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Can we keep tortoise idol in pooja room?

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As a Vastu enthusiast, I get a lot of questions about what can and can't be kept in a pooja room. One of the things that comes up a lot is whether or not it's okay to keep a tortoise in pooja room. I will share my learnings in the paragraph below. 

Check out the NoBroker Home Interior Services to amp up your home decor at affordable prices. Can we keep tortoise idol in pooja room?

It's important to understand that in Vastu, the pooja room is considered a sacred space. It's where we perform religious rituals and connect with the Gods and Goddesses. So, it's important to make sure that everything in the pooja room is in alignment with that spiritual energy.

When it comes to a tortoise idol, it's a bit of a mixed bag.I know a few people who consider a tortoise idol in pooja room as auspicious and some as inauspicious. The tortoise is considered to be a symbol of longevity and stability. It's also said to be associated with the god Vishnu, who is known for his ability to preserve and protect.

Lord Vishnu took the avatar of a tortoise during the Sagar ManthanThe idol should be placed in the east or southeast corner. This placement direction will remove all negative energies from your home while attracting  good fortune and positive vibes.

You should place the tortoise idol where you can see it every day. Depending on the type of tortoise, you can change the placement. 

Type of tortoise Placement 

Metal tortoise

North or north-west

Wooden tortoise

East or south-east

Glass/crystal tortoise

South-west or north-west

Stone tortoise


This is all from my end on tortoise in pooja room.

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