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Can AC Blast?

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How can regular maintenance routines impact the longevity and efficiency of an air conditioning unit, potentially reducing the risk of AC blasts?
2 2024-06-17T15:09:32+00:00

Last year, while reading a newspaper I read a news article about an incident that occurred in the Karnataka district of Vijayanagara, where an air conditioner exploded and caused a fire that killed four. This incident impacted me a lot, as there are 2 AC units in my home. I started researching “Why AC blast?” I can share a few reasons here to educate others about the importance of AC maintenance.

What are the Reason for AC Blast?

  • Overheating: The AC unit may overheat due to excessive use or clogged vents.

  • Improper Wiring: Electrical connections that are faulty or broken can cause explosions and short circuits.

  • Refrigerant leaks: There is a risk of explosion because leaking refrigerant is extremely combustible.

  • Poor Maintenance: When components are neglected, there is a higher chance of explosions and malfunctions.

  • Erroneous Installation: Unsafe operational situations may arise from an incorrect installation.

  • Blocked Airflow: Blockages in the airflow or clogged filters can result in pressure buildup and possible explosions.

What are the Symptoms of AC Blast?

Here are five signs that point to a possible AC blast:

  • Burning Smell: Identifying the AC unit's burning smell.

  • Sparks or Smoke: The air conditioner is emitting visible sparks or smoke.

  • Loud Noises: Strange noises, like popping, pounding, or hissing.

  • Frequent Tripping: The circuit breaker trips frequently when the air conditioner is running.

  • Overheating: It feels abnormally hot near the air conditioner or in the vicinity.

I hope these points will help you understand why does AC blast. 

I’d also like to say that although there are significant safety dangers associated with AC blasts, they can be avoided with routine maintenance, correct installation, and prompt repairs. Important actions include making sure the filters are clean, looking for refrigerant leaks, and examining the electrical connections. Now that you know why AC blast, make routine maintenance of your AC system a priority to maintain it safe and effective and safeguard your family and property.

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1 2024-04-02T18:48:23+00:00

Last year, when my air conditioner (AC) suddenly stopped I was worried that my AC could burst. So, I called my buddy, an AC technician, and asked him over the phone if can AC blast. He replied that ACs can blow up, but this is not often. Read on to get the several reasons that can cause an AC to explode. 

AC Blast Reasons

My friend said that most often, serious internal issues that are left unattended for a long time cause ACs to blast. He informed me of the following reasons why an air conditioner can blast:

  • Electrical Faults

He said that combustible acid accumulation may be brought on by faulty electrical parts. Due to this, refrigerant lines have the potential to burn after a fire starts, leading to a disastrous AC explosion.

  • Low Refrigerant

Air conditioners use refrigerant to remove heat from the air and cool it before circulating it. According to my buddy, an AC unit may overheat and burst if the refrigerant level is too low.

  • Low Lubricant Levels

He also informed me that lubricant oil is necessary for air conditioners to function properly. However, fires will result from friction between the motor and compressor. Moreover, if there is even a small spark between them, it could cause an AC explosion.

  • Dirt

The presence of dirt on the air conditioner may stop its proper operation. This results in AC compressor explosions.

These are the major reasons for AC blast that my buddy informed me of. 

Safety Tips to Prevent an AC Explosion

The following are some safety suggestions informed by my friend while operating an AC:

  • You should never put the AC wire near heated surfaces.

  • Instead of using aluminum wire, you must use copper wire and avoid using wire joints.

  • Plan routine inspections and maintenance to keep your equipment in good operating order.

I hope this helps you get an idea of why AC compressor blast.

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