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Can Ancestral Property be Willed?

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Some of my clients usually ask this question: Can ancestral property be willed? In India, ancestral property typically cannot be willed away by the head of the family, as it is jointly owned by all descendants through four generations of the male lineage. 

Can Ancestral Property be Given in Will?

Ancestral property is co-owned by all coparceners (male descendants) of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). This includes sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons. Each coparcener has an equal share in the ancestral property from the moment of their birth. The Karta (head of the HUF) or any other member cannot have exclusive rights to the ancestral property and, therefore, cannot will it away to someone else.


  • An ancestral property can be divided among the coparceners. Once partitioned, the shares become self-acquired property of the respective coparceners, and they can will their share as they wish.

  • In some cases, if all coparceners mutually agree, they can transfer their rights to a specific member through a family settlement.

To summarise, ancestral property cannot generally be willed away by one individual, as it belongs to the entire family lineage. Only self-acquired property can be disposed of through a will.

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How to execute a will in India?


1 2023-07-21T17:07:47+00:00

Can mother make a will on ancestral property? To know the answer to this question, it is crucial to understand what inheritance means. In the Indian real estate market, the concept of property inheritance is popular. The heirs typically inherit both moveable and immovable property from the forebears. The terms and conditions of inheritance are governed by a number of laws and norms in Indian law. 'Can inherited property be willed in India?' is one of the most commonly asked queries. In my response, I'll talk about it for you.

Can will be made for ancestral property?

According to Hindu law, a will is not necessary when giving property to a legitimate successor. Legal heirs have the right to file a lawsuit in court to enforce their claims to their inheritance. The patriarch of the family divides the inherited property into pieces and leaves it as part of his gift.

My understanding is that an inherited asset cannot be willed; if it is, it will cease to be an inherited asset.

Hindu law states that a person who inherits property from his ancestors is not permitted to leave the property to a third party through a will since the property belongs to all subsequent generations equally. It is entirely permissible for someone to establish a will for the property they have purchased on their own. According to the conditions outlined in the Indian Succession Act, the laws are applied differently in cases involving Christians, Parsis, and other groups.

Here is a brief overview of the complete procedure for will deed of ancestral property if you're interested in learning how to write a will.

  • Declare that the will was formed consciously and without outside pressure. Also, include your information in the will.

  • List each item, along with its cost and other information.

  • Identify the people who will receive your assets following your death.

  • Make sure to carefully note all the provisions.

  • Mention the name of the executor

  • Put all the criteria in writing.

  • Sign the will, then get it notarized and recorded.

I hope now you have an answer to

can mother make a will on ancestral property.

Legal peace of mind made easy with NoBroker. Read More: Difference Between Self-Acquired Property And Ancestral Property? Can wife claim husband's ancestral property in India? Can Ancestral Property be Gifted or Not? 
1 2023-01-23T12:44:16+00:00

Most Indian households experience scuffles about the property, especially ancestral property. I have gone through legal blogs and books looking for the will of ancestral property judgements. Ancestral property is undivided and shared by four generations of a single family.I will share my learnings in the paragraph below. 

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Invest in properties at affordable rates with NoBroker here. Can ancestral property be willed in India?

There have been cases where property owners have created a will for an ancestral property. The question of its legality remains. All properties, movable or immovable, ancestral or self-acquired, tangible or intangible have different rules and regulations about their gifting, division and inheritance. 


The Will of ancestral property under Hindu law (The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005) is not valid. When the ancestral property is divided and the coparcener acquires his share, he can create a will and bequest it. If the will is made before acquiring a share of the ancestral property then the will is deemed illegal. 

  Is will valid for ancestral property?

Once, a will is created for the division of ancestral property, it turns into the self-acquired property. A legal proceeding about a will being created for the ancestral property was raised in Delhi High Court on 18th January 2016. The ruling took place between Surender Kumar vs Dhani Ram CS (OS) No.1737/2012. The judgement was passed by Hon’ble Mr J. Valmiki Mehtawill of ancestral property judgements. 

I hope my answer on the will of ancestral property judgements is helpful. If you need more legal references for the same, leave a comment below.

Read more:

When Ancestral Property Becomes Self Acquired?

Does Ancestral Property Become Self-Acquired after Partition?

Can daughter claim mother’s self acquired property?

The property acquired by a Hindu from his or her father, father's father or father's father's father by birth is referred to as ancestral property. It is essentially the undivided property of a four-generation Hindu family. I also faced challenges while distributing ancestral property. The ancestral property does not include property acquired from all other relatives. Property acquired from a maternal grandfather is treated as independent property rather than ancestral property. On partition, the share awarded to a coparcener loses its status as ancestral property and becomes distinct property. Let’s see the Supreme Court judgement on will of ancestral property.

Will of ancestral property

Following the clarification and revision of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, all legal successors, including daughters, are entitled to an equal portion of the joint Hindu family property. According to Hindu law, passing ancestral property to the legal heir does not necessitate the use of a will. If his or her portion of ancestral property is violated, the legal heir might file a claim in court.

