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Home Blog Real Estate Legal Guide Will Deed Format​

Will Deed Format – Free Templates and Sample Drafts in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Kannada

Published : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Updated : January 31, 2025, 12:00 AM

Author : author_image Jessica


Often just referred to as a "Will, a legally binding document allows a testator—that is, a person—to indicate how their assets, possessions, and personal items should be divided following their death. A good will deed format is essential as it guarantees respect for the testator's wishes, streamlines the inheritance procedure, and helps avoid legal problems. With forms available in several languages, writing and filing a Will in India has become more approachable for people from all backgrounds, ensuring their desires.

This blog will break out the components of a Will, their variants, language-specific forms, and a thorough reference to writing, legal requirements, and registration procedures in India.

Key Elements of a Will Deed

A Will deed format for property reflects the testator's wishes precisely and has certain legally legitimate components. These are the fundamental elements:

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  • Testator's Information:  Full name, Age, residence address, and a note attesting to mental fitness.
  • Declaration:  A provision stating this document is the testator's last Will, therefore negating all earlier Wills.
  • Appointment of an Executor: The person selected to oversee Will's implementation and guarantee its provisions' fulfilment is
  • Beneficiaries: The testator should indicate the connection and rights of every beneficiary; the people or corporations slated to inherit assets should also be clear.
  • Asset Distribution:  Thorough guidelines on asset allocation, including real estate, stocks, cash, and personal belongings.
  • Guardianship:  Regarding little beneficiaries, the testator might name a legal guardian.
  • Signature and Witnesses:  The testator must sign the will and be seen by at least two people, not beneficiaries.

Types of Will Deeds and Their Use Cases

Several Wills fit different circumstances and tastes. The most often occurring forms are briefly summarized here:

  • Conditional Will: Only activated under certain criteria, including inheritance at marriage or becoming a particular age.
  • Joint Will: Designed by two people—often couples—to map out shared arrangements. Both sign the Will, and usually, the provisions stay the same following one's death.
  • Living Will: Mostly indicates choices for medical care should one become disabled; it does not distribute assets.
  • Mutual Will: Made by two people who agree on how assets should be divided frequently to prohibit modifications after a death.
  • Simple Will: Usually, a basic will with simple directions for asset distribution follows for smaller estates without complicated asset divisions.

Every Will type finds an application. A joint will, for example, fits couples with shared goals; a conditional will is appropriate for certain situations, say mandating inheritance only if recipients meet specified criteria.

Downloadable Will Deed Formats in Different Languages

Understanding India's diversity, Will Deed forms are now accessible in several languages so that people may record their wishes in a familiar style. The many language-specific forms are compiled here.

Format of Will Deed in English

Testament of [Testator's Full Name]

Declaration: I, [Testator's Full Name], aged [Age], residing at [Address], hereby declare this document to be my last will. I revoke any previous wills and codicils.

Executor Appointment: I appoint [Executor's Full Name] as the executor of my Will.

Asset Distribution:

  • To my [Relation], [Beneficiary's Name], I bequeath [Asset Details].
  • To my [Relation], [Beneficiary's Name], I bequeath [Asset Details].

Guardian Appointment (if applicable): I appoint [Guardian's Full Name] as the guardian of my minor child(ren), [Child's Name(s)].


  • Testator’s Signature: ________________ (Date: ___)
  • Witness 1 Name and Signature: ________________
  • Witness 2 Name and Signature: ________________

Format of Will Deed in Hindi

अंतिम वसीयतनामा [वसीयतकर्ता का पूरा नाम] का

घोषणा: मैं, [वसीयतकर्ता का नाम], उम्र [उम्र], [पता], यह मेरी अंतिम वसीयत है। मैं अपनी पिछली सभी वसीयतों और सहपत्रों को निरस्त करता हूँ।

कार्यकारी नियुक्ति: मैं [कार्यकारी का नाम] को अपनी वसीयत का कार्यकारी नियुक्त करता हूँ।

संपत्ति का वितरण:

  • मेरे [रिश्ता], [लाभार्थी का नाम] को [संपत्ति विवरण] सौंपता हूँ।
  • मेरे [रिश्ता], [लाभार्थी का नाम] को [संपत्ति विवरण] सौंपता हूँ।

