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All About World Environment Day 2025: #Onlyoneearth
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Nine individuals are subjected to pollution levels exceeding the World Health Organisation's safety standard (WHO). World Environment Day, which has been observed every June 5 for more than 40 years and is sponsored by the United Nations, has the distinct goal of promoting public awareness about the necessity of ensuring the planet's and natural resources' long-term conservation.
What Do We Understand by the Term World Environment Day?

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) organises World Environment Day every year on June 5. It should be noted that each year a new nation sponsors it, with Sweden serving as the host and organiser in 2023.The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) directed and celebrated the first World Environment Day on June 5, 1972. It was a day when UNEP became a worldwide platform for environmental awareness and attempts to promote the conservation and repair of the planet's ecosystems.
The 2023 slogan, "One Earth," has a lot of symbolism: it corresponds to the premise of the first United Nations Conference in Stockholm when the UNEP was established. This event placed the environment at the global forefront and led to the foundation of World Environment Day.
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The Earth needs our care and help. The ice caps on the poles are melting. Every year, the sea level increases and the global temperature rises. Droughts are getting more prolonged and severe, making food production more challenging. Extreme weather occurrences are becoming more common. The catastrophic worldwide health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus might be replicated if we continue to degrade ecosystems and do not address climate change, which is, without a doubt, a primary risk factor for human health, as the UN states emphatically.
This World Environment Day, in particular, is dedicated to ecosystem restoration. The United Nations used the phrase "Reimagine, recreate, restore" in 2021 to emphasise this point. "Restoring ecosystems" entails "preventing, halting, and reversing this harm, going from exploiting nature to treating it," according to the group.
To that purpose, the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) will begin on this day, a worldwide mission to restore billions of hectares of land, from forests to agriculture, from the tops of mountains to the depths of the sea. "Only by preserving healthy ecosystems can we enhance people's livelihoods, combat climate change, and halt biodiversity loss," the UN notes on its website.
World Environment Day Information and history

The UN (United Nations Organization) took the initiative to determine the date of occurrence, which was set for December 15, 1972. The Stockholm Conference, also known as the Earth Summit, was held in Sweden that year. It was a pioneer in the treaty and debate of environmental concerns, creating a significant historical precedent in terms of international policy on the natural environment.
The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment, point six, clarifies one of the most critical aspects of discussions about conserving and preserving our natural resources. As a result, the following is explained:
We've arrived at a turning point in history where we need to pay closer attention to the environmental impact of our global actions. Our existence and well-being depend on the terrestrial environment. Still, if we choose to be ignorant or indifferent to it, we can wreak enormous and irreversible harm to that ecosystem.
On the other hand, if we have a deeper understanding of our needs and desires, we may ensure that our descendants and we will be able to live in a more harmonious environment. Raising the standard of living while also improving the environment is a realistic goal with excellent chances of success. The serenity of mind, hard labour, and a disciplined approach are all required.
Man must use his knowledge to create a better environment in harmony with nature if he is to realise his most significant potential in nature. This overriding objective of protecting and improving the human environment for present and future generations is being pursued simultaneously with the already stated core goals of peace and economic and social development in every country.
Adoption: United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, June 16, 1972. You can check the world environment day pictures for the same.
What is the importance of World Environment Day?

The goal of World Environment Day is to highlight all the changes in our natural environment that have impacted human existence on the planet. Because the Earth is our only home, it is critical to demonstrate to all generations, including children, teenagers, and adults, the importance of learning to utilise and care for our resources appropriately.
The United Nations intends to educate the global world about how fragile our mother earth's balance is and how, without it, human life and other animal species would be destined to extinction if we utilise her resources indiscriminately.
In a post-COVID world, how is the situation?

Following the coronavirus crisis, all impacted nations will gradually resume productive routines with additional learning gained by all societies due to the gigantic experiment that has brought businesses and economies to a halt all over the globe. Even though consumption habits have changed and emissions have decreased over this unusual era, halting the coronavirus pandemic will not be enough to stop global warming. Still, it will underscore the need to prioritise sustainability to ensure our species' existence.
What if we tell you...
- To maintain our current lifestyle, we need the equivalent of 1.6 Earths, and ecosystems can no longer keep up.
- The loss of habitat and other environmental factors have placed an estimated 1 million species in danger of extinction.
- Our lifestyles are responsible for 67% of greenhouse gas emissions. According to studies, changing our actions to be more sustainable will lower our emissions by 40-70 per cent by 2050.
Latest Global Updates on Combating Global Warming
- According to a report by the United Nations, the world lost over 10% of its forest cover between 1990 and 2020. (Source: United Nations, "Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020")
- The World Bank reports that India ranks third in the world for renewable energy production. (Source: World Bank, "Renewable Energy in India")
- A recent study by the Energy and Resources Institute shows that India has the potential to become a global leader in sustainable housing. (Source: Energy and Resources Institute, "Sustainable Housing in India")
World Environment Day Around the Globe: A Look at How We're Celebrating!
World Environment Day is a day of action and a call for individuals, communities, and governments around the world to come together to protect our planet. This day is observed on June 5th each year, with the purpose of raising awareness and encouraging action on pressing environmental issues. This year, the theme for World Environment Day is “Ecosystem Restoration”.
Here’s a look at how countries around the world are celebrating World Environment Day:
Did you know that World Environment Day has been celebrated for over four decades? It was first celebrated in 1974 and has since become one of the largest annual events for environmental activism. It's a day to reflect on the state of our planet, and to take action to protect it.
Here are some fun facts about World Environment Day:
- The first World Environment Day was celebrated in 1974
- June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day
- World Environment Day is observed in over 100 countries worldwide
- The theme for World Environment Day changes every year, with the purpose of raising awareness on specific environmental issues
World Environment Day: India's Role

