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Difference Between Sale and Exchange?

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3 2022-05-25T15:51:45+00:00
Best Answer
Hey there, It often happens that during property transfer, people get confused between sale and exchange. It is a silly but genuine mistake since not all of us are very well aware of every property-related term. I came to fully understand the difference between sale and exchange when my paternal property was being transferred to my uncles and my father. So, I am going to tell you all I know about sale and exchange through what I experienced during the transfer of my paternal property. Check out amazing properties in your area at the best rates on NoBroker and save lakhs on brokerage costs.


  • Both the seller and the buyer (parties to the sale) must be competent to transfer: Under Section 10 of the Contract Act, both the seller and the buyer must be competent to contract, i.e. the parties to the transfer should not be a minor, a person of unsound mind, or a person disqualified by law.
  • The subject matter of the sale must be a movable property that can be transferred.
  • Price consideration: A transfer of ownership is only a sale if the price consideration is paid, promised, or partially paid or promised.


  • There must be two distinct people who agree on something and two distinct things.
  • It could be moveable or immovable, both movable and immovable, or one movable and one immovable.
  • In this form of transaction, each person acts as both a seller and a buyer.
  • The individuals must be the owners of the items being transferred.
  • There can be no exchange in a transaction where there is no transfer of ownership. A family settlement or a partition, for example, would not be deemed an exchange.
  • There is no monetary exchange; the consideration is property rather than money.
  • Only a registered deed can be used to exchange immovable property worth more than Rs. 100.

Difference between Sale and Exchange under transfer of property act. 

Sl. No. Sale Exchange
1. Only immovable property is sold Whereas both movable and immovable property is exchanged.
2. The consideration in a sale is the price paid or promised and partially paid or promised Whereas the consideration in an exchange is the consideration for the transfer of one property for another property
3. In the case of a sale, the seller has a charge for unpaid buy money But there can be no seller's charge for unpaid purchase money in exchange.
Read More: How Can I Get Sale Deed Online? What is Exchange Under Transfer of Property Act?  

Although both sales and exchanges are ways to transfer ownership, their goals, considerations, and legal ramifications are different. If you understand the term, you will realise a sale always involves a price, but in an exchange, ownership of one item is transferred in exchange for another item, not for a promised or paid price. Let me share the difference between sale and exchange with you.

Difference between Sale and Exchange Under Transfer of Property Act

As of my knowledge, the Transfer of Property Act of 1882 has two different ways to transfer property: sale and exchange. To understand their differences, go through the below table.

Sale Exchange

Here, ownership of goods, property, or services is transferred from one party to another in exchange for a monetary consideration, known as the price. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, in India governs it.

Here, ownership is transferred by trading one item or property for another, without involving money as the primary consideration.

Here, the consideration is always money. 

For example, selling a house for Rs.50 lakhs.

The consideration here involves goods, services, or properties. 

For example, bartering land for another piece of land.

It is a monetary transaction where the buyer pays a specified amount to acquire ownership.

It is a barter-like transaction where goods or services of similar value are swapped.

Ownership and risk transfer to the buyer upon completion of the sale, unless otherwise agreed.

Ownership and risk transfer depend on mutual agreement between the parties.

Common in residential, commercial transactions, including retail and wholesale trade.

Typically used in non-monetary agreements, real estate deals, or barter trade systems.

This is all I know about the difference between sale and exchange of immovable property.

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The difference between sale and exchange lies in the nature of consideration involved:

  1. Sale:

  • Refers to immovable property only.

  • The consideration is the price paid or promised (either fully or partially).

  • Essentially, it involves the transfer of ownership in exchange for money.

  1. Exchange:

  • Applies to both movable and immovable properties.

  • The consideration for exchange is the transfer of one property in exchange for another property.

  • It can involve a barter system where both properties are money.

In summary, while a sale involves monetary consideration, an exchange can involve other forms of property as well. For more sale and exchange differences, you can go through the table mentioned by Bhanu. I hope you found this answer helpful.

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0 2023-06-29T13:26:58+00:00

The concept of sale and exchange in property law is simple. Before elaborating their meaning in Transfer of Property Act, let me share what they actually mean. Sale means the transfer of property from one person to another and exchange means to part with, give or transfer property. The concept of sale and exchange in transfer of property act is also similar. Since I have learned a great deal about it, let me state their meaning in simple terms.

What is meant by sale or exchange of property?

As per The Transfer of Property Act Section 54, Sale is the transfer of ownership in exchange for a price promised or paid, part paid or part promised. The term Exchange as per Section 118 refers to the process where two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of another. I hope the basic sale and exchange difference is clear to you now. Some other differences between the two are-

Sale  Exchange 

It is a unilateral transaction where one party transfers the property to another in consideration of monetary value.

An exchange involves a mutual transfer of ownership of two properties between the parties involved

In a sale, the ownership of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer. The buyer becomes the new owner of the property.

In an exchange, there is a mutual transfer of ownership. Each party becomes the owner of the property received in exchange.

The sale price is determined based on negotiation between the buyer and the seller or market value. The price is usually monetary and represents the agreed-upon value of the property being sold.

The values of the properties being exchanged may or may not be equal. The parties involved negotiate and agree upon the relative values or make additional payments to equalise the exchange.

This is the meaning of sale and exchange in property law.

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1 2022-08-30T10:28:51+00:00

Hi there,

Most of us interchangeably use the words sale and exchange. But sale transfer or exchange are totally different terms. The word ‘sale’ suggests ‘voluntary transfer of property from one person to another for a price’. On the other hand, the term exchange suggests ‘ ‘to part with, give or transfer an equivalent’. As per section 54 and section 118 of the transfer of property act 1882:

  1. Sale means: ‘Sale is a transfer of ownership in exchange for price paid or promised or part-paid and part promised.’

  2. Exchange means: “When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of another, neither things or both things being money only, the transaction is called ‘an exchange’.”

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Now that I have stated the legal definition of sale and exchange I would like to point out that the difference between exchange and sale mentioned by Bhanu, is apt. And it will help you clear the doubt totally. But still, I would like to explain the distinction between sale and exchange in my own words.

So, let me share the difference between sale and exchange.


Sale can be done only if it is an immovable property. 

A sale cannot be done without paying a certain amount of money.

Legal documentation such as a receipt or sale deed is required for the sale of a property. 


Exchange can be done in both movable and immovable.

Exchange is done when one property is transferred to another property. 

Legal documentation may not be required for the exchange of property. 

This is all I have to say about the difference between sale transfer or exchange. I hope you find this helpful.

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