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Home / Bhawesh Singh

Bhawesh Singh

Hi there. I have been working as a home inspector for the past 12 years and I am married to a Civil Engineering professor. I have a son who has been pursuing his engineering from Hyderabad.

July 13, 2022
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How to Approach Banks to Provide Space for Bank Branch?

October 11, 2021


I have been in the real estate business for quite a long time now and I know that the leasing industries for homes and companies are distinct from one another. For insta


मधुमक्खी का छत्ता घर में शुभ या अशुभ?

August 16, 2022


आपको ये पता होगा की मधुमक्खी फलों और सब्जियों के उत्पादन में काफी योगदान करते है, फिर भी उनकी संख्या घट रही है। मधुमक्खियां वसंत में घर में ढूंढ़ती हैं जहा वो यह मौसम निक


How to Renew ATM Card?

August 17, 2022


Are you wondering how to renew SBI debit card? Let me tell you that renewing an ATM card is a simple process that can be completed online through the official website of


How to Apply for EWS Certificate in Delhi?

September 6, 2021


Just as you can understand from the name, EWS certificate is a certificate that is issued to the people who belong to the economically weaker section of the society. But


What is Self Attested?

April 21, 2022


I first came to know about self attested meaning when I was filling my first bank exam application form. Thankfully, my father was guiding me throughout the process so he told me everything abou


How to Check Property Ownership in Bangalore Online?

June 8, 2021


If you have the money and other resources to acquire the land in your name, buying a piece of land can be a simple process, assuming no one else has acquired the land so


How to check electricity bill amount TNEB?

June 2, 2021


The Tamil Nadu electricity bill check online process is quite simple. You just need an internet connection and need to carefully fo


घर में काली चींटी आने से क्या होता है?

August 29, 2022


चींटियां छोटी और आम तौर पर हानिरहित होती हैं, लेकिन फिर भी वे किसी भी घर में अवांछित मेहमान हो सकती हैं। ये छोटे कीड़े अभी भी फर्श और रसोई काउंटरों पर रेंगते हुए देखे जा सकते हैं, भले ही आपने अप


How to find property tax bill number Chennai?

May 5, 2021


If you buy a property, the work doesn’t just end there. Post that, it is the responsibility of every property owner in India to pay a sum of money known as property tax


सर्वे नंबर कैसे निकाले?

July 19, 2022


सर्वे नंबर की जानकारीहोना आज के समय में आवश्यक है। मैं अपने दोस्त का बहुत आभारी हूँ की उसने मुझे ज़मीन खरीदने के पहले सर्वे नंबर के बारे में सबकुछ बताया और ये बताया की मैं सर्वे नंबर का इस्तेमाल


How Many Floors are Allowed in Delhi?

November 3, 2021


I am renovating my home. I want to know is the 6th floor allowed in Delhi 2023?


How to Check Balance in Vi?

October 6, 2022


My sister bought a new Vi sim for my mother last year. She set up the entire sim for my mother for her ease. So eventually as the balance of her sim got finished, she ca


How to convert DKT land to register?

September 1, 2021


I really love it when the government does things to empower the poor and oppressed. Even if it is the smallest thing that one can imagine. I recently came to know about


Why is the Tertiary Sector Becoming so Important in India?

May 27, 2022


Let me tell you what I know about why is tertiary sector becoming more important in India.


घर में शिवलिंग क्यों नहीं रखना चाहिए?

August 24, 2022


मैं खुद को शिव का बहुत बड़ा भक्त मानता हूँ। एक शिवलिंग हिंदू भगवान शिव का प्रतीक है। भारतीय संस्कृति में, शिव लिंग को स्रोत, ऊर्जा, आध्यात्मिकता और क्षमता माना जाता है। श

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