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Home / Varsha Tiwary

Varsha Tiwary

I am a research writer, a mother of two and a wife of a lawyer. As a part of my job I do a lot of research writing on real estate related topics.

July 13, 2022
user Female

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Which Direction Should God Face in Home?

April 29, 2021


I have always believed that the placement of idols, or pictures of gods or goddesses, in a pooja room affects the flow of energy in the area. Since the god direction as per Vastu has a direct impact o


How to Check PAN Card Address?

June 30, 2023


I know how important it is to keep your PAN card address updated. This is because your PAN card is an important document that is used for various financial transactions.


What to Keep in South East Corner of House?

January 10, 2022


According to Vastu shastra, Lord Shukra, also known as the fire deity, is said to reside at the south-east corner of a dwelling. Therefore, playing around in this area o


How to Download Driving License?

April 5, 2022


The driver's licence is a significant document that needs to be carried with you at all times. Or at least that is what I believe in. I always try to carry my driving li


रसोई घर का दरवाजा किस दिशा में होना चाहिए?

July 19, 2022


घर के हर कोने की तरह हम ये चाहते हैं की हमारा नया किचन भी वास्तु के नियमो के अनुसार बने. पर मेरी जानकारी इन चीज़ो में हमेशा से ज़रा कमज़ोर रही है इसलिए मैंने अपने घर के पंडित जी से मदत लेने का विचा


Which colour is best for pooja room as per Vastu?

April 29, 2021


After buying my first home, I wished to make a sacred space in my home, so I was looking for puja room colour as per Vastu. I sought guidance from a family priest to ens


How to Convert NPA Account to a Normal Account?

September 21, 2021


I am glad people are asking questions like ‘how to convert NPA account to normal account?’. I recently read an article in this regards, so, I can help you with your ques


How to Generate IPIN for NPS Account ?

August 29, 2022


A few days ago my sister opened an eNPS account. She got her PRAN number and PRAN card. She came up to me saying that she wanted to track her contributions and check how


What are the Documents Required for Khata Transfer?

March 16, 2022


I bought a property in Bangalore a couple of years ago and khata transfer was a challenge for me. It took me some time to understand the documents for khata transfer. Le


How Family Pension is to be Calculated?

August 12, 2022


What I have understood over the years is that family pension is a huge perk for the family members of a retired government employee. My father is also a retired government employee and we have b


What is Residential Building?

November 9, 2021


If you ask me what are residential buildings, I would simply say that a residential building is a building that is used for housing. It can be a single-family home, a mu


पति पत्नी को किस दिशा में सोना चाहिए?

October 14, 2022


मैंने अपने माँ बाप को देख कर यही समझा है की हर सफल रिश्ता आपसी प्यार, देखभाल और सम्मान के स्तंभों पर बना होता है। पर सही वास्तु का पालन इस रिश्ते को और मज़बूत बनता है। बेडरूम के लिए कुछ उपयोगी वास्तु स


What size window should be over kitchen sink?

July 1, 2022


I know that when we are building our dream home, we want everything to be perfect including the doors and windows. While building my home, I have also bugged my contract


केले का पेड़ कहां लगाना चाहिए?

August 25, 2022


भारतीय परंपराओं और वास्तु शास्त्र में केले के पेड़ का विशेष महत्व है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि इसका भगवान विष्णु से गहरा संबंध है। जो व्यक्ति केले के पेड़ के महत्व की सराहना करता है और उसकी लगातार पू


What are Car Transport Charges From Delhi to Bangalore?

March 6, 2024


I had to shift with my colleagues to Bangalore for my job. So, I needed to know the car transport charges from Delhi to Bangalore. When I checked online, I got to know that I could be charged somewher

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