अभिभावक नियुक्ति (यदि लागू हो): मैं [अभिभावक का नाम] को अपने नाबालिग बच्चों, [बच्चों के नाम], का अभिभावक नियुक्त करता हूँ।


  • वसीयतकर्ता का हस्ताक्षर: ________________ (तारीख: ___)
  • गवाह 1 का नाम और हस्ताक्षर: ________________
  • गवाह 2 का नाम और हस्ताक्षर: ________________

Will Deed Format in Kannada

ಕೊನೆ ವಸೀಲು ಮತ್ತು ಪರಿಪೋಷಣೆ [ವಸೀಲುಕರ್ತರ ಹೆಸರು]

ಹೇಳಿಕೆ: ನಾನು, [ವಸೀಲುಕರ್ತರ ಹೆಸರು], ವಯಸ್ಸು [ವಯಸ್ಸು], [ವಾಸ ಸ್ಥಳ], ಇದನ್ನು ನನ್ನ ಕೊನೆಯ ವಸೀಲು ಮತ್ತು ಪರಿಪೋಷಣೆ ಎಂದು ಘೋಷಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ. ನನ್ನ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವಸೀಲುಗಳನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಪಡಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ.

ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಣೆ ನೇಮಕ: ನಾನು [ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಣೆದಾರರ ಹೆಸರು] ಅವರನ್ನು ನನ್ನ ವಸೀಲು ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಣೆದಾರರಾಗಿ ನೇಮಕ ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇನೆ.

ಆಸ್ತಿ ಹಂಚಿಕೆ:

  • ನನ್ನ [ಸಂಬಂಧ], [ಪರಸ್ಪರ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯ ಹೆಸರು], ಅವರಿಗೆ [ಆಸ್ತಿ ವಿವರ].
  • ನನ್ನ [ಸಂಬಂಧ], [ಪರಸ್ಪರ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯ ಹೆಸರು], ಅವರಿಗೆ [ಆಸ್ತಿ ವಿವರ].

ಸಂರಕ್ಷಕ ನೇಮಕ (ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ): ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಬಾಲಕನ ಹೆಸರಿನಲ್ಲಿ [ಸಂರಕ್ಷಕರ ಹೆಸರು] ಅವರನ್ನು ನೇಮಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ.


  • ವಸೀಲುಕರರ ಸಹಿ: ________________ (ದಿನಾಂಕ: ___)
  • ಸಾಕ್ಷಿದಾರ 1 ಹೆಸರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಹಿ: ________________
  • ಸಾಕ್ಷಿದಾರ 2 ಹೆಸರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಹಿ: ________________

Will Deed Format in Tamil

இறுதி விருப்பம் மற்றும் சாட்சியம் [வசீலாச்சியின் பெயர்]

அறிக்கை: நான், [வசீலாச்சியின் பெயர்], வயது [வயது], [முகவரி], இது என்னுடைய இறுதி விருப்பம் என்று அறிவிக்கிறேன். முந்தைய அனைத்து விருப்பங்களையும் இரத்து செய்கிறேன்.

நிர்வாகி நியமனம்: நான் [நிர்வாகியின் பெயர்] அவர்களை என் விருப்பத்தின் நிர்வாகியாக நியமிக்கிறேன்.

சொத்து விநியோகம்:

  • என் [உறவு], [பயனாளியின் பெயர்]க்கு [சொத்து விவரங்கள்] கொடுக்கிறேன்.
  • என் [உறவு], [பயனாளியின் பெயர்]க்கு [சொத்து விவரங்கள்] கொடுக்கிறேன்.

காப்பாளர் நியமனம் (தேவைப்பட்டால்): என் [மூத்தரின் பெயர்] அவர்களை நம்பிக்கை மக்களுக்கு பாதுகாவலராக நியமிக்கிறேன்.


  • வசீலாச்சி கையொப்பம்: ________________ (தேதி: ___)
  • சாட்சியாளர் 1 பெயர் மற்றும் கையொப்பம்: ________________
  • சாட்சியாளர் 2 பெயர் மற்றும் கையொப்பம்: ________________

Will Deed Format in Telugu: 

చివరి ఆస్తి నిర్ణయం మరియు ప్రమాణం [ఆస్తి అధికారి పేరు]

ప్రకటన: నేను, [ఆస్తి అధికారి పేరు], వయస్సు [వయస్సు], [చిరునామా], ఇది నా చివరి ఆస్తి నిర్ణయం అని ప్రకటిస్తున్నాను. పూర్వపు అన్ని ఆస్తి నిర్ణయాలను రద్దు చేస్తున్నాను.

