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Can Landlord Kick You Out for Late Rent?

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Legally, a landlord can evict you for late payment of rent. However, there is a process attached to it that you should know. My father is an advocate and we had a discussion on eviction once. I learned that the process is generally governed by the applicable rent control laws. So, to answer your question, can landlord kick you out for late rent, I will say yes but through a legal procedure. 

Can a Landlord Evict You for Late Rent Under Indian Law?

Yes, a landlord can file a suit of eviction for many reasons. These include,

  • Late payment of rent

  • Property damage

  • Using property for illegal activities

  • Breach of lease agreement

So, if you’re a tenant, keep these things in mind when you’re staying in a rented property. 

What is the Legal Procedure of Eviction in India?

I also remember my father explaining the steps that must be followed to evict a tenant.

  • Generate a Notice: If you’re a landlord, you should first send a notice to the tenant, asking them to vacate the property. This notice should clearly mention the reasons for the eviction and the date by when the tenant should vacate. 

  • Filing a Suit: In case the tenant fails or refuses to vacate the premises, you can file a lawsuit for eviction in court. Make sure you have the necessary documents including the notice and the lease agreement. 

  • Court Order: Once you file a suit, the court will send an order to the tenant, asking them to appear in court.

  • Hearing: The case will start and both the landlord and the tenant will get the chance to present their cases and provide evidence to support their claims. I also learned that the court can order an investigation for inspection of property if required.

  • Final Judgement: After the cases have been presented, the court will announce the judgment. If the judgment is in your favour, the court will issue an eviction order and the tenant has to vacate the property within a designated time. 

I hope this was helpful.

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