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Home / Kunal Kashyap

Kunal Kashyap

I just completed my CA and I work as an auditor at an MNC. I love to explore about real estate properties.

July 12, 2022
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1 बीघा में कितने स्क्वायर फिट होते हैं?

March 16, 2022


आपको ये पता ही होगा की बीघा वर्ग फुट, वर्ग गज, गज और कई अन्य के साथ भारत में उपयोग की जाने वाली सामान्य मानक माप इकाइयों में से एक है। हालांकि "बीघा" शब्द का प्रयोग अक्स


How to Find House Number in Village?

February 23, 2021


I know that it can be difficult to find house numbers. I have often had to ask locals for help finding house numbers, even though I am familiar with my village. I have a


Where is CIF Number in Central Bank Passbook?

July 10, 2023


If you have a bank account with the Central Bank of India you must already be aware of the CIF Number displayed on the Central Bank Passbook. But even if you don’t know,


नाम से बिजली बिल कैसे निकाले ?

August 21, 2022


बहुत पहले, बिजली बिल भुगतान एक वास्तविक परेशानी थी। बिलों का भुगतान करने के लिए हम अपने शहर/गाँव के बिजली विभाग में जाना पड़ता था। फिर, हमे लंबी कतारों में इंतजार करना प


How to check ferfar online?

June 2, 2021


Checking ferfar online is a very easy process. This can be done if you know the process of digitally signing online ferfar download. You can quickly obtain digitally signed ferfar if you've purc


What is ACH Charges in SBI?

September 15, 2022


The financial transfers that are made in an electronic format are mandated by ACH or Automated Clearing House. The transfers are usually taken forward through the ACH ne


एग्रीमेंट कितने दिन का होता है?

November 10, 2022


इकरारनामा की वैधता कितनी होती है? जहाँ तक इस बारे में मैं जानता हूँ, आमतौर पर, एक इकरारनामा की वैधता अवधि तीन साल होती है। यदि समझौते में बताई गई शर्तें पूरी नहीं होती हैं, तो इसकी वै


How to find property account number Mumbai?

March 17, 2021


You must already know that a person who owns property in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region must pay MCGM property tax (MMR). The state government of Mumbai determines prope


कौन सा कछुआ पालना चाहिए?

August 26, 2022


आपने भी ये देखा होगा की पिछले कुछ वर्षों में, कलात्मक कछुए के आकार के उत्पाद तेजी से चलन में आए हैं। जब हम अपने घर में कछुआ रखते हैं तो यह खुशियां देता है और वास्तु में


What is difference between NPS CRA and NPS Swavalamban ?

August 23, 2022


As far as I know, the primary function of NPS CRA is to maintain and manage the NPS accounts across different sectors. Whereas the primary function of NPS Swavalamban is


How to check society registration number?

June 4, 2021


I came to know about this when I started living in a co-operative housing society that every cooperative society should be registered in accordance with the relevant Sta


What happens when crow comes inside house?

January 10, 2022


A few days ago, when I went to my sister’s place with my parents, a crow flew into her house and then left through the back door of her house. My sister got a little sca


What is the Standard Size of Wardrobe?

July 29, 2022


I think my wardrobe was one place in my house where I always had a space crunch. That is when I decided to get a new wardrobe. I consulted a known carpenter about the st


हरियाणा में जमीन रजिस्ट्री कब खुलेगी?

January 30, 2023


अगर आप हरयाणा में संपत्ति की लेन देन में शामिल होने वाले हैं तो मैं आपको बता दूँ की संपत्ति के कानूनी स्वामित्व को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हरियाणा में संपत्ति पंजीकरण अनिव


How Much Does it Cost to Build a Swimming Pool?

August 9, 2022


I always wanted to build a swimming pool in my house. My friend lives in a society which has its own swimming pool. I drew my inspiration from there. But I wanted to get

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