges

     Document Stamp duty in Telangana Registration charges in Telangana Charged Value
     Sale Deed (Gram Panchayath)   5.50% 0.50% Market Value or whichever value is higher.
     Sale deed registration charges in Telangana (other areas) 5.50% 2.00% Market Value or whichever value is higher.
     Sale Agreement without possession 5.50%(Adjustable)0.50% (Min Rs.1000 and Max 20000)  Market Value or whichever value is higher.
     Sale Agreement with possession 5.50% 0.5% (Min Rs.1000 and Max 20000) Market Value or whichever value is higher.
     Certificate of Sale 5% 0.50% Value Equal To The Amount Of Purchase Money
     Conveyance 5% 0.50% Market Value or whichever value is higher.

    The above charts give a detailed look into the property registration charges in Telangana.  If you have any further queries, head to NoBroker Forum to find the answers to all your queries.

    Gift Deed Registration Charges in Telangana

    1. Gift for a family member

    Property in Gram Panchayat

    • Transfer Duty – 0%
    • Stamp Duty – 2%
    • Registration charges in Telangana – 0.5% subject to min. Rs.2,000 and max. Rs.25,000.

    Property outside of Gram Panchayat

    • Transfer Duty – 0.50%
    • Stamp Duty – 2%
    • Registration charges in Telangana – 0.5% + (0.5% subject to a min. Rs.2,000 and max. Rs.25,000)

    2. Gift for someone else rather than your family

    Property outside of Gram Panchayat

    • Transfer Duty – 0%
    • Stamp Duty – 5%
    • Registration charges in Telangana – 0.5% subject to min. Rs.2,000 and max. Rs.1,00,000.

    Property in Gram Panchayat

    • Transfer Duty – 1.50%
    • Stamp Duty – 5%
    • Registration charges in Telangana – 1.5% + (0.5% subject to a min. Rs.2,000 and max. Rs.1,00,000)

    How are Registration and Stamp Duty Charges Calculated in Telangana

    Let us assume that a plot in Telangana, in a specific area, costs Rs.5,000 per square feet. This means that any plot or house sold in this area cannot be sold for less than Rs.5,000, but can be sold above this price.

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    Let us say that Mr Raj had purchased a property of 1000 square feet in the same area in Telangana at Rs.5,000 per square feet.

    The guidance value for the property will therefore be Rs.5,000 times 1000 = Rs.50,00,000.

    The stamp duty for the property (assuming it is a municipal property) will be 4% of the market value (Rs.50,00,000 lakh) = Rs.2,00,000.

    Registration Charges for the property will be 0.5% of saleable value (Rs.50,00,000 lakh) =Rs.25,000.

    Therefore, the total registration and stamp duty charges will add up to be Rs.2,00,000 + Rs.25,000 = Rs.2,25,000.

    Therefore, Mr. Raj will have to pay a total of Rs.50,00,000 + Rs.2,25,000 = Rs. 52,25,000 to obtain the property.

    Partition Deed Registration Charges in Telangana

    Partition among family members

    • Transfer Duty – 0
    • Stamp Duty – 0.50%, subject to a max. Rs. 1,00,000
    • Registration charges in Telangana – Rs. 2000

    Partition Outside of Family

    • Transfer Duty – 0%
    • Stamp Duty – 2.50%
    • Registration charges in Telangana – – 0.5% subject to min. Rs.2,000 and max. Rs.1,00,000.

    Stamp duty on power of attorney and will in Telangana

    Charges of stamps and registration in Telangana is payable on the higher the market value or the consideration amount in all of the instances listed below.

    Case 1

    Document – A general power of attorney enables a family member to sell, transfer, or develop real estate.

    Read: Everything You Need To Know About An NPS Calculator

    Stamp Duty – ₹1,000

    Transfer Duty – 0

    Registration Fee – 0.5% (₹1,000 – ₹20,000) 

    Case 2

    Document – A general power of attorney allows an agent or others to sell, transfer, or develop real estate.

    Stamp Duty – 1%

    Transfer Duty – 0

    Registration Fee – 0.5% (₹1,000 – ₹20,000)

    Case 3

    Document – Other than authorising an agent or others to sell, transfer, or develop the immovable property, a general power of attorney is used for any other reason.

    Stamp Duty – ₹50

    Transfer Duty – 0

    Registration Fee – ₹1,000 

    Case 4

    Document – Special Power of Attorney

    Stamp Duty – ₹20

    Transfer Duty – 0

    Registration Fee – ₹1,000 for attestation 

    Case 5

    Document – Will

    Stamp Duty – 0

    Transfer Duty – 0 

    Registration Fee – ₹1,000

    Gift deed registration charges in Telangana 2022

    Listed below are the TS registration charges for gift deeds.

    Gift (to relatives)

    Stamp Duty Charges – 1%

    Transfer Charges – 0.5%

    Registration Fees – 0.5% (₹1,000 – ₹20,000)

    Gift (to other than relatives)

    Stamp Duty Charges – 4%

    Transfer Charges – 1.5%

    Registration Fees – 0.5% (₹1,000 – ₹20,000)

    How is Stamp Duty determined?

    Stamp duty is determined using the following factors-

    • The age of the property’s owner – Older people may receive a rebate on stamp duty. Many states provide senior citizens with discounted stamp duty fees. This is why an important factor in determining the stamp duty assessed on a given property is the age of the property owner.
    • The gender of the property owner– The majority of states charge men a higher stamp duty fee than women. Men typically pay about 2% more in stamp duty than women do, with women receiving a subsidy on the fee.
    • Location of the Property– Stamp duty rates vary depending on the locality. For instance, a property located in an urban region will be subject to a higher stamp duty rate than a property placed in a rural or suburban location.
    • Age of the property– The property’s age plays a significant role in establishing the stamp duty fees because stamp duty is calculated based on the total value of the home or property. Since newer homes are typically more expensive than older homes, they will be subject to a greater stamp duty fee than older homes.
    • Amenities provided– The numerous amenities that a home or property contains also determine the amount of stamp duty that a person must pay. A property with fewer amenities would be subject to a lower stamp duty fee, whereas a property with more amenities would be subject to a higher fee. A higher stamp duty fee will apply to amenities including gyms, sports facilities, lifts, swimming pools, libraries, etc.
    • Nature of the Property– Stamp duty rates for residential properties are frequently lower than those for commercial buildings. Commercial properties are subject to a higher stamp duty fee than residential properties since they typically need a lot more amenities.

    What happens if you do not pay stamp duty?

    stamp duty

    In Telangana, stamp duty comes with tax advantages

    Read: Occupancy Certificate – The Legal Shield Against Eviction and Lawless Construction

    The purchase or transaction cannot be acknowledged or received as evidence if stamp duty is not paid. In short – it is invalid, and such transactions will be seized by the law, along with a penalty. TS stamps and registration charges must be duly paid. 

    How to get a refund on stamp duty in Telangana?

    Non-judicial stamp papers that have not been used or have become spoiled can be returned for a refund. Under the Indian Stamp Act of 1899, this is legal. Non-judicial stamp papers, on the other hand, are only accessible up to Rs 100, and a government rule allows refunds through the challan system.

    Are Tax Benefits Available on Stamp Duty and Registration Charges?

    In Telangana, stamp duty comes with tax advantages. Section 80C allows you to claim a tax break. Section 80C allows for a maximum deduction of $150,000.

    Non-Agricultural Property Registration in Telangana

    The official website registration.telangana.gov.in can be utilised to book an online slot for Telangana Non-Agricultural Property Registration with a certain date and time. Non-agriculture property registration services are also available at Meeseva Centres for Rs. 200. Although each sub-registrar office is authorised 100 slots each day, only 24 slots are now available. Here’s how to reserve a time slot for Telangana Non-Agricultural Property Registration.

