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Home Blog Home Services Tips to Get Rid of Bugs

5 Tips to Get Rid of Bugs

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image admin


As summer approaches, hordes of insects invade our homes. It’s a known fact that insects tend to go into some form of hibernation during colder months and are most active in the warm months. These insects, from flies to mosquitoes and moths to cockroaches, spread germs, destroy your home and are a general nuisance.

To keep them away here are a few surprisingly simple, natural, affordable methods that you should use to keep your home bug-free.


Bugs love dirt and are constantly looking for scraps of food, paper, clothes etc. that they can chew on. The best way to make sure that your home is not ideal for them is by keeping your home clean. You need to dust daily, vacuum weakly, deep clean monthly. Use these tips to clean better. The good news is that you don’t have to do all of it on your own. Now, professional cleaners can be hired to get the job done in a fraction of the time, and at very affordable rates. Click here to hire the best cleaners in your city.

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Mint leaves

Mint is easy to grow in India, it is a hardy plant and requires very little attention. Along with being a great addition to food and beverages, it is also great at keeping insects, especially ants away. You can crumble a few mint leaves and leave them at trouble spots. You can also have potted mint plants and place them at windowsills and near your door to keep ants away. You can even crush up mint leaves and place them in a sachet in your closet to keep moths away. If you wish, you could even use a cotton ball soaked in mint essential oil in your closet to achieve the same results.

Lemongrass or Citronella

Although these two plants are very similar, they are not the same; what they do have in common is their ability to repel bugs. They are both grass-like plants and have a strong fragrance that bugs seem to hate. They are easy to grow, but you don’t have to as you get plenty of products made from Citronella or Lemongrass that will keep bugs away. You can mix a few drops of essential oil in water and use it directly on your skin to keep bugs away, you can light citronella agarbattis or citronella candles to keep mosquitoes away, and you can even find them in floor cleaners to keep ants and other insects away.


The strong smell and the sulphur content in onions do wonders to keep bugs at bay. You can slice up onions, put them in a bowl of water and watch the insects run away. Onions are also great at keeping lizards away. Just cut a few slices and place them where lizards usually hid in your home, you’ll find your home lizard-free in no time.


If you don’t want any of the above strong fragrances taking over your home, then try using some lavender to keep bugs out. Lavender is best to keep your closet smelling fresh and keep moths far away from your clothes. You can use lavender in the same way that you would use mint leaves. You can use dried and crushed lavender in sachets or soak a cotton ball in lavender oil, it will work just as well.

If you need additional help, call in cleaners from NoBroker, they will get your home clean and bug-free. If you feel you need to move away from an area that is unhygienic and ridden with insects, NoBroker will find you a home that is cleaner and more hygienic.

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