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Can We Keep Sai Baba Photo in Pooja Room?

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I was very inquisitive to know more about Sai Baba. I asked my father can we keep Sai Baba photo in pooja room and he said yes. But along with this he laid out some Vastu rules and conditions regarding keeping a photo of Sai Baba in the pooja room. Let me share them with you over here.

What are the Guidelines for Keeping Sai Baba Photo in Pooja Room?

He said it is the best place to keep a photo of Sai Baba, as it helps the house finances to be in great condition. It also allows the members of the household to gain great knowledge. 

He also said while doing pooja of Sai Baba it is more helpful if we have idols of Sai or posters of him on the wall. The photo should be placed on a new piece of cloth in the pooja room. Here are some more tips told by my father on the same.

  • Sai Baba’s photo should be placed on a wooden board or a fresh cloth in the northeast corner of the house.

  • The photo should be wiped with a clean cloth and sandalwood paste and kumkum should be applied to Sai Baba’s forehead. 

  • The photo can either be garlanded or a yellow flower should be offered and then the pooja can be performed.

After knowing all these things, I started to use these guidelines and perform pooja to Sai Baba’s photo accordingly. I hope you are able to use these guidelines and perform Sai Baba’s pooja at your homes with great bliss.

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