    Uploading New Properties for Builders / Real Estate Properties

    A separate window has been provided for builders and real estate developers to upload new properties in bulk. 451 builders and developers have so far provided information on 93,874 properties. The location of the sub-registrar office will be communicated through SMS once a slot is booked by online payment or by depositing challans on SBI. With the implementation of Dharani by the TRS government on September 8, 2020, all land registration operations in Telangana were placed on hold.

    This Dharani portal is a one-stop shop for land transfer, registration, and updates. The project ran into issues with data collection. The Telangana High Court ordered the stamps and registration department not to gather information on land buyers and sellers such as Aadhaar numbers and castes. The Dharani portal was supposed to include a portal for registering non-agricultural lands. The merger has been postponed due to a legal battle.

    Other Registration Charges in Telangana

    Rectification Deed Charges in Telangana

    The registration charges in Telangana for the Rectification/ Ratification/Cancellation of any Deed are Rs. 1000.

    Lease deed registration charges in Telangana

    The registration charges in Telangana for a lease deed is 0.1%.

    Release deed registration charges in Telangana

    Release deed stamp duty in Telangana is a fee that is charged on the registration of release deeds, which are legal documents that relinquish the rights of a property. The registration charges in Telangana for a release deed is – 0.5% subject to min. Rs.1,000 and max. Rs.10,000.

    Agriculture land registration charges in Telangana

    Agriculture land registration charges in Telangana
    The state of Telangana has made many amendments to support the farmers of the state.

    The lowest price per acre for agricultural land has been set at Rs. 75,000. Existing agricultural land prices have been increased by 50% in the lower range, 40% in the middle range, and 30% in the upper range.

    Open plot registration charges in Telangana

    In the case of open plots, the lowest price was previously set at Rs. 100 per sq. yard, but this has now been raised to Rs. 200 per sq. yard. Basic values for open plots have been changed by 50% in the lower range, 40% in the middle range, and 30% in the upper range.

    Registration Charges Calculator for Telangana

    If you are looking to invest in real estate property in the state then you must know the apartment registration charges in Telangana, plot registration charges in Telangana and any other registration charges in Telangana. Below is a detailed step by step description of how to calculate registration charges in Telangana.

    Registration charges calculator for Telangana

    • Individual states determine the stamp duty rate, which is based on a percentage of the total value of a property.
    • Stamp duty rates vary depending on the type of property (residential or commercial) and the location (rural or urban).
    • For example, the higher rate is considered when Stamp Duty = (individual state per cent of Ready Reckoner Rate or Actual Transaction Value).
    • E stamping is an online method of paying stamp duty to the government without the need for physical stamps or paper documentation. E-stamping, non-judicial stamp paper, or the franking charges in Telangana’s process are all options for paying stamp duty (any authorised banks or agencies).
    • The document then goes through the Telangana house registration charge process when the stamp duty is paid.

    Rental agreement registration charges in Telangana refer to the fees that are levied on the registration of rental agreements between landlords and tenants. Telangana house registration charges are calculated as (individual state registration per cent of Ready Reckoner Rate or Actual Transaction Value), with the highest rate being considered.

    What are the factors affecting stamp duty and registration charges in Telangana?

    The stamp duty and registration charges in Telangana are determined based on the market value of the property, the nature of the property, and the type of transaction. The stamp duty is calculated as a percentage of the market value, and the registration charges are fixed. Stamp duty percentage is the percentage of the property value that is charged as stamp duty by the government during the purchase or transfer of property.

    The nature of the property, such as whether it is agricultural or non-agricultural, also affects the stamp duty and registration charges. Additionally, the type of transaction, whether it is a sale, gift, or lease, also plays a role in determining the charges.

    How do stamp duty and registration charges in Telangana affect property prices?

    Stamp duty and registration charges are an essential part of property transactions in Telangana. The charges are paid to the government for registering the property in the buyer’s name. The stamp duty is calculated as a percentage of the market value of the property, which means that higher stamp duty leads to higher costs for property buyers. Similarly, the registration charges are a fixed amount, which also adds to the total cost of the transaction. The charges can affect property prices, especially for buyers who have a limited budget.

    What are the key Deed Registration timelines we must we aware of?

    In Telangana, property owners must complete the registration process within four months of the property transaction. The deed registration process involves the buyer and seller visiting the sub-registrar’s office and completing the necessary formalities. After the registration process, the buyer receives the registered sale deed, which is an essential document for future property transactions. Property owners must also be aware of the timeline for paying stamp duty and registration charges, which must be paid at the time of registration. Failure to complete the registration process within the specified timeline can lead to penalties and legal issues.

    Find your dream home in Telangana with NoBroker – Brokerage free and hassle free!

    Registration charges in Telangana have gone through various amendments. The IGRS portal has made the process easier for the people of Telangana. The state has upped its game in all spheres and is becoming an ideal place to settle down in. Are you looking for properties in Telangana? Head to NoBroker to find a home – BROKERAGE Free and HASSLE Free. If you need any legal help with Stamp Duty and Registration in Telangana please click below and reach out to us.


    Q1 In Hyderabad, what are the current stamp duty rates?

    Ans. Telangana’s state government sets the stamp duty, registration fees, and transfer duty rates. Telangana’s administration recently updated the state’s stamp duty levies, raising them by 1.5%.

    Q2 What are the land registration fees in Telangana?

    Ans. Telangana’s government has set stamp duty at 4% of the property’s current market value. In addition, the new buyer will be required to pay a registration fee of 0.5% of the property’s value and a transfer duty of 1.5% of the property’s worth.

    Q3 Is there an online portal for the payment of registration charges in Telangana?

    Ans. To make transactions easier, the government of Telangana has an online portal. To make payments you can visit – https://registration.telangana.gov.in/

    Q4 What are the lease deed registration charges in Telangana?

    Ans. The registration charges in Telangana for a lease deed is 0.1%.

    Q5 What are the release deed registration charges in Telangana?

    Ans. The registration charges in Telangana for a release deed is – 0.5% subject to min. Rs.1,000 and max. Rs.10,000.

    Q6 What are the memorandum of deposit of title deed charges in Telangana?

    Memorandum of deposit of title deed charges in Telangana refer to the fees that are charged for registering a memorandum of deposit of title deed, which is a document that provides security to the lender against the loan provided.

    Q7 What is stamp duty exemption and what are the circumstances under which it can be granted by the government?

    Stamp duty exemption refers to the exemption or waiver of stamp duty that can be granted by the government under certain circumstances.

    Q8 What is Telangana stamp duty schedule and what are the different types of documents it applies to?

    Telangana stamp duty schedule is a list of charges that are applicable for the registration of various types of documents, including property-related documents.

    Q9 What is stamp duty on resale flat and who is responsible for paying it?

    Stamp duty on resale flat is a fee that is charged by the government when a property or flat is resold by the owner.

    Q10 What is relinquishment deed stamp duty and what does a relinquishment deed entail?

    Relinquishment deed stamp duty is a fee that is charged on the registration of relinquishment deeds, which are legal documents that transfer the rights of a property from one party to another.

    Q11 What are will deed registration charges in Telangana and what is the purpose of registering a will with the government?

    Will deed registration charges in Telangana refer to the fees that are charged for registering a will, which is a legal document that outlines the wishes of a person regarding the distribution of their assets after their death.

    A Detailed Guide on Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Haryana

    A Detailed Guide on Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Haryana

    Understanding Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Haryana is crucial. These costs are mandatory fees levied by the government to register the transfer of ownership. This guide will explain the different stamp duty rates applicable in Haryana, depending on factors like property location, the gender of the buyer, and the type of property transaction. We’ll also cover property registration charges and how to benefit from tax deductions as per 2024.

    (Note – The stamp duty rates are annually announced on the 31st of January of each year. So, the rates given below are those which were established by the government of India on the 31st January 2021).

