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Home Blog Home Services Tips to Manage a House

Tips to Manage House: A Five-Step Strategy for a Neat and Tidy Home

Published : August 24, 2023, 5:00 PM

Updated : December 8, 2023, 4:33 PM

Author : author_image admin


Have you ever walked into your home and though ‘what a mess’? You’re not alone, for most us, no matter how much time we spend on cleaning and tidying up, when we turn around, we think the house still looks messy! Here’s when you need help, you need to know what you can do better and what your home needs in order to look clean, mess-free and homely.

The first step – learn to clean your messy house the right way

Cleaning is not just sweeping, mopping, and dusting. It’s not that easy and it can’t be done in just any order. If you speak to any professional cleaners or housekeepers, they will tell you that there is an order in which you clean, and a method to follow too. You can read more about how to clean better in this blog here - Secret Cleaning Tips.

If you just don’t have the time, inclination, or energy to clean, just sit back and relax, just hire professional house cleaning services from NoBroker to do the job for you. The advantage of calling in a professional cleaning services is that they are trained to do the job, they have the right equipment and cleaning materials to get the best results and most importantly they will get the job done in half the time that you would take!

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The second step – choose the right colors for your home to make it look less messy

It’s a known fact that certain paint colours can make your home appear smaller. If your home appears small, then no matter how little furniture you have, your space will look crowded and also messy. You need to choose the right paint colours to create the illusion of space in your home. When your home seems spacious, your furniture will look right, and your mess might just seem a lot less.

It’s best to get professional home painting services, they will suggest the right colours for your home. When we say bright, we don’t mean white, the right painters will help you choose colours that will make your home look bright yet warm, without creating a sterile atmosphere. House painting seems simple, but to get the right look and feel, it’s better you call in the experts.

Professional Painters NoBroker

The third step – make your messy home seem less messy by setting furniture in the right place

If you need a quick and simple way to make your house look neat, then start by simply straightening out and arranging your furniture, shutting doors and draws. This means lining up your couch neatly, setting the cushions straight, tucking the chairs under the table. Make sure all your furniture is not askew and is lined up neatly against the walls or carpets, etc.

If you have bulky furniture, then you will have to find creative places to keep it so that it doesn’t take up too much space and it doesn’t make your home look messy. If you have old furniture, then a simple thing like shutting doors and closing draws becomes an impossible task. With age, wood tends to sag, swell and lose shape, unless you maintain it properly. In this case you can call in carpenters who can help you get your furniture back in shape or build you something to fit your space better.

modern furniture

The fourth step – more storage space will transform your messy home

Clearing off clutter from countertops, tables, beds and the floors is one of the fastest ways to get your home looking less messy. Clear off surfaces keep everything in draws or cabinets and ensure they shut properly. Your home will look neater when everything is shut and all the surfaces are clean and clear off all clutter.

If you’re finding it hard to put away clutter it means that you need more storage space. Get a carpenter to come in and make cabinets, add shelves, add hooks and anything else that will help you get your home looking as clean and mess-free as possible. Things like folding tables, under bed storage draws and corner cabinets are a great addition to any house to help keep it looking neat.

Shelf to Table

The fifth step – call in the experts, when you need more help with a messy home

Your home interior design itself could be contributing to the messy feel of your home. Like we said, the wrong paint and furniture can make your house look messy, same with lighting. You can either tackle each of these home interior design elements on your own one at a time, or call in an interior designer who will get it all done in one shot.

With a professional decorator you can sit back and relax. They will evaluate what your home needs, what your budget is and what can be done to get your home looking neat and clean. They will look at everything from storage to lighting, paint colours to décor style, your personal style and the look that you want to achieve for your home.

Interior Decorators

The sixth step – regular decluttering sessions for a tidy home

Set aside a regular time each week for decluttering. This isn't just about throwing things away, but about re-evaluating what's necessary and what's not. Sort through papers, clothes, and miscellaneous items. Organise items into categories: keep, donate, or discard. This regular habit will prevent clutter from accumulating and keep your home more manageable and less overwhelming.

