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Home / Ravinder Singh

Ravinder Singh

July 4, 2022
user Female

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Does a tenant have to paint when they move out?

January 7, 2022


I came to know about the painting charges clause in rental agreement when I first rented an apartment in Bengaluru. When I read my rental agreement, I came across a clau


How to Deactivate Auto Debit in ICICI Credit Card?

August 12, 2022


I used to think that one of the nicest features that any bank offers is an auto debit or autopay option. By enabling the autopay function, we can avoid paying bank fees and interest for failing


भारत गैस बुकिंग नंबर?

August 31, 2023


जब मुझे ये पता चला था की मेरे जैसे भारत गैस के उपभोक्ता अपने घर पर नई एलपीजी गैस बुक कर सकते हैं, तो मुझे बहुत ख़ुशी हुई थी। मिस्ड कॉल, एसएमएस, ऑनलाइन सुविधा का उपयोग करक


वास्तु के अनुसार अलमारी किस दिशा में रखनी चाहिए?

September 1, 2022


वास्तु शास्त्र हमें आशावादी, सफल, संतुष्ट और हर्षित होने के लिए सर्वोत्तम दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करता है। वास्तु मानदंडों और प्रतिबंधों का ठीक से पालन करने के बाद मुठभेड़ विविध और बेहद सकारात्मक हैं। आपको व


How Much Does it Cost for Electrical Wiring ?

February 14, 2022


Nowadays, electrical wiring is typically installed using concealed wiring, which conceals the wiring beneath the plaster. Under the flooring and inside the walls is hidd


How to find the house number of an address?

August 31, 2021


Finding a house number can seem easy but can also be confusing at times. Moreover, it is very crucial for everyone to understand how to know house number online. Let me


APBS Credit Kya Hai?

May 29, 2023


APBS full form in Hindi hota hai Aadhaar Payment Bridge System. Credit ek aisa shabd hai jo Aadhaar credentials ka upyog karke laabharthiyon ke bank khaaton mein dhan ja


How to Get Rid of Insects Attracted to Light?

October 11, 2021


As kids it was entertaining to watch the moths, flies, and other flying creatures dance around the light. But as I matured, the same insect dance that surrounded the gli


1 बोरी सीमेंट में कितनी ईंटें लगती है ?

September 28, 2022


हम सब ने ईंट और सीमेंट से घर बनते देखा है। हमे ये पता है की सीमेंट की सहायता से कई परतों में ईंटों को व्यवस्थित रूप से बिछाने को ईंटवर्क के रूप में जाना जाता है। ईंट के


How to get e stamp paper in Delhi?

August 17, 2021


After moving to Delhi in 2014, last year my sister decided to invest in real estate. She researched a lot about it and came to know that she needed an e-Stamp paper for


What is Premises No Name?

May 17, 2023


Premises no name meaning refers to a building or a property that does not have an assigned name or address. Such properties are usually located in newly developed areas,


How to calculate pre EMI?

March 4, 2022


As far as I know, pre-EMI is the interest that you pay on the disbursed amount of your home loan before the construction of your property is complete. If you are wonderi


What is Consumer No in Electricity Bill?

April 4, 2022


You can run into a number of unfamiliar terminologies when you read through your electricity bill. This happened to me when I saw my electricity bill for the first time.


How to Update KYC Online in SBI Credit Card?

October 21, 2022


Updating KYC for a credit card is not only a useful method for the banks to track any kind of transaction but it is also important from the customer point of view. If we


How to Find NCP Days in PF?

November 25, 2022


A few months ago I wanted to know how to find my NCP days in EPFO so that I can track my contributions and ensure that I am getting the benefits that I am entitled to. T

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