    Importance of Stamp Duty in Haryana

    Importance of Stamp Duty in Haryana

    Stamp duty in Haryana plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and secure property transaction. Here’s why it holds significant importance:

    • Legal Recognition: Paying stamp duty validates the property sale, acting as a government-approved stamp of legitimacy. This strengthens your claim of ownership and provides legal recourse in case of disputes.
    • Record of Ownership: The registration process, which necessitates stamp duty payment, creates an official record of the property transfer. This documented record serves as vital evidence of ownership in the future.
    • Curbing Fraud: Stamp duty discourages property fraud by making undocumented transactions impractical. The official record ensures transparency and discourages attempts to bypass legal channels.

    Government Revenue: The revenue collected from stamp duty contributes to the state’s development initiatives. These funds are used for infrastructure projects, public services, and social welfare programs.

    Stamp Duty in Haryana for Property Registration

    Registration charges in Haryana vary according to the requirement or usage of the immovable property. Plot registry charges in Haryana have been clearly laid out by the state government to avoid any confusion and ensure a smooth function of the system. Below are a few properties registration charges in Haryana to help you get an idea of how stamp duty in Haryana works.

    Conveyance deed charges in Haryana 

    • Rural Areas – 5%
    • Urban Areas – 7%

    Exchange Deed charge

    • Rural Areas – 6% of the greatest value of one share
    • Urban Areas – 8% of the greatest value of one share

    Gift Deed stamp duty in Haryana

    • Rural Areas – 3%
    • Urban Areas – 5%

    General Power of Attorney

    • Rural Areas – Rs 300
    • Urban Areas – Rs 300

    Special Power of Attorney

    • Rural Areas – Rs 100
    • Urban Areas – Rs 100

    Partnership deed stamp duty in Haryana

    • Rural Areas – Rs 22.50
    • Urban Areas – Rs 22.50

    Stamp duty on loan agreement in Haryana

    • Rural Areas – Rs 100
    • Urban Areas – Rs 100

    Trust Deed

    • Rural Areas – Rs 45
    • Urban Areas – Rs 45

    Adoption Deed stamp duty in Haryana

    • Rural Areas – Rs 37.50
    • Urban Areas – Rs 37.50

    Above are a few of the most commonly used stamp duty rates in Haryana. Stamp duty for property registration is easily payable and makes further discrepancies impossible.

    Stamp Duty in Haryana for Females

    Stamp Duty in Haryana for Females
    The state government of Haryana provides special provisions for women for the stamp duty rates.

    The state government of Haryana provides special provisions for women to help them gain independence and encourage them to make personal financial securities. The rate of Stamp duty in Haryana for women is –

    • Rural Areas – 3%
    • Urban Areas – 5%

    Rent Agreement Stamp Duty in Haryana

    Rent Agreement Stamp Duty in Haryana
    A legally binding rent agreement protects the rights of both the renter and the landlord.

    A Leave and License Agreement (or Rent Agreement) is a legal document that contains information on the property, the rent and deposit due, and other terms and conditions related to the property rental transaction. A legally binding rent agreement protects the rights of both the renter and the landlord. In the event of any future legal proceedings, only a registered rent agreement will be considered admissible in court. The terms and conditions of the rental agreement have to be followed by both the tenant and the landlord. Stamp duty in Haryana on the rental agreement is mentioned below – 

    Rental PeriodStamp duty charges in HaryanaRegistration Fee
    Up to 5 years Rs 15 for Consideration Value up to Rs 1,000Rs 7.50 for every additional Rs 500 of Consideration Value Rs 200
    Greater than 5 yearsRs 30 for Consideration Value up to Rs 1,000Rs 15 for every additional Rs 500 of Consideration Value

    Registration Charges in Haryana

    Registration fees were previously set at INR 15,000, but the state government increased them to INR 50,000 in 2018. Gift deeds, sale deeds, lease deeds, exchange deeds, division deeds, collaboration agreements, mortgage deeds, settlement deeds, and sale certificates are all subject to the increased fees.

    Documents Required for Property Registration in Haryana

    Documents Required for Property Registration in Haryana
    The process of a property is incomplete without proper documentation.
    • Proof of Ownership (Original old sale or MC).
    • Proof of Identification of both buyer, seller, and witnesses (Aadhar Card, PAN card, etc).
    • No-objection certificate (NOC) from the society.
    • Building plan, map, etc.
    • Digital photograph of the property.

    Land Registration Fees in Haryana

    Haryana flat registration costs vary according to the usage of the property and also the area. According to the Registration Act, buyers must register their purchase within four months after the date of purchase. Unlike most states, Haryana charges a flat price depending on the property’s worth, rather than requiring the buyer to pay 1% of the property’s value as a registration fee. Below is the breakdown of Haryana property registration charges –

    Property valueRegistration charge
    Up to Rs 50,000Rs 100
    Rs 50,001 to Rs 5 lakhsRs 1,000
    Rs 5 lakhs up to Rs 10 lakhsRs 5,000
    Rs 10 lakhs up to Rs 20 lakhsRs 10,000
    Rs 20 lakhs up to Rs 25 lakhsRs 12,500
    Over Rs 25 lakhsRs 15,000

    Stamp Duty Calculator Haryana

    The stamp duty is calculated based on the transaction amount mentioned in the sale agreement and must be paid by the buyer. The property cost, on the other hand, must be determined using current *circle rates and the stamp duty must be computed appropriately. If the house is valued higher than the circular rate, the buyer will be responsible for paying stamp duty on the difference. If the value of the property is less than the circle rate, the stamp duty will be determined according to the circle rate.

    (*The Haryana government approved a raise in circle rates in April 2021-22, which would result in property costs jumping by up to 80% in some areas of Gurgaon).

    Alternatively, buyers can calculate stamp duty by visiting the Haryana Jamabandi website. Stamp duty in Haryana can easily be calculated with this website with a few easy steps. First key the transaction value, then select the municipality (of the property) and then your gender. After this click on the ‘calculate’ icon on the screen – the stamp duty and registration charges appear on the screen.

    Buyers can calculate These charges by visiting the Haryana Jamabandi website.

    Stamp Duty in Haryana has been made fairly clear by the government for the smooth functioning of the state’s system. The state government also provides special provisions for women to boost their independent existence in the state. The article above informs of the varying stamp duty rates of Haryana, but if you have more queries – then head to NoBroker Forum. For any legal issues, NoBroker is here to help just click on the below link for legal support.


    Q1 What is the time limit within which the sale deed must be registered?

    Ans. Within 4 months of the transaction, the sale deed must be registered. Otherwise, a fee is levied.

    Q2 What is the official site of Haryana where stamp duty is calculated?

    Ans. Buyers can calculate stamp duty by visiting the Haryana Jamabandi website. The link for the same is – https://jamabandi.nic.in/

    Q3 What is the land registration fee in Haryana?

    Ans. Haryana charges a flat price depending on the property’s worth, rather than requiring the buyer to pay 1% of the property’s value as a registration fee.

    Q4 What are the property registration charges in Haryana?

    Ans. Registration fees were previously set at INR 15,000, but the state government increased them to INR 50,000 in 2024.

    Q5. How is stamp duty calculated for joint buyers in Haryana?

    Ans. The stamp duty is calculated based on the total property value and then divided amongst the buyers based on their share in the ownership.

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Delhi

    Stamp Duty and Property Registration Charges in Delhi

    Are you a potential property buyer in Delhi? Understanding Stamp Duty is crucial for a seamless real estate transaction. In this blog, we demystify the complexities, offering clarity on rates, calculations, and regulations. Learn about the significant role of the NDMC in determining stamp duty charges, especially the lower rates for female owners, enhancing your knowledge for informed decisions in Delhi’s dynamic real estate.

