1. Christmas Living Room Decor

Use red and gold coloured decorations with hints of white and green as highlights to liven up your living room.

2. Traditional Christmas Wreaths

Any type of greenery can be used to create wall-hanging wreaths that emulate the traditional Christmas vibes.

3. Minimal And Small Decorations

Go for a miniature tabletop Christmas tree and paper cutout stars.

4. Christmas Decorated Dining Area

Order Christmas cake cookies and other desserts. Combine this with candle lighting and you have a Christmassy dining area.

5. Christmas Crib With Figurines

Set up your DIY Christmas crib and add any toys and figurines you have into the mix.

6. Christmas-Themed Beds And Pillows

Swap your bedsheets and pillow covers for red and white coloured ones. Drape your curtains with fairy lights to add an ethereal glow.

7. Christmas Ceiling Decorations

Hang red ribbons from the ceiling with thumbtacks. Stick paper cutouts of snowflakes and angels on the walls and ceilings.