The leader of the family divides the part of ancestral property and mentions it in his will.

Will for ancestral property Clarification:

In his will, your father can only give the self-acquired property to whomever he chooses, not the ancestral property. According to the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, both you and your brother have an equal claim to the ancestral property by the birth.

1) A Hindu joint family has owned it for four generations.

2) It should be a single-family home. When a Hindu family's common property is divided, each coparcener is entitled to keep their share as their own distinct property.

3) The ownership is a shared one. Four generations of a Hindu family share a common interest in and ownership of the property.

4) One gains a right to his family's ancestral property by birth, not by the death of their forefathers.

Who is eligible to claim ancestral property?

The term 'coparcener' refers to members of a Hindu joint family who have a stake in the property of the joint family. The name 'Karta' refers to the family's father or oldest male coparcener, who has possession and management rights over the property. The term coparcenary refers to a small group of members of a joint family who have a stake in the coparcenary property. Only coparceners have legal title to ancestral property. Other individuals of the joint family can only make a maintenance claim. 

This is your guide on the supreme court judgement on will of ancestral property.

Draft the sale deed easily with the help of professionals from NoBroker. Read More: Can ancestral property be sold without consent of successors? What is the difference between self-acquired property and ancestral property? Can ancestral property be gifted?
4 2021-10-04T17:15:25+00:00

Before I answer your “can ancestral property be given in will” query, let me first explain what an ancestral property is. Well, an ancestral property is a property that is inherited up to 4 generations of male lineage. I must tell you that you get a right to a share in ancestral properties by birth itself. Let me tell you some facts about ancestral properties:

  • Referring to your query above, ancestral properties cannot be willed because they will become self-acquired properties if willed.

  • Paternal ancestors’ properties can’t be sold without successors’ consent.

  • In case you are not given your share, then you can send a legal notice asking for your rights.

  • Properties acquired from the maternal side aren’t considered ancestral properties.

  • Once inherited properties are partitioned, the share received by coparceners becomes their self-acquired properties.

  • Properties are considered ancestral properties only if they are not divided by a joint Hindu family’s members.

  • As per Hindu law, the HUF head holds the power to manage the family assets. But when it comes to rights and ownership over ancestral properties, all coparceners are entitled to get their shares.

I hope you like my answer to “can ancestral or inherited property be willed” query.

Read more: Can son claim mother’s ancestral property? What is the difference between self acquired property and ancestral property? Can an ancestral property be gifted?
0 2021-06-28T19:20:34+00:00

Ancestral property is a property which is passed next up to four generations undividedly. Under Hindu Law every legal successor irrespective of  gender has equal rights on an ancestral property. There is still much confusion related to ancestral property. Let us understand

what is ancestral property and its rules. 

 Ancestral property meaning

As the name itself suggests “ancestral property” the property which is passed from the ancestors to the next four generations is known as ancestral property. 

Rules of ancestral property 

Now that we know what is ancestral property, let us look at the rules related to it.

  • An ancestral property is divided equally to the legal heirs (sons & daughters)share in the ancestral property.

  • After 2005 all daughter have equal right on ancestral property.

  • An adopted child also has equal rights on the ancestral property.

  • If the ancestral property once divided will not remain ancestral property.

  • The decision of ancestral property is taken by the head of the family. 

Ancestral property will 

People usually ask  ‘can ancestral property be willed’ there are various conditions applicable on Will on ancestral property.

  • Any property under Hindu law remains undivided or without making any will  till next for generation then the property will be called as ancestral property.

  • As per Hindu law ancestral property does not require any will to pass the property to the legal heir. The legal heir can directly claim in court if his or her share is violated against ancestral property.

  • Once the share of an ancestral property is divided and mentioned in the will by the head of the family. Then that property turns into self acquired property.

This is all about ancestral property. Hope you have got the idea about ancestral property meaning by reading this answer

What is ancestral property under Hindu law?

Ancestral property is the property inherited from paternal ancestors up to the next four generations undivided. Under ancestral property of Hindu law, the daughter or son of the family receives the ownership title by birth itself. As per the law, only the head of the family has the right to make decisions related to ancestral property. There are many confusions and questions around the ancestral property, one of the common questions is ‘Can an ancestral property be willed?’ I will take

it up here and tell you about the conditions under which ancestral property can be willed. 

But to begin with, an

ancestral property can not be willed, if willed it will not remain ancestral property. Here are a few things you must know about ancestral properties.


  • In the case of ancestral property, every child has equal rights on the property. The earlier ancestral property was divided between the male members of the Hindu family but after 2005 daughters also have the equal right to ancestral property.

  • If an ancestral property is willed it will become self-acquired property.

  • If the ancestral property is divided into the owners of the property as per the share. Then the property will lose the title of ancestral property.

  • Self-acquired property can become the ancestral property if passed to the next four generations undividedly. Similarly, if the ancestral property is willed according to respectable share then it will not be called ancestral property the title of the property will be converted to self-acquired property.

To sum up, a simple answer to your query ‘can ancestral property be willed’ is No!!


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