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Can father sell ancestral property without consent of son?

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3 Year


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1 2021-04-08T18:51:12+00:00
Best Answer

Ancestral property under Hindu law is a property that is carried to the next four generations of the Hindu family undivided. There are many misconceptions related to ancestral property and one of the commonly asked questions is

can  father sell ancestral property without consent of son.


In case of any financial emergency a person can sell the ancestral property:

  • Ancestral property can not be sold without the consent of the successor of the property.

  • If the successor of the property is not alive and the father is the head of the family then he can sell the ancestral property to pay family debts, marriage, other financial emergencies for example money required to pay medication expenses if any family member has a serious disease. 

  • If there is no valid reason to sell the ancestral property,then co-owners can claim in the court against him in the court

Hope this answers the questions

can father sell t ancestral property without consent of son. If you are in any other situation and want to sell ancestral property then you can visit your family property lawyer.

0 2022-07-08T18:06:23+00:00

Have you ever wondered

can my father sell ancestral property where he and grandpa grew up? 

What is an Ancestral Property?


  • A property can be categorised to be an ancestral one if it has been inherited up to four generations of male lineage.

  • Every successive generation has an equal right to claim their share in such property.

Can a father sell his ancestral property without consent of son?

So, an ancestral property cannot be sold without consent of successors (i.e., the son) in case of a major, that is when the son is above 18 years of age, and in case of a minor son (below 18 years), one might have to take permission from the court.

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