    How To Calculate Stamp Duty and Registration Charges

    Getting an online stamp paper in Delhi is now incredibly easy, thanks to the internet. Payments for e-stamp Delhi or any stamp duty on commercial property can be completed transparently, quickly, and securely. You can easily access a reliable price guide for market values and rates on reputable websites. For instance, women in Delhi, dealing with a property cost of INR 10 lakhs, will incur a 1% registration charge and a 4% stamp duty, amounting to INR 10000 and INR 40000, respectively.

    Guide to Navigating Stamp Duty and Real Estate Dynamics in Delhi

    The Delhi Rent Control Act is quite strict and more favourable towards the tenants and hence, more and more tenants go towards renting a flat in Delhi NCR rather than buying it. The state government’s decision to slash stamp duty charges in Delhi for women buyers was a welcome move and it has enhanced the real estate market in the city to an extent. Keep in mind that each year the new stamp rates come out on the 31st of January (so for next year, it is 31st January 2024).

    Being aware of the stamp duty charges in Delhi and knowing the registration charges before you apply for a home loan is considered a good move. Let’s take a look at how stamp duty charges are calculated and what are the related rule and guidelines for calculating these charges.

    Stamp Duty Rate in Delhi

    Stamp Duty Rate in Delhi
    Stamp Duty Rate in Delhi

    A stamp duty charge is levied on any property if the property is acquired through a gift, conveyance or sale deed. The stamp duty rate in Delhi is fixed according to the ready reckoner rate that takes into consideration the previous rate of stamp duty and the current value of the property. Based on the type of property, age of the owner, gender of the owner, the current stamp duty rate in Delhi is as follows:

    Gender of the ownerStamp Duty Rate in Delhi

    It is important to pay stamp duty charges because after you pay the charges, the government will transfer the ownership of the property into consideration under your name in all property records and documents as well as any property transfer charges. This acts as a proof of record in times of property disputes and hence, is considered an important document. 

    Registry charges in Delhi for property falling under an NDMC area are fixed at 5.5% in the case of male owners and 3.5% for female owners. The stamp duty on property in Delhi Cantonment Board areas is fixed at 3%.

    Delhi House Registration Charges in Delhi 2023-24

    House Registry Charges in Delhi
    House Registry Cost in Delhi

    As per the property registration charges in Delhi 2023, 1% of the current market value of the property is taxed as house registration fees, along with any related GST registration fees in Delhi. This fee as well as stamp duty charges are collected by the government as the registry charges when a property is brought. As per the Delhi government’s online revenue collection website, the home registry charges in Delhi are as follows:

    Read: Everything You Must Know About PCMC Property Tax

    Registration Charges of Property in Delhi

    • Delhi registry rate: Registration fee is 1% of the consideration amount set forth or value as per circle rate, whichever is higher plus Rs. 100/- for the pasting fee.
    • Relinquishment deed: Rs. 1000/- per instrument plus Rs. 100/- for pasting fee
    • Lease deed of immovable property: Rs. 1000/- per instrument plus Rs. 100/- for the pasting fee.
    • Power of Attorney /Special Power of Attorney: Rs. 1000/- per instrument plus Rs. 100/- for the pasting fee.
    • Will and Authority to Adopt Rs. 500/- plus Rs. 100/- for pasting fee

    Home Registry Charges in Delhi for Female Buyers

    • Empowering Women in Real Estate: The Delhi Government has significantly reduced home registry charges for female buyers, a progressive initiative in the real estate sector.
    • Increased Women’s Homeownership: This reduction has led to a notable increase in the number of women investing in property, as it offers a financial advantage.
    • Substantial Savings with Stamp Duty Cut: A reduction of even 2% in stamp duty and registration fees translates into substantial savings, given the high real estate values in Delhi.
    • Legal Requirement for Property Registration: As per the Registration Act of 1908, paying stamp duty is essential for legally registering a property under one’s name.
    • Safeguard Against Property Fraud: This mandatory charge acts as a protective measure against property fraud and illegitimate ownership claims.

    Flat Registry Charges in Delhi

    Flat Registry Charges in Delhi
    Flat Registry Charges in Delhi

    The stamp duty for property registration in Delhi is the responsibility of the state government. The government calculates the flat registry charges in Delhi based on the ready reckoner rates of the property. 

    Area of the property The rate for Private Builder flatsThe rate for DDA society flats
    Multi storeyed apartmentsRs.1.10 lakhRs.87,840
    Above 100 sq. metreRs.95,250Rs.76,200
    50 sq. metre to 100 sq. metreRs.79,488Rs.66,240
    30 sq. metre to 50 sq. metreRs.62,652Rs.54,480
    Up to 30 sq. metreRs.55,440Rs.50,400

    Property Registry Charges in Delhi: Factors

    Property Registry Charges in Delhi: Factors
    Delhi Registry Charges

    The factors that affect the property registration charges in Delhi are:

    1. Location of the property
    2. Age of the owner
    3. Gender of the owner 
    4. Type of Property (whether residential or commercial)

    Plot Registry Charges in Delhi

    Plot Registry Charges in Delhi
    Plot Registry Charges In Delhi

    In the case of a plot, the stamp duty and registration charges follow the same rules and guidelines as other properties. The factors affecting the rates are also the same. The plot registry charges in Delhi are fixed at 6% for a male owner, 4% for a female owner and 5% in case of joint ownership. For plots fallings under the jurisdiction of the NDMC, the rate is fixed at 5.5% for a male owner, 3.5% for female owners. For plots falling in the Delhi 3%.

    Delhi Registry Rate

    Delhi Registry Rate
    Delhi Registry Rate

    Now that we have a better understanding of the different circumstances and conditions under which stamp duty charges in Delhi are calculated, we can calculate the stamp duty charges and have a rough idea of the total amount. These rates are revised periodically so it’s a good idea to stay updated with the latest guidelines. 

    Delhi Property Registration Charges Calculator

    Delhi Property Registration Charges Calculator
    Delhi Property Registration Charges Calculator

    Based on the factors mentioned above, the stamp duty and property registration charges in Delhi can be calculated. Registration charges of property in Delhi can be determined keeping the above factors into consideration. Any stamp duty calculator in Delhi will give you a rough estimate of the stamp duty in Delhi for the purchase of property based on these factors. Circle rate is another important factor kept in mind while calculating property registration fees in Delhi. 

    Step-by-Step Guide to Pay Stamp Duty and Registration Charges Online in Delhi

    Step 1: Access the Official Portal

    Begin by visiting the official website of the Stock Holding Corporation Ltd. This portal is the gateway to initiate your transaction for stamp duty payment in Delhi.

    Step 2: Choose Your Location

    Once on the site, you’ll need to specify your location. Look for the option to select the ‘NCT of Delhi’ from the dropdown list of states. This ensures that your payment is correctly processed under the jurisdiction of Delhi.

    Step 3: Execute the Payment

    With your region specified, you’re now set to complete the payment process. The website offers a variety of payment methods, including UPI, NEFT, IMPS, Debit Card, and Credit Card. Choose the one that’s most convenient for you. This flexibility in payment options is designed to cater to the diverse preferences of users.

    Points Worth Considering Before You Pay Stamp Duty in Delhi

    There are a few points that you should definitely keep in mind when paying your online stamp paper Delhi charges:

    • The stamp duty, as well as registration charges, play a vital role in the process of registering any property within the authorised territory, therefore, the fees are mandatory
    • Women applicants have some advantages such as lower stamp duty fees and Delhi stamp duty rates for promoting women’s property ownership 
    • Even if the Delhi stamp paper and registration charges are paid once, failing to pay the same will be sure to attract heavy penalties from the state government’s exchequer.
    • You can apply for an exemption under Section 80 C of the Income Tax Act, which is typically restricted to INR 1.5 lacs every year
    • The response time for any property or DDA registration in Delhi is around 15 days

    Factors Affecting Stamp Duty Registration Charges in Delhi

    The following are the elements that have an impact on Delhi registry charges:

    • Dimensions of the property
    • Age of owner
    • Gender of owner
    • Type and location of the property (Commercial or residential)

    List of Documents Required for Delhi Property Registration Stamp Duty

    List of Documents Required for Paying Property Registration Charges in Delhi
    List Of Documents Required For Paying Property Registration Charges In Delhi

    Here is a list of documents that you will need to furnish for the calculation of stamp duty in Delhi and property registration charges in Delhi, even if it is a gift deed stamp duty in Delhi.

