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How to pay home loan EMI through credit card?
December 28, 2021
I remember that I too asked the same question ‘Can we pay home loan EMI through credit card?’, to my lawyer a few months back. He told me that it is generally not possib
बिजली का बिल गलत आने पर क्या करें?
June 28, 2023
अतिरिक्त बिजली बिल आज कल एक गंभीर मुद्दा है जो हम जैसे उपभोक्ताओं को बुरी तरह प्रभावित करता है। कभी-कभी उपभोक्ताओं को कम बिजली उपयोग के बावजूद अधिक बिजली बिल आते हैं। ऐस
मंदिर का मुख किस दिशा में होना चाहिए?
July 19, 2022
हालांकि मैं कोई विशेषज्ञ नहीं हूँ, पर मैं ये जानती हु की वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार, पूजा मंदिर आदर्श रूप से घर के उत्तर-पूर्व कोने में स्थित होना चाहिए, जिसमें देवताओं का मुख दक्षिण-पश्चिम की ओर
Bank of Baroda ATM withdrawal limit?
August 23, 2022
For me Bank of Baroda is the most trusted banking institution. I have never faced any problem with their services. Touch wood! ;)
सीढ़ियों का वास्तु दोष कैसे दूर करें?
September 22, 2022
मेरा मानना है की सीढ़ियाँ केवल एक आवश्यकता ही नहीं बल्कि हर इमारत का एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक होती हैं। ये घर को खूबसूरत भी बनाते हैं। आज कल लकड़ी की समकालीन सीढ़ियाँ काफी लोक्रपिया हो रही हैं क्युकी य
How is property tax calculated in Thane?
September 3, 2020
If you live in Thane, you must already know that the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) collects property taxes from Thane's property owners. This governmental body is in
मीटर रीडिंग कैसे चेक करें?
June 28, 2023
पिछले महीने, हमें अपना बिजली बिल मिला, जिसकी राशि रु24000 था। बैंगलोर में सिर्फ एक महीने के लिए इतना बिजली का बिल बहुत ज़्यादा था। 1 बीएचके अपार्टमेंट में यह कैसे संभव हो
How to Check CanFin Home Loan Balance?
May 22, 2023
The online method of CanFin home loan statement download has been explained by Mr. Amish and Miss. Anandi in his response. It is a straightforward method and I usually follow the steps Miss Anandi has
घर में भगवान की मूर्ति रखने के नियम?
September 2, 2022
हिंदू परंपरा में, जब हम एक नए घर में जाते हैं तो हम एक पूजा कक्ष बनाते हैं। पूजा कक्ष वास्तव में हमारे घरों का एक अनिवार्य घटक हैं। लोग अपनी समझ और अपनी मान्यताओं के अनुसार अपने पूजा कक्षों को स
क्या रजिस्टर्ड वसीयत टूट सकती है?
September 13, 2023
एक वकील होने के नाते मैं आपको बता सकती हूँ की वसीयत एक कानूनी साधन है जिसके माध्यम से वसीयतकर्ता (वह व्यक्ति जो वसीयत कर रहा है) अपने निधन पर अपनी संपत्ति के हस्तांतरण क
I wanted to know if anyone has tried NoBroker home cleaning services? In kitchen cleaning, do they take out all the kitchen items and clean the shelves? I am looking for a company will do that and clean the electric chimney.
August 24, 2020
Through my NoBroker cleaning reviews, I would like to mention that NoBroker provides excellent cleaning service. I had never employed cleaners before in Mumbai, and I can say that I was quite impresse
How to Check HDFC Forex Card Balance?
September 6, 2022
What I have realised over the years of travelling outside India for work as well as for family and solo trips is that when travelling outside of India, having a forex card is very beneficial bec
सबसे कम बिजली खाने वाला एसी?
February 26, 2023
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, भारत में बिजली की कीमतें बढ़ रही हैं। इसलिए, एक ऐसा एसी खरीदना जो कम बिजली खाता हो, एक अच्छा विचार है। sabse kam watt ka AC एक इन्वर्टर एसी है। इन्
How to Download Home Loan Interest Certificate From ICICI Bank?
April 3, 2023
The process of how to get home loan interest certificate from ICICI bank is really simple. I will tell you how to download it and get all the information about the inter
What are the reviews of Aapka Painter Painting Services?