Hind Swaraj, an introduction work by Mahatma Gandhi released in 1909, informed the world of today's challenges, like environmental damage and the danger to the biosphere. He inspired later conservationists to establish important initiatives to conserve the environment. These include the Chipko movement, which was led by Sunder Lal Bauguna and Chandi Prasad Bhatt, and the Narmada Bachao Andolan, which Baba Amte and Medha Patkar led.
Let us fast forward to now and look at the current environmental situation from India's standpoint.
Environmental Performance Index, 2018 (EPI), a biennial study by Columbia and Yale Universities and the World Economic Forum, puts India as one of the worst five countries in the world, down 36 marks from 2016.
Regarding air quality, India comes in at 178th place out of 180 countries, despite its poor environmental health ranking near the end of the list.
That it scored just 177 points out of 180 possible issues due to the country's lacklustre record on environmental health policies and high rates of air pollution-related mortality.
In India, mortality due to ultra-fine PM2.5 pollution has risen steadily over the last decade, to an estimated 1,640,113 deaths per year, according to the Environmental Protection Institute (EPI).
India's Significant Environmental Efforts

The Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change launched the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008 as India's first substantial step toward environmental protection. One of the campaign's primary objectives was to educate people, government entities, researchers, businesses, and communities about the consequences of global warming and the steps that may be taken to counteract it.
NAPCC's eight national missions represent a multi-faceted, protracted, and unified strategy for achieving crucial climate change goals. Principles such as these acted as a guide for us:
- The vulnerable and poor are protected through an inclusive and long-term development plan.
- National development is achieved via qualitative adjustments that improve ecological sustainability.
- Extensive and rapid deployment of relevant technology for adaptation and reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
Let us have a look at some of India's world environment day projects since 2014:
Namami Gange Program (Namami Gange)
Following his election as Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi established the Namami Gange Programme in June of that year, recognising the river Ganga's cultural and environmental value. The government of India has set aside Rs 20,000 crore to protect and revitalise the river. People living along the river's banks participated, assisting them in achieving sustainable lifestyles.
Green Skill Development Programme
The Green Skill Development Program was launched in June 2017 by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change to move aside from professional or vocational expertise. Environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability are the hallmarks of green talent. Adolescent foundation and forest sector management skills will be improved as a result.
Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act (CAMPA)
In 2016, the Indian government passed the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act (CAMPA). The same year created the National Compensatory Afforestation Fund and the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund. Any person or organisation attempting to utilise forest lands for non-forest purposes would be charged under this statute.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
This environmental initiative of the Modi government, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, is the most well-known. 'Pehle shauchalaya, phir devalaya' became a slogan when he ran for Prime Minister. It all began on October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, when volunteers across India began tidying the country's roads.
Photos of Modi cleaning the roads as he began the first cleanup campaign generated a lot of attention for a while. It's largely considered the most innovative country-specific environmental effort in the world at this point.
When Mahatma Gandhi celebrated his 150th birthday on October 2, 2019, the country declared itself "open-defecation free" (ODF) after constructing over 100 million toilets throughout rural India.
The International Solar Alliance (ISA)
On November 30, 2015, Prime Minister Modi held an event at Wembley Stadium to launch this project. "Son of the Sun" was a term he used to describe people who lived in sunny places, such as India. As co-chairs of the International Solar Alliance's (ISA) inaugural summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron were in New Delhi on March 11, 2018.
Seventy-nine organisations are a part of the International Solar Alliance, a non-profit. Internationally, it collaborates with governments to increase energy and safety levels while advocating using solar power as a viable alternative to carbon-based fuels.
The United Nations presented the Champion of the Earth Award to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, for their leadership in bringing the International Solar Alliance to a successful conclusion.
India's Cooling Action Plan 2019
On March 8, 2019, Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Harsh Vardhan launched the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP), the world's first such programme, at an event in New Delhi, marking a huge step forward in India's battle against its dismal environmental record. The India Cooling Action Plan aims to do the following:
By 2037-38, all industries will cut cooling refrigerant and energy use by 20% to 25%.
One hundred thousand service industry technicians would be trained and certified by 2023-24, in tandem with the Skill India Mission.
These initiatives will provide socio-economic advantages in addition to considerable environmental benefits, such as:
- Doubling farmers' income, improving cold chain infrastructure, increasing product value to farmers, and reducing waste.
- For improved living and environmental preservation, a skilled workforce is required. Domestic air-conditioning and associated cooling equipment are manufactured in India.
- R&D on alternate cooling technologies must be robust to spur cooling industry innovation.
India 2023: World Environment Day

PM Narendra Modi published the 'Report of the Expert Committee on Road Map for Ethanol Blending in India 2020-2025' on June 5 at an event commemorating World Environment Day.
What is it all about?
A master plan for the ethanol industry's growth was unveiled on World Environment Day. Ethanol has a favourable impact on the environment and farmers' lives. By 2025, it was intended to achieve a 20% Ethanol mix in gasoline. In the previous 6-7 years, India's renewable energy capacity has expanded by 250 per cent. India is among the top five countries for installed renewable energy capacity. In the previous six years, the power of solar energy has expanded by 15 times.
PM Modi said India has selected a path where "both economy and ecology can go together and ahead." "Whether via the International Solar Alliance, which is working to realise the goal of One Sun, One World, One Grid, or the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, India is pursuing a great global ambition."
At three sites in Pune, an ambitious E-100 pilot project for the manufacture and distribution of ethanol was also started throughout the nation. The Union ministry of petroleum and natural gas, in partnership with the ministry of environment, forest and climate change, digitally organised this event. The government is issuing the E-20 announcement, which will enable oil firms to sell 20% ethanol mixed gasoline beginning April 1, 2023, and BIS requirements for higher ethanol blends E12 and E15, in honour of World Environment Day. Every year on June 5, people around the globe commemorate World Environment Day to raise awareness about nature's value and encourage constructive environmental change.
Ecosystem restoration entails preventing, stopping and reversing the harm caused by exploiting nature to repair it. It also provides ways to aid in recovering ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed, as well as preserving ecosystems that have not been harmed. Restoration may take numerous forms, including deliberately planting or eliminating stresses so that nature can heal itself.
Indian Railways' Role
Indian railways are striving to become the world's most significant green railways. It's also on track to become a "net-zero carbon emitter" by 2030.
Establishing an effluent treatment plant and a wastewater treatment facility on the Western Railway has conserved fresh water by recycling and reusing it. The electrification of railways has been a priority for the South Eastern Railway. Rainwater conservation has been a priority for the North Western Railway. By 2030, the South Western Railway intends to achieve a Net Zero Carbon Emitter.
India is in the lead.
Meanwhile, under the overall goal of "Clean and Green," the Centre has issued some advice to states and union territories encouraging them to phase out single-use plastic and contribute to environmental improvement.
On the eve of World Environment Day, the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry announced that states and UTs instruct to undertake various actions to rid the nation of single-use plastic (SUP).
Making Your Home an Eco-Friendly Haven: NoBroker's Interior Design Services
While World Environment Day is a great opportunity to make a difference on a global scale, it's also important to consider the ways in which we can make a difference in our own homes. NoBroker's interior design services offer a range of eco-friendly options to make your home a haven for both you and the environment. From choosing energy-efficient appliances to incorporating sustainable building materials, NoBroker has you covered when it comes to creating a greener living space.
Keeping the world clean starts at home! Even a tiny step like planting a tree or switching to organic-based dairy products can significantly affect the environment. That is why, every year, world environment day is celebrated to get the message of sustainable development and lifestyles across all sections of society—looking for sustainable home and interior design ideas. NoBroker's housing and internal experts will be able to help you find the best solutions for the same. Give us a call today!

A-1 Every year, June 5 is designated as World Environment Day. 'Only One Earth' is the theme for this year. Celebrations are held to raise environmental awareness.
A-2 Every year UNEP celebrates world environment day on June 5.
A-3 The 1972 Stockholm Conference will observe its 51st anniversary in 2023. Sweden, the country that started it all, will serve as the event's host country this year.
A-4 This UN worldwide day brings together governments, corporations, civil society, schools, celebrities, and cities and communities worldwide to raise environmental awareness and celebrate environmental action in all its forms. When people support businesses and governments, they can help alter the world.
A-5 Gain knowledge about the environment, engage in conservation activities on Earth Day and find out how you can help in the future. Suppose you want to celebrate Earth Day at school. In that case, you can spend time outside, create new environmental initiatives, implement lesson plans that focus on the natural world, and engage in other earth-centred activities.
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