    • Sale deed.
    • Proof of TDS payment.
    • No-objection certificate (NOC), in case of plot or land.
    • ID proofs of the buyer, seller and witnesses.
    • Address proofs of the buyer, seller and witnesses.
    • Two passport-sized photographs of the buyers and sellers on two copies of documents.
    • Identity and address proof of two witnesses.
    • e-Stamp paper with the correct value of stamp duty.
    • Self-attested copy of PAN card or Form 60
    • e-Registration fee receipt of registration fee with undertaking/affidavit.
    • All original documents with one set of copies.

    Residential Plots in Delhi: Ready Reckoner Rates 

    CategoryConstruction CostLand Cost
    ARs.21,960 per sq mtrRs.7.74 lakh per sq mtr
    BRs.17,400 per sq mtrRs.2.46 lakh per sq mtr
    CRs.13,920 per sq mtrRs.1.60 lakh per sq mtr
    DRs.11,160 per sq mtrRs.1.28 lakh per sq mtr
    ERs.9,360 per sq mtrRs.70,080 per sq mtr
    FRs.8,220 per sq mtrRs.56,640 per sq mtr
    GRs.6,960 per sq mtrRs.46,200 per sq mtr
    HRs.3,480 per sq mtrRs.23,280 per sq mtr

    Flats in Delhi: Ready Reckoner Rates 

    AreaProperty Type- Private Builder FlatsProperty Type- DDA, Society Flats
    Multi storey apartmentsRs.1.10 lakhRs.87.840
    Above 100 sq mtrRs.95,250Rs.76,200
    50 sq mtr to 100 sq mtrRs.79,488Rs.66,240
    30 sq mtr to 50 sq mtrRs.62,652Rs.54,480
    Up to 30 sq mtrRs.55,440Rs.50,400

    Stamp Duty in Delhi: Points to Consider

    • The stamp duty and registration fees are required to be paid compulsorily since they are regarded as an essential component of the property registration process.
    • For female applicants, the state government has maintained slightly reduced stamp duty rates. This was carried out to encourage women to acquire property.
    • Even though the stamp duty and registration fees are one-time payments, the state exchequer may impose a severe fine if the stamp duty is not paid.
    • It is important to note that section 80 C of the Income Tax Act exempts stamp duty and registration fees, however there is a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh each year.

    Key Differences Between Ready Reckoner Rate and Market Rate in India

    In India, the terms “Ready Reckoner Rate” and “Market Rate” are related to the valuation of real estate properties, but they serve different purposes and have distinct meanings when you go on to calculate stamp duty Delhi.

    Ready Reckoner Rate

    • Ready Reckoner Rate, also known as Circle Rate or Guidance Value, is the minimum value at which a property can be registered in a particular area or locality as determined by the state government’s revenue department.
    • It is used for the calculation of stamp duty and registration charges when buying or selling a property.
    • The government revises these rates periodically, usually annually or semi-annually, to keep them in line with the prevailing property prices in the area.
    • Ready Reckoner Rates are meant to prevent underreporting of property values during transactions and to ensure that the government collects the appropriate amount of stamp duty and registration fees.

    Market Rate

    • Market Rate, also referred to as the Fair Market Value or Actual Sale Price, is the actual price at which a property is bought or sold in the open market between a willing buyer and a willing seller.
    • This rate is not set by the government but is determined by the supply and demand dynamics in the real estate market.
    • Market Rates can fluctuate frequently based on various factors such as location, property condition, demand, economic conditions, and other market forces.
    • Unlike the Ready Reckoner Rate, the Market Rate is the true market value of the property, which may be higher or lower than the government’s prescribed rate.

    The government of Delhi has removed the process of physical stamping and made e-stamping mandatory. Also, the guidelines related to the stamp duty charges in Delhi and the rules and regulations for its collection keep on updating. It’s not easy to keep track of the current rates and you have to be very well-informed about property laws. Get legal assistance from NoBroker Experts and you can save big on stamp duty and property registration charges by paying the correct amount. Comment on this blog and we will reach out to you.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. What is the stamp duty in Delhi 2023-24?

    Ans. Stamp Duty in Delhi is fixed at 6% for a male owner and 4% for a female owner. The rate is fixed at 5% in the case of joint ownership. 

    Q2. Does Delhi NCR also follow the stamp duty laws of Delhi?

    Ans. No, the NCR region follows the laws of the states they belong to. For example, In Noida, stamp duty is collected based on the stamp duty charges in Uttar Pradesh. 

    Q3. Is Karnataka Bhoomi Nakshe useful for verifying land ownership?

    Ans: Absolutely, ‘Karnataka Bhoomi Nakshe’ is a vital tool in Bhoomi Karnataka for confirming land boundaries and ownership details.

    Q4. What is the stamp duty in Delhi Cantonment Board areas?

    Ans. The stamp duty in Delhi Cantonment Zone is fixed at 3% of the current market value of the property. 

    Q5. Can I pay stamp duty in Delhi online?

    Ans. Yes. Stamp duty charges in Delhi can be paid over the official website of the Delhi Government’s revenue department. You can also make payment for stamp duty on the official website of Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL).

    Q6. What is the stamp duty rate for a partition deed in Delhi?

    Ans. In Delhi, the stamp duty for a partition deed is 2% of the value of the separated share of the property.

    What is Stamp Duty: Calculation, Charges and Documentation 2024

    What is Stamp Duty: Calculation, Charges and Documentation 2024

    Stamp duty is a compulsory tax levied by the government over the transfer of property rights. Let’s thoroughly understand what stamp duty is and why is it important for a property owner.

    What is Stamp Duty?

    Stamp duty represents an extra expense when acquiring real estate, so it’s crucial to comprehend how it varies based on the property’s characteristics and location before purchasing it.

    Stamp duty charges are slightly higher in India as compared to most of the underdeveloped, developing and even developed countries. In most countries, stamp duty ranges between 1% to 5%, while in most of the major states of India the charges are higher than 5%.

    What is Judicial and Non-Judicial Stamp Duty?

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Stamp Duty

    Judicial and non-judicial are the two categories of stamp duties in India. While the non-judicial charges include stamp duty imposed on all real estate transactions, as a one-time payment on the overall value of the agreement, judicial stamp duties, also known as court fee, are charges imposed by the court over litigants.

    The highest stamp duty revenues received by states, comes from sale deeds or conveyance tax.

    What is a Registration Charge?

    Although paid for the same property value the reason for paying and the ways to calculate stamp duty and registration charge, vary. How much stamp duty you are required to pay completely depends upon the transaction value of your property, however, the registration charge is a fixed cost property buyers pay for the service of adding a deed or contract in government records. 

    For the registration fee you pay, the government is liable to maintain a registry of your documents. Registration charge is a must because it lends inviolability to your documents that would otherwise not be legally bindable. 

    The process in which the registration of documents takes place is also mentioned in the Indian Registration Act, 1908.

    How Stamp Duty & Registration Fees Are Calculated in India?

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Stamp Duty And Registration Fee

    Stamp duty charges are applied on a circle rate so that in case a property is being owned at a transaction value lower than the prevalent circle rates, it can be applied on the circle rate value of the property.  However, if the property transaction value is higher than the prevalent circle rate value, stamp duty will be charged as per the original value of the deal and not over the circle rate. To be precise, the stamp duty is calculated based on the value of the original transaction or the circle rate, whichever is higher.

