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Home / Rohan G

Rohan G

April 4, 2022
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How Much Does One Unit of Electricity Cost in Maharashtra?

January 6, 2023


Just a week ago, I read a news article which said that the per unit cost of electricity in Mumbai has increased by an average of 7.50%. I was quite concerned after this news because Mumbai's high temp


What is Grade of Concrete?

May 10, 2022


If you are looking for the ideal concrete ratio for residential or business development purposes, you must know about the different grades of concrete. I regret not know


How to Apply Legal Heir Certificate Online in Tamil Nadu?

April 23, 2021


The legal heir certificate is a legal document that gives a person the right to take over the deceased person’s possessions. You can download this certificate via both o


1.5 टन एक घंटे में एसी बिजली की खपत कितनी है?

February 22, 2023


सच बताऊँ तो मैं उपकरणों की वाट क्षमता या दर का पता लगाने में बहुत खराब हूं, लेकिन पिछले महीने जब हम अपने घर के लिए एक नया एयर कंडीशनर लेने गए, तो दुकानदार ने विस्तार से


What is Consolidated Charges in Axis Bank?

April 8, 2022


Based on the kind of savings account you have with the bank or for any additional services or products you have chosen from the bank, the bank may levy a variety of appropriate fees which you ma


घर बाहरी दीवारों के लिए वास्तु रंग कौन सा होना चाहिए?

August 25, 2022


मेरा मानना है की वास्तु में रंग महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। घर में दिशा की तरह ही वास्तु के अनुसार रंग का चुनाव हमारे घर में आने वाली सभी नकारात्मकता को रोक सकता है। मै


Can Gift Deed be Challenged in Court?

July 8, 2021


I first came to know about gift deed property when my grandfather gifted his property to my father. I was very fascinated by this term, so I did my own research to understand all about it. I wil


How to Verify RERA Number?

December 27, 2021


RERA has been a boon for buyers and investors in the real estate market. It has saved so many buyers from investing in fraudulent or unauthorised properties. India's fir


How Can I Get a Duplicate Land Tax Receipt in Kerala?

June 20, 2023


My uncle lives in Kerala,  and he wanted to know the Kerala land tax receipt download steps. He called me up for help, so I did some digging on the internet. I found an


How to Add My House in Google Maps?

July 6, 2022


Hi, I think we have all tried to locate our home through the satellite view of google maps and continuously zooming in until we found our homes. And then wondered how to add my h


What is GPA in property?

June 10, 2021


Hi there, I came to know about the concept of GPA when a friend of mine told me about one of his properties which his father had given to a builder and gave him the GPA, and then


What is deemed to be let out property?

July 5, 2021


As far as I have researched about deemed let out property meaning, I can tell you that according to the Income Tax Act of 1961 Section 23(1) (A), if a person owns multiple properties, and uses any one


How to Apply FMB Sketch Online in Tamil Nadu?

September 2, 2021


Hi Chandra, FMB sketch or Field Measurement Book sketch can be a confusing topic for many. At least it was for me until I was in need of it and I realised I had no i


How to find property UID number?

December 24, 2021


Hi there, A building UID number is a crucial number or ID which was of great help to me personally. I had been on the lookout for a good property in the Whitefield area of Bangal


How to Get Link Documents for Property in Andhra pradesh?

March 23, 2022


Before getting into any real estate transaction, we must ensure that every property is verified and registered. In Andhra Pradesh, it is required to link documents of a

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