October 20, 2022
I opted for Aapka Painters service in Bangalore and really bad painting services were provided to us. From what I know, painting on flat walls is not really an issue. The corners and tight spaces are the areas
What is the Leo Packers and Movers Review?
March 12, 2023
When my sister needed to move within the state, we used Leo Packer and Mover services. Their price was really good when compared to other companies, but their customer service is appalling. They don't seem to c
How to Check CanFin Home Loan Balance?
May 22, 2023
The online method of CanFin home loan statement download has been explained by Mr. Amish and Miss. Anandi in his response. It is a straightforward method and I usually follow the steps Miss Anandi has explained
How to Download Home Loan Interest Certificate From ICICI Bank?
April 3, 2023
The process of how to get home loan interest certificate from ICICI bank is really simple. I will tell you how to download it and get all the information about the interest that y
What is Packers and Movers Delhi to Bangalore Cost?
January 24, 2024
Finding a reliable Packers and Movers firm that offers a cheap price, is a difficult task. I checked out many packers and movers to know the packers and movers Delhi to Bangalore
घर में धन की प्राप्ति कैसे होती है?
June 21, 2022
हम सब चाहते हैं की हमारे घर में हमेशा धन की बरकत रहे। यह विचार ले कर मैं एक विशिष्ट पंडित जी के पास गयी थी। उन्होंने मुझे बताया था की इसके लिए मुझे घर में धन प्राप्ति के उपाय करने
What is the Cost of Flooring Per Square Foot in Bangalore?
November 10, 2023
There is one thing I would like to tell you before I tell you about wooden flooring cost. That is if you are planning to install new flooring, it is important to get quotes from m
What is the rent of a 2BHK flat in Dwaraka?
November 21, 2020
Renting a 2 BHK flat in Dwarka without a broker can be a cost-effective and hassle-free process. And there can be no better platform for finding a house on rent without a broker t
What is My Personal Loan Eligibility?
October 31, 2023
Hi, To know your personal loan eligibility, you need to check your personal loan eligibility. For that, you can use a personal loan eligib
How to Paint Vinyl Floors to Look Like Wood?
October 25, 2023
I know how beautiful wood look vinyl plank flooring looks on the floors. But I also know that mimicking the warmth and elegance of wood on your vinyl floors requires careful prepa
Which Pipe is Best for Borewell?
May 4, 2022
The choice of the best pipe for borewell becomes paramount when you have to dig a borewell. In my locality borewells play a crucial role in water supply, so I knew when I had to g
Which colour is best for home?
May 7, 2021
The answer to the question ‘which colour is best for house’, India depends on a number of factors, including the size and layout of your home, the amount of natural light it recei
सबसे कम बिजली खाने वाला एसी?
February 26, 2023
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, भारत में बिजली की कीमतें बढ़ रही हैं। इसलिए, एक ऐसा एसी खरीदना जो कम बिजली खाता हो, एक अच्छा विचार है। sabse kam watt ka AC एक इन्वर्टर एसी है। इन्वर्टर एसी
How to pay home loan EMI through credit card?
December 28, 2021
I remember that I too asked the same question ‘Can we pay home loan EMI through credit card?’, to my lawyer a few months back. He told me that it is generally not possible to pay
क्या रजिस्टर्ड वसीयत टूट सकती है?
September 13, 2023
एक वकील होने के नाते मैं आपको बता सकती हूँ की वसीयत एक कानूनी साधन है जिसके माध्यम से वसीयतकर्ता (वह व्यक्ति जो वसीयत कर रहा है) अपने निधन पर अपनी संपत्ति के हस्तांतरण के बारे में
I wanted to know if anyone has tried NoBroker home cleaning services? In kitchen cleaning, do they take out all the kitchen items and clean the shelves? I am looking for a company will do that and clean the electric chimney.
August 24, 2020
Through my NoBroker cleaning reviews, I would like to mention that NoBroker provides excellent cleaning service. I had never employed cleaners before in Mumbai, and I can say that I was quite impressed with the lev
How to Calculate Indexation on Property?
September 15, 2021
I know that indexation is the process of accounting for inflation in the acquisition cost of an asset. Indexation helps a taxpayer to account for how inflation will affe