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Can Fridge Compressor be Repaired?

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2 Year


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My husband always will try his hands out on the electrical appliances first and try to repair them. In most cases, he succeeds so we do save a great deal of money which would have otherwise been spent on electricians. Recently he was the one to do the refrigerator compressor repair and it is working absolutely fine now. I hence believe before hiring an electrician, you too should try to detect what is causing the problem yourself. So let me answer here can fridge compressor be repaired or not and how. Read this answer carefully to know what exactly should be done.

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How to do the fridge compressor repair?

At first try to detect why the compressor is not working properly. Not everything can be repaired at home. In our case, the condenser was dirty hence it was making a weird noise and not working properly. So

If the condenser is dirty

  • Locate the condenser coils usually located at the back of the refrigerator

  • Take them out

  • Clean the coils and reinstall them


Compressor overload

Sometimes the condenser needs to be cooled so for it,

  • Pull the fridge

  • Unplug the wires

  • Remove the service panel 

  • Give time for the compressor to cool and then again install it


If all these fail then the cause might be serious. A refrigerator might not work due to a 

  • Blown compressor

  • Defects in electrical wires or connections 

  • Old and damaged refrigerator or others

In such a case do seek an expert electrician’s help and get it repaired.

In most cases, the refrigerator compressor repair fails to happen and people have to buy a new one. 

  Read More:

How to repair refrigerator compressor?

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Why compressor is not working in ac?

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