The seventh step – smart organisation with labels and systems

Organising doesn't end with putting things away. Implement a labelling system for storage areas, drawers, and boxes. This not only helps you find things more easily but also ensures that every item has a designated place. Consider using clear storage containers for visibility and labels for easy identification. This approach not only tidies your space but also streamlines the process of maintaining order.

The eighth step – create a cleaning schedule to maintain consistency

A well-planned cleaning schedule can transform the way you manage your home. Divide cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly categories. For example, dishes and surface wiping can be daily, vacuuming can be weekly, and deep cleaning tasks like windows or under furniture can be monthly. This systematic approach ensures that no area of your home is neglected over time.

The ninth step – utilise vertical space for efficient storage

In homes where floor space is limited, utilising vertical space can be a game-changer. Install shelves, hanging organisers, or wall-mounted storage systems. This not only helps in keeping the floor clear but also makes use of often overlooked storage areas. Vertical storage solutions are especially useful in areas like kitchens and bathrooms where space is at a premium.

The tenth step – embrace minimalism in home décor and furnishings

Adopt a minimalist approach to home décor and furnishing. This doesn't mean your home should feel bare, but rather that each item should serve a purpose or bring joy. Avoid over-decorating and choose furnishings that are both functional and stylish. Minimalism reduces visual clutter and makes cleaning easier, contributing to a more serene and manageable living space.

Bonus - tips on how to clean your messy home fast

  • Make the bed as soon as you wake up
  • Wash dishes as soon as you use them
  • Do the laundry regularly, invest in a laundry bag or bin to avoid the dreaded laundry chair or bed.
  • Fold and put away laundry ASAP
  • Avoid open shelves, put in cabinets instead of having many open shelves. Shelves will gather dust and also look messy if anything is out of its place, this won't happen with cabinets.
  • Keep your dining table clear. We all tend to put down anything and everything on the dining table, try to find other places for your stuff and ensure the table is kept clear.
  • Get rid of stuff you don’t use. In every house, you’ll find clothes, furniture, electronics etc. that we don’t use but don’t have the heart to get rid of either. You need to make this tough call and get rid of it to make space in your home.
  • Invest in mood lighting, don’t just have one tube light in your room, get floor lamps, spotlights and task lights to create a warm and cosy atmosphere.
  • Get matching furniture. The more put together your room looks, the less clumsy and cluttered it will feel.
  • Use incense and fragrances to keep your home smelling clean and fresh, especially by the entryway. A clean smelling home will make your home seem clean.

Now that you know how to get your home in order, we hope that your home only makes you feel joy and comfort. If you feel that there is no hope, turn to NoBroker Home services. There are several services you can get at very affordable rates, try it and get your house to feel like a home. Click the link below for more information.

Q1. How important is routine in managing the household efficiently?

Ans: Establishing a consistent routine is crucial for keeping tasks on track and ensuring all aspects of household management are covered.

Q2. What are some budget-friendly strategies for managing the household?

Ans: Plan meals in advance to save on groceries, use energy-efficient appliances, and do regular maintenance to avoid costly repairs.

Q3. Are there any house work management tips for working professionals with limited time?

Ans: Focus on high-impact tasks, use efficient cleaning gadgets, and consider periodic professional cleaning services for time-saving management.

Q4. Can minimalist living positively impact housework management?

Ans: Yes, embracing minimalism reduces clutter, simplifies cleaning, and streamlines maintenance, enhancing overall housework management.

Q5. How can technology aid in implementing home management ideas?

Ans: Use smart home devices and apps for reminders and automating tasks like heating, lighting, and security for efficient home management.

Q6. What home management ideas can help reduce clutter?

Ans: Regularly declutter and adopt minimalist design principles, ensuring everything in your home has a purpose and a place.

Q7. What are some simple yet effective home management ideas for busy individuals?

Ans: Incorporate easy-to-maintain organisational systems and set a regular, manageable cleaning schedule to efficiently manage your home.

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