    Factors that Affect the Evaluation of the Stamp Duty

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Stamp Duty

    Age of the owner:

    How much you need to pay for the stamp duty depends somewhat on the age of the person on whose name the property will be registered. In case the owner is a senior citizen, you might get some rebate or discounts. This rule can differ in different states.

    Location of the property:

    Stamp duty is different for the properties that are considered inside the municipal limits of a city, as compared to the properties that fall outside the municipal limits. The charges are higher in case of the former. Also, whether the property you are planning to buy is a part of a city, a rural area, a metropolitan, or a suburb, will have a certain amount of impact on the value of stamp duty that you need to pay.

    Gender of the owner:

    To promote property ownership among women, female property owners are provided with a concession on stamp duty in several states. If you are in the NCT of Delhi, registering the property in the name of a woman, you receive a concession of 2% on the overall stamp duty. Which means you will only have to pay 4% stamp duty in Delhi. While any male property owner will have to pay 6%.

    If you are willing to register the property jointly, with the woman as the primary owner, you are still eligible for a concession on stamp duty in Delhi. However, this facility is not prevalent throughout the country. In states like Kerala, Bihar, Maharashtra and Jharkhand, men and women have to pay equal stamp duty.

    Type of property:

    Based on if you are buying land, a flat, an independent house or villa, your stamp duty costs will vary.

    Usage of property:

    Whether you are purchasing the property for residential use or commercial use creates a difference. Stamp duty on commercial properties is always higher than that of residential property.

    Project amenities:

    The amenities you are receiving with the purchase of the unit change the calculation of stamp duty in some states of the country. For example, you are purchasing a unit from a housing project in Uttar Pradesh and they are offering you high-end amenities like a clubhouse, gym, elevators, community halls, swimming pools and more, you will have to pay additional stamp duty.

    Registration Charge Calculation

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Stamp Duty

    According to the Registration Act 1908, from the date of transaction within four months, once the stamp duty has been paid, the buyer needs to pay the registration fee as well. Without the registration the transfer of property from one owner to another is said to be invalid. The Sub Registrar of Assurances of the Jurisdiction, where the property is purchased, takes care of the registration process. Remember, any delay in the payment of registration fee or stamp duty incurs heavy penalty as these are legal documents which can be produced in court as evidence, if required.

    To calculate registration fee, various factors are taken into consideration, based on the type of property you are buying and the city/state laws. The main factors used in the calculation of property registration free are: 

    • If the apartment/office you are buying is a part of a multi-storey building, the super built up area is considered for calculation.
    • For lands or plots, the total square footage area is multiplied by the guideline value of the same land.
    • If the property is a villa or independent house, then you need to calculate the registration fee on the total constructed area.

    How Stamp Duty & Registration Charges Differ in Top Cities of India

    Below is a breakup of stamp duty on property and registration charges for the top cities of India: This table will help you understand the prevalent charges in your respective state.

    CityStamp Duty ChargesRegistration Fee
    Delhi6% for a male owner and 4% for a female owner1% of the total market value of the property, as mentioned on the sale deed. Additionally, INR 100/- as pasting charges
    Mumbai5% for the property in the area under municipal jurisdiction. For property located outside municipal jurisdiction or property in a rural area, 4% of the total agreed/market value.INR 30,000 or 1% of the total agreed/market value, whichever is lower.
    Chennai7% of the total market value of the property1% of the market value of the property
    Bangalore5% of the total market value of the property1% of the market value of the property
    Hyderabad5% of the total market value of the property, in case of the sale agreement with GPA. No additional transfer duty to be paid.
    For sale agreement with possession and sale agreement without possession, the charges remain 4% of the total market value of the property
    For sale agreement and GPA, the charges to be paid are INR 20,000/-

    In case of sale agreement with possession charges are 0.5% of the total market value of the property, subject to a maximum of INR 20,000 and minimum of INR 1,000/-
    Pune2% of the total market value of the propertyINR 30,000/- for properties above INR 30 lakh

    1% of the total deal value if the property is below INR 30 lakh
    KolkataIf you are purchasing a property that falls in the Panchayat area, you need to pay 5% of the total market value of the property.
    6% of the total market value of the property if it is under municipal jurisdiction.
    Irrespective of the area the property is situated in, if the overall market value of the property is less than INR 40 lakh, the buyer needs to pay additional 1% stamp duty.
    1% of the total market value of the property, irrespective of the area.

    What is Stamp Duty on Agreements?

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Stamp Duty

    Stamp duty works like an evidence of a deal closure, therefore, as per Indian Stamp Act 1899, the charges must be paid to measure records and keep transaction tracks. Stamping of agreements ensures its validity and legality, admissibility and enforceability in a court. 

    Under section 17 of the Indian Registration Act, there are certain agreements that if not registered lose their authenticity and thus these agreements compulsorily require to be stamped, as without stamp papers no agreement can be registered. Some of these agreements pertaining to immovable property are:

    1. Sale Deed
    2. Agreement to sell
    3. Gift deed
    4. Lease agreement
    5. Documents that either assign or transfer ownership, a decree or order of court for a minimum value of INR 100 and any sort of immovable property.

    How does Stamp Duty Work with Loans?

    While we are discussing the necessity of stamp duty and the ways to calculate it, you must also plan on the additional expenses, stamp duty and registration fees imposed on your budget as a home buyer, as banks providing home loans do not include these taxes in the evaluation of the property cost. 

    After evaluating the market value of the property you intend to buy, banks only grant upto 80% of the total cost as a loan. Further, each bank has a different method for property evaluation so the total loan percentage you expect to receive depends on the bank you approach. 

    Once you know the total loan amount you are eligible for, you will have to arrange the remaining amount for the transaction as well as for legalities like stamp duty and registration charges.

    Documentation required for Payment of Stamp Duty

    Stamp Duty & Registration Fees
    Documentation Required for Payment of Stamp Duty

    Depending on the type of property you are planning to purchase, you will have to submit a variety of documents during the registration process, to pay your stamp duty. Below-mentioned are dome of the essential documents you, as a buyer will be required to submit at the time of registration:

    • Sale deed
    • Sale agreement
    • If it’s a housing project, society share certificates and society registration certificates (photocopies).
    • Khata certificate.
    • Encumbrance certificate.
    • Tax paid receipts of the last 3 months.
    • In the case of housing projects, NOC from the apartment association is essential.
    • For under-construction property, sanctioned building plan, builder-buyer agreement and possession letter from the builder.
    • If the property you are buying is a land/plot, you need title documents of the land owner, conversion order and records of rights and tenancy corps or 7/12 extract.
    • In case of a joint development property, you would require joint development agreement between the builder and the land owner.
    • For resale properties copies of all registered agreements is essential.
    • If you have any outstanding loan amount do produce your latest bank statements.

    How Stamp Duty Changes with the Type of Property

    Stamp duty is levied irrespective of the type of property you purchase – apartment, villa, under-construction, re-sale, land or a commercial building. Stamp duty is calculated, based on the circle rate (value of the property in a particular region, regulated and published by the government of that state) or the market value of the property, whichever is higher. To be precise, stamp duty is mandatory in all states but the manner it is levied varies from place to place. 

    For example, if you are in Tamil Nadu and you are planning to buy an under-construction property, you will pay stamp duty at the rate of 7% and an additional 4% as registration charges. These rates will be calculated on the market value or the guideline value of the undivided land, whichever is higher.

    Over the cost of construction or the amount you agreed upon in the construction agreement, for building value, stamp duty of 1% and registration charges of 1% is levied. Also, in the case of under-construction property, the buyer needs to pay approximately 5% GST additionally. The GST is reduced to 1% in case of affordable housing. 

