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Can we keep fish tank in bedroom?

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Recently, I bought a fish tank and kept it in my bedroom. My cousin, who is a Vastu expert visited our house and out of curiosity, I asked him can we keep Aquarium in bedroom Vastu? He told me the following. 

What is the Fish Tank in Bedroom Vastu?

He said that according to Vastu fish tank shouldn't be kept in the Bedroom. This was because keeping a fish tank in the bedroom can cause sleep-related problems. 

After that, he told me about a few places where fish tank shouldn’t be kept as per Vastu. 

  • He told me that the fish tank shouldn’t be kept in the kitchen as it can cause food-related problems. He also told me it can cause conflicts amongst the family members. 

  • Keeping it in the centre of the house can cause financial problems. 

  • The fish tank shouldn't be kept in the south direction as it can lead to loss of wealth. 

He said that the fish tank should be kept in the Northeast direction of the house. Keeping them there will attract positive energy. So, is it ok to keep Aquarium in Bedroom? No, it's not. 

And that is all that he told me. I hope this information about can we keep Aquarium in Bedroom Vastu has been of help to you. 

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Which Direction To Keep Fish Tank In House? 

1 2023-11-21T08:39:11+00:00

I love goldfish, and on the request of my daughter, we bought an aquarium and kept the fish aquarium in bedroom. Every day she would wake up, look at the beautiful fish, and get delighted. After a few days, I wondered can we keep aquarium in bedroom and in which direction should we keep it. Since I was not sure, I asked a Vastu expert living in our locality. 

Can I Put Aquarium In My Bedroom?

The Vastu expert suggested that I avoid keeping the aquarium in the bedroom. There are no such severe restrictions for keeping the aquarium in a bedroom but here are some disadvantages:

  • Filters and air pumps can create a continuous hum, which may disrupt your sleep.

  • Aquarium lighting can be disruptive at night, affecting your circadian rhythm.

  • Regular water changes and cleaning may lead to bedroom mess.

  • Algae growth is common and may require frequent cleaning.

  • Bedrooms' temperature changes can affect aquarium water stability.

  • Large aquariums may take up valuable bedroom space.

  • Some people are allergic to fish or aquarium water.

Since my daughter is quite small, I shifted the aquarium to our living room. So if you ask me, can I keep fish tank in my bedroom, I will say no. As per Vastu norms as well, keeping an aquarium in the bedroom is not advisable. So I hope you have understood can aquarium be kept in bedroom or not and the reasons behind them.

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Fish are nature-friendly pets and if you want to add a water element to the home, keeping an aquarium is the best solution. But is it ok to keep fish inside a bedroom?  Falling asleep by looking at the fish is one of the best ways to relax and rest. Well, there are no obligations related to keeping a fish tank in the bedroom. But while purchasing one, we always wonder can we keep fish tank in bedroom. I will answer this question by bringing different aspects into the limelight.

Can we keep fish tank in bedroom?

Even though you might want to keep a fish tank in the bedroom, I feel it's better to avoid keeping one. I will mention the reasons why you should avoid keeping a fish tank in the bedroom.

  • The filter in the aquarium makes noises that can disturb sleep. You can add a noise filter if you want to keep a fish tank in the bedroom.

  • It's better to avoid keeping a fish tank in the bedroom with babies around. 

  • The light coming from the aquarium can again disturb the sleep cycle.

  • In summer the water from the fish tank can increase humidity in the room.

  • Even if you are keeping a fish tank in the bedroom you have to get rid of direct sunlight as algae can grow in the fish tank eventually.

  • Avoid using AC in the bedroom if you have a fish tank as it can cause harm to the fish.

  • As per Vastu, one should not keep a fish tank in the bedroom as it can cause sleep and food-related problems.

Your bedroom can also smell fishy if you keep an aquarium in bedroom ;)

These were my views on the fish tank in bedroom. But the choice is yours. If you really want to keep a fish tank in bedroom after knowing about all the reasons you can go ahead!

Have a wonderful day!

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Which Direction To Keep Fish Tank In House?

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