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Home Blog Home Services Home & Garden Ways to Boost Your Immune System to Fight the Coronavirus

Ways to Boost Your Immune System to Fight the Coronavirus

Published : April 7, 2020, 5:57 PM

Updated : September 1, 2023, 3:24 PM

Author : author_image admin


Scientist and doctors all around the world are working tirelessly to find something to beat COVID-19. No matter how hard they work, they all say that it will take a minimum of 18-20 months to find some vaccine that can work. So, as of now, there is no cure for this virus.

What they do suggest is to practise good hygiene, social distancing, wash your hands often and boost your immunity. It is a known fact that those with a low or compromised immunity are more susceptible to this virus, and even if you have survived the virus, a weak immune system means that there is a likelihood of relapse.

It is important to note that older people generally have weaker immunities, but young people too can get the virus. No matter how old you are, if you have certain pre-existing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory issues, you should be careful.

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So, if you have a robust immune system or not, you need to work on improving it. Here are a few ways that you can boost your immune system –

Manage your stress

Stress and anxiety are very bad for you, it can increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. Apart from all of this, too much stress releases a hormone called cortisol, this impairs your body’s ability to respond properly and hence makes you more susceptible to infections.

Stress also has an indirect way it effects is, this is through our negative coping mechanisms to deal with it. When we feel stressed, it is not uncommon to drink, smoke, eat junk food, spend too much time on games or entertainment and mess up our sleep cycles. All these habits further reduce our immunity. It is important to find the right coping mechanisms and ways to avoid stress as much as possible.

Manage your stress
                                                 Manage your stress

Sleep is important

In a study that was conducted, 153 volunteers were inoculated with the rhinovirus (the virus that causes the common cold). Thanks to this study it was discovered that participants who slept for less than seven hours were three times more likely to develop symptoms! This is compared to the participants who managed to sleep for more than eight hours.

If you are well-rested, the functioning of your white blood cells improves, hence you’re less likely to get illnesses like respiratory infections, colds, and the flu. Sleeping is important to rebuild your immune system, so reduce the use of electronics at night, avoid too much caffeine and sleep as much as you need.

Sleep is important
                                                              Sleep is important

Stay Active

Yes, sleep is necessary, but being active and exercising is equally necessary. Exercise is a must for healthy living, it keeps your weight in check, lowers blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, and protects you from getting many other diseases.

It helps your immunity by flushing out bacteria from your lungs and airways, in turn reducing the chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illnesses. Exercise also helps blood circulation, which means your WBC (white blood cells) circulate faster, thus being able to detect illness faster. The elevated body temperature after exercising also helps the body to fight infection better. Not to mention, exercise also helps to keep away stress. There are several more theories as to how exercise improves your immunity. Over-exercising, on the other hand, is harmful, so be sure to exercise in moderation, try these exercises to start with-


Get enough Vitamin D

The National Institute of Health in 2009 has said that low vitamin D levels are associated with frequent colds and influenza. In 20017 another study found - ‘Taking vitamin D reduces the odds of developing a respiratory infection by approximately 42% in people with low baseline levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D; below 25 ng/mL.3.’

Hence, vitamin D is very important to keep your immunity in good shape to fight off colds. The best way to get vitamin D is to naturally produce it (when your skin is exposed to sunlight), or by taking a supplement. Check with your doctor if you have a vitamin D deficiency, and they will pick the dosage you need. If you have a garden or balcony, or even window, spend some time in direct sunlight, without leaving your home.

Vitamin D
                                                               Vitamin D

Watch what you eat 

Avoid food that causes inflammation, like sugar, processed meat, and too much vegetable oil. These foods create a distraction and busy the immune system, this leads to other problems in your body going unchecked.

Eat fruits and vegetables that are known for their health benefits such as garlic, turmeric, oranges, etc. Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, and beetroot are also a good addition to your diet as they are rich in beta-carotene, this gets converted to vitamin A. Vitamin A keeps the mucosal linings in your nose and lungs healthy and defends against infection.

Drink in moderation

Many of us like to unwind after a long day, or week with a few drinks, be it cocktails or beers. And this is fine, as long as you don’t overdo it. Excessive drinking and binge drinking have been known to deplete immune cells. A few studies also show that studies showed heavy drinkers have an increased risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is the lung problem responsible for most of the COVID-19 related deaths.

So, if you’re drinking to pass time, or to reduce stress, it’s time to slow down and also look for healthier alternatives.

Stop smoking

There are 100 reasons why you should stop smoking today, to reduce the risk of being infected by COVID-19 is another. Doctors and scientists have issued a statement saying that smokers may face an increased risk of coronavirus and suffer worse symptoms.

Smoking cigarettes or vaping is also bad because they contain nicotine, this is known to reduce your body’s immune response. When your immune response is slow, you’re more ‘at risk’ to get infections. You can get colds easily, they will take longer to leave, and it will cause damage to your lungs, so stop NOW.

What methods are you following to keep your immune system up? Drop us a message below or reach out to us on NoBroker by clicking below. This is a good time to start taking care of yourself and the ones you love, make a change today and stay safe. This video will remind you of what you need to do, share it with those you care about

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