నిర్వాహకుడిని నియమించడం: నేను [నిర్వాహకుడి పేరు]ని నా ఆస్తి నిర్ణయ నిర్వాహకుడిగా నియమిస్తున్నాను.

ఆస్తి పంపిణీ:

  • నా [సంబంధం], [లబ్ధిదారు పేరు], కు [ఆస్తి వివరాలు].
  • నా [సంబంధం], [లబ్ధిదారు పేరు], కు [ఆస్తి వివరాలు].

సంరక్షకుడి నియామకం (అన్వయిస్తే): నా కుమారుడు [పిల్ల పేరు]కి సంరక్షకుడిగా [సంరక్షకుడి పేరు] నియమిస్తున్నాను.


  • ఆస్తి అధికారి సంతకం: ________________ (తేదీ: ___)
  • సాక్షి 1 పేరు మరియు సంతకం: ________________
  • సాక్షి 2 పేరు మరియు సంతకం: ________________

Format of Will Deed in Marathi

अंतिम इच्छापत्र [वसीयतदाराचे नाव]

घोषणा: मी, [वसीयतदाराचे नाव], वय [वय], [पत्ता], हे माझे अंतिम इच्छापत्र आहे असे जाहीर करीत आहे. मी पूर्वीची सर्व इच्छापत्रे रद्द करीत आहे.

कार्यकारी नियुक्ती: मी [कार्यकारीचे नाव] यांना माझ्या इच्छापत्राचे कार्यकारी म्हणून नेमतो.

मालमत्ता वितरण:

  • माझ्या [नाते], [लाभार्थ्याचे नाव] यांना [मालमत्तेचा तपशील].
  • माझ्या [नाते], [लाभार्थ्याचे नाव] यांना [मालमत्तेचा तपशील].

पालकाची नियुक्ती (लागल्यास): मी [पालकाचे नाव] यांना माझ्या नाबालिग मुलांचे पालक म्हणून नेमतो.


  • वसीयतदाराची स्वाक्षरी: ________________ (दिनांक: ___)
  • साक्षीदार 1 चे नाव आणि स्वाक्षरी: ________________
  • साक्षीदार 2 चे नाव आणि स्वाक्षरी: ________________

How to Draft a Will Deed: Step-by-Step Guide

Making a Will calls for careful thinking and unambiguous documentation. This is a detailed walk-through guide:

  • Items of Inventory: List all of your assets—personal items, investments, and real estate, among others.
  • Select beneficiaries: Choose people or charity to inherit every asset.
  • Select an executor. Choose someone trustworthy to handle the will.
  • Document your wishes. Specify each beneficiary and asset distribution in your draft will.
  • Ask for Legal Advice (should necessary). See a legal counsel to guarantee law compliance.
  • Sign with onlookers. Sign the paper in the presence of two witnesses who also sign.
  • Store safely the Will and let the executor know where it is kept.
  • Register the Will: Although not required, registration improves security and avoids manipulation.

Legal Requirements and Registration Process for Will Deeds in India

Though Wills in India do not need required registration, it is advantageous as it gives more legal power. Legal requirements and registration should be familiar to you now.

  • Age and Mental Capacity: The testator should be soundly minded, at least eighteen.
  • Signatures: The testator must sign the will under two witnesses who are not beneficiaries.
  • Reviewing the can with a legal professional can help to guarantee correctness.

Registration Process: 

  • Make sure the will has all necessary components, both draft and final.
  • The testator and witnesses show up at the local sub-registrar's office.
  • Witnesses confirm the testator's identity and the genuineness of the Will.
  • Paying the registration fee: A small charge is required to register the document.
  • Document Storage: The registered Will is securely kept under sub-registrar, lowering the possibility of manipulation.

Safeguarding one's assets and guaranteeing a seamless transfer of wealth to designated recipients depends on first creating a will. Knowing the many forms of Wills, important elements, and the need for legal criteria helps people design a complete Will that offers loved ones protection and clarity. Accessible forms in several languages help streamline the process and enable people throughout India to produce a legally acceptable will more easily.

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