    Given that, the stamp duty rate and registration charge is calculated over and above the market price of the property and any fluctuation in the rates may influence the buyers’ purchase decision. However, stamp duty is just an additional 5% to 6% cost that you as a buyer will have to incur beyond the actual purchase price, so even if the taxes are reduced by the government of your respective state, the property prices won’t be reduced magically. Unless builders bring down property prices, especially in big cities like Mumbai and Delhi.

    Consider every aspect that affects your purchase decision, keep stamp duty and registration costs in mind while you calculate the cost of your home or how much you will need to borrow as a home loan. Know your home loan eligibility to ensure a hassle-free and quick loan disbursal process and reduce the chances of loan application rejection. 

    Stamp Duty Penalty Charge

    Stamp duty is a fee that is charged by the government for the transfer of property ownership. When buying a property, one of the biggest costs you’ll incur is the stamp duty. This is a government tax that you have to pay every time you buy or transfer ownership of a property. But what happens when you miss the deadline for paying this fee? That’s where the stamp duty penalty charge comes in.

    Here’s what you need to know about the stamp duty penalty charge:

    • If you fail to pay the stamp duty within the deadline, you’ll be charged a penalty.
    • The amount of the penalty varies from state to state, but it’s usually a percentage of the original stamp duty amount.
    • In some states, the penalty increases over time, so the longer you wait to pay, the more you’ll have to pay.

    But don’t worry, there are ways to avoid the stamp duty penalty charge. One option is to make sure you pay the stamp duty on time. You can also take advantage of tax benefits on stamp duty, which can reduce the amount you have to pay.

    Avoid the fine: How to get the most out of your stamp duty benefits

    Paying stamp duty is a necessary evil when you buy or transfer property ownership. But did you know there are tax benefits you can take advantage of to reduce the amount you have to pay?

    Here’s how to get the most out of your stamp duty benefits:

    • Check the stamp duty percentage in your state: The stamp duty percentage varies from state to state, and some states offer lower rates for first-time buyers or women. (Sources: Indian Government Ministry of Finance)
    • Make sure you pay the stamp duty on time: If you pay the stamp duty within the deadline, you can avoid the stamp duty penalty charge.
    • Know the different types of stamp duties: For example, there is a different stamp duty for sale deed, stamp duty on under construction property, and construction agreement. (Sources: Indian Government Ministry of Law and Justice)
    • Understand the type of property you are buying: The stamp duty for under construction property and stamp duty on purchase of property differ, and it is essential to understand the stamp duty for your specific type of property. (Sources: Indian Government Ministry of Finance)
    • Check the construction agreement stamp duty: This is a separate fee that is applicable on construction stamp duty, its agreements and must be paid at the time of registration. (Sources: Indian Government Ministry of Finance)
    • Ensure you have all the necessary documents for stamp duty registration: This includes your identity proof, address proof, the sale deed of the property, and the sale deed stamp duty, among others. (Sources: Indian Government Ministry of Finance)

    By taking advantage of these tax benefits, you can save money and make the most of your stamp duty payments. 

    Steps to FollowDescription
    ResearchResearch the stamp duty percentage in your state and be aware of any benefits offered for first-time buyers or women.
    TimingMake sure to pay the stamp duty within the deadline to avoid penalty charges.
    BudgetingConsider the stamp duty when budgeting for your property purchase and make sure you have sufficient funds available.
    Seek SupportReach out to a reliable source for information and support, such as NoBroker’s real estate and home loan services.
    Get everything in writingEnsure that the stamp duty and all other expenses related to the property purchase are documented and in writing.
    Keep RecordsKeep records of all payments made towards stamp duty and any other expenses related to the property purchase.
    Ask QuestionsDon’t be afraid to ask questions and clarify any doubts you may have about the stamp duty or other aspects of the property purchase process.
    Plan AheadPlan ahead and be prepared for the stamp duty and other expenses related to the property purchase.

    Note: The table is a general guide and the specific rules and regulations regarding stamp duty may vary from state to state. And with NoBroker, you can simplify the entire stamp duty registration process and ensure that everything is done on time, without any hassles.

    Importance of understanding Stamp Duty in India: A guide to a seamless home buying experience with NoBroker

    Stamp duty in India is a significant aspect of home buying and home loan procedures that every home buyer must consider. Understanding the stamp duty penalty charges, and tax benefits on stamp duty, is crucial in ensuring a smooth and stress-free home buying experience. By following the above-mentioned steps, you can avoid stamp duty penalty charges and take advantage of the tax benefits offered on stamp duty.

    Moreover, with the help of NoBroker, you can rest assured of a seamless and cost-effective home buying experience. We offer a range of services including property search, home loan assistance and end-to-end property management services to ensure a smooth and stress-free home buying experience. We have a team of experts who can guide you through the entire process, right from property search to home loan assistance and beyond. With NoBroker, you can be rest assured of getting the best deal, without any hidden costs or brokerage. So, don’t wait any longer, visit our website today and take the first step towards your dream home.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1: What is stamp duty in India?

    A1: Stamp duty is a tax imposed on certain types of documents in India. It is payable when documents are executed, transferred or received. Stamp duty is imposed on the transfer of properties, shares, contracts and other documents.

    Q2: How is stamp duty calculated in India?

    A2: Stamp duty is calculated based on the value of the property or transaction at the time of transfer. The rates of stamp duty vary in each state.

    Q3: What documents are required for stamp duty payment in India?

    A3: The documents required for stamp duty payment in India include the sale deed, stamp paper, registration charges and other related documents.

    Q4: What is the difference between stamp duty and registration charges in India?

    A4: Stamp duty is a tax imposed on certain documents, while registration charges are the fees paid to the government to register the document with the concerned authority.

    Q5: Are there any exemptions to stamp duty in India?

    A5: Yes, there are certain exemptions to stamp duty in India, such as transfer of property between family members, transfer of agricultural land, or transfer of property under a court order.

    Stamp Duty, Registration of Leave, License Agreements

    Stamp Duty, Registration of Leave, License Agreements

    People residing in Leave and License accommodations don’t usually have bills, electricity bills, telephone bills or water bills issued in their names as it is in the name of the owner of the premises. As a result, most migrants find it difficult to furnish proof of local address. A Leave and License Agreement once registered can be used as a proof of residence for the occupier in addition to proving the legitimacy of one’s Licenseeship. It is important to know the stamp duty on leave and license agreement, so as to avoid unnecessary dues.

    What is a Leave and License Agreement?

    A leave and license agreement or a leave licence agreement is a legal instrument that allows one party to allow another to use their immovable assets, such as property, for a fixed length of time without changing the asset’s ownership. In India, landlords and renters frequently employ leave and license agreements, particularly in the rental housing sector. However, in the commercial real estate sector, lease agreements are more typical. Leave and license agreement charges are payable as per the rules of the government. 

    Rights of the Tenant – To use the premises for a certain purpose in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

    Leave and License Stamp Duty Calculator

    The stamp duty on rental agreements consists of a flat charge of 0.25% of the total rent for the time that must be applied to all leave and license agreements. It’s worth noting that the stamp duty rate is the same for both residential and commercial properties for a period of up to 60 months.

    Given below is the Leave and license agreement stamp duty aka rent stamp duty calculator –

    The stamp duty for leave and licence agreement is calculated for 12 months, regardless of the length of leave and licence, and includes any advance rent paid or to be paid, as well as any deposit paid or to be paid, with or without interest. (The calculation is the same whether the licence is for one month or 60 months.)

    Make sure you are informed of the stamp duty on leave and license agreement, so as to avoid any unnecessary dues. 

    How Does one Calculate the “Stamp Duty” Payable?

    While registering a Leave and License Agreement for stamp duty, it is necessary to pay certain amounts as “Registration Fees” and “Stamp Duty” to the Registrar of Assurances which is a State Authority.

