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Home Blog Home Services 13 Ways to Save Energy at Home

13 Ways to Save Energy at Home

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image admin


The Bureau of Energy Efficiency or BEE has made the 14th of December Energy Efficiency Day. This was done with the aim of making everyone aware of energy, how to be more efficient and how to conserve it as much as possible. 

We all use energy, every day in different forms, we certainly can’t live in a world without energy. To help you save this precious resource, we’ve listed 13 easy energy-saving tips–

1. Turn off Switches

Turn off switches
Turn off switches

One of the ways to reduce electricity consumption at home is every time you leave a room, check once to make sure that you’ve turned off all the lights and fans in that room. If you have a water heater, switch it off as soon as you’re done.

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2. Install Solar Panels

Solar panels convert the heat from the sun into energy, as it is a renewable source of energy it's better for you and the environment. Solar heaters are also easily available and easy to install, you’ll also save on your electricity bill.

3. Change your Light Bulbs

Change your Light Bulbs
Change your Light Bulbs

The old incandescent light bulbs are much cheaper than LED bulbs, BUT they burn for about 1000 hours when an LED bulb can burn for 25,000 hours. Incandescent light bulbs also need five times more power than an LED to produce the same amount of light.

4. Keep your Fridge Full

 Keep your Fridge Full
Keep your Fridge Full

You’re wasting a lot of energy if you have a fridge and freezer used only for a few items. If you have a well-stocked fridge and freezer, then you are utilizing its power consumption ideally.

5. Find the Right Temperature

Set Right Temperature for Fridge
Set Right Temperature for Fridge

Each appliance will come with the manufacturer's recommendations, this is to keep the machine running well as well as monitor its energy consumption. If you keep the fridge much cooler than the manufacturer's recommendation, it will start to excessively cool and waste energy.

6. Wash your Clothes Consciously

Wash Clothes Consciously
Wash Clothes Consciously

When using your washing machine, see to it that it’s filled adequately, if your washing just a few garments, then you’ll end up wasting water and energy as the machine does not alter its usage based on the load in the machine. During the warmer seasons, hang your clothes out to dry and skip using the dryer.

7. Update your Appliances

Update the Appliances time to time
Update the Appliances time to time

Appliances that require a lot more energy like AC, fridge, heaters etc. now come with an Energy Star Rating system. The more stars the appliance has, means the more energy efficient it is, without compromising on its performance. So ditch the 20-year-old fridge and upgrade to a newer more efficient model.

8. Use Smart Power Strips

Use smart power strips
Use smart power strips

Any appliance still plugged in but not in use, still utilizes power. This is known as a ‘phantom load’ to avoid this massive waste of energy, especially when the appliance is not in use, try a smart power strip. These have special circuitry designed to monitor and control power to each electrical outlet in the strip. It improves overall energy efficiency and stops wasting power.

9. Let Some Light in

  Let Some Light in
Let Some Light in the Home

Don’t have the curtains and blinds drawn through the day, open them up to reduce the need for artificial light and fans.

10. Phone Charging

Phone Charging
Phone Charging

Most of us like to plug in our phones at night and wake up to a full battery, this is actually a waste of energy. Phones need only a few hours to charge, so unplug them before bed, it is one of the easy ways to save electricity.

11. Use Kitchen Appliances Responsibly

Use Appliances Carefully
Use Appliances Carefully

When using kitchen equipment, like the microwave oven and electric kettle, use them responsibly. These devices use a great deal of power, Some of them use energy in a manner akin to an AC or geyser. 

12. Saving Energy Consumption in Fans

 Saving Energy Consumption in Fans
Saving Consumption in Fans is one of the best ways to conserve energy

Electronic regulators should be used in place of traditional regulators for ceiling fans. Install ceiling fans lower on the structure than exhaust fans.

13. Power Saving Tip with your PC

Energy Saving with your PC
Energy Saving with your PC

One of the best energy-saving ideas is to turn off your home office equipment, when not in use. For example, a computer that runs continuously consumes more energy than a refrigerator. Turn off the monitor if your computer must be left on; it consumes more than half of the system’s power. When not in use, putting computers, monitors, and copiers in sleep mode may reduce energy expenses by around 40%.

How Much Energy Can You Save

You will see that if you are to follow these tips on saving energy at home you will be saving upto ₹100 on your next Electricity Bill. However Installing a solar panel can have a huge impact on your electricity bill, especially if your electricity bill is in the ₹3000-7000 range. Some homes have recorded up to ₹3000 drop in electricity bills after solar panels have been installed.

Looking for a home that’s more energy efficient, or one that’s greener and more environmentally conscious? Just Visit and let us know your requirements, we have the perfect home for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it possible to increase energy efficiency in my Home?

Here are three things that you can do to improve your home energy efficiency
Switch from Incadenscent bulbs to CFLs and LEDs.
Replace your windows and doors to ensure that there is no air conditioning leakage.
Conduct an energy audit in your home.

2. What is meant by energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency means using less energy to perform more. Energy efficiecnthomes would consume lesser energy for achieving the same heating and lighting effects as that of any other home, but these homes wold consume lesser energy.

3. Which devices use the most electricity at home?

In most Indian homes, the Fridge is the device which consumes the highestamount of energy. In addition to having a high wattage, you also have to consider that the fridge is on all the time.

4. Is electricity consumed when a device is on standby?

Vampire Energy or Phantom Load is the eelctricty than appliance consumes when it is turned off and plugged in. To avoid this, you should practise turning off the power switch when the device is not running.

5. Can devices consume electricity when they are turned off?

Some devices such as  toasters and lamps and certain electronic devices consume Phantom power even wehn they are on stand by or off mode. To reduce such phantompower consumption you must turn off the power supply switch.

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