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Can I get PG for one month?
April 13, 2023
I used to believe that the majority of the city's Paying Guest (PG) lodgings preferred stays of six months or more. But when I moved to Bangalore for my first job last m
How to Clean Microwave with Lemon?
February 28, 2022
Recently, when I researched how to clean microwave with lemon, I stumbled into a fantastic YouTube trick. All I had to do was get the bowl ready by using some lemony wat
Which Tenure is Best for Home Loan?
January 31, 2024
The best tenure for home loan is the first thing that immediately comes to my mind before taking out a mortgage. My friend, who works in a bank, told me that choosing
How to Clean Microwave with Lemon?
February 28, 2022
Recently, when I researched how to clean microwave with lemon, I stumbled into a fantastic YouTube trick. All I had to do was get the bowl ready by using some lemony water to rins
Which Tenure is Best for Home Loan?
January 31, 2024
The best tenure for home loan is the first thing that immediately comes to my mind before taking out a mortgage. My friend, who works in a bank, told me that choosing an approp
What is Processing Cycle in Electricity Bill?
December 29, 2021
In the context of an MSEB power bill, the processing electric bill cycle is essentially a term used for official purposes. It implies a group of bills that will be processed simul
Can I get PG for one month?
April 13, 2023
I used to believe that the majority of the city's Paying Guest (PG) lodgings preferred stays of six months or more. But when I moved to Bangalore for my first job last month, I di
What is Processing Cycle in Electricity Bill?
December 29, 2021
In the context of an MSEB power bill, the processing electric bill cycle is essentially a term used for official purposes. It implies a group of bills that will be proce
Electricity Bill