    In accordance with the prevailing laws, the following formula can be used to calculate the stamp duty payable on a Leave and License Agreement (For a term not exceeding 60 months including a renewal clause):

    • License Fee per month x Number of months = [A]
    • 10% x Refundable deposit x Number of years of the agreement = [B]
    • Non-refundable deposit / Advance Licence Fee = [C]
    • Total economic value subject to Stamp Duty = [D] = [A] + [B] + [C]
    • Stamp duty = E = 0.25% x D

    Clearly, the higher the monthly Licence Fees and deposit, the higher the stamp duty.

    However, should the Leave and License Agreement be for a period exceeding sixty months (with or without a renewal clause, the valuation of Stamp Duty payable would differ substantially, in accordance with prevailing laws and the adjudicated value of the property.

    Read: The Ins and Outs of Purchasing Your First House with Section 80EE

    Registration of Agreement

    The law does not prescribe any minimum or maximum period for which a license may be granted. A Leave &amp; License Agreement for a term below a period NO BROKER – II – 30.9.2019 of one year, while not mandatory (except in the State of Maharashtra), is highly recommended to be registered.

    By virtue of an Instrument or Deed, which by itself does not create any Right, Title or Interest in an immovable property does not require registration.

    Read: Sales Deed Vs. Sale Agreement, What Do You Need?

    Leave and Licensing agreement for Mumbai and Maharashtra – As per the laws on stamp duty on leave and licence agreements in Maharashtra, any agreement for leave and licence or letting of any premises entered into between the landlord and the tenant or the licensee, as the case may be in writing and to be registered. You may visit the Leave and Licence agreement main page of the Online filing portal of the Government of Maharashtra to learn more.

    Read Everything You Need to Know About Maharashtra Land Records

    Besides, the responsibility of getting such agreement registered shall be on the landlord and in the absence of the written registered agreement, the contention of the tenant about the terms and conditions subject to which premises have been given to him by the landlord on leave and licence or have been let to him shall prevail, unless proved otherwise.

    Note: All calculations are done with Mumbai as an example, consult your state authorities for the prevailing statutory dues payable in your state.

    Leave and License Agreement Format

    This rent agreement is made on this __________ (date) by ________________ (name of the landlord) S/o _______________ (father’s name of the landlord), Address: ___________________________________________________ (residential address of the landlord). Hereinafter called the Lessor/Owner, and first party


    _____________________________ (Name of tenant), called lessee/tenant, or second party

    The expression Lessor/Owner and the Lessee/Tenant shall mean and include their legal heirs successors, assigns, representatives etc.

    Whereas the first party is the owner and in possession of the property No: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (address of rented property) and has agreed to let out the said property to the second party for a monthly rent of Rs. ______/- (in words) per month.

    Now This Rent Agreement Witness as Under:

    That the second party will have to pay Rs. ______/- (in words) as monthly rent, which does not include electricity and water charges.

    That the second party shall pay one month rent in advance to the landlord that would be further adjusted in the monthly rent.

    That the second party shall pay the water and electricity charges on the basis of the consumption to the landlord/owner.

    That the second party shall not lease the property to a subtenant under any circumstances without the consent of the owner/landlord.

    That the second party shall follow all the rules and regulations, and by-laws set by the local authorities in respect of the leased property and will not get involved or do illegal activities on the leased property.

    That this rent agreement is granted for a period of eleven (11) months starting from ___________, and this contract can be extended further with the mutual consent of both parties.

    That the second party shall not be permitted to do construction in the rented premises. Besides, he/she could do the installation of temporary decoration, wooden partition/cabin, air conditioners etc. without seeking the permission of the landlord.

    That the second party is not allowed to make any alteration in the rented property without the written consent of the owner.

    That the second party will have to allow the landlord or his authorized agent to enter into rented premises for its inspection or general checking for any repair work if needed.

    That the second party shall keep the premises clean.

    That the second party shall bear the cost of day-to-day minor repairs.

    That this contract/agreement could be revoked before the expiry of this tenancy period by serving a one-month prior notice.

    That both the parties have read and understood this agreement and have agreed to sign the same without any pressure from any side.


    The landlord and the tenant have hereunto subscribed their hand at ______ (place) on this the _____________ (date of rent agreement) year first above mentioned in presence of the following witnesses.




    ___________ (name of the landlord) _________________ (name of the tenant)

    Lessor                                                                                   Lessee

    Differences Between Lease and Leave and License Agreement

    • Unlike a leave and license arrangement, a lease develops an interest in the property.
    • A lease gives a renter exclusive possession of the property, but a leave and license arrangement just allow them to occupy it.
    • Leases are not revocable, whereas licenses are.
    • The grantor does not choose the terms of leases, but the grantor does determine the terms of licenses.
    • Leases can be transferred, while licenses cannot.
    • Unlike licenses, a lease creates inheritable rights.

    Stamp duty on leave and license agreement are payable at least amount and then varies according to the type and size of the property. The above article gives you all the information about the Leave and license agreement and how you need to go about it. Looking to move to a new house? NoBroker offers the best assistance at the best rates. Drop a comment down below and our executive will be in touch with you.


    Q1. Is a leave and license agreement the same as a lease?

    Ans. A leave and license agreement differs from a rental or lease agreement in that it is controlled by the Indian Easement Act, 1882.

    Q2 What does the term “leave and license agreement” mean?

    Ans. A Leave and License arrangement gives the Licensee permission to occupy the licensor’s property, which would be illegal without such authorization.

    Q3 Why is there an 11-month leave and license agreement?

    Ans. A rental agreement must be registered under the Registration Act of 1908 if it is for a term of more than 12 months. As a result, leave and license agreements are normally for 11 months to save stamp duty and registration fees.

    Q4 What is the maximum period of leave and license agreement?

    Ans. The leave and license agreement – the maximum period is 60 months.

    Q5 What are the leave and license agreement registration charges?

    Ans. For first-time registration, the leave and license registration fees are Rs. 1100.

    Q6: What is the leave and license agreement meaning? 

    A Leave and License Agreement is a legally binding document that allows a licensor to temporarily grant the right to use their property to a licensee for a specified period. It outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement, such as the duration of the agreement, rent amount, and other relevant clauses.

    Q7: Can I create a Leave and License Agreement online? 

    Yes, you can create a Leave and License Agreement online. Many online platforms offer customizable templates that you can fill out and download as a PDF. You can also choose to have the agreement e-signed for added convenience.

    Q8: What are the disadvantages of Leave and License Agreement? 

    Some disadvantages of a Leave and License Agreement include:
    The licensee does not have any legal ownership or right to transfer the property to another person.
    The licensor may not be able to sell the property during the agreement’s duration.
    The licensor may not be able to evict the licensee easily if they violate the terms of the agreement.

    Q9: Do I need a stamp paper for leave and license agreement? 

    Yes, you need a stamp paper for a Leave and License Agreement. The amount of the stamp paper depends on the state where the agreement is being executed. In some states, the stamp duty for a Leave and License Agreement is fixed, while in others, it is a percentage of the rent amount.

    Q10: What is the difference between leave and license agreement vs rental agreement?

    A Leave and License Agreement grants the licensee temporary permission to use the licensor’s property for a specified period. In contrast, a Rental Agreement creates a tenancy relationship between the landlord and tenant, where the tenant has a right to occupy the property for a more extended period, and the landlord cannot evict the tenant without following the due legal process.

    Q11: Can I register a Leave and License Agreement online? 

    Yes, you can do an online registration of leave and license agreement through the government’s e-registration portal. All you need to do is create an account, fill out the necessary details, pay the applicable fees, and schedule an appointment for biometric verification. Once the verification process is complete, you will receive a registered copy of the agreement via email.

    17 blog on Stamp Duty in Real Estate Legal Guide

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