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Does CCTV Camera Work Without Electricity?

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2 Year


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Hello Gautam. As someone who's into gadgets and stuff, I can help you by answering does CCTV camera work without electricity or not. Well, electricity is the most common power source for CCTV cameras, but there are other solutions to run CCTV cameras. So, the answer is yes, some CCTVs can function without using electricity. I am sharing details about them below.

Do CCTV Work Without Electricity?

Here are some CCTVs that work without electricity:

  1. Battery Powered CCTVs: These CCTV cameras are powered by battery. The batteries are rechargeable. So, these camera types can function without using a direct electrical connection. They work well in areas needing temporary installation or in remote locations.

  2. Power Banks/UPS: UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supplies provide backup power to CCTV cameras when an electrical outage happens. An alternative to UPS is a power bank.

This is all from my side. I hope my answer helps you to know can CCTV work without electricity.

Get CCTV Installed Via Professional Electrician of NoBroker! Some related information:

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0 2023-09-14T08:50:47+00:00

While considering whether to purchase CCTV cameras, it's usual for individuals to enquire whether it is possible to run CCTV camera without power supply. Maintaining the security of your property should be one of your top responsibilities, whether it is residential or commercial. Using CCTV cameras is one of the methods that can be used to do this. 

CCTVs are a crucial component of a security system because they give you the ability to keep a close check on your business through live and recorded video.

Does CCTV camera record without electricity?

Most CCTV cameras need electricity to operate properly. However, there are further choices that can function both with and without power, such as:

  • Wireless security cameras that run on batteries (keep in mind that these need to be charged)

  • Solar-powered surveillance equipment

  • Backup power generators

Do not assume that just because a security camera is wireless it is powered by batteries. 

I hope this clarified your query about whether can CCTV record without electricity or not.

Get your CCTV installed anytime safely by NoBroker Electrician Service’s experts

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1 2022-10-12T09:17:41+00:00

Buildings usually have CCTVs installed and now I have seen many people installing them for their houses as well. We too had installed CCTV and I am glad we did since looking at its records we were able to know who once stole our flower pot. I know it sounds funny but it did happen. My father that day asked me to check the CCTV but I was sure we won’t get anything as there was no electricity then for about 8 hours. I even asked him

does CCTV

camera work without electricity  but he said yes. Of course not always but sometimes it does. Let me share when CCTV records things.

Get your CCTV installed anytime safely by NoBroker Electrician Service’s experts

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Can CCTV camera work without electricity?

CCTV does not work without electricity but now with the advancement of technology, CCTVs have been updated a lot. A CCTV usually has a backup battery and onboard storage system so they can record things for some time at least based on the power of the battery. The shopkeeper said to my father that our CCTV can record for about an hour without electricity so yes it is possible. However do note that not all CCTVs have this facility. You need to check which ones have and which ones do not and then buy it.

If you have a generator, just be cool and let the camera record everything for but if not, buy a CCTV that has a power backup battery.


This must have answered your query: does


camera work without electricity or not.

  Read More:

Which CCTV camera is best for home?

How to install CCTV camera at home?


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