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Does Netbanking Work on Bank Holidays?

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Hello. I saw you asking, does netbanking work on bank holidays or not? To answer your question, yes, net banking services are available even on bank holidays. The online banking service is available 24/7 and 365 days a year. I have an account at a private bank and have used their net banking service even on bank holidays. Let me explain more about this below.

Is Netbanking RTGS Available on Bank Holidays?

RTGS is a facility provided under net banking. This service is also available 365 days a year, including both public and bank holidays. The funds are transferred in real time to the beneficiary's account and there is no need for you to visit the respective bank branch to initiate the RTGS transfer.

The funds are transferred in real time to the beneficiary's account and there is no need for you to visit the respective bank branch to start the RTGS transfer.

However, the transfer limit can vary from bank to bank and based on the time of the day. So, I recommend you check with your respective bank to understand the RTGS limit.

This is all I have to share with you about the availability of net banking facilities in India. I hope my explanation answers your query regarding, is netbanking available on bank holidays.

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