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The Importance of a Face Mask and How to Make a Face Mask at Home
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As we all work towards protecting ourselves from the COVID-19 pandemic, we try to do everything that might keep us safe. From working from home, practicing social distancing, improving our immunity and keeping everything clean and sanitized, we’re trying our best to do all it takes.
But, there are times where we need to go out, be it to buy essentials or check on people that need assistance. In these times, we need to be safe, to protect ourselves and those around us. One way to do this is by wearing masks when we go outside.
Why Do You Need To Wear a Mask When You Go Out?
There is a huge ongoing debate, should only those infected wear a mask? Or, should everyone wear a mask? Well, since some people are carriers, some show symptoms late and some don’t even know what the symptoms are, everyone should wear a mask. According to one medical study, wearing a mask was able to ‘reduce the amounts of droplets and aerosols containing detectable amounts of virus.’
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A 2009 World Health Organization report showed that, when someone coughs, they can spray up to 3,000 droplets. A sneeze could yield 40,000! This can travel anywhere from 16 feet for a cough to 26 feet when you sneeze.
Is a Mask Enough To Protect You?
No, a mask is certainly not enough to protect you from the coronavirus. Studies have shown that the coronaviruses can enter the eyes and travel to the nose and into the respiratory system, completely bypassing the mask. You still need to practise good social distancing, wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face as much as possible.
How Do You Safely Use a Mask?
This might seem like a silly question, but there are certain do’s and don’ts to follow while using a mask, as stated by the WHO (World Health Organization) –
- Clean your hands before putting on the mask – either wash it with soap and water or use a good hand sanitizer.
- Adjust the mask so that it covers both your nose and mouth comfortably. Make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
- Avoid touching your face when you’re wearing the mask. If you do, stop, and clean your hands.
- DO NOT re-use single-use masks. If the mask is damp, don’t re-use it. You can buy/make a new mask.
- When you’re removing the mask, remove it from the back, don’t touch the front of the mask. Discard the mask immediately in a closed bin. Wash your hands with soap and water soon after, or you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
How Do You Make a Face Mask at Home?
If you know how to stitch, then there are several types of face masks that you can make. If you don’t or don’t have a sewing kit at hand, then try this simple no-sew option.
- Find the right material, we suggest cloth that is tightly knit, like a t-shirt (100% cotton). There has to be enough material so that you can fold it multiple times and have enough to cover your mouth and nose.
- Two rubber bands or hair ties (also here)
Assembling instructions
Cut a section of the t-shirt, lay the material flat and fold it from the bottom to the middle and from the top to the middle. Repeat this once more.
Take the rubber band loop it around each end. Leave a few inches of fabric, it should look like a candy wrapper on each end. Now, fold the excess fabric inwards so that it meets in the middle. This will add an additional layer to your mask.
Now, place the mask on your face, put the bands over each ear and you’re good to go. The pressure of the mask on your face will hold the bands in place. If you have a stapler, you can use that to hold the bands in place as well.
If you don’t have a t-shirt or pillow cover you can cut up, you can make a mask out of a scarf too! All you need is a mask and two rubber bands. Fold the scarf into a rectangle large enough to cover your mouth and nose. Put the rubber bands on both ends of the scarf (so it looks like a candy wrapper) then fold the excess material over the bands, towards the middle. This mask will work just like the one above.
The other no-sew option is to create a mask using a sleeve of a large t-shirt or shirt. Here, cut 8″ by 9″ portion of the sleeve. Now, fold the cut edges towards the middle (to create another layer to the mask). Now, loop the fabric straps or elastic pieces through the opening and tie it behind your head.
If You Can Stitch, Then You Can Make This Mask
You need 10-inch by 6-inch rectangles of cloth (2 pieces). This cloth needs to be 100% cotton tightly woven fabric (a t-shirt or pillowcase should do).
Pieces of elastic (6 inches x2) if you don’t have elastic, even cloth strips will do.
How to Assemble It:
Stack the pieces of rectangular fabric together, fold the edge of the 10-inch sides 1/4 inch down and sew them together. Now, move to the shorter side, fold that 1/2 inch over and sew at the edge. Leave a little space open for the loop to fit in. Put the loop into the mask and sew it closed. Make sure the loops are long enough to be tied behind your head.
Remember, the safest mask is an N95 mask, but save these for those at the frontline, if you really need to go out, then make a mask and follow all the required precautions.
If you have any comments, or questions drop us a message below. If you are searching for a house visit NoBroker by clicking below to search for a house without leaving your house. Stay safe, and stay at home.
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