What is CIBIL Score?

CIBIL score or Credit score measures the creditworthiness of a person. It is measured by the Credit Information Bureau India Limited.

Factors on which CIBIL score depends

Your score will depend on the– 1. Type of credit and duration 2. Payment  History 3. Credit Utilisation Ratio 4. Credit Inquiries

To Maximise Your Credit Score…

1. Pay credit card bills early 2. Keep credit card balance between 20–30% of the real limit. 3. Monitor your credit score periodically. 4. Avoid Excessive leverage

Good CIBIL Score DONT…

1. Don’t be irregular with your bills. 2. Never default on bills 3. Be careful about loan denials.

Credit Score Ranges Means…

– 750–900 - very good. – 650–749-  good. – 550–649- fair – 350–549- below average – Na/NH- no credit history/ not relevant