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March 21, 2022
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How to Find Survey Number with Address in Tamil Nadu?

April 8, 2021


I recently needed to find the new survey number for a property I own in Tamil Nadu. I looked up for the process on how to find patta number using address on the internet


How to Change Name in Electricity Bill?

July 3, 2021


Last year my sister and her husband had purchased a new apartment in Maharashtra. However, they realized that the name on the electricity bill still reflected the previo


How to Change Mobile Number in BOB Bank Account Online?

September 9, 2022


If you have changed your mobile number or want to update your existing number associated with your Bank of Baroda account, you can do it easily through the bank's online


How to Write a Letter to Society for Renovation?

May 19, 2022


Hi there Sia, When I shifted from Pune to Bangalore with my wife and kids, the first thing I had to do after getting a flat was to get it renovated according to our needs. But taki


How to Download Mahavitaran Electricity Bill?

December 22, 2021


The public can use Mahavitaran to pay their bills online by going to the company's official website, MSEDCL. I generally pay my MSEDCL bill online, so I can tell you abo


1 बीघा में कितने बिस्वा होते हैं?

March 16, 2022


मेरे पैतृक संपत्ति का बटवारा अभी कुछ महीनो सालों ही हुआ है और मैं आपको बता दू की मई देहरादून का रहने वाला हूँ | दो महीने पहले, अपनी बेटी की शादी के लिए मुझे मेरे हिस्से की पैतृक ज़मीन को बेचना था


What to Keep in Wallet to Attract Money?

July 21, 2021


I strongly believe that Lakshmi or money comes to those people who know how to value and respect it. If you want to learn the best Vastu tips to increase money in your w


How to check ferfar online?

June 2, 2021


If you have finished the registration process for real estate bought in any region of Maharashtra, you must know that post-registration you will have to submit a propert


पिता की जमीन अपने नाम कैसे करें?

September 13, 2022


Mere pita ne 2012 mein Bangalore mein ek apartment kharida tha. Retire hone ke baad unhen salana pension aati hai. Aur ab mere pita gaon mein shift hona chahte hain aur


सीढ़ियों के नीचे क्या होना चाहिए?

July 12, 2022


अगर आप घर बना रहे हैं या घर खरीद रहे हैं तो सीढ़ियों की दिशा में सावधानी बरतना बेहद ज़रूरी है। वास्तु में सीढ़ी का उन्मुखीकरण महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह आपके घर में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा को बना या बिगाड़


सबसे अच्छा सीमेंट कौन सा है?

July 29, 2022


सीमेंट इमारतों, कार्यालयों और घरों के निर्माण के समय आवश्यक आवश्यक उत्पादों में से एक है। जब हम किसी चीज का निर्माण करते हैं, तो हम उसमें हम सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रयास करते हैं


गृह प्रवेश पूजा विधि

July 22, 2022


जब मैंने अपना घर खरीदा, तो मेरा परिवार बेसब्री से हमारे नए घर के पूरा होने और गृह प्रवेश के शुभ अवसर की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था। घर पूरा होने के बाद, हम पारंपरिक गृह प्रवेश


What is 1 RK?

July 12, 2021


To be very honest, I had no idea what a 1 RK room means until I moved to Bangalore for my job. When I started house hunting I came to know about the concept of 1RK and c


Where to place Kuber idol in house ?

January 12, 2022


One of the things that my father is known for is his unwavering belief in Vastu Shastra. One day, my father came across a beautiful Kuber idol and decided to bring it ho


How to Download Axis Bank Statement?

March 24, 2022


As we know, an Axis Bank bank statement is a summary of all the financial transactions of one's account which take place within a specific period of time. So, now the next question that comes to

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