1.Multi-Purpose Sofa-Cum-Dining

This sofa cum dining can accommodate both work and dining demands.

2.Multi-Utility Desk

Find a desk with a swivelling arm that pairs with a standard chair. You can swivel the arm so that you can use your laptop on your bed.

3.Bed With Headboard And Lights

A bed with headboard lights will help you catch up on reading after a hard day’s work. Built-in storage space in the beds also adds to the effective design.

4.Height Adjustable Hydraulic Dining Table

The top surface of the table can be raised to fit your dining and working requirements. Alternate designs have a hydraulic folding mechanism that can save space in your room.

5.Foldable Furniture For Smaller Spaces

A Smaller dining table with a cantilever and folding mechanism is ideal for smaller kitchen and dining areas.

6.Flicker Coffee-Cum-Dining Table

A flicker coffee table can serve as an elegant addition to your living room and as a makeshift dining table as well

7.Recliner Chair

A recliner chair is a smart investment if you love watching TV. It allows you to sink in and watch TV in comfort.