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Difference Between Operational and Financial Creditor

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0 2023-07-19T20:10:58+00:00

My sister is an aspiring lawyer. Yesterday, I was going through her books and got to know about the operational creditor and financial creditor meaning. I can share with you all the insights about the same.

What is the Operational creditor meaning?

An operational creditor is a party to whom "operational debt" is owed. This comprises, among other things, obligations resulting from commercial dealings.

What is the financial creditor meaning?

According to real estate legal experts, financial creditors are essentially anyone to whom a financial debt is owed, including money borrowed from banks and other financial institutions. Homebuyers' (allottees') fees have been classified as "financial debt" since June 2018.

What is the difference between financial creditors and operational creditors?

  • Operational creditors are those to whom an operational debt is owed, whereas financial creditors are defined as anyone who has extended the debtor with any type of financial facility.

  • Operation creditors give the debtor goods or services, whereas financial creditors typically extend credit to the debtor in some way.

  • In the repayment hierarchy in the event of liquidation, financial creditors are given priority over operational creditors. Operationally-related creditors are paid last.

  • Financial creditors are a part of the Committee of Creditors in the insolvency process. It makes every decision required for the insolvency resolution procedure. Operational creditors have no voting rights and are not members of the committee.

  • Before beginning the insolvency process, the financial creditors must demonstrate a certain minimum amount of unpaid debt. Such a barrier does not apply to operational creditors.

  • In the event of a payment delay, financial creditors may initiate an insolvency proceeding against the debtor, whereas operational creditors must first give the debtor a demand notice and wait for a specified period of time before initiating an insolvency proceeding.

  • The financial creditors are represented on the Committee of Creditors by their authorised representatives. On the other hand, operational creditors only have a representative on the Committee of Creditors if their debts are above a specified amount.

These are the difference between financial and operational creditors.

After understanding the operational creditor and financial creditor meaning, I’d like to conclude that the main distinction between the two categories of creditors is that an operational creditor provided the Corporate Debtor with goods and services, whilst a financial creditor provided financial support in the form of loans, advances, or other facilities.

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1 2023-02-23T16:33:07+00:00

Hey pal,

I have often wondered about operational creditor means. My brother shared an example which helped me understand the meaning. Imagine you own a small business that provides office cleaning services to a large corporation. The corporation owes you money for the services you provided, but they haven't paid you in several months. You are an operational creditor, as you are owed an operational debt for services rendered. Operational creditors are contractors, suppliers, and service providers.

Get a home loan through NoBroker at effective interest rates here. Calculate your home loan EMI right away using NoBroker EMI Calculator Talking about financial creditor vs operational creditor, I had assumed operational creditor and financial creditor had similar roles. A financial creditor is someone who has given a loan to a company or has invested in its securities. Example banks or other financial institutions.

Take a look at the table to understand the difference between operational creditor and financial creditor: 

Financial Creditor

Operational Creditor


A person who is owed a financial obligation, including anyone to whom such debt has been assigned or transferred

A person who is owed an operational obligation, including anyone to whom such liability has been assigned or transferred


Owes a financial debt

Owes an operational debt


Demands repayment for the value of money

Demands repayment for production of goods or services

Filing for Default

Can file an application with or without other lenders against a corporate debtor

Can only send a demand notice to the debtor

Suggesting Resolution Professional

May or may not suggest a resolution professional for the resolution of the interim

Must suggest a resolution professional for the resolution of the interim

Creditor's Committee

Members of financial creditors and corporate debtors are recognized in the creditor's committee

Operational creditors do not have voting power in the meetings held by the creditors

I hope my explanation on operational creditor means has solved your query.

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0 2022-05-17T11:32:06+00:00

Hi there,

To help you understand the difference between

financial creditor and operational creditor

, I will share with you the definition of both the terms. 

As per Section 5(7) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, "A person who owes a financial obligation, including anybody to whom such debt has been legitimately assigned or transferred,” is called a financial creditor.

On the other hand, an operational creditor is ''Anybody who owes an operational obligation, including anyone to whom such liability has been legally assigned or transferred'’ as per section 5(20) of the Insolvency and Bank Code.

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Difference between operational and financial creditor 

Financial Creditor

Operational Creditor

A person who owes a financial debt is called a financial creditor.

A person who owes the operational debt is called the operational creditor.

Financial creditors demand time for the value of money

Operational creditors demand for production of goods and services for repayment of government dues.

When it comes to default, a financial creditor can file an application with or without other lenders against a corporate debtor.

Operations creditor generally sends a demand notice of unpaid operational debtor copy request to repay the amount involved in default. 

A financial creditor may or may not suggest a resolution professional for the resolution of interim.

An operational creditor must suggest a resolution professional for the resolution of the interim.

Members of financial creditors and corporate debt creditors must be recognized in the creditor's committee.

Operational creditors do not have the power to vote in the meetings held by the creditors.

I hope you understand the difference between

financial creditor and operational creditor.

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