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Are Bonsai Plants Vastu Friendly?

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1 Answers

11 months


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After moving to my new rented house which had a balcony, I certainly wanted to add some plants, both outdoor and indoor. I had been searching for some Vastu-friendly plants when I came across the Bonsai plant. I wasn’t sure if they were Vastu-friendly or not. So, I asked my plant-lover friend are bonsai plant Vastu friendly or not. She gave me both perspectives on this.

Bonsai According to Vastu

She told me that on the one hand, Bonsai grows and flows with positive energy.

But Bonsai, with their stunted growth and pruned forms, seem to go against this principle. This perspective deems them inauspicious, potentially hindering your own growth and prosperity.

But, hold on! The story doesn't end there. Some argue that

Bonsai, meticulously cared for and nurtured, symbolizes resilience and the mastery of nature. This viewpoint sees them as powerful allies, bringing focus, determination, and even good luck to their owners.

Bonsai as per Vastu: The Verdict

Ultimately, the Vastu verdict on bonsai rests in our hands, or rather, our pots. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Placement

    : We should position our bonsai strategically and avoid bedrooms and entrances, where their energy might be disruptive. We should opt for bright areas with good ventilation, like living rooms or study areas, where their focus-enhancing vibes can shine.

  • Intention

    : Then I think we should approach our bonsai with love and care. See them as symbols of perseverance and cultivate positive energy around them. Remember, your thoughts and vibrations play a key role in Vastu harmony.

I am sure now you will be able to make a better decision about the bonsai plant Vastu.

Revamp your home look with Nobroker Renovation Service. Read More: Which bonsai plant is good for home?

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