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Home / Jagat Nawal

Jagat Nawal

May 20, 2024
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What is the Cost to Remodel a Kitchen?

August 9, 2022


A few weeks back, I got my kitchen remodelled, but before doing that, I planned to look up how much does it cost to remodel a kitchen. I learned that the pr


What is the Cost to Remodel a Kitchen?

August 9, 2022


I wanted to get my kitchen remodelled, but I was quite worried about the cost. I remembered that my best friend had recently renovated his kitchen. I called him and aske


How Much Floor Space for Stairs in India?

October 24, 2021


As I was planning to get my house constructed, I got in touch with an architect for the design of the house. I told him about my requirements, and after


How Much Does it Cost to Build a Swimming Pool?

August 9, 2022


There was ample space in my backyard and my wife was asking me to build a swimming pool there. Since she was asking so much, I decided to build one. I co


How to verify DC conversion?

November 11, 2021


I applied for DC conversion of my agricultural land. I sent the application last month, but I didn’t know about its status. I got in touch with a friend of mine, who is


How To Find Sun Direct Smart Card Number?

September 20, 2022


I was facing some issues with my Sun Direct Set-top box, and to resolve the issue, I called customer support. The support staff asked for the Sun Direct smart card numbe


Asian Paints vs Berger Paints which is Better?

June 16, 2023


It can be really challenging when choosing between Asian Paints and Berger Paints. I was in the same dilemma when I was trying to get my house painted. To choose among b


How much area does 20 litres of paint cover?

May 17, 2023


The other day, after visiting the market to purchase some paint, I ended up buying 20 liters of paint. Now, I didn't know what to do with that, and thus I asked my paint


How to Calculate Price for a Resale Flat

December 17, 2021


Hi, I was trying to sell my proeprty but before doing that, I wanted to learn about its resale value. I called a friend and asked him how to calculate resale value of fl


How to Download Mahanagar Gas Bill?

June 6, 2024


Hi, I recently bought a flat in Mumbai and learned that my piped gas provider is Mahanagar Gas. For some reason. I needed the gas bill but didn’t know where to get it fr


How Much Home Loan Can I Get on 40000 Salary?

May 5, 2021


When I was planning to take out a home loan on my salary of Rs. 40,000, I called my Banker friend. I asked him how much home loan can I get on 40 000 salary. He told me


What is the Home Loan Rate of Interest in Post Office?

June 12, 2023


Quite recently, while I was having a discussion with my father, he told me that India Post Payment Bank will be offering home loans to more than 4.5 crore customers. Thi


How to Remove Scratches from Tiles?

March 8, 2022


My son loves playing with plastic bottles, and one of his favourite pastimes is banging the bottle on the floor. While he was doing that a few days back, I noticed a few


How big is 900 square feet house?

March 20, 2023


If you don’t have much measurement knowledge, it could be hard to understand how big is 900 square feet apartment. As per my understanding, a 900-square-


Which AC is Better Godrej vs Voltas?

February 8, 2024


Hi, if you are trying to learn about Godrej AC vs Voltas AC, then I can assist you with that. I have two ACs in my house; one